Call an object method: Difference between revisions

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=={{header|V (Vlang)}}==
Vlang uses objects without classes (sometimes known as class-free or classless):
1) Structs can have methods assigned to them or be embedded in other structs.
2) Vlang also uses modules. Functions and structs can be exported from a module, which works somewhat similar to the class method.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Zig">
// Assigning methods to structs
struct HelloWorld {}
// Method's in Vlang are functions with special receiver arguments at the front (between fn and method name)
fn (sh HelloWorld) say_hello() {
println("Hello, world!")
fn (sb HelloWorld) say_bye() {
println("Goodbye, world!")
fn main() {
// instantiate object
hello := HelloWorld{}
// call methods of object
Hello, world!
Goodbye, world!
Exporting functions from modules:
Create a module:
<syntaxhighlight lang="Zig">
// myfile.v
module mymodule
// Use "pub" to export a function
pub fn say_hi() {
println("hello from mymodule!")
Import and use the module's function in your code:
<syntaxhighlight lang="Zig">
import mymodule
fn main() {
hello from mymodule!
Note that it's possible in Wren for instance and static methods in the same class to share the same name. This is because static methods are considered to belong to a separate meta-class.
