Brownian tree: Difference between revisions

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m Replace deprecated functions
Midaz (talk | contribs)
Added Uiua solution
Line 5,419:
:RecallGDB 0</syntaxhighlight>
Uiua Pad will show well-shaped arrays as images directly. If running locally you can uncomment the final few lines to save it as a file instead. (Running local is ~10 times faster too.)
Sample with higher values than provided code.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Uiua">
S ← 80
RandInt ← ⌊×⚂
RandPoint ← ([⍥(RandInt S)2]) # [[Here] [Last pos]]
# Create SxS grid, and set the centre point as seed.
↯ S_S 0
Mid ← ↯2⌊÷2S
⍜⊡(+1) Mid
# Update the pair to be a new adjacent [[Here] [Last]]
Move ← ⊟∵(-1+⌊RandInt 3).⊢
In ← /××⊃(≥0)(<S) # Is this point in bounds?
# Given a grid return a free point pair and that grid.
SeedPair ← ⊟.⍢(RandPoint ◌)(=1⊡) RandPoint
# Find next adjacent position, or new seed if out of bounds.
Next ← ⟨SeedPair ◌|∘⟩:⟜(In ⊢)Move
# Keep moving until you hit the tree. Add the prior pos to the tree.
JoinTree ← ⍜⊡(+1)◌°⊟⍢Next (=0⊡⊢) SeedPair
# Do it multiple times.
# ◌
# &ime "png"
# &fwa "BrownianTree.png"
=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==
Windows Forms Application.