Call a function: Difference between revisions

(Added Java info)
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CALL "Use-Func" USING Foo
CALL Foo USING Bar</lang>
<lang coffeescript>
# Calling a function that requires no arguments
# Calling a function with a fixed number of arguments
foo 1
# Calling a function with optional arguments
# (Optional arguments are done using an object with named keys)
foo 1, optionalBar: 1, optionalBaz: 'bax'
# Calling a function with a variable number of arguments
# for a function `foo` defined as `foo = ( args... ) ->`
foo 1, 2, 3, 4
# Calling a function with named arguments
# (Named arguments are done using an object with named keys)
foo bar: 1, bax: 'baz'
# Using a function in statement context
x = foo 1
# Using a function in first-class context within an expression
# (For `foo` defined as `foo = ( x ) -> x + 1`
x = [ 1, 2, 3 ].map foo
# Obtaining the return value of a function
x = foo 1
# Arguments are passed by value, even objects. Objects
# are passed as the _value_ of the reference to an object.
# Example:
bar = ( person ) ->
# Since `person` is a reference
# to the person passed in, we can assign
# a new value to its `name` key. = 'Bob'
# Since `person` is just the value of
# the original reference, assigning to it
# does not modify the original reference.
person = new Person 'Frank'
# Partial application is only possible manually through closures
curry = ( f, fixedArgs... ) ->
( args... ) -> f fixedArgs..., args...
# Example usage
add = ( x, y ) -> x + y
add2 = curry add, 2
add2 1 #=> 3
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