Bulls and cows/Player: Difference between revisions

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(Rename Perl 6 -> Raku, alphabetize, minor clean-up)
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How many cows? 0
That's bull! You messed up your scoring.</pre>
If there is an impossibility, the program ask the user for the number to guess and indicates where are the errors in scoring.
<lang Nim>import parseutils
import random
import sequtils
import strformat
import strutils
Digits = "123456789"
DigitSet = {Digits[0]..Digits[^1]}
Size = 4
InvalidScore = -1
Digit = range['1'..'9']
Score = tuple[bulls, cows: int]
HistItem = tuple[guess: string, bulls, cows: int]
proc buildChoices(digits: set[Digit]; size: Natural): seq[string] =
## Build the list of choices when starting the game.
if size == 0:
return @[""]
for d in digits:
for s in buildChoices(digits - {d}, size - 1):
result.add(d & s)
proc getValues(): Score =
## Read the number of bulls and cows provided by the user.
let input = stdin.readLine().strip()
let fields = input.splitWhitespace()
if fields.len != 2 or
fields[0].parseInt(result.bulls, 0) == 0 or result.bulls notin 0..Size or
fields[1].parseInt(result.cows, 0) == 0 or result.cows notin 0..Size:
echo &"Wrong input; expected two number between 0 and {Size}"
return (InvalidScore, InvalidScore)
if result.bulls + result.cows > Size:
echo &"Total number of bulls and cows exceeds {Size}"
return (InvalidScore, InvalidScore)
func score(value, guess: string): Score =
## Return the score of "guess" against "value".
for idx, digit in guess:
if digit == value[idx]:
inc result.bulls
elif digit in value:
inc result.cows
proc findError(history: seq[HistItem]) =
## Find the scoring error.
var value: string
## Get the number to find.
while true:
stdout.write("What was the number to find? ")
value = stdin.readLine().strip()
if value.len == Size and allCharsInSet(value, DigitSet) and value.deduplicate.len == Size:
# Find inconsistencies.
for (guess, userbulls, usercows) in history:
let (bulls, cows) = score(guess, value)
if userbulls != bulls or usercows != cows:
echo &"For guess {guess}, score was wrong:"
echo &" Expected {bulls} / {cows}, got {userBulls} / {userCows}."
func suffix(n: Positive): string =
## Return the suffix for an ordinal.
case n
of 1: "st"
of 2: "nd"
of 3: "rd"
else: "th"
var history: seq[HistItem]
var choices = buildChoices(DigitSet, Size)
echo "Choose a number with four unique digits between 1 and 9."
echo "Give the number of bulls and cows separated by one or more spaces."
var guesses = 0
var remaining: seq[string]
while true:
inc guesses
var userbulls, usercows: int
let guess = choices.pop()
echo &"My {guesses}{suffix(guesses)} guess is {guess}"
# Get scoring.
while true:
stdout.write("How many bulls and cows? ")
(userbulls, usercows) = getValues()
if userbulls != InvalidScore and usercows != InvalidScore:
if userbulls == Size:
echo &"Victory! I found the number in {guesses} attempts."
history.add((guess, userbulls, usercows))
# Eliminate incompatible choices.
for choice in choices:
let (bulls, cows) = score(guess, choice)
if bulls == userbulls and cows == usercows:
if remaining.len == 0:
echo &"There is an impossibility. For some guess you made an error in scoring."
<pre>Choose a number with four unique digits between 1 and 9.
Give the number of bulls and cows separated by one or more spaces.
My 1st guess is 3748
How many bulls and cows? 0 2
My 2nd guess is 4139
How many bulls and cows? 1 2
My 3rd guess is 4971
How many bulls and cows? 0 2
My 4th guess is 8193
How many bulls and cows? 0 2
My 5th guess is 9436
How many bulls and cows? 1 1
My 6th guess is 1234
How many bulls and cows? 4 0
Victory! I found the number in 6 attempts.
Choose a number with four unique digits between 1 and 9.
Give the number of bulls and cows separated by one or more spaces.
My 1st guess is 6251
How many bulls and cows? 0 2
My 2nd guess is 1597
How many bulls and cows? 1 0
My 3rd guess is 3692
How many bulls and cows? 1 1
My 4th guess is 2687
How many bulls and cows? 1 0
My 5th guess is 1634
How many bulls and cows? 3 0
There is an impossibility. For some guess you made an error in scoring.
What was the number to find? 1234
For guess 6251, score was wrong:
Expected 1 / 1, got 0 / 2.
For guess 3692, score was wrong:
Expected 0 / 2, got 1 / 1.
For guess 2687, score was wrong:
Expected 0 / 1, got 1 / 0.</pre>