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As a structured script.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">#!/usr/local/bin/spar
pragma annotate( summary, "caesar" )
@( description, "Implement a Caesar cipher, both encoding and ")
@( description, "decoding. The key is an integer from 1 to " )
@( description, "25. This cipher rotates (either towards left ")
@( description, "or right) the letters of the alphabet (A to " )
@( description, "Z). " )
@( see_also, "" )
@( author, "Ken O. Burtch" );
pragma license( unrestricted );

pragma restriction( no_external_commands );

procedure caesar is

type cipher_value is new natural;

function to_cipher_value(c: character; offset: character) return cipher_value is
cv : integer;
cv := ( numerics.pos(c)-numerics.pos(offset) ) mod 26;
return cipher_value(cv);
end to_cipher_value;

function to_character(cv: cipher_value; offset: character) return character is
return strings.val( integer(cv) + numerics.pos(offset) );
end to_character;

function encrypt( plain: string; key: cipher_value) return string is
cv : cipher_value;
cipher_char : character;
cipher_text : string;
plain_char : character;
for i in 1..strings.length( plain ) loop
plain_char := strings.element( plain, i);
if plain_char >= 'A' and plain_char <= 'Z' then
cv := ( to_cipher_value( plain_char, 'A')+key ) mod 26;
cipher_char := to_character( cv, 'A' );
elsif plain_char >= 'a' and plain_char <= 'z' then
cv := ( to_cipher_value( plain_char, 'a')+key ) mod 26;
cipher_char := to_character( cv, 'a' );
cipher_char := plain_char;
end if;
cipher_text := strings.overwrite( @, i, string( cipher_char ) );
end loop;
return cipher_text;
end encrypt;

text: string := get_line;
key: constant cipher_value := 3; -- Default key from "Commentarii de Bello Gallico"

put_line("Plaintext ------------>" & text);
text := encrypt(text, key);
put_line("Ciphertext ----------->" & text);
text := encrypt(text, -key);
put_line("Decrypted Ciphertext ->" & text);
end caesar;</syntaxhighlight>

ASCII didn't exit in 1948, and the task specification explicitly says we only need to convert Roman capitals; so we adopt a simpler encoding, representing the letters of the alphabet from <tt>A</tt>=0 to <tt>Z</tt>=25.
ASCII didn't exit in 1948, and the task specification explicitly says we only need to convert Roman capitals; so we adopt a simpler encoding, representing the letters of the alphabet from <tt>A</tt>=0 to <tt>Z</tt>=25.