Bulls and cows: Difference between revisions

Content added Content deleted
m (added whitespace before the TOC (table of contents), added a ;Task: (bold) header, added other whitespace and highlighting to the task's preamble, used article name for link instead of "This".)
(added Ceylon)
Line 853:
<lang ceylon>import ceylon.random {
shared void run() {
value random = DefaultRandom();
function generateDigits() =>
function validate(String guess) {
variable value ok = true;
if(!guess.every((Character element) => element.digit)) {
print("numbers only, please");
ok = false;
if('0' in guess) {
print("only 1 to 9, please");
ok = false;
if(guess.distinct.shorterThan(guess.size)) {
print("no duplicates, please");
ok = false;
if(guess.size != 4) {
print("4 digits please");
ok = false;
return ok;
function score({Integer*} target, {Integer*} guess) {
variable value bulls = 0;
variable value cows = 0;
for([a, b] in zipPairs(target, guess)) {
if(a == b) {
} else if(target.contains(b)) {
return [bulls, cows];
while(true) {
value digits = generateDigits();
print("I have chosen my four digits, please guess what they are.
Use only the digits 1 to 9 with no duplicates and enter them with no spaces. eg 1234
Enter q or Q to quit.");
while(true) {
if(exists line = process.readLine()) {
if(line.uppercased == "Q") {
if(validate(line)) {
value guessDigits = line.map((Character element) => parseInteger(element.string)).coalesced;
value [bulls, cows] = score(digits, guessDigits);
if(bulls == 4) {
print("You win!");
} else {
print("Bulls: ``bulls``, Cows: ``cows``");