Bulls and cows: Difference between revisions

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(FutureBasic solution added)
(→‎{{header|FutureBasic}}: Replaced with simpler code using same design)
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<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
#build MinDeployment 10.14
include "Tlbx GamePlayKit.incl"

include "NSLog.incl"
_window = 1
str15 guess, goal
short x, y
cgRect wndrect

begin enum 1
begin enum 1
Line 3,266: Line 3,264:
_alert = 101
end enum
end enum

void local fn showStr( string as str15 )
_alert = 101
short r

x = 20
local fn SetWindowFrame( row as long ) as BOOL
CGRect r = fn WindowContentRect( _window )
for r = 1 to string[0]
print %(x,y)chr$( string[r] );
r.origin.y = system( _scrnHeight )
r.size.height = 114 + row * 32
x += 39
WindowSetContentSize( _window, r.size )
end fn
WindowSetFrameTopLeftPoint( _window, r.origin )
if ( r.size.height + 114 > r.origin.y ) then exit fn = NO
end fn = YES

void local fn NewGame
void local fn NewGame
str15 ch
long i, j, row = 0, bulls, cows, x, y = 67
goal = "" : guess = "" :y = 20
CFArrayRef c, g
window _window,,wndRect
CFStringRef guess
text ,,fn colorRed
fn SetWindowFrame(row)
fn showStr( "????" )
for i = _num1Fld to _num4Fld
textlabel i, @"?"
ch = chr$(rnd(9) or _"0")
if instr$(0, goal, ch) == 0 then goal += ch
until goal[0] == 4
nslog(@"%u",val&(goal)) //unrem for testing
c = fn ArraySubarrayWithRange( fn ArrayShuffledArray( @[@1,@2,@3,@4,@5,@6,@7,@8,@9] ), fn CFRangeMake(0,4) )
y += 48
textlabel _infoLabel
end fn
button _newGameBtn, NO

local fn SetWindowFrame
CGRect r = fn WindowContentRect( _window )
r.size.height += 32
r.origin.y -= 32
window _window,,r
if ( r.origin.y < 150 )
alert _alert,, @"Too many guesses!",, @"Give up", YES
fn newGame
end if
end fn

local fn play( ch as str15 )
short r, bulls = 0, cows = 0
if instr$(0, guess, ch) then exit fn
guess += ch
text,,fn colorDarkGray
fn showStr( guess )
if guess[0] < 4 then exit fn
while ( 1 )
for r = 1 to 4
if goal[r] == guess[r] then bulls++ : continue
guess = input %(-120,y+32)@"Guess the number:", @"123456789", YES, 4
if ( guess == NULL ) then break
if instr$(0, goal, chr$(guess[r]) ) then cows++
if ( len(guess) < 4 ) then beep : continue
g = @[mid(guess,0,1),mid(guess,1,1),mid(guess,2,1),mid(guess,3,1)]
mda(0) = {c[0],c[1],c[2],c[3]}
text , 24,,,, 57
for i = 0 to 3
print %(x,y)g[i];
x += 39
bulls = 0 : cows = 0
for i = 0 to 3
if ( intval(g[i]) == mda_integer(i) ) then bulls++ : mda(i) = 0
for i = 0 to 3
for j = 0 to 3
if ( mda_integer(j) == intval(g[i]) ) then cows++ : mda(j) = 0 : break
x += 30
print %(x,y)bulls, cows
if ( bulls == 4 )
row++ : fn SetWindowFrame(row)
alert _alert,, @"You guessed the number!", guess,, YES
end if
if ( fn SetWindowFrame(row) == NO )
alert _alert,, @"Too many guesses!",, @"Give up", YES
end if
x = 28
y += 32
long fld = _num1Fld
for i = 0 to 3
textlabel fld + i, c[i]
textlabel -_infoLabel
case bulls == 4
button _newGameBtn, YES
text ,,fn colorRed
print %(x + 31, y)("W I N!")
y = 20 : fn showStr( goal )
case else : print %(x + 35, y)bulls;" "; cows
y += 32 : guess = ""
end select
fn SetWindowFrame
end fn
end fn

void local fn BuildWindow
void local fn BuildWindow
subclass window _window, @"Bulls and cows", (0,0,311,114), NSWindowStyleMaskTitled + NSWindowStyleMaskClosable
long tag
wndrect = = fn WindowContentRect( _window )
window _window, @"Bulls and cows", (0,0,311,114), NSWindowStyleMaskTitled + NSWindowStyleMaskClosable
textlabel _bullLabel, @"🐂", (198,59,38,40)
fn SetWindowFrame( 0 )
textlabel _cowLabel, @"🐄", (255,59,38,40)
textlabel -_infoLabel, @"Press 'esc' key to give up", (18,98,283,14)
ControlSetSize( _infoLabel, NSControlSizeSmall )
ControlSetAlignment( _infoLabel, NSTextAlignmentCenter )
textlabel _num1Fld, @"-", (20,62,31,26)
textlabel _num2Fld, @"-", (59,62,31,26)
textlabel _num3Fld, @"-", (98,62,31,26)
textlabel _num4Fld, @"-", (137,62,31,26)
textlabel _bullLabel, @"🐂", (198,59,38,35)
textlabel _cowLabel, @"🐄", (255,59,38,35)
for tag = _num1Fld to _num4Fld
TextFieldSetTextColor( tag, fn ColorRed )
ControlSetFontWithName( tag, @"Menlo", 24 )
ControlSetAlignment( tag, NSTextAlignmentCenter )
ControlSetFontWithName( _bullLabel, NULL, 30 )
ControlSetFontWithName( _bullLabel, NULL, 30 )
ControlSetAlignment( _bullLabel, NSTextAlignmentCenter )
ControlSetFontWithName( _cowLabel, NULL, 30 )
ControlSetFontWithName( _cowLabel, NULL, 30 )
ControlSetAlignment( _cowLabel, NSTextAlignmentCenter )
box _horzLine,, (12,50,287,5), NSBoxSeparator
box _horzLine,, (12,50,287,5), NSBoxSeparator
box _vertLine,, (180,12,5,78), NSBoxSeparator
box _vertLine,, (180,12,5,90), NSBoxSeparator
ViewSetAutoresizingMask( _vertLine, NSViewHeightSizable )
ViewSetAutoresizingMask( _vertLine, NSViewHeightSizable )
button _newGameBtn,,, @"New Game", (198,13,100,32)
button _newGameBtn,,, @"New Game", (198,13,100,32)
ViewSetAutoresizingMask( _newGameBtn, NSViewMaxYMargin )
ViewSetAutoresizingMask( _newGameBtn, NSViewMaxYMargin )
text @"menlo bold",24,,fn ColorWindowBackground
end fn
end fn

void local fn DoAppEvent( ev as long )
void local fn DoDialog( evt as long, tag as long )
select ( ev )
select ( evt )
case _appDidFinishLaunching : fn BuildWindow
case _windowKeyDown //: stop
short ch = intval( fn EventCharacters )
case _appShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed : AppEventSetBool(YES)
if ch then fn play( chr$( ch or _"0" ) ):DialogEventSetBool(YES)
end select
end fn

void local fn DoDialog( ev as long, tag as long )
select ( ev )
case _btnClick : fn NewGame
case _btnClick : fn NewGame
case _windowWillClose : end
end select
end select
end fn
end fn

on appevent fn DoAppEvent
on dialog fn DoDialog
on dialog fn DoDialog
fn buildWindow
fn newGame

[[file:FutureBasic - Bulls and cows.png]]
[[File:Bulls and Cows in FutureBasic.png]]
