Call a function in a shared library/OCaml
Here is the file "" which provides the interface to OCaml:
<lang ocaml> type lib_handle type func_handle
type pointer
type arg_type =
| Int of int | Float of float | Double of float | String of string | Ptr of pointer | Void
type return_type =
| Return_int | Return_float | Return_double | Return_string | Return_ptr | Return_void
type rtld_flags =
external dlopen: libname:string -> flags:rtld_flags list -> lib_handle = "ml_dlopen"
external dlsym: lib:lib_handle -> func_name:string -> func_handle = "ml_dlsym" external dlclose: lib:lib_handle -> unit = "ml_dlclose"
external fficall: func:func_handle -> args:arg_type array -> return:return_type -> arg_type = "ml_fficall" </lang>
Here is the file "dlffi_stubs.c":
<lang c>#include <dlfcn.h>
- include <ffi.h>
- include <caml/mlvalues.h>
- include <caml/memory.h>
- include <caml/alloc.h>
- include <caml/fail.h>
- include <stdio.h>
- include <stdlib.h>
- include <string.h>
static const int rtld_flags_table[] = {
static inline int rtld_flags_val( value mask_list ) {
int c_mask = 0; while (mask_list != Val_emptylist) { value head = Field(mask_list, 0); c_mask |= rtld_flags_table[Long_val(head)]; mask_list = Field(mask_list, 1); } return c_mask;
CAMLprim value ml_dlopen( value libname, value ml_flags ) {
void *lib_handle = dlopen(String_val(libname), rtld_flags_val(ml_flags)); if (lib_handle == NULL) failwith(dlerror()); return (value) lib_handle;
CAMLprim value ml_dlsym( value lib_handle, value func_name ) {
char *status; void (*func_handle)(); (void)dlerror(); *(void **)(&func_handle) = dlsym((void *)lib_handle, String_val(func_name)); status = dlerror(); if (status != NULL) failwith(status); return (value) func_handle;
CAMLprim value ml_dlclose( value lib_handle ) {
int status = dlclose((void *)lib_handle); if (status != 0) failwith("dlclose"); return Val_unit;
- define Val_tagged(v, tag) \
this = caml_alloc(1, tag); \ Store_field(this, 0, v);
CAMLprim value ml_fficall( value func_handle, value ml_args, value ml_return ) {
CAMLparam3(func_handle, ml_args, ml_return); CAMLlocal2(ml_ret, this);
unsigned int i, nargs; ffi_cif cif; ffi_type **arg_types; void **arg_values; ffi_status status; ffi_type *rtype; int ffi_prep_cif_failed = 0;
nargs = Wosize_val(ml_args);
arg_types = (ffi_type **) malloc(nargs * sizeof(ffi_type *)); arg_values = (void **) malloc(nargs * sizeof(void *));
/* Set up the parameters */ for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) { value v = Field(ml_args, i); switch (Tag_val(v)) { case 0: /* Int */
- if defined(ALLOC_INT_PARAM)
{ int *arg; arg = malloc(sizeof(int)); *arg = Long_val(Field(v,0)); arg_types[i] = &ffi_type_sint; arg_values[i] = arg; } break;
- else
{ arg_types[i] = &ffi_type_sint; Field(v,0) >>= 1; arg_values[i] = &Field(v,0); } break;
- endif
case 1: /* Float */ { float *arg; arg = malloc(sizeof(float)); *arg = (float) Double_val(Field(v,0)); arg_types[i] = &ffi_type_float; arg_values[i] = arg; } break; case 2: /* Double */
- if defined(ALLOC_DOUBLE_PARAM)
{ double *arg; arg = malloc(sizeof(double)); *arg = Double_val(Field(v,0)); arg_types[i] = &ffi_type_double; arg_values[i] = arg; } break;
- else
{ arg_types[i] = &ffi_type_double; arg_values[i] = &Double_val(Field(v,0)); } break;
- endif
case 3: /* String */
- if defined(ALLOC_STRING_PARAM)
{ char *arg; int len = caml_string_length(Field(v,0)) + 1; arg = malloc(sizeof(char) * len); memcpy(arg, String_val(Field(v,0)), len); arg_types[i] = &ffi_type_float; arg_values[i] = &arg; } break;
- else
{ arg_types[i] = &ffi_type_pointer; arg_values[i] = &Byte(v,0); } break;
- endif
case 4: /* Ptr */ { arg_types[i] = &ffi_type_pointer; arg_values[i] = &Field(v,0); } break; case 5: /* Void */ caml_invalid_argument("fficall"); break; } }
switch (Int_val(ml_return)) { /* return_type */ case 0: /* Return_int */ rtype = &ffi_type_sint; break; case 1: /* Return_float */ rtype = &ffi_type_float; break; case 2: /* Return_double */ rtype = &ffi_type_double; break; case 3: /* Return_string */ rtype = &ffi_type_pointer; break; case 4: /* Return_ptr */ rtype = &ffi_type_pointer; break; case 5: /* Return_void */ rtype = &ffi_type_uint; break; }
status = ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, nargs, rtype, arg_types); if (status != FFI_OK) { ffi_prep_cif_failed = 1; goto freeandfail; }
switch (Int_val(ml_return)) { case 0: /* Return_int */ { int result; ffi_call(&cif, (void (*)(void)) func_handle, &result, arg_values); ml_ret = Val_tagged( Val_long(result), 0); } break; case 1: /* Return_float */ { float result; ffi_call(&cif, (void (*)(void)) func_handle, &result, arg_values); ml_ret = Val_tagged( caml_copy_double(result), 1); } break; case 2: /* Return_double */ { double result; ffi_call(&cif, (void (*)(void)) func_handle, &result, arg_values); ml_ret = Val_tagged( caml_copy_double(result), 2); } break; case 3: /* Return_string */ { char *result; ffi_call(&cif, (void (*)(void)) func_handle, &result, arg_values); ml_ret = Val_tagged( caml_copy_string((result == NULL ? "" : result)), 3); } break; case 4: /* Return_ptr */ { void *result; ffi_call(&cif, (void (*)(void)) func_handle, &result, arg_values); ml_ret = Val_tagged( (value) result, 4); } break; case 5: /* Return_void */ { ffi_arg result; ffi_call(&cif, (void (*)(void)) func_handle, &result, arg_values); ml_ret = Val_int(0); } break; }
for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) { switch (Tag_val(Field(ml_args, i))) { case 0: /* Int */
- if defined(ALLOC_INT_PARAM)
- endif
break; case 1: /* Float */ free(arg_values[i]); break; case 2: /* Double */
- if defined(ALLOC_DOUBLE_PARAM)
- endif
break; case 3: /* String */
- if defined(ALLOC_STRING_PARAM)
{ char **arg; arg = arg_values[i]; free(*arg); }
- endif
break; case 4: /* Ptr */ break; } } free(arg_values); free(arg_types);
if (ffi_prep_cif_failed) failwith("ffi_prep_cif");
} </lang>
Here is the "Makefile":
<lang make>FFI_LIBS := $(shell pkg-config --libs libffi) FFI_CFLAGS := $(shell pkg-config --cflags libffi)
all: test_opt
dlffi_stubs.o: dlffi_stubs.c ocamlc -g -c -ccopt $(FFI_CFLAGS) $< dlffi_stubs.o ocamlmklib -o dlffi_stubs $< -ldl $(FFI_LIBS)
dlffi.cmo: ocamlc -c $<
dlffi.cmx: ocamlopt -c $<
dlffi.cma: dlffi.cmo ocamlc -a -o $@ $< -dllib -ldlffi_stubs -cclib -ldl -cclib $(FFI_LIBS)
dlffi.cmxa: dlffi.cmx ocamlopt -a -o $@ $< -cclib -ldlffi_stubs -cclib -ldl -cclib $(FFI_LIBS) fakelib.c gcc -g -shared -nostartfiles $< -o $@
.PHONY: vim vim: vim dlffi_stubs.c Makefile fakelib.c
test: dlffi.cma ocaml dlffi.cma
test.opt: dlffi.cmxa ocamlopt -g -o $@ -I . dlffi.cmxa $<
test_opt: test.opt ./$<
.PHONY: all clean test test_opt clean: rm -f *.[oa] *.so *.cm[ixoa] *.cmxa *.opt </lang>
sed -i "s/ /\t/g" Makefile
Here is a test file named "":
<lang ocaml>open Dlffi
let handle_return = function
| Int v -> Printf.printf "ocaml: got (Int %d)\n%!" v | Float v -> Printf.printf "ocaml: got (Float %g)\n%!" v | Double v -> Printf.printf "ocaml: got (Double %g)\n%!" v | String v -> Printf.printf "ocaml: got (String \"%s\")\n%!" v | Ptr _ -> Printf.printf "ocaml: got (Ptr)\n%!" | Void -> Printf.printf "ocaml: got (Void)\n%!"
let main1() =
let lib = dlopen "./" [RTLD_LAZY] in let func = dlsym ~lib ~func_name:"func_static_handle" in handle_return(fficall ~func ~args:[| Float 1.1 |] ~return:Return_int); handle_return(fficall ~func ~args:[| Float 2.2 |] ~return:Return_int); handle_return(fficall ~func ~args:[| Float 3.3 |] ~return:Return_int); dlclose ~lib;
let main2() =
let lib = dlopen "./" [RTLD_LAZY] in let func = dlsym ~lib ~func_name:"func_string_param" in handle_return(fficall ~func ~args:[| String "one" |] ~return:Return_string); dlclose ~lib;
let main3() =
let lib = dlopen "./" [RTLD_LAZY] in let func = dlsym ~lib ~func_name:"func_int_param" in handle_return(fficall ~func ~args:[| Int 244 |] ~return:Return_int); dlclose ~lib;
let main4() =
let lib = dlopen "./" [RTLD_LAZY] in let func = dlsym ~lib ~func_name:"func_double_param" in handle_return(fficall ~func ~args:[| Double 211.6 |] ~return:Return_double); dlclose ~lib;
let main5() =
let lib = dlopen "./" [RTLD_LAZY] in let func = dlsym ~lib ~func_name:"func_float_param" in handle_return(fficall ~func ~args:[| Float 211.7 |] ~return:Return_float); dlclose ~lib;
let main6() =
let lib = dlopen "./" [RTLD_LAZY] in let func = dlsym ~lib ~func_name:"func_void_param" in handle_return(fficall ~func ~args:[| |] ~return:Return_void); dlclose ~lib;
let () =
print_newline(); main1(); print_newline(); main2(); print_newline(); main3(); print_newline(); main4(); print_newline(); main5(); print_newline(); main6();
- </lang>
Here is a test library "fakelib.c":
<lang c>#include <stdio.h>
- include <stdlib.h>
- include <string.h>
int func_static_handle(float v) {
static int handle = 1; fprintf(stderr, "fun called %d times, arg: %g\n", handle, v); fflush(stderr); /* ocaml's stderr is different from C's stderr */ return handle++;
char *msgs[] = {
"alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta", "epsilon", "zeta",
char *func_string_param(const char *s) {
static int handle = 0; char *ret; ret = &(msgs[handle % 6][0]); handle++; fprintf(stderr, "c: got string (%s) index[%d], returning: [%s]\n", s, handle, ret); fflush(stderr); return ret; //return NULL; /* test the special case with NULL */
int func_int_param(const int d) {
printf("c: got int (%d)\n", d); fflush(stdout); return 107;
double func_double_param(const double d) {
printf("c: got double (%g)\n", d); fflush(stdout); return 233.1;
float func_float_param(const float f) {
printf("c: got float (%g)\n", f); fflush(stdout); return 233.2;
void func_void_param(void) {
printf("c: void function\n"); fflush(stdout);
} </lang>
If you find some use for this module, you can reuse this code under public domain.