Bulls and cows: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|AppleScript}}: Add implementation.
(Added Elixir)
(→‎{{header|AppleScript}}: Add implementation.)
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Next guess [1]:
GUI implementation; the prompt for a guess includes a list of all past guesses and their scores.
<lang applescript>on pickNumber()
set theNumber to ""
repeat 4 times
set theDigit to (random number from 1 to 9) as string
repeat while (offset of theDigit in theNumber) > 0
set theDigit to (random number from 1 to 9) as string
end repeat
set theNumber to theNumber & theDigit
end repeat
end pickNumber
to bulls of theGuess given key:theKey
set bullCount to 0
repeat with theIndex from 1 to 4
if text theIndex of theGuess = text theIndex of theKey then
set bullCount to bullCount + 1
end if
end repeat
return bullCount
end bulls
to cows of theGuess given key:theKey, bulls:bullCount
set cowCount to -bullCount
repeat with theIndex from 1 to 4
if (offset of (text theIndex of theKey) in theGuess) > 0 then
set cowCount to cowCount + 1
end if
end repeat
return cowCount
end cows
to score of theGuess given key:theKey
set bullCount to bulls of theGuess given key:theKey
set cowCount to cows of theGuess given key:theKey, bulls:bullCount
return {bulls:bullCount, cows:cowCount}
end score
on run
set theNumber to pickNumber()
set pastGuesses to {}
set theMessage to ""
repeat with aGuess in pastGuessesd
set {theGuess, theResult} to aGuess
set theMessage to theMessage & theGuess & ":" & bulls of theResult & "B, " & cows of theResult & "C" & linefeed
end repeat
set theMessage to theMessage & linefeed & "Enter guess:"
set theGuess to text returned of (display dialog theMessage with title "Bulls and Cows" default answer "")
set theScore to score of theGuess given key:theNumber
if bulls of theScore is 4 then
display dialog "Correct! Found the secret in " & ((length of pastGuesses) + 1) & " guesses!"
exit repeat
set end of pastGuesses to {theGuess, theScore}
end if
end repeat
end run</lang>
