Brace expansion: Difference between revisions

(remove draft status)
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{}} some }{,{\\ edge \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}
{}} some }{,{\\ edge \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}</pre>
===ES5 Functional===
Without importing Node.js libraries, JavaScript doesn't immediately have access to anything like Haskell's Parsec, but using a functional idiom of JavaScript, and emphasising clarity more than optimisation, we can separate out the tokenizing from the parsing, and the parsing from the generation of strings, to build a function which:
:#returns the set of expansions for each brace expression, and
:#logs a pretty-printed abstract syntax tree for each expression to the console (in a JSON format).
Each node of the parse tree consists of one of two simple functions (AND: syntagmatic concatenation, OR: flattening of paradigms) with a set of arguments, each of which may be a plain string or an AND or OR subtree. The expansions are derived by evaluating the parse tree as an expression.
<lang JavaScript>(function () {
'use strict'
// 1. Return each test expression with an indented list of its expansions, while
// 2. logging each parse tree to the console.log() stream
function main() {
// Sample expressions, double-escaped for quotation in source code.
var lstTests = [
'It{{em,alic}iz,erat}e{d,}, please.',
'{,{,gotta have{ ,\\, again\\, }}more }cowbell!',
'{}} some }{,{\\\\{ edge, edge} \\,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\\\\\\}'
function (s) {
var dctParse = andTree(
return s + '\n\n' + evaluated(
).map(function (x) {
return ' ' + x;
// Index of any closing brace matching the opening brace at iPosn
// with the indices of any immediately-enclosed commas
function bracePair(tkns, iPosn, iNest, lstCommas) {
if (iPosn >= tkns.length || iPosn < 0) return null;
var t = tkns[iPosn],
n = (t === '{') ? iNest + 1 : (
t === '}' ? iNest - 1 : iNest
lst = (t === ',' && iNest === 1) ?
lstCommas.concat(iPosn) : lstCommas;
return n ? bracePair(tkns, iPosn + 1, n, lst) : {
close: iPosn,
commas: lst
// Parse of a SYNTAGM subtree
function andTree(dctSofar, tkns) {
if (!tkns.length) return [dctSofar, []];
var dctParse = dctSofar ? dctSofar : {
fn: and,
args: []
head = tkns[0],
tail = head ? tkns.slice(1) : [],
dctBrace = head === '{' ? bracePair(
tkns, 0, 0, []
) : null,
lstOR = dctBrace && dctBrace.close && dctBrace.commas.length ? (
splitAt(dctBrace.close + 1, tkns)
) : null;
return andTree({
fn: and,
args: dctParse.args.concat(
lstOR ? orTree(dctParse, lstOR[0], dctBrace.commas) : head
}, lstOR ? lstOR[1] : tail);
// Parse of a PARADIGM subtree
function orTree(dctSofar, tkns, lstCommas) {
if (!tkns.length) return [dctSofar, []];
var iLast = lstCommas.length;
var dctOr = {
fn: or,
args: splitsAt(
lstCommas, tkns
).map(function (x, i) {
var ts = x.slice(1, i === iLast ? -1 : void 0);
return ts.length ? ts : [''];
}).map(function (ts) {
return ts.length > 1 ? andTree(null, ts)[0] : ts[0];
return dctOr;
// List of unescaped braces and commas, and remaining strings
function tokens(str) {
// Filter function excludes empty splitting artefacts
var toS = function (x) {
return x.toString();
return str.split(/(\\\\)/).filter(toS).reduce(function (a, s) {
return a.concat(s.charAt(0) === '\\' ? s : s.split(
}, []);
// Each possible head * each possible tail
function and(args) {
var lng = args.length,
head = lng ? args[0] : null,
lstHead = "string" === typeof head ? [head] : head;
return lng ? (
1 < lng ? lstHead.reduce(function (a, h) {
return a.concat(
and(args.slice(1)).map(function (t) {
return h + t;
}, []) : lstHead
) : [];
// Each option flattened
function or(args) {
return args.reduce(function (a, b) {
return a.concat(b);
}, []);
// One list split into two (first sublist length n)
function splitAt(n, lst) {
return n < lst.length + 1 ? (
[lst.slice(0, n), lst.slice(n)]
) : [lst, []];
// One list split into several (sublist lengths [n])
function splitsAt(lstN, lst) {
return lstN.reduceRight(function (a, x) {
return splitAt(x, a[0]).concat(a.slice(1));
}, [lst]);
// Value of the parse tree
function evaluated(e) {
return typeof e === 'string' ? e : e.fn(
// JSON prettyprint (for parse tree, token list etc)
function pp(e) {
return JSON.stringify(e, function (k, v) {
return typeof v === 'function' ? (
'[function ' + + ']'
) : v;
}, 2)
return main();
Value returned by function:
It{{em,alic}iz,erat}e{d,}, please.
Itemized, please.
Itemize, please.
Italicized, please.
Italicize, please.
Iterated, please.
Iterate, please.
{,{,gotta have{ ,\, again\, }}more }cowbell!
more cowbell!
gotta have more cowbell!
gotta have\, again\, more cowbell!
{}} some }{,{\\{ edge, edge} \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}
{}} some }{,{\\ edge \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}
{}} some }{,{\\ edge \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}</pre>
Sample of parse trees logged to the console:
<lang JavaScript>{
"fn": "[function and]",
"args": [
"fn": "[function or]",
"args": [
"fn": "[function and]",
"args": [
"fn": "[function or]",
"args": [
"fn": "[function or]",
"args": [
" please."
