Calendar: Difference between revisions

Line 9,570:
<lang vb>
'call it with year, number of months per row (1,2,3,4,6) and locale ("" for default)
docal 19692019,62,""
docal 1969,6,""
function center (s,n) x=n-len(s):center=space(x\2+(x and 1))& s & space(x\2):end function
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function iif(a,b,c) :if a then iif=b else iif =c end if : end function
sub docal (yr,nmonth,sloc)
'yr year to print
'nmonth number of monts side to side, allowed values :1,2,3,4,6
'sloc locale to use . "" uses the default
dim ld(6)
dim d(6)
if nmonth=5 or nmonth>6 or nmonth <1 then wscript.stderr.writeline "Can't use width " & nmonth :exit sub
'set the locale (names of months and weekdays plus first day of week)
if sloc<>"" then Setlocale sloc
'make a row of short weekday names to put on top of the month days
'trim the names to 2 char and align them right
for i=1 to 7
wday=wday &" "&right(" "& left(weekdayname(i,true,vbUseSystemDayOfWeek),2),2)
'print header of the calendar
print center("[Snoopy]",ncols)
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print string(ncols,"=")
'row of months
for i=1 to 12\nmonth
s="": s1="":esp=""
for j=1 to nmonth
'build header of the month row
s=s & esp & center(monthname(m+j),21)
s1=s1 & esp & wday
'get negative offset of first day of week to the weekday of day 1 of each month
d(j)= -weekday(dateserial(yr,m+j,1),vbUseSystemDayOfWeek)+2
'get last day of each month from Windows
esp=" "
'print the row of months header (name of month and weekday names)
print s: print s1
'weekday rows. makes 5 or 6 rows according to the month requiring most
while(d(1)<ld(1)) or (d(2)<ld(2)) or (d(3)<ld(3)) or (d(4)<ld(4))or (d(5)<ld(5)) or (d(6)<ld(6))
for j=1 to nmonth
'fill present week row
for k=1 to 7
'add a day number only if inside the range of days of this montg
s=s& right(space(3)&iif(d(j)<1 or d(j)>ld(j),"",d(j)),3)
Line 9,615 ⟶ 9,636:
s=s&" "
'print a complete row of days
print s
'go for the next row of monts
if i<>12\nmonth then print ""
'print footer
print string(ncols,"=")
end sub