Call an object method: Difference between revisions

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// Instance
// Instance

Ada is a language based on strict typing. Nevertheless, since Ada 95 (the first major revision of the language), Ada also includes the concepts of a class. Types may be tagged, and for each tagged type T there is an associated type T'Class. If you define a method as "procedure Primitive(Self: T)", the actual parameter Self must be of type T, exactly, and the method Primitive will be called, well, statically. This may be surprising, if you are used to other object-oriented languages.

If you define a method as "prodedure Dynamic(Self: T'Class)", the actual parameter can be either T or any of its descendents. Now, if you call Self.Primitive within the procedure Dynamic, it will be dispatching, i.e., it will call the primitive function matching the type of Self (i.e., either T or any of its subtype). This is what you would expect in many other object-oriented languages.

Finally, a static method can be defined as a subprogram within the same package that holds the object type and the other methods.

Specify the class My_Class, with one primitive subprogram, one dynamic subprogram and a static subprogram:
<lang Ada> package My_Class is
type Object is tagged private;
procedure Primitive(Self: Object); -- primitive subprogram
procedure Dynamic(Self: Object'Class);
procedure Static;
type Object is tagged null record;
end My_Class;</lang>

Implement the package:
<lang Ada> package body My_Class is
procedure Primitive(Self: Object) is
Put_Line("Hello World!");
end Primitive;

procedure Dynamic(Self: Object'Class) is
Put("Hi there! ... ");
Self.Primitive; -- dispatching call: calls different subprograms,
-- depending on the type of Self
end Dynamic;

procedure Static is
end Static;
end My_Class;</lang>

Specify and implement a subclass of My_Class:
<lang Ada> package Other_Class is
type Object is new My_Class.Object with null record;
overriding procedure Primitive(Self: Object);
end Other_Class;
package body Other_Class is
procedure Primitive(Self: Object) is
Put_Line("Hello Universe!");
end Primitive;
end Other_Class;</lang>

The main program, making the dynamic and static calls:

<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Call_Method is
package My_Class is ... -- see above
package body My_Class is ... -- see above
package Other_Class is ... -- see above
package body Other_Class is ... -- see above
Ob1: My_Class.Object; -- our "root" type
Ob2: Other_Class.Object; -- a type derived from the "root" type
end Call_Method;</lang>


Hello World!
Hello Universe!
Hi there! ... Hello World!
Hi there! ... Hello Universe!</pre>
