CSV to HTML translation: Difference between revisions

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<lang nanoquery>// a method that converts a csv row into a html table row as a string
def toHtmlRow($record, $tag)
$htmlrow = "\t<tr>\n"
// loop through the values in the current csv row
for ($i =in range(1) ($i <=, len($record)) ($i = $i+1)
$htmlrow = ($htmlrow + "\t\t<" + $tag + ">" + ($record ~ $i) + "</" + $tag + ">\n")
end for
return ($htmlrow + "\t</tr>\n")
end def
// get the name of the csv file then open it
print "filename: "
input $fname
open $fname
// allocate a string to hold the table
$htmltable = "<table>\n"
// add the column names to the table (#0 returns column names as a record object)
$htmltable = ($htmltable + toHtmlRow(#0, "th"))
// add all other rows to the table
for ($i =in range(1) ($i <, $dbsize) ($i = $i+1)
$htmltable = ($htmltable + toHtmlRow(#$i, "td"))
end for
// close the html table
$htmltable = $htmltable+"</table>"
println $htmltable</lang>
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