Box the compass: Difference between revisions

Add Zig solution
(Add Zig solution)
Line 7,650:
80 data "Northwest by west ", "Northwest ", "Northwest by north", "North-northwest "
90 data "North by west "</syntaxhighlight>
{{works with|Zig|0.11.0dev}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="zig">const std = @import("std");</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="zig">/// Degrees are not constrained to the range 0 to 360
fn degreesToCompassPoint(degrees: f32) []const u8 {
var d = degrees + comptime (11.25 / 2.0);
while (d < 0) d += 360;
while (d >= 360) d -= 360;
const index: usize = @floatToInt(usize, @divFloor(d, 11.25));
// Concatenation to overcome the inability of "zig fmt" to nicely format long arrays.
const points: [32][]const u8 = comptime .{} ++
.{ "North", "North by east", "North-northeast", "Northeast by north" } ++
.{ "Northeast", "Northeast by east", "East-northeast", "East by north" } ++
.{ "East", "East by south", "East-southeast", "Southeast by east" } ++
.{ "Southeast", "Southeast by south", "South-southeast", "South by east" } ++
.{ "South", "South by west", "South-southwest", "Southwest by south" } ++
.{ "Southwest", "Southwest by west", "West-southwest", "West by south" } ++
.{ "West", "West by north", "West-northwest", "Northwest by west" } ++
.{ "Northwest", "Northwest by north", "North-northwest", "North by west" };
return points[index];
<syntaxhighlight lang="zig">pub fn main() anyerror!void {
const stdout =;
_ = try stdout.print("Index Heading Compass point\n", .{});
for (0..33) |i| {
var heading = @intToFloat(f32, i) * 11.25;
heading += switch (i % 3) {
1 => 5.62,
2 => -5.62,
else => 0,
const index = i % 32 + 1;
_ = try stdout.print(" {d:2} {d:>6.2}° {s}\n", .{ index, heading, degreesToCompassPoint(heading) });
<pre>Index Heading Compass point
1 0.00° North
2 16.87° North by east
3 16.88° Northeast
31 337.50° Northwest
32 354.37° North by west
1 354.38° North</pre>
