Brownian tree: Difference between revisions

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Using "bitmap.nim" created for Rosetta Bitmap task.
<lang Nim>import bitmap
import random
import nimPNG
Size = 400 # Area size.
MaxXY = Size - 1 # Maximum possible value for x and y.
NPart = 25_000 # Number of particles.
Background = Black # Background color.
Foreground = color(50, 150, 255) # Foreground color.
let image = newImage(Size, Size)
image[Size div 2, Size div 2] = Foreground
for _ in 1..NPart:
block ProcessParticle:
while true: # Repeat until the particle is freezed.
# Choose position of particle.
var x, y = rand(MaxXY)
if image[x, y] == Foreground:
continue # Not free. Try again.
# Move the particle.
while true:
# Choose a motion.
let dx, dy = rand(-1..1)
inc x, dx
inc y, dy
if x notin 0..MaxXY or y notin 0..MaxXY:
break # Out of limits. Try again.
# Valid move.
if image[x, y] == Foreground:
# Not free. Freeze the particle at its previous position.
image[x - dx, y - dy] = Foreground
break ProcessParticle # Done. Process next particle.
# Save into a PNG file.
# Unfortunately, nimPNG expects a sequence of bytes, not a sequence of colors.
# So, we have to make a copy.
var data = newSeqOfCap[byte](image.pixels.len * 3)
for color in image.pixels:
data.add([color.r, color.g, color.b])
echo savePNG24("brownian.png", data, image.w, image.h)</lang>
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