Brace expansion: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|Wren}}: Changed to Wren S/H)
Line 331:
{}} some }{,{\\ edge \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">
pragma Ada_2022;
with Ada.Containers; use Ada.Containers;
with Ada.Containers.Vectors;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Brace_Expansion is
procedure Expand_Braces (Str : Unbounded_String) is
package Position_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Natural, Natural);
Escaped : Boolean := False;
Depth : Integer := 0;
Brace_Points : Position_Vectors.Vector;
Braces_To_Parse : Position_Vectors.Vector;
Prefix, Suffix, Option : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String;
for Idx in 1 .. Length (Str) loop
case Element (Str, Idx) is
when '\' => Escaped := not Escaped;
when '{' =>
Depth := Depth + 1;
if not Escaped and then Depth = 1 then
Brace_Points.Append (Idx);
end if;
when ',' =>
if not Escaped and then Depth = 1 then
Brace_Points.Append (Idx);
end if;
when '}' =>
if not Escaped and then Depth = 1 and then Brace_Points.Length > 1 then
Braces_To_Parse.Append_Vector (Brace_Points);
Braces_To_Parse.Append (Idx);
end if;
Depth := Depth - 1;
when others => null;
end case;
if Element (Str, Idx) /= '\' then
Escaped := False;
end if;
end loop;
if Braces_To_Parse.Length > 0 then
Prefix := Unbounded_Slice (Str, 1, Braces_To_Parse (0) - 1);
Suffix := Unbounded_Slice (Str, Braces_To_Parse.Last_Element + 1, Length (Str));
for Idx in 1 .. Braces_To_Parse.Length - 1 loop
Option := Unbounded_Slice (Str, Braces_To_Parse (Natural (Idx - 1)) + 1, Braces_To_Parse (Natural (Idx)) - 1);
Expand_Braces (Prefix & Option & Suffix);
end loop;
Put_Line (Str'Image);
end if;
end Expand_Braces;
function "+"(S : String) return Unbounded_String renames To_Unbounded_String;
Expand_Braces (+"~/{Downloads,Pictures}/*.{jpg,gif,png}");
Expand_Braces (+"It{{em,alic}iz,erat}e{d,}, please.");
Expand_Braces (+"{,{,gotta have{ ,\, again\, }}more }cowbell!");
Expand_Braces (+"{}} some }{,{\\{ edge, edge} \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}");
end Brace_Expansion;
"Itemized, please."
"Italicized, please."
"Iterated, please."
"Itemize, please."
"Italicize, please."
"Iterate, please."
"more cowbell!"
"gotta have more cowbell!"
"gotta have\, again\, more cowbell!"
"{}} some }{,{\\ edge \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}"
"{}} some }{,{\\ edge \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}"
