Calmo numbers: Difference between revisions

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Aspen138 (talk | contribs)
Add Mathematica/Wolfram Language implementation
Aspen138 (talk | contribs)
Add PARI/GP implementation
Line 747:
<pre> 165 273 385 399 561 595 665 715 957
<syntaxhighlight lang="PARI/GP">
\\ Function to get the divisors of a number excluding 1 and the number itself
eligibleDivisors(n) = {
my(divs = divisors(n)); \\ Compute all divisors of n
if (#divs <= 2, return([])); \\ If there are no divisors other than 1 and n, return an empty list
vecextract(divs, "2..-2"); \\ Extract divisors without the first and last elements (1 and n)
\\ Function to check if the sum of every three consecutive eligible divisors is prime
isCalmoNumber(n) = {
my(divisors, sums, i, k);
divisors = eligibleDivisors(n); \\ Get eligible divisors
if ((#divisors % 3 != 0) || (#divisors == 0), return(0)); \\ If not divisible by 3 or no divisors, return false
sums = vector(#divisors \ 3, i, sum(k = 1, 3, divisors[3*i + k - 3])); \\ Compute sums of every three divisors
for (i = 1, #sums,
if (!isprime(sums[i]), return(0)); \\ If any sum is not prime, return false
return(1); \\ If all sums are prime, return true
\\ Find all Calmo numbers under 1000
calmoNumbers = [];
for (n = 1, 1000,
if (isCalmoNumber(n), calmoNumbers = concat(calmoNumbers, n)); \\ Check if n is a Calmo number and add to the list
print(calmoNumbers); \\ Print all Calmo numbers found under 1000
[165, 273, 385, 399, 561, 595, 665, 715, 957]