Bulls and cows: Difference between revisions

Line 6,977:
{{works with|Swift|5.7}}
This is the same as the original solution but takes advantage of Swift 5's richer standard library to clean things up a bit.
<syntaxhighlight lang="swift">func generateRandomNumArray(numDigits: Int = 4) -> [Character]
guard (1 ... 9).contains(numDigits) else { fatalError("number out of range") }
return Array("123456789".shuffled()[0 ..< numDigits])
func parseGuess(_ guess: String, numDigits: Int = 4) -> String?
guard guess.count == numDigits else { return nil }
// Only digits 0 to 9 allowed, no Unicode fractions or numbers from other languages
let guessArray = guess.filter{ $0.isASCII && $0.isWholeNumber }
guard Set(guessArray).count == numDigits else { return nil }
return guessArray
func pluralIfNeeded(_ count: Int, _ units: String) -> String
return "\(count) " + units + (count == 1 ? "" : "s")
var guessAgain = "y"
while guessAgain == "y"
let num = generateRandomNumArray()
var bulls = 0
var cows = 0
print("Please enter a 4 digit number with digits between 1-9, no repetitions: ")
if let guessStr = readLine(strippingNewline: true), let guess = parseGuess(guessStr)
for (guess, actual) in zip(guess, num)
if guess == actual
bulls += 1
else if num.contains(guess)
cows += 1
print("Actual number: " + num)
print("Your score: \(pluralIfNeeded(bulls, "bull")) and \(pluralIfNeeded(cows, "cow"))\n")
print("Would you like to play again? (y): ")
guessAgain = readLine(strippingNewline: true)?.lowercased() ?? "n"
print("Invalid input")
<syntaxhighlight lang="swift">import Foundation
Line 7,052 ⟶ 7,114:
Your score: 0 bulls and 1 cows
<syntaxhighlight lang="tcl">proc main {} {
