Brace expansion: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Ruby}}: easy to understand.)
(Added PowerShell)
Line 1,755:
{{works with|PowerShell|2}}
<lang PowerShell>
function Expand-Braces ( [string]$String )
$Escaped = $False
$Stack = New-Object System.Collections.Stack
$ClosedBraces = $BracesToParse = $Null
ForEach ( $i in 0..($String.Length-1) )
Switch ( $String[$i] )
'\' {
$Escaped = -not $Escaped
'{' {
If ( -not $Escaped ) { $Stack.Push( [pscustomobject]@{ Delimiters = @( $i ) } ) }
',' {
If ( -not $Escaped -and $Stack.Count ) { $Stack.Peek().Delimiters += $i }
'}' {
If ( -not $Escaped -and $Stack.Count )
$Stack.Peek().Delimiters += $i
$ClosedBraces = $Stack.Pop()
If ( $ClosedBraces.Delimiters.Count -gt 2 )
$BracesToParse = $ClosedBraces
default { $Escaped = $False }
If ( $BracesToParse )
$Start = $String.Substring( 0, $BracesToParse.Delimiters[0] )
$End = $String.Substring( $BracesToParse.Delimiters[-1] + 1 )
ForEach ( $i in 0..($BracesToParse.Delimiters.Count-2) )
$Option = $String.Substring( $BracesToParse.Delimiters[$i] + 1, $BracesToParse.Delimiters[$i+1] - $BracesToParse.Delimiters[$i] - 1 )
Expand-Braces ( $Start + $Option + $End )
<lang PowerShell>
$TestStrings = @(
'It{{em,alic}iz,erat}e{d,}, please.'
'{,{,gotta have{ ,\, again\, }}more }cowbell!'
'{}} some }{,{\\{ edge, edge} \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}'
ForEach ( $String in $TestStrings )
Expand-Braces $String
It{{em,alic}iz,erat}e{d,}, please.
Itemized, please.
Italicized, please.
Iterated, please.
Itemize, please.
Italicize, please.
Iterate, please.
{,{,gotta have{ ,\, again\, }}more }cowbell!
more cowbell!
gotta have more cowbell!
gotta have\, again\, more cowbell!
{}} some }{,{\\{ edge, edge} \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}
{}} some }{,{\\ edge \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}
{}} some }{,{\\ edge \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}