Call an object method: Difference between revisions

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(Added Common Lisp)
Line 190: Line 190:
foo.instanceMethod() #=> 'Baz'
foo.instanceMethod() #=> 'Baz'
Foo.staticMethod() #=> 'Bar'</lang>
Foo.staticMethod() #=> 'Bar'</lang>

=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
In Common Lisp, classmethods are methods that apply to classes, rather than classes that contain methods.
<lang lisp>(defclass my-class ()
:accessor get-x ;; getter function
:initarg :x ;; arg name
:initform 0))) ;; initial value

;; declaring a public class method
(defmethod square-x ((class-instance my-class))
(* (get-x class-instance) (get-x class-instance)))

;; create an instance of my-class
(defvar *instance*
(make-instance 'my-class :x 10))

(format t "Value of x: ~a~%" (get-x *instance*))

(format t "Value of x^2: ~a~%" (square-x *instance*))
Output (CLISP v2.49):
<pre>$ clisp
Value of x: 10
Value of x^2: 100
