Call a function: Difference between revisions

Filling out Scala section
(Filling out Scala section)
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[[Category:Scala examples needing attention]]
<lang Scala>def ??? = throw new NotImplementedError // placeholder for implementation of hypothetical methods
<lang Scala>myfunction() /* function with no arguments in statement context */
def myFunction0() = ???
myfunction(6,b) // function with two arguments in statement context
stringitmyFunction0("apples") // function invoked with aempty stringparameter argument</lang>list
myFunction0 // function invoked with empty parameter list omitted
def myFunction = ???
myFunction // function invoked with no arguments or empty arg list
/* myFunction() */ // error: does not take parameters
def myFunction1(x: String) = ???
myFunction1("foobar") // function invoked with single argument
myFunction1 { "foobar" } // function invoked with single argument provided by a block
// (a block of code within {}'s' evaluates to the result of its last expression)
def myFunction2(first: Int, second: String) = ???
val b = "foobar"
myfunctionmyFunction2(6, b) // function with two arguments in statement context
def multipleArgLists(first: Int)(second: Int, third: String) = ???
multipleArgLists(42)(17, "foobar") // function with three arguments in two argument lists
def myOptionalParam(required: Int, optional: Int = 42) = ???
myOptionalParam(1) // function with optional param
myOptionalParam(1, 2) // function with optional param provided
def allParamsOptional(firstOpt: Int = 42, secondOpt: String = "foobar") = ???
allParamsOptional() // function with all optional args
// allParamsOptional -- error: missing arguments for method allParamsOptional;
// follow with `_' if you want to treat it as a partially applied function
def sum[Int](values: Int*) = values.foldLeft(0)((a, b) => a + b)
sum(1, 2, 3) // function accepting variable arguments as literal
val values = List(1, 2, 3)
sum(values: _*) // function acception variable arguments from collection
sum() // function accepting empty variable arguments
def mult(firstValue: Int, otherValues: Int*) = otherValues.foldLeft(firstValue)((a, b) => a * b)
mult(1, 2, 3) // function with non-empty variable arguments
myOptionalParam(required = 1) // function called with named arguments (all functions have named arguments)
myFunction2(second = "foo", first = 1) // function with re-ordered named arguments
mult(firstValue = 1, otherValues = 2, 3) // function with named variable argument as literal
val otherValues = Seq(2, 3)
mult(1, otherValues = otherValues: _*) // function with named variable argument from collection
val result = myFunction0() // function called in an expression context
myFunction0() // function called in statement context
/* myOptionalParam(optional = 1, 2) */ // error: positional after named argument.
def transform[In, Out](initial: In)(transformation: In => Out) = transformation(initial)
val result = transform(42)(x => x * x) // function in first-class context within an expression
def divide(top: Double, bottom: Double) = top / bottom
val div = (divide _) // partial application -- defer application of entire arg list
val square2 = transform(_: Int){ x => x * x } // partial application -- defer application of some arguments
class Foo(var value: Int)
def incFoo(foo: Foo) = foo.value += 1 // function showing AnyRef's are passed by reference
/* def incInt(i: Int) = i += 1 */ // error: += is not a member of Int
// (All arguments are passed by reference, but reassignment
// or setter must be defined on a type or a field
// (respectively) in order to modify its value.)
// No distinction between built-in functions and user-defined functions
// No distinction between subroutines and functions</lang>
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