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Loss % staked : 1.801
<lang Nim>import random, sequtils, strformat, strutils
Card = 1..10
Deck = object
size: int
cards: array[Card, int]
HandKind {.pure.} = enum Hard, Soft, Pair
Action {.pure.} = enum Stand, Hit, Double, Split
ActionGain = tuple[action: Action; gain: float]
# Computed strategy tables.
hTable: array[15, array[10, Action]] # Hard strategy table (round 1).
sTable: array[8, array[10, Action]] # Soft strategy table (round 1).
pTable: array[10, array[10, Action]] # Pairs strategy table (round 1).
hTable2: array[18, array[10, Action]] # Hard strategy table (round >= 2, no doubling).
sTable2: array[10, array[10, Action]] # Soft strategy table (round >= 2, no doubling).
func initDeck(): Deck =
Deck(size: 52, cards: [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 16])
func `<`(ag1, ag2: ActionGain): bool = ag1.gain < ag2.gain
func dealerProbs(upcard: Card; startDeck: Deck): array[7, float] =
## Returns probabilities of dealer eventually getting:
## 0: 17, 1: 18, 2: 19, 3: 20, 4: 21 (non-blackjack), 5: blackjack (nil), 6: bust.
## It is assumed that the dealer has already checked for blackjack, that one deck is used
## and that the dealer stands on 'soft' 17.
res: array[7, float] # Results.
decks: array[9, Deck] # Decks for each level.
scores: array[9, int] # Scores for each level.
elevens: array[9, int] # Number of aces for each level scored as 11.
probs: array[9, float] # Probabilities for each level.
decks[0] = startDeck
scores[0] = upCard
if upcard == 1:
# An ace.
scores[0] = 11
elevens[0] = 1
probs[0] = 1.0
proc drawCard(lev: Natural) =
## Recursive closure.
for c in Card.low..Card.high:
if decks[lev].cards[c] == 0: continue # Card no longer present in deck.
# Temporary variables for current level.
deck = decks[lev]
score = scores[lev]
eleven = elevens[lev]
prob = probs[lev]
inc score, c # Add card to score.
if c == 1:
# Score all aces initially as 11.
inc score, 10
inc eleven
prob *=[c] / deck.size
if score > 21 and eleven > 0:
dec score, 10 # Bust but can demote an ace.
dec eleven
if lev == 0 and (upCard == 1 and c == 10 or upCard == 10 and c == 1):
res[5] += prob # Blackjack, allow for now.
elif score in 17..21:
res[score-17] += prob # 17 to (non-blackjack) 21.
elif score > 21 and eleven == 0:
res[6] += prob # Bust.
dec[c] # Remove card from deck.
dec deck.size
let lev = lev + 1
decks[lev] = deck
scores[lev] = score
elevens[lev] = eleven
probs[lev] = prob
# But can't have blackjack, so adjust probabilities accordingly.
let pnbj = 1 - res[5]
for i in 0..6: res[i] /= pnbj
res[5] = 0
result = res
proc dealerChart =
## Print chart of dealer probabilities (as a check against an external source).
echo "Dealer Probabilities, Stands on Soft 17, 1 Deck, U.S Rules"
echo "Up Card 17 18 19 20 21 Bust"
echo "———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————"
var deck = initDeck()
deck.size = 51
for uc in Card.low..Card.high:
var deck2 = deck
let dp = dealerProbs(uc, deck2)
stdout.write if uc > 1: &"{uc:3} " else: "Ace "
for i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6]: stdout.write &" {dp[i]:.6f}"
func calcGain(pscore: int; dp: openArray[float]): float =
## Calculates gain per unit staked for a given scenario (helper function).
case pscore
of 17:
result += dp[6] # Dealer is bust.
result -= dp[1] + dp[2] + dp[3] + dp[4] # Dealer has 18 to 21.
of 18:
result += dp[0] + dp[6] # Dealer has 17 or is bust.
result -= dp[2] + dp[3] + dp[4] # Dealer has 19 to 21.
of 19:
result += dp[0] + dp[1] + dp[6] # Dealer has 17, 18 or is bust.
result -= dp[3] + dp[4] # Dealer has 20 or 21.
of 20:
result += dp[0] + dp[1] + dp[2] + dp[6] # Dealer has 17 to 19 or is bust.
result -= dp[4] # Dealer has (non-blackjack) 21.
of 21:
result += dp[0] + dp[1] + dp[2] + dp[3] + dp[6] # Dealer has 17 to 20 or is bust.
of 22: # Notional.
result += 1.5 # Player blackjack.
of 23: # Notional.
result -= 1 # Player bust, loses stake irrespective of what dealer has.
else: # Player has less than 17
result += dp[6] # Dealer is bust.
result -= 1 - dp[6] # Dealer isn't bust.
func playerGain(card1, card2, uc: Card; startDeck: Deck): float =
## Returns player's expected gain per unit staked after hitting once and then standing.
let deck = startDeck
score = card1 + card2
eleven = false
if card1 == 1 or card2 == 1:
inc score, 10
eleven = true
for c in Card.low..Card.high:
# Get another card.
if[c] == 0: continue # Card no longer present in deck.
# Temporary variables for current card.
deck2 = deck
score2 = score
eleven2 = eleven
inc score2, c # Add card to score.
if c == 1:
# Score all aces initially as 11.
inc score2, 10
eleven2 = true
let prob =[c] / deck2.size
dec deck2.size
if score2 > 21 and eleven2:
dec score2, 10 # Bust but can demote an ace.
if score2 <= 21:
let dp = dealerProbs(uc, deck2)
result += calcGain(score2, dp) * prob
# Bust.
result -= prob
func playerGain2(card1, card2, uc: Card; startDeck: Deck): float =
## Return player's expected gain per unit staked after hitting once
## and then continuing in accordance with the tables for rounds >= 2.
eg = 0.0 # Result.
decks: array[9, Deck] # Decks for each level.
scores: array[9, int] # Scores for each level.
elevens: array[9, int] # Number of aces for each level scored as 11.
probs: array[9, float] # Probabilities for each level.
decks[0] = startDeck
scores[0] = card1 + card2
if card1 == 1 or card2 == 1:
inc scores[0], 10
elevens[0] = 1
probs[0] = 1.0
proc drawCard(lev: Natural) =
## Recursive closure.
for c in Card.low..Card.high:
if decks[lev].cards[c] == 0: continue # Card no longer present in deck.
# Temporary variables for current level.
deck = decks[lev]
score = scores[lev]
eleven = elevens[lev]
prob = probs[lev]
inc score, c # Add card to score.
if c == 1:
# Score all aces initially as 11.
inc score, 10
inc eleven
prob *=[c] / deck.size
if score > 21 and eleven > 0:
dec score, 10 # Bust but can demote an ace.
dec eleven
dec[c] # Remove card from deck.
dec deck.size
if (eleven == 0 and (score >= 17 or score >= 13 and uc < 7) or
eleven == 0 and score == 12 and uc >= 4 and uc <= 6 or
eleven > 0 and score == 18 and uc != 9 and uc != 10 or
eleven > 0 and score >= 19) and score <= 21:
let dp = dealerProbs(uc, deck)
eg += calcGain(score, dp) * prob
elif score > 21 and eleven == 0:
# Bust.
eg -= prob
let lev = lev + 1
decks[lev] = deck
scores[lev] = score
elevens[lev] = eleven
probs[lev] = prob
result = eg
func stand(card1, card2: Card): array[10, float] =
## Return player's expected gains per unit staked, for each dealer up-card, after standing.
var deck = initDeck()
deck.size = 50
var pscore = card1 + card2 # Player score.
if card1 == 1 or card2 == 1:
inc pscore, 10
for uc in Card.low..Card.high: # Dealer's up-card.
var deck2 = deck
dec deck2.size
let dp = dealerProbs(uc, deck2)
let eg = calcGain(pscore, dp) # Expected gain for this up-card.
if uc > 1:
result[uc-2] = eg
else: # Dealer has Ace.
result[9] = eg # Ace comes last in tables.
func hit(card1, card2: Card; once: bool): array[10, float] =
## Return player's expected gains per unit staked, for each dealer
## up-card, after hitting once and then either standing (once == true)
## or continuing as per the round >= 2 tables (once == false).
var deck = initDeck()
deck.size = 50
for uc in Card.low..Card.high: # Dealer's up-card.
var deck2 = deck
deck2.size = 49
# Player's expected gain for this up-card.
let peg = if once: playerGain(card1, card2, uc, deck2)
else: playerGain2(card1, card2, uc, deck2)
if uc > 1:
result[uc-2] = peg
else: # Dealer has Ace.
result[9] = peg
func double(card1, card2: Card): array[10, float] =
## Return player's expected gains per unit originally staked,
## for each dealer up-card, after doubling i.e. hitting once
## and then standing with a doubled stake.
result = hit(card1, card2, true) # Hit once and then stand.
for item in result.mitems:
item *= 2
proc split(card: Card): array[10, float] =
## Return player's expected gains per unit originally staked, for each dealer up-card, after
## splitting a pair and doubling the stake, getting a second card for each hand and then
## continuing in accordance with the rounds >= 2 tables. It is assumed that a player cannot
## double or re-split following a split. It is also assumed (in the interests of simplicity)
## that the expected gains for each split hand (after calculating the gains for the first hand
## as though the second hand is not completed) are exactly the same.
var deck = initDeck()
dec[card], 2 # Must be a pair.
deck.size = 50
# Now play a single hand.
var score: int = card
var eleven = 0
if card == 1:
score = 11
eleven = 1
for uc in Card.low..Card.high: # Collect results for each dealer up-card.
if[uc] == 0: continue # Card no longer present in deck.
var deck2 = deck
dec deck2.size
var ix = uc - 2
if ix == -1: ix = 9 # In tables ace comes last.
var peg: float # Player expected gain for this up-card.
# Get second player card.
for c in Card.low..Card.high:
if[c] == 0: continue # Card no longer present in deck.
let prob =[c] / deck2.size
var deck3 = deck2
dec deck3.size
var score2 = score + c
var eleven2 = eleven
if c == 1:
# Score all aces initially as 11.
inc score2, 10
inc eleven2
if score2 == 21:
# Player has blackjack & we know dealer hasn't.
peg += 1.5 * prob
if score2 > 21 and eleven2 > 0:
dec score2, 10 # Bust but can demote an ace.
dec eleven2
let action = if eleven2 > 0: sTable2[score2-12][ix] # Use soft strategy table, no doubling.
else: hTable2[score2-4][ix] # Use hard strategy table, no doubling
let peg2 = if action == Stand: calcGain(score2, dealerProbs(uc, deck3))
else: playerGain2(card, c, uc, deck3)
peg += peg2 * prob
if uc > 1:
result[uc-2] = peg * 2 # Allow for both hands in overall results.
result[9] = peg * 2 # Ditto.
func bestAction(ags: openArray[ActionGain]): Action =
## Return the action with the highest expected gain.
proc printHeader(title: string) =
## Print title and header for a given chart.
echo title
echo "P/D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T A"
echo "——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————"
proc printPair(c: Card) =
## Print header for a pair of cards.
stdout.write if c == 1: "AA " elif c == 10: "TT " else: &"{c}{c} "
func dealerPlay(pscore: int, next: var int; cards, d: openArray[Card]): float =
## Simulate a dealer's play for a given player's hand and state of deck.
## Return the player's gain (positive or negative) per unit staked.
var dscore = d[0] + d[1]
var aces = 0
if d[0] == 1 or d[1] == 1:
# Dealer has an ace.
inc dscore, 10
inc aces
while true:
if dscore > 21 and aces > 0:
dec dscore, 10 # Bust but we can demote an ace.
dec aces
if dscore > 21:
return 1 # Dealer is bust and player gains stake.
if dscore >= 17:
# Dealer must stick on 17 or above, hard or not.
if dscore > pscore:
return -1 # Dealer wins and player loses stake.
if dscore == pscore:
break # Player breaks even.
return 1 # Dealer loses and player gains stake.
let nc = cards[next] # Get new card from pack.
inc next
inc dscore, nc
if nc == 1:
# Count aces initially as 11.
inc dscore, 10
inc aces
proc playerPlay(): (float, float) =
## Simulate the playing of a random player's hand according to the strategy tables.
## Return both the gain (positive or negative) and the stake (1 or 2).
var perm = toSeq(0..51)
var cards: array[52, Card]
for i, r in perm:
var card = r div 4 + 1
if card > 10: card = 10
cards[i] = card
var p, d: seq[Card] # Player and dealer hands.
# Initial deal.
p.add cards[0..1]
d.add cards[2..3]
var next = 4 # Index of next card to be dealt.
# Check if dealer and/or player have blackjack.
let dbj = d[0] == 1 and d[1] == 10 or d[0] == 10 and d[1] == 1
let pbj = p[0] == 1 and p[1] == 10 or p[0] == 10 and p[1] == 1
if dbj:
if pbj: return (0.0, 1.0) # Player neither wins nor loses.
else: return (-1.0, 1.0) # Player loses stake.
if pbj: return (1.5, 1.0) # Player wins 1.5 x stake.
var uc = d[0] - 2 # Dealer's up-card as index to access tables.
if uc < 0: uc = 9 # Ace is at last place in tables.
var stake = 1.0 # Player's initial stake.
var fscores: array[2, int] # Final player scores (one or, after split, two hands).
var action: Action
var score, aces: int
proc h(hand: int) =
## Process a hit.
while true:
let nc = cards[next] # Get new card from pack.
inc next
inc score, nc
if nc == 1:
# Count aces initially as 11.
inc score, 10
inc aces
if score > 21 and aces > 0:
dec score, 10 # Bust but we can demote an ace.
dec aces
if score > 21:
fscores[hand] = 22 # Player is bust and loses stake.
if action == Double:
fscores[hand] = score
# Get further strategy and act accordingly.
action = if aces == 0: hTable2[score-4][uc] else: sTable2[score-12][uc]
if action == Stand:
fscores[hand] = score
score = p[0] + p[1]
# Get kind of player hand: hard, soft, pair.
let kind = if p[0] == p[1]: Pair elif p[0] == 1 or p[1] == 1: Soft else: Hard
case kind
of Hard:
action = hTable[score-5][uc]
of Soft: # includes one ace.
let othercard = if p[0] == 1: p[1] else: p[0]
inc score, 10
aces = 1
action = sTable[otherCard-2][uc]
of Pair:
if p[0] == 1:
# Pair of aces.
inc score, 10
aces = 2
action = pTable[p[0]-1][uc]
case action
of Stand:
fscores[0] = score
of Hit:
of Double:
stake = 2
of Split:
for hand in 0..1:
score = p[0]
aces = 0
if score == 1:
# Count aces initially as 11.
score = 11
inc aces
var sum = 0.0
if fscores[0] < 22:
sum += dealerPlay(fscores[0], next, cards, d) * stake
sum -= 1 * stake # This hand is bust.
if fscores[1] > 0:
# Pair.
if fscores[1] < 22:
sum += dealerPlay(fscores[1], next, cards, d)
sum -= 1
stake = 2
result = (sum, stake)
proc simulate(perDay, days: int) =
## Simulate "perDay" blackjack games for "days" days.
winDays, loseDays, evenDays = 0
bigWin, bigLoss = 0.0
totalGain, totalStake = 0.0
for d in 1..days:
var dailyGain, dailyStake = 0.0
for p in 1..perDay:
let (gain, stake) = playerPlay()
dailyGain += gain
dailyStake += stake
if dailyGain > 0: inc winDays
elif dailyGain < 0: inc loseDays
else: inc evenDays
if dailyGain > bigWin: bigWin = dailyGain
elif -dailyGain > bigLoss: bigLoss = -dailyGain
totalGain += dailyGain
totalStake += dailyStake
echo &"\nAfter playing {perDay} times a day for {days} days:"
echo "Winning days: ", winDays
echo "Losing days: ", loseDays
echo "Breakeven days: ", evenDays
echo "Biggest win: ", bigWin
echo "Biggest loss: ", bigLoss
if totalGain < 0:
echo "Total loss: ", -totalGain
echo "Total staked: ", totalStake
echo &"Loss % staked: {-totalGain/totalStake*100:0.3f}\n"
echo "Total win: ", totalGain
echo "Total staked: ", totalStake
echo &"Win % staked: {totalGain/totalStake*100:0.3f}\n"
proc main() =
# Print dealer probabilities chart.
# For hard scores (i.e. different cards, no aces).
const Tuples = [(2, 3),
(2, 4),
(2, 5), (3, 4),
(2, 6), (3, 5),
(2, 7), (3, 6), (4, 5),
(2, 8), (3, 7), (4, 6),
(2, 9), (3, 8), (4, 7), (5, 6),
(2, 10), (3, 9), (4, 8), (5, 7),
(3, 10), (4, 9), (5, 8), (6, 7),
(4, 10), (5, 9), (6, 8),
(5, 10), (6, 9), (7, 8),
(6, 10), (7, 9),
(7, 10), (8, 9),
(8, 10),
(9, 10)]
# Number of tuples for each player score from 5 to 19.
const Counts = [float 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1]
# Expected gains for each player score & for each dealer up-card.
segs: array[15, array[10, float]] # if stands.
hegs: array[15, array[10, float]] # if hits.
degs: array[15, array[10, float]] # if doubles.
for t in Tuples:
let i = t[0] + t[1]
let sg = stand(t[0], t[1])
let hg = hit(t[0], t[1], false)
let dg = double(t[0], t[1])
for j in 0..9:
segs[i-5][j] += sg[j]
hegs[i-5][j] += hg[j]
degs[i-5][j] += dg[j]
# Calculate the average per tuple for each score.
for i in 0..14:
for j in 0..9:
segs[i][j] /= Counts[i]
hegs[i][j] /= Counts[i]
degs[i][j] /= Counts[i]
printHeader("\nHard Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)")
for i in 5..19:
stdout.write &"{i:2} "
for j in 0..9:
stdout.write &"{segs[i-5][j]: 0.3f} "
printHeader("\nHard Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)")
for i in 5..19:
stdout.write &"{i:2} "
for j in 0..9:
stdout.write &"{hegs[i-5][j]: 0.3f} "
printHeader("\nHard Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Double)")
for i in 5..19:
stdout.write &"{i:2} "
for j in 0..9:
stdout.write &"{degs[i-5][j]: 0.3f} "
printHeader("\nHard Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)")
for i in 5..19:
stdout.write &"{i:2} "
for j in 0..9:
let ags = [(Stand, segs[i-5][j]), (Hit, hegs[i-5][j]), (Double, degs[i-5][j])]
let action = bestAction(ags)
hTable[i-5][j] = action
stdout.write &"{action:^6} "
# For hard scores (no aces) - after round 1 (no doubling or splitting).
# Based on hard table figures (round 1) with scores of 4, 20, and 21 added.
segs2: array[18, array[10, float]] # Expected gains if stands.
hegs2: array[18, array[10, float]] # Expected gains if hits.
for i in 5..19:
segs2[i-4] = segs[i-5]
hegs2[i-4] = hegs[i-5]
let sg4 = stand(2, 2)
let hg4 = hit(2, 2, false)
let sg20 = stand(10, 10)
let hg20 = hit(10, 10, false)
let sg21 = stand(1, 10)
let hg21 = hit(1, 10, false)
for j in 0..9:
segs2[0][j] += sg4[j]
hegs2[0][j] += hg4[j]
segs2[16][j] += sg20[j]
hegs2[16][j] += hg20[j]
segs2[17][j] += sg21[j]
hegs2[17][j] += hg21[j]
printHeader("\nHard Chart - Player Strategy (Round >= 2, No Doubling)")
for i in 4..21:
stdout.write &"{i:2} "
for j in 0..9:
var action = Stand
if hegs2[i-4][j] > segs2[i-4][j]: action = Hit
hTable2[i-4][j] = action
stdout.write &"{action:^6} "
# For soft scores (i.e. including exactly one ace).
# Expected gains for each player second card (2 to 9) & for each dealer up-card.
segs3: array[8, array[10, float]] # if stands.
hegs3: array[8, array[10, float]] # if hits.
degs3: array[8, array[10, float]] # if doubles.
for c in 2..9:
let sg = stand(1, c)
let hg = hit(1, c, false)
let dg = double(1, c)
for j in 0..9:
segs3[c-2][j] += sg[j]
hegs3[c-2][j] += hg[j]
degs3[c-2][j] += dg[j]
printHeader("\nSoft Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)")
for c in 2..9:
stdout.write &"A{c} "
for j in 0..9:
stdout.write &"{segs3[c-2][j]: 0.3f} "
printHeader("\nSoft Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)")
for c in 2..9:
stdout.write &"A{c} "
for j in 0..9:
stdout.write &"{hegs3[c-2][j]: 0.3f} "
printHeader("\nSoft Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Double)")
for c in 2..9:
stdout.write &"A{c} "
for j in 0..9:
stdout.write &"{degs3[c-2][j]: 0.3f} "
printHeader("\nSoft Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)")
for c in 2..9:
stdout.write &"A{c} "
for j in 0..9:
let ags = [(Stand, segs3[c-2][j]), (Hit, hegs3[c-2][j]), (Double, degs3[c-2][j])]
let action = bestAction(ags)
sTable[c-2][j] = action
stdout.write &"{action:^6} "
# For soft scores (at least one ace) - after round 1 (no doubling or splitting).
# Based on soft table figures (round 1) with scores of 12 and 21 added.
# Assumes one ace counted as 11.
segs4: array[10, array[10, float]] # Expected gains if stands.
hegs4: array[10, array[10, float]] # Expected gains if hits.
for i in 1..8:
segs4[i] = segs3[i-1]
hegs4[i] = hegs3[i-1]
let sg12 = stand(1, 1)
let hg12 = hit(1, 1, false)
for j in 0..9:
segs4[0][j] += sg12[j]
hegs4[0][j] += hg12[j]
segs4[9][j] += sg21[j]
hegs4[9][j] += hg21[j]
printHeader("\nSoft Chart - Player Strategy (Round >= 2, No Doubling)")
for i in 12..21:
stdout.write &"{i:2} "
for j in 0..9:
var action = Stand
if hegs4[i-12][j] > segs4[i-12][j]: action = Hit
sTable2[i-12][j] = action
stdout.write &"{action:^6} "
# For pairs.
# Expected gains for each pair (A to 10) & for each dealer up-card.
segs5: array[10, array[10, float]] # if stands.
hegs5: array[10, array[10, float]] # if hits.
degs5: array[10, array[10, float]] # if double.
pegs5: array[10, array[10, float]] # if split.
for c in 1..10:
sg = stand(c, c)
hg = hit(c, c, false)
dg = double(c, c)
pg = split(c)
for j in 0..9:
segs5[c-1][j] += sg[j]
hegs5[c-1][j] += hg[j]
degs5[c-1][j] += dg[j]
pegs5[c-1][j] += pg[j]
printHeader("\nPairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)")
for c in 1..10:
for j in 0..9:
stdout.write &"{segs5[c-1][j]: 0.3f} "
printHeader("\nPairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)")
for c in 1..10:
for j in 0..9:
stdout.write &"{hegs5[c-1][j]: 0.3f} "
printHeader("\nPairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Double)")
for c in 1..10:
for j in 0..9:
stdout.write &"{degs5[c-1][j]: 0.3f} "
printHeader("\nPairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Split)")
for c in 1..10:
for j in 0..9:
stdout.write &"{pegs5[c-1][j]: 0.3f} "
printHeader("\nPairs Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)")
for c in 1..10:
for j in 0..9:
let ags = [(Stand, segs5[c-1][j]), (Hit, hegs5[c-1][j]),
(Double, degs5[c-1][j]), (Split, pegs5[c-1][j])]
let action = bestAction(ags)
pTable[c-1][j] = action
stdout.write &"{action:^6} "
# Do 10 years of simulation.
for i in 1..10:
echo &"Simulation for year {i}:"
simulate(50, 365)
<pre>Dealer Probabilities, Stands on Soft 17, 1 Deck, U.S Rules
Up Card 17 18 19 20 21 Bust
Ace 0.183786 0.190890 0.188680 0.191692 0.075137 0.169815
2 0.138976 0.131762 0.131815 0.123948 0.120526 0.352973
3 0.130313 0.130946 0.123761 0.123345 0.116047 0.375588
4 0.130973 0.114163 0.120679 0.116286 0.115096 0.402803
5 0.119687 0.123483 0.116909 0.104694 0.106321 0.428905
6 0.166948 0.106454 0.107192 0.100705 0.097878 0.420823
7 0.372345 0.138583 0.077334 0.078897 0.072987 0.259854
8 0.130857 0.362989 0.129445 0.068290 0.069791 0.238627
9 0.121886 0.103921 0.357391 0.122250 0.061109 0.233442
10 0.124156 0.122486 0.124421 0.356869 0.039570 0.232499
Hard Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)
P/D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T A
5 -0.293 -0.248 -0.176 -0.104 -0.122 -0.469 -0.513 -0.533 -0.546 -0.659
6 -0.291 -0.232 -0.172 -0.101 -0.119 -0.467 -0.522 -0.533 -0.547 -0.659
7 -0.283 -0.229 -0.163 -0.098 -0.117 -0.471 -0.521 -0.537 -0.547 -0.658
8 -0.276 -0.229 -0.162 -0.100 -0.130 -0.478 -0.523 -0.539 -0.549 -0.648
9 -0.277 -0.224 -0.160 -0.108 -0.134 -0.480 -0.528 -0.543 -0.542 -0.646
10 -0.279 -0.227 -0.172 -0.120 -0.146 -0.484 -0.531 -0.539 -0.537 -0.644
11 -0.277 -0.231 -0.175 -0.123 -0.147 -0.488 -0.529 -0.537 -0.537 -0.646
12 -0.286 -0.241 -0.185 -0.134 -0.151 -0.485 -0.526 -0.535 -0.533 -0.655
13 -0.282 -0.236 -0.181 -0.133 -0.156 -0.488 -0.529 -0.537 -0.534 -0.649
14 -0.282 -0.238 -0.188 -0.134 -0.159 -0.489 -0.529 -0.533 -0.536 -0.651
15 -0.280 -0.239 -0.190 -0.144 -0.169 -0.494 -0.531 -0.536 -0.531 -0.648
16 -0.287 -0.250 -0.194 -0.152 -0.179 -0.495 -0.526 -0.540 -0.530 -0.648
17 -0.147 -0.120 -0.074 -0.044 -0.011 -0.122 -0.405 -0.414 -0.402 -0.459
18 0.119 0.144 0.164 0.202 0.268 0.389 0.096 -0.196 -0.155 -0.082
19 0.385 0.384 0.404 0.448 0.484 0.610 0.577 0.264 0.103 0.308
Hard Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)
P/D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T A
5 -0.131 -0.098 -0.041 0.022 0.019 -0.119 -0.181 -0.262 -0.309 -0.417
6 -0.151 -0.107 -0.055 0.009 0.014 -0.164 -0.234 -0.305 -0.349 -0.443
7 -0.111 -0.072 -0.013 0.053 0.064 -0.069 -0.223 -0.295 -0.332 -0.401
8 -0.015 0.021 0.084 0.136 0.148 0.092 -0.056 -0.213 -0.253 -0.275
9 0.090 0.137 0.181 0.226 0.235 0.194 0.111 -0.052 -0.148 -0.128
10 0.215 0.246 0.277 0.314 0.319 0.277 0.211 0.119 0.030 0.030
11 0.272 0.296 0.327 0.361 0.362 0.293 0.222 0.146 0.107 0.113
12 -0.256 -0.232 -0.206 -0.181 -0.179 -0.241 -0.308 -0.380 -0.378 -0.413
13 -0.315 -0.293 -0.270 -0.252 -0.251 -0.301 -0.362 -0.389 -0.423 -0.440
14 -0.363 -0.353 -0.337 -0.315 -0.313 -0.346 -0.366 -0.426 -0.455 -0.460
15 -0.419 -0.414 -0.406 -0.392 -0.383 -0.351 -0.406 -0.466 -0.496 -0.487
16 -0.461 -0.460 -0.454 -0.448 -0.397 -0.376 -0.426 -0.481 -0.510 -0.497
17 -0.534 -0.536 -0.538 -0.493 -0.484 -0.450 -0.475 -0.529 -0.558 -0.546
18 -0.633 -0.634 -0.597 -0.591 -0.586 -0.567 -0.565 -0.593 -0.624 -0.630
19 -0.750 -0.713 -0.712 -0.709 -0.707 -0.699 -0.697 -0.698 -0.712 -0.740
Hard Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Double)
P/D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T A
5 -0.587 -0.497 -0.352 -0.209 -0.244 -0.938 -1.025 -1.066 -1.093 -1.318
6 -0.560 -0.446 -0.324 -0.186 -0.215 -0.870 -1.023 -1.045 -1.074 -1.295
7 -0.415 -0.317 -0.186 -0.066 -0.059 -0.555 -0.851 -0.936 -0.956 -1.127
8 -0.165 -0.081 0.032 0.143 0.157 -0.140 -0.433 -0.697 -0.743 -0.802
9 0.114 0.193 0.286 0.380 0.393 0.175 0.007 -0.281 -0.442 -0.409
10 0.428 0.492 0.554 0.628 0.638 0.446 0.313 0.164 0.007 0.025
11 0.542 0.592 0.654 0.722 0.724 0.479 0.341 0.223 0.164 0.198
12 -0.511 -0.463 -0.413 -0.362 -0.358 -0.556 -0.690 -0.811 -0.789 -0.827
13 -0.630 -0.587 -0.541 -0.503 -0.503 -0.651 -0.775 -0.807 -0.862 -0.880
14 -0.727 -0.706 -0.673 -0.630 -0.627 -0.723 -0.759 -0.862 -0.915 -0.921
15 -0.838 -0.829 -0.812 -0.783 -0.767 -0.716 -0.826 -0.937 -0.992 -0.973
16 -0.921 -0.920 -0.908 -0.896 -0.793 -0.751 -0.853 -0.961 -1.019 -0.995
17 -1.069 -1.072 -1.076 -0.985 -0.967 -0.901 -0.949 -1.058 -1.116 -1.092
18 -1.265 -1.267 -1.195 -1.182 -1.172 -1.135 -1.130 -1.186 -1.248 -1.260
19 -1.499 -1.425 -1.423 -1.417 -1.414 -1.397 -1.395 -1.396 -1.425 -1.481
Hard Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)
P/D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T A
5 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
6 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
7 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
8 Hit Hit Hit Double Double Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
9 Double Double Double Double Double Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
10 Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Hit Hit
11 Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double
12 Hit Hit Stand Stand Stand Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
13 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
14 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
15 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
16 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
17 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
18 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
19 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
Hard Chart - Player Strategy (Round >= 2, No Doubling)
P/D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T A
4 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
5 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
6 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
7 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
8 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
9 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
10 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
11 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
12 Hit Hit Stand Stand Stand Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
13 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
14 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
15 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
16 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
17 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
18 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
19 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
20 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
21 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
Soft Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)
P/D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T A
A2 -0.283 -0.241 -0.186 -0.119 -0.114 -0.462 -0.508 -0.517 -0.539 -0.662
A3 -0.284 -0.240 -0.170 -0.116 -0.112 -0.460 -0.505 -0.527 -0.538 -0.661
A4 -0.283 -0.224 -0.166 -0.113 -0.109 -0.458 -0.514 -0.526 -0.538 -0.659
A5 -0.266 -0.221 -0.164 -0.111 -0.108 -0.468 -0.515 -0.525 -0.537 -0.659
A6 -0.132 -0.093 -0.037 0.005 0.010 -0.090 -0.385 -0.407 -0.418 -0.483
A7 0.136 0.167 0.204 0.222 0.262 0.412 0.121 -0.179 -0.186 -0.101
A8 0.402 0.420 0.415 0.461 0.482 0.615 0.608 0.288 0.064 0.290
A9 0.656 0.644 0.654 0.682 0.694 0.773 0.785 0.766 0.555 0.681
Soft Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)
P/D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T A
A2 0.039 0.071 0.110 0.159 0.168 0.107 0.039 -0.014 -0.090 -0.184
A3 0.017 0.044 0.091 0.137 0.147 0.060 0.035 -0.060 -0.124 -0.216
A4 -0.012 0.022 0.061 0.108 0.120 0.034 -0.035 -0.114 -0.172 -0.256
A5 -0.032 -0.003 0.038 0.082 0.116 -0.024 -0.084 -0.167 -0.229 -0.296
A6 0.007 0.036 0.077 0.140 0.133 0.060 -0.065 -0.135 -0.189 -0.242
A7 0.065 0.093 0.156 0.175 0.192 0.175 0.047 -0.087 -0.140 -0.160
A8 0.120 0.173 0.187 0.227 0.241 0.222 0.158 0.005 -0.087 -0.081
A9 0.191 0.196 0.230 0.268 0.280 0.243 0.172 0.096 0.007 -0.008
Soft Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Double)
P/D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T A
A2 -0.042 0.028 0.115 0.212 0.230 -0.157 -0.312 -0.373 -0.478 -0.586
A3 -0.047 0.011 0.109 0.204 0.222 -0.175 -0.254 -0.394 -0.479 -0.588
A4 -0.070 0.003 0.085 0.175 0.201 -0.141 -0.314 -0.422 -0.495 -0.613
A5 -0.082 -0.019 0.063 0.148 0.217 -0.189 -0.333 -0.452 -0.536 -0.649
A6 0.013 0.074 0.155 0.280 0.266 0.014 -0.230 -0.345 -0.433 -0.522
A7 0.128 0.189 0.313 0.349 0.385 0.240 -0.015 -0.254 -0.322 -0.359
A8 0.237 0.346 0.373 0.453 0.483 0.325 0.190 -0.060 -0.226 -0.200
A9 0.380 0.392 0.459 0.536 0.560 0.351 0.230 0.111 -0.055 -0.055
Soft Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)
P/D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T A
A2 Hit Hit Double Double Double Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
A3 Hit Hit Double Double Double Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
A4 Hit Hit Double Double Double Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
A5 Hit Hit Double Double Double Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
A6 Double Double Double Double Double Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
A7 Stand Double Double Double Double Stand Stand Hit Hit Stand
A8 Stand Stand Stand Stand Double Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
A9 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
Soft Chart - Player Strategy (Round >= 2, No Doubling)
P/D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T A
12 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
13 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
14 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
15 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
16 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
17 Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
18 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Hit Hit Stand
19 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
20 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
21 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
Pairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)
P/D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T A
AA -0.274 -0.232 -0.178 -0.130 -0.104 -0.452 -0.500 -0.511 -0.531 -0.663
22 -0.291 -0.251 -0.192 -0.107 -0.125 -0.471 -0.515 -0.523 -0.547 -0.660
33 -0.295 -0.246 -0.160 -0.101 -0.119 -0.467 -0.510 -0.542 -0.546 -0.660
44 -0.290 -0.214 -0.152 -0.095 -0.114 -0.463 -0.529 -0.543 -0.547 -0.656
55 -0.256 -0.206 -0.146 -0.090 -0.112 -0.484 -0.531 -0.541 -0.545 -0.653
66 -0.262 -0.211 -0.152 -0.102 -0.165 -0.493 -0.536 -0.549 -0.552 -0.617
77 -0.268 -0.219 -0.164 -0.156 -0.174 -0.502 -0.539 -0.555 -0.510 -0.631
88 -0.275 -0.228 -0.215 -0.165 -0.178 -0.503 -0.551 -0.516 -0.518 -0.644
99 0.137 0.123 0.167 0.203 0.265 0.401 0.065 -0.196 -0.133 -0.055
TT 0.627 0.636 0.645 0.674 0.697 0.765 0.783 0.744 0.583 0.650
Pairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)
P/D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T A
AA 0.095 0.120 0.142 0.182 0.200 0.158 0.093 -0.003 -0.048 -0.075
22 -0.113 -0.082 -0.035 0.036 0.032 -0.092 -0.141 -0.222 -0.277 -0.395
33 -0.153 -0.118 -0.047 0.008 0.014 -0.164 -0.231 -0.310 -0.346 -0.444
44 -0.013 0.028 0.098 0.154 0.175 0.111 -0.055 -0.206 -0.246 -0.268
55 0.224 0.254 0.295 0.347 0.362 0.279 0.207 0.119 0.032 0.042
66 -0.253 -0.222 -0.190 -0.162 -0.194 -0.265 -0.322 -0.386 -0.386 -0.411
77 -0.406 -0.388 -0.369 -0.370 -0.367 -0.389 -0.408 -0.475 -0.516 -0.510
88 -0.454 -0.450 -0.461 -0.453 -0.397 -0.374 -0.426 -0.487 -0.512 -0.490
99 -0.627 -0.638 -0.597 -0.590 -0.587 -0.566 -0.566 -0.595 -0.626 -0.621
TT -0.847 -0.846 -0.846 -0.846 -0.845 -0.843 -0.843 -0.842 -0.840 -0.882
Pairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Double)
P/D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T A
AA -0.019 0.055 0.137 0.216 0.248 -0.137 -0.296 -0.421 -0.468 -0.591
22 -0.582 -0.501 -0.384 -0.214 -0.249 -0.942 -1.030 -1.047 -1.094 -1.320
33 -0.567 -0.472 -0.302 -0.184 -0.215 -0.871 -1.000 -1.065 -1.072 -1.298
44 -0.185 -0.082 0.044 0.162 0.193 -0.108 -0.447 -0.701 -0.741 -0.802
55 0.446 0.510 0.590 0.695 0.724 0.466 0.323 0.175 0.014 0.042
66 -0.505 -0.444 -0.380 -0.325 -0.387 -0.599 -0.711 -0.817 -0.803 -0.823
77 -0.813 -0.777 -0.738 -0.741 -0.734 -0.823 -0.858 -0.978 -1.035 -1.019
88 -0.908 -0.900 -0.922 -0.906 -0.793 -0.747 -0.853 -0.974 -1.024 -0.980
99 -1.255 -1.277 -1.194 -1.181 -1.173 -1.132 -1.133 -1.189 -1.252 -1.242
TT -1.693 -1.693 -1.693 -1.691 -1.690 -1.686 -1.685 -1.684 -1.681 -1.764
Pairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Split)
P/D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T A
AA 1.192 1.223 1.265 1.321 1.344 1.308 1.201 1.039 0.860 0.921
22 -0.128 -0.070 -0.007 0.128 0.126 -0.054 -0.213 -0.383 -0.463 -0.566
33 -0.202 -0.128 0.009 0.117 0.112 -0.115 -0.265 -0.418 -0.509 -0.579
44 -0.236 -0.127 -0.013 0.095 0.083 -0.223 -0.343 -0.493 -0.580 -0.623
55 -0.232 -0.150 -0.038 0.068 0.056 -0.299 -0.448 -0.608 -0.685 -0.695
66 -0.219 -0.135 -0.028 0.068 -0.011 -0.270 -0.413 -0.570 -0.652 -0.660
77 -0.163 -0.084 0.016 0.039 0.053 -0.123 -0.423 -0.564 -0.634 -0.635
88 0.017 0.077 0.106 0.188 0.234 0.202 -0.100 -0.430 -0.464 -0.378
99 0.170 0.170 0.253 0.339 0.359 0.341 0.179 -0.112 -0.268 -0.109
TT 0.412 0.465 0.518 0.596 0.619 0.576 0.447 0.276 0.146 0.140
Pairs Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)
P/D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T A
AA Split Split Split Split Split Split Split Split Split Split
22 Hit Split Split Split Split Split Hit Hit Hit Hit
33 Hit Hit Split Split Split Split Hit Hit Hit Hit
44 Hit Hit Hit Double Double Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
55 Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Hit Double
66 Split Split Split Split Split Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit
77 Split Split Split Split Split Split Hit Hit Stand Hit
88 Split Split Split Split Split Split Split Split Split Split
99 Split Split Split Split Split Stand Split Split Stand Stand
TT Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand
Simulation for year 1:
After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days: 179
Losing days: 180
Breakeven days: 6
Biggest win: 33.0
Biggest loss: 22.5
Total win: 144.0
Total staked: 20623.0
Win % staked: 0.698
Simulation for year 2:
After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days: 168
Losing days: 184
Breakeven days: 13
Biggest win: 25.5
Biggest loss: 25.0
Total loss: 233.0
Total staked: 20553.0
Loss % staked: 1.134
Simulation for year 3:
After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days: 177
Losing days: 176
Breakeven days: 12
Biggest win: 25.5
Biggest loss: 22.0
Total loss: 18.5
Total staked: 20646.0
Loss % staked: 0.090
Simulation for year 4:
After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days: 193
Losing days: 164
Breakeven days: 8
Biggest win: 26.5
Biggest loss: 22.0
Total win: 210.5
Total staked: 20635.0
Win % staked: 1.020
Simulation for year 5:
After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days: 161
Losing days: 191
Breakeven days: 13
Biggest win: 25.0
Biggest loss: 31.0
Total loss: 270.0
Total staked: 20502.0
Loss % staked: 1.317
Simulation for year 6:
After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days: 182
Losing days: 175
Breakeven days: 8
Biggest win: 23.0
Biggest loss: 26.0
Total win: 104.0
Total staked: 20610.0
Win % staked: 0.505
Simulation for year 7:
After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days: 178
Losing days: 181
Breakeven days: 6
Biggest win: 19.0
Biggest loss: 21.5
Total loss: 86.0
Total staked: 20546.0
Loss % staked: 0.419
Simulation for year 8:
After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days: 178
Losing days: 177
Breakeven days: 10
Biggest win: 26.5
Biggest loss: 21.0
Total loss: 127.5
Total staked: 20522.0
Loss % staked: 0.621
Simulation for year 9:
After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days: 173
Losing days: 184
Breakeven days: 8
Biggest win: 25.0
Biggest loss: 24.0
Total loss: 14.5
Total staked: 20551.0
Loss % staked: 0.071
Simulation for year 10:
After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days: 170
Losing days: 178
Breakeven days: 17
Biggest win: 20.0
Biggest loss: 21.5
Total loss: 93.0
Total staked: 20516.0
Loss % staked: 0.453</pre>

Revision as of 16:37, 21 May 2021

Blackjack strategy is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

The objective of this task is to recreate and explore the following strategy charts for the game of blackjack (which is known by many other names as well).

Assume that my casino:

  • uses a single deck,
  • does not allow Double after split,
  • pays out 3 to 2 for Blackjack, and
  • uses these rules.

Begin by assuming the player's dealt hand contains no aces and is not a pair. Create functions which given the players dealt cards and the dealers exposed card returns the number of wins and losses for all possible continuations when the player either sticks or hits. Gather the results together, set a threshold at which you consider it wise to Double the bet and reconstruct the Hard Totals Table enhanced with precise probabilities.

Enhance your analysis by considering the case when the player's hand contains an Ace. Again by considering all continuations recreate the Soft Totals Table again enhanced with precise probabilities.

Finally complete your analysis by considering the case when the player's hand contains a pair. Again by considering all continuations recreate the Pair Splitting Table again enhanced with precise probabilities.

You should now create a function which randomly deals hands. Assuming I play 50 hands at a visit and visit everyday for a year, applying the strategy defined by the tables you have created, answer the following questions:

  • How many days can I expect to win/lose?
  • What can I expect to be my biggest win?
  • What can I expect to be my biggest loss?
  • What can I expect to win/lose over the year?


As the dealer plays automatically, the first thing I did was to write a function which calculates the probabilities of the dealer ending up with various scores according to the Rules. I then checked the resulting table against a similar one on an 'active' online gambling site (which I'd better not link to here) and the results agreed to 6 decimal places.

The task asks us to calculate precise probabilities for all possible continuations after the player stands, hits, doubles or splits but this is impossible if the player 'hits' or 'splits' as we don't know what decisions (s)he will make subsequently. To be reasonably realistic, I decided to anticipate some further strategy tables I've computed for rounds after the initial deal and to assume that further decisions (to hit or stand) will be made in accordance with these tables.

The criterion I've used for doubling down is that this gives a better expected gain (positive or negative) than the other alternatives, taking into account the doubled stake.

Using these assumptions, I've been able to reproduce the 'hard' strategy table exactly and my 'soft' strategy table only differs in one case (A7/A) where I have 'stand' rather than 'hit' though the underlying figures are quite close.

The trickiest part of this task is dealing with the splitting of pairs (I've assumed re-splitting is not allowed though the Rules aren't explicit on this). The criterion used again is that this gives a better expected gain than the alternatives, taking into account the doubled stake.

I decided, given the other uncertainties, to make the simplifying assumption that, after calculating the expected gain for the first split hand as if the second one isn't completed, the expected gain for the second hand will then be exactly the same. This, of course, is not quite right since both hands need to be completed and the probabilities for the second hand will depend on what cards have been drawn for the first hand and the dealer's probabilities will depend on what cards have been drawn for both hands, a very complicated calculation.

However, the 'true' figures are unlikely to be much different from the figures I've actually used which is borne out by my 'pairs' strategy table only differing from the original in 4 cases out of 100 (33/3, 55/A, 77/T and 88/T). Of these, 2 cases have nothing to do with splitting, 1 case (55/A) is extremely marginal and the other 3 are quite close too.

Finally, I've done 10 years of simulations as the basic statistics can vary quite a bit from year to year. However, it will be seen that % loss varies over a narrower range - between about 0.3 and 1.8% for this particular run - which seems reasonable given the casino's edge even after basic strategy is utilized. <lang go>package main

import (



type Deck [11]int // 0:deck size, 1 to 10: number of cards of that denomination

type ActionGain struct {

   action string
   gain   float64


func NewDeck() Deck {

   return Deck{52, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 16}


// Returns probabilities of dealer eventually getting: // 0: 17, 1: 18, 2: 19, 3: 20, 4: 21 (non-blackjack), 5: blackjack (nil), 6: bust. // It is assumed that the dealer has already checked for blackjack, that one deck is used // and that the dealer stands on 'soft' 17. func dealerProbs(upCard int, startDeck Deck) []float64 {

   res := make([]float64, 7)   // results
   decks := make([]Deck, 9)    // decks for each level
   scores := make([]int, 9)    // scores for each level
   elevens := make([]int, 9)   // number of aces for each level scored as 11
   probs := make([]float64, 9) // probs for each level
   decks[0] = startDeck
   scores[0] = upCard
   if upCard == 1 { // an ace
       scores[0] = 11
       elevens[0] = 1
   probs[0] = 1.0
   var f func(lev int) // recursive closure
   f = func(lev int) {
       for c := 1; c < 11; c++ {
           if decks[lev][c] == 0 {
               continue // card no longer present in deck
           // temporary variables for current level
           deck, score, eleven, prob := decks[lev], scores[lev], elevens[lev], probs[lev]
           score += c  // add card to score
           if c == 1 { // score all aces initially as 11
               score += 10
           prob *= float64(deck[c]) / float64(deck[0])
           if score > 21 && eleven > 0 {
               score -= 10 // bust but can demote an ace
           if lev == 0 && ((upCard == 1 && c == 10) || (upCard == 10 && c == 1)) {
               res[5] += prob // blackjack, allow for now
           } else if score >= 17 && score <= 21 {
               res[score-17] += prob // 17 to (non-blackjack) 21
           } else if score > 21 && eleven == 0 {
               res[6] += prob // bust
           } else {
               deck[c]-- // remove card from deck
               deck[0]-- // decrement deck size
               lev2 := lev + 1
               decks[lev2], scores[lev2], elevens[lev2], probs[lev2] = deck, score, eleven, prob
               f(lev2) // get another card
   // but can't have blackjack, so adjust probabilities accordingly
   pnbj := 1 - res[5]
   for i := 0; i < 7; i++ {
       res[i] /= pnbj
   res[5] = 0
   return res


// Prints chart of dealer probabilities (as a check against an external source). func dealerChart() {

   fmt.Println("Dealer Probabilities, Stands on Soft 17, 1 Deck, U.S Rules")
   fmt.Println("Up Card     17        18        19        20        21       Bust")
   deck := NewDeck()
   deck[0] = 51
   for uc := 1; uc < 11; uc++ {
       deck2 := deck
       dp := dealerProbs(uc, deck2)
       if uc > 1 {
           fmt.Printf("%3d      ", uc)
       } else {
           fmt.Print("Ace      ")
       fmt.Printf("%f  %f  %f  %f  %f  %f\n", dp[0], dp[1], dp[2], dp[3], dp[4], dp[6])


// Returns player's expected gain per unit staked after hitting once and then standing. func playerGain(card1, card2, uc int, startDeck Deck) float64 {

   eg := 0.0
   deck := startDeck
   score := card1 + card2
   eleven := false
   if card1 == 1 || card2 == 1 { // an ace
       score += 10
       eleven = true
   for c := 1; c < 11; c++ { // get another card
       if deck[c] == 0 {
           continue // card no longer present in deck
       // temporary variables for current card
       deck2, score2, eleven2 := deck, score, eleven
       score2 += c // add card to score
       if c == 1 { // score all aces initially as 11
           score2 += 10
           eleven2 = true
       prob := float64(deck2[c]) / float64(deck2[0])
       deck2[c]-- // remove card from deck
       deck2[0]-- // decrement deck size
       if score2 > 21 && eleven2 {
           score2 -= 10 // bust but can demote an ace
       if score2 <= 21 {
           dp := dealerProbs(uc, deck2)
           eg += calcGain(score2, dp) * prob
       } else { // bust
           eg -= prob
   return eg


// Returns player's expected gain per unit staked after hitting once and then continuing in accordance // with the tables for rounds >= 2. func playerGain2(card1, card2, uc int, startDeck Deck) float64 {

   eg := 0.0                   // result
   decks := make([]Deck, 9)    // decks for each level
   scores := make([]int, 9)    // scores for each level
   elevens := make([]int, 9)   // number of aces for each level scored as 11
   probs := make([]float64, 9) // probs for each level
   decks[0] = startDeck
   scores[0] = card1 + card2
   if card1 == 1 || card2 == 1 { // an ace
       scores[0] += 10
       elevens[0] = 1
   probs[0] = 1.0
   var f func(lev int) // recursive closure
   f = func(lev int) {
       for c := 1; c < 11; c++ {
           if decks[lev][c] == 0 {
               continue // card no longer present in deck
           // temporary variables for current level
           deck, score, eleven, prob := decks[lev], scores[lev], elevens[lev], probs[lev]
           score += c  // add card to score
           if c == 1 { // score all aces initially as 11
               score += 10
           prob *= float64(deck[c]) / float64(deck[0])
           if score > 21 && eleven > 0 {
               score -= 10 // bust but can demote an ace
           deck[c]-- // remove card from deck
           deck[0]-- // decrement deck size
           if (eleven == 0 && (score >= 17 || (score >= 13 && uc < 7)) ||
               (eleven == 0 && score == 12 && uc >= 4 && uc <= 6) ||
               (eleven > 0 && score == 18 && uc != 9 && uc != 10) ||
               (eleven > 0 && score >= 19)) && score <= 21 {
               dp := dealerProbs(uc, deck)
               eg += calcGain(score, dp) * prob
           } else if score > 21 && eleven == 0 { // bust
               eg -= prob
           } else {
               lev2 := lev + 1
               decks[lev2], scores[lev2], elevens[lev2], probs[lev2] = deck, score, eleven, prob
               f(lev2) // get another card
   return eg


// Calculates gain per unit staked for a given scenario (helper function). func calcGain(pscore int, dp []float64) float64 {

   eg := 0.0
   switch pscore {
   case 17:
       eg += dp[6]                         // dealer is bust
       eg -= dp[1] + dp[2] + dp[3] + dp[4] // dealer has 18 to 21
   case 18:
       eg += dp[0] + dp[6]         // dealer has 17 or is bust
       eg -= dp[2] + dp[3] + dp[4] // dealer has 19 to 21
   case 19:
       eg += dp[0] + dp[1] + dp[6] // dealer has 17, 18 or is bust
       eg -= dp[3] + dp[4]         // dealer has 20 or 21
   case 20:
       eg += dp[0] + dp[1] + dp[2] + dp[6] // dealer has 17 to 19 or is bust
       eg -= dp[4]                         // dealer has (non-blackjack) 21
   case 21:
       eg += dp[0] + dp[1] + dp[2] + dp[3] + dp[6] // dealer has 17 to 20 or is bust
   case 22: // notional
       eg += 1.5 // player blackjack
   case 23: // notional
       eg -= 1 // player bust, loses stake irrespective of what dealer has
   default: // player has less than 17
       eg += dp[6]       // dealer is bust
       eg -= (1 - dp[6]) // dealer isn't bust
   return eg


// Returns player's expected gains per unit staked, for each dealer up-card, after standing. func stand(card1, card2 int) [10]float64 {

   deck := NewDeck()
   deck[0] = 50
   pscore := card1 + card2 // player score
   if card1 == 1 || card2 == 1 {
       pscore += 10
   var egs [10]float64          // results
   for uc := 1; uc < 11; uc++ { // dealer's up-card
       deck2 := deck
       dp := dealerProbs(uc, deck2)
       eg := calcGain(pscore, dp) // expected gain for this up-card
       if uc > 1 {
           egs[uc-2] = eg
       } else { // dealer has Ace
           egs[9] = eg // ace comes last in tables
   return egs


// Returns player's expected gains per unit staked, for each dealer up-card, after hitting once and // then either standing (once == true) or continuing as per the round >= 2 tables (once == false). func hit(card1, card2 int, once bool) [10]float64 {

   deck := NewDeck()
   deck[0] = 50
   var egs [10]float64          // results
   for uc := 1; uc < 11; uc++ { // dealer's up-card
       deck2 := deck
       deck2[0] = 49
       var peg float64 // player's expected gain for this up-card
       if once {
           peg = playerGain(card1, card2, uc, deck2)
       } else {
           peg = playerGain2(card1, card2, uc, deck2)
       if uc > 1 {
           egs[uc-2] = peg
       } else { // dealer has Ace
           egs[9] = peg
   return egs


// Returns player's expected gains per unit oiginally staked, for each dealer up-card, after // doubling i.e. hitting once and then standing with a doubled stake. func double(card1, card2 int) [10]float64 {

   egs := hit(card1, card2, true) // hit once and then stand
   for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
       egs[i] *= 2
   return egs


// Returns player's expected gains per unit originally staked, for each dealer up-card, after // splitting a pair and doubling the stake, getting a second card for each hand and then continuing // in accordace with the rounds >= 2 tables. It is assumed that a player cannot double or re-split // following a split. It is also assumed (in the interests of simplicity) that the expected gains // for each split hand (after calculating the gains for the first hand as though the second hand // is not completed) are exactly the same. func split(card int) [10]float64 {

   deck := NewDeck()
   deck[card] -= 2 // must be a pair
   deck[0] = 50
   var egs [10]float64 // overall results
   // now play a single hand
   score := card
   eleven := 0
   if card == 1 { // an ace
       score = 11
       eleven = 1
   for uc := 1; uc < 11; uc++ { // collect results for each dealer up-card
       if deck[uc] == 0 {
           continue // card no longer present in deck
       deck2 := deck
       ix := uc - 2
       if ix == -1 {
           ix = 9 // in tables ace comes last
       var peg float64 // player expected gain for this up-card
       // get second player card
       for c := 1; c < 11; c++ {
           if deck2[c] == 0 {
               continue // card no longer present in deck
           prob := float64(deck2[c]) / float64(deck2[0])
           deck3 := deck2
           score2 := score + c
           eleven2 := eleven
           if c == 1 { // score all aces initially as 11
               score2 += 10
           if score2 == 21 { // player has blackjack & we know dealer hasn't
               peg += 1.5 * prob
           if score2 > 21 && eleven2 > 0 {
               score2 -= 10 // bust but can demote an ace
           var action string
           if eleven2 > 0 {
               action = sTable2[score2-12][ix] // use soft strategy table, no doubling
           } else { // including pairs as no re-splitting
               action = hTable2[score2-4][ix] // use hard strategy table, no doubling
           var peg2 float64
           if action == "S" {
               dp := dealerProbs(uc, deck3)
               peg2 = calcGain(score2, dp)
           } else {
               peg2 = playerGain2(card, c, uc, deck3)
           peg += peg2 * prob
       if uc > 1 {
           egs[uc-2] = peg * 2 // allow for both hands in overall results
       } else {
           egs[9] = peg * 2 // ditto
   return egs


// Returns the action with the highest expected gain. func bestAction(ags []ActionGain) string {

   max := ags[0].gain
   maxi := 0
   for i := 1; i < len(ags); i++ {
       if ags[i].gain > max {
           max = ags[i].gain
           maxi = i
   return ags[maxi].action


// Prints title and header for a given chart. func printHeader(title string) {

   fmt.Println("P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A")


// Prints header for a pair of cards. func printPair(c int) {

   if c == 1 {
       fmt.Print("AA   ")
   } else if c == 10 {
       fmt.Print("TT   ")
   } else {
       fmt.Printf("%d%d   ", c, c)


// Computed strategy tables. var (

   hTable  = [15][10]string{} // hard strategy table (round 1)
   sTable  = [8][10]string{}  // soft strategy table (round 1)
   pTable  = [10][10]string{} // pairs strategy table (round 1)
   hTable2 = [18][10]string{} // hard strategy table (round >= 2, no doubling)
   sTable2 = [10][10]string{} // soft strategy table (round >= 2, no doubling)


// Simulates 'perDay' blackjack games for 'days' days. func simulate(perDay, days int) {

   winDays, loseDays, evenDays := 0, 0, 0
   bigWin, bigLoss := 0.0, 0.0
   totalGain, totalStake := 0.0, 0.0
   for d := 1; d <= days; d++ {
       dailyGain, dailyStake := 0.0, 0.0
       for p := 1; p <= perDay; p++ {
           gain, stake := playerPlay()
           dailyGain += gain
           dailyStake += stake
       if dailyGain > 0 {
       } else if dailyGain < 0 {
       } else {
       if dailyGain > bigWin {
           bigWin = dailyGain
       } else if -dailyGain > bigLoss {
           bigLoss = -dailyGain
       totalGain += dailyGain
       totalStake += dailyStake
   fmt.Printf("\nAfter playing %d times a day for %d days:\n", perDay, days)
   fmt.Println("Winning days   :", winDays)
   fmt.Println("Losing days    :", loseDays)
   fmt.Println("Breakeven days :", evenDays)
   fmt.Println("Biggest win    :", bigWin)
   fmt.Println("Biggest loss   :", bigLoss)
   if totalGain < 0 {
       fmt.Println("Total loss     :", -totalGain)
       fmt.Println("Total staked   :", totalStake)
       fmt.Printf("Loss %% staked  : %0.3f\n", -totalGain/totalStake*100)
   } else {
       fmt.Println("Total win      :", totalGain)
       fmt.Println("Total staked   :", totalStake)
       fmt.Printf("Win %% staked   : %0.3f\n", totalGain/totalStake*100)


// Simulates a dealer's play for a given player's hand and state of deck. // Returns the player's gain (positive or negative) per unit staked. func dealerPlay(pscore int, next *int, cards, d []int) float64 {

   dscore := d[0] + d[1]
   aces := 0
   if d[0] == 1 || d[1] == 1 { // dealer has an ace
       dscore += 10
   for {
       if dscore > 21 && aces > 0 {
           dscore -= 10 // bust but we can demote an ace
       if dscore > 21 {
           return 1 // dealer is bust and player gains stake
       if dscore >= 17 { // dealer must stick on 17 or above, hard or not
           if dscore > pscore {
               return -1 // dealer wins and player loses stake
           } else if dscore == pscore {
               break // player breaks even
           } else {
               return 1 // dealer loses and player gains stake
       nc := cards[*next] // get new card from pack
       dscore += nc
       if nc == 1 { // count aces initially as 11
           dscore += 10
   return 0


// Simulates the playing of a random player's hand according to the strategy tables. // Returns both the gain (positive or negative) and the stake (1 or 2). func playerPlay() (float64, float64) {

   perm := rand.Perm(52) // randomizes integers from 0 to 51 inclusive
   cards := make([]int, 52)
   for i, r := range perm {
       card := r/4 + 1
       if card > 10 {
           card = 10
       cards[i] = card
   var p, d []int // player and dealer hands
   // initial deal
   for i, card := range cards[0:4] {
       if i < 2 {
           p = append(p, card)
       } else {
           d = append(d, card)
   next := 4 // index of next card to be dealt
   // check if dealer and/or player have blackjack
   dbj := (d[0] == 1 && d[1] == 10) || (d[0] == 10 && d[1] == 1)
   pbj := (p[0] == 1 && p[1] == 10) || (p[0] == 10 && p[1] == 1)
   if dbj {
       if pbj {
           return 0.0, 1.0 // player neither wins nor loses
       return -1.0, 1.0 // player loses stake
   if pbj {
       return 1.5, 1.0 // player wins 1.5 x stake
   uc := d[0] // dealer's up-card for accessing tables
   if uc == 0 {
       uc = 9 // move ace to last place
   } else {
       uc-- // move others down 1
   stake := 1.0       // player's initial stake
   var fscores [2]int // final player scores (one or, after split, two hands)
   var action string
   var score, aces int
   h := func(hand int) { // processes a 'hit'
       for {
           nc := cards[next] // get new card from pack
           score += nc
           if nc == 1 { // count aces initially as 11
               score += 10
           if score > 21 && aces > 0 {
               score -= 10 // bust but we can demote an ace
           if score > 21 {
               fscores[hand] = 22 // player is bust and loses stake
           if action == "D" {
               fscores[hand] = score
           // get further strategy and act accordingly
           if aces == 0 {
               action = hTable2[score-4][uc]
           } else {
               action = sTable2[score-12][uc]
           if action == "S" { // stand
               fscores[hand] = score
   score = p[0] + p[1]
   // get kind of player hand: hard, soft, pair
   var kind string
   if p[0] == p[1] {
       kind = "pair"
   } else if p[0] == 1 || p[1] == 1 {
       kind = "soft"
   } else {
       kind = "hard"
   switch kind {
   case "hard":
       action = hTable[score-5][uc]
   case "soft": // includes one ace
       otherCard := p[0]
       if otherCard == 1 {
           otherCard = p[1]
       score += 10
       aces = 1
       action = sTable[otherCard-2][uc]
   case "pair":
       if p[0] == 1 { // pair of aces
           score += 10
           aces = 2
       action = pTable[p[0]-1][uc]
   switch action {
   case "S": // stand
       fscores[0] = score
   case "H": // hit
   case "D": // double
       stake = 2
   case "P": // split
       for hand := 0; hand < 2; hand++ {
           score = p[0]
           aces = 0
           if score == 1 { // count aces initially as 11
               score = 11
   sum := 0.0
   if fscores[0] < 22 {
       sum += dealerPlay(fscores[0], &next, cards, d) * stake
   } else {
       sum -= 1 * stake // this hand is bust
   if fscores[1] > 0 { // pair
       if fscores[1] < 22 {
           sum += dealerPlay(fscores[1], &next, cards, d)
       } else {
           sum -= 1 // this hand is bust
       stake = 2
   return sum, stake


func main() {

   // print dealer probabilities chart
   // for hard scores (i.e. different cards, no aces)
   tuples := [][2]int{
       {2, 3},
       {2, 4},
       {2, 5}, {3, 4},
       {2, 6}, {3, 5},
       {2, 7}, {3, 6}, {4, 5},
       {2, 8}, {3, 7}, {4, 6},
       {2, 9}, {3, 8}, {4, 7}, {5, 6},
       {2, 10}, {3, 9}, {4, 8}, {5, 7},
       {3, 10}, {4, 9}, {5, 8}, {6, 7},
       {4, 10}, {5, 9}, {6, 8},
       {5, 10}, {6, 9}, {7, 8},
       {6, 10}, {7, 9},
       {7, 10}, {8, 9},
       {8, 10},
       {9, 10},
   // number of tuples for each player score from 5 to 19
   counts := [15]float64{1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1}
   // expected gains for each player score & for each dealer up-card
   segs := [15][10]float64{} // if stands
   hegs := [15][10]float64{} // if hits
   degs := [15][10]float64{} // if doubles
   for _, tuple := range tuples {
       i := tuple[0] + tuple[1]
       sg := stand(tuple[0], tuple[1])
       hg := hit(tuple[0], tuple[1], false)
       dg := double(tuple[0], tuple[1])
       for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
           segs[i-5][j] += sg[j]
           hegs[i-5][j] += hg[j]
           degs[i-5][j] += dg[j]
   // calculate the average per tuple for each score
   for i := 0; i < 15; i++ {
       for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
           segs[i][j] /= counts[i]
           hegs[i][j] /= counts[i]
           degs[i][j] /= counts[i]
   printHeader("\nHard Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)")
   for i := 5; i < 20; i++ {
       fmt.Printf("%2d   ", i)
       for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
           fmt.Printf("% 0.3f ", segs[i-5][j])
   printHeader("\nHard Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)")
   for i := 5; i < 20; i++ {
       fmt.Printf("%2d   ", i)
       for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
           fmt.Printf("% 0.3f ", hegs[i-5][j])
   printHeader("\nHard Chart - Player Expected Gains per original unit (Double)")
   for i := 5; i < 20; i++ {
       fmt.Printf("%2d   ", i)
       for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
           fmt.Printf("% 0.3f ", degs[i-5][j])
   printHeader("\nHard Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)")
   for i := 5; i < 20; i++ {
       fmt.Printf("%2d   ", i)
       for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
           ags := []ActionGain{{"S", segs[i-5][j]}, {"H", hegs[i-5][j]}, {"D", degs[i-5][j]}}
           action := bestAction(ags)
           hTable[i-5][j] = action
           fmt.Printf("%4s   ", action)
   // for hard scores (no aces) - after round 1 (no doubling or splitting)
   // based on hard table figures (round 1) with scores of 4, 20, and 21 added
   segs2 := [18][10]float64{} // expected gains if stands
   hegs2 := [18][10]float64{} // expected gains if hits
   for i := 5; i < 20; i++ {
       segs2[i-4] = segs[i-5]
       hegs2[i-4] = hegs[i-5]
   sg4, hg4 := stand(2, 2), hit(2, 2, false)
   sg20, hg20 := stand(10, 10), hit(10, 10, false)
   sg21, hg21 := stand(1, 10), hit(1, 10, false)
   for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
       segs2[0][j] += sg4[j]
       hegs2[0][j] += hg4[j]
       segs2[16][j] += sg20[j]
       hegs2[16][j] += hg20[j]
       segs2[17][j] += sg21[j]
       hegs2[17][j] += hg21[j]
   printHeader("\nHard Chart - Player Strategy (Round >= 2, No Doubling)")
   for i := 4; i < 22; i++ {
       fmt.Printf("%2d   ", i)
       for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
           action := "S"
           if hegs2[i-4][j] > segs2[i-4][j] {
               action = "H"
           hTable2[i-4][j] = action
           fmt.Printf("%4s   ", action)
   // for soft scores (i.e. including exactly one ace)
   // expected gains for each player second card (2 to 9) & for each dealer up-card
   segs3 := [8][10]float64{} // if stands
   hegs3 := [8][10]float64{} // if hits
   degs3 := [8][10]float64{} // if doubles
   for c := 2; c < 10; c++ {
       sg := stand(1, c)
       hg := hit(1, c, false)
       dg := double(1, c)
       for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
           segs3[c-2][j] += sg[j]
           hegs3[c-2][j] += hg[j]
           degs3[c-2][j] += dg[j]
   printHeader("\nSoft Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)")
   for c := 2; c < 10; c++ {
       fmt.Printf("A%d   ", c)
       for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
           fmt.Printf("% 0.3f ", segs3[c-2][j])
   printHeader("\nSoft Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)")
   for c := 2; c < 10; c++ {
       fmt.Printf("A%d   ", c)
       for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
           fmt.Printf("% 0.3f ", hegs3[c-2][j])
   printHeader("\nSoft Chart - Player Expected Gains per original unit (Double)")
   for c := 2; c < 10; c++ {
       fmt.Printf("A%d   ", c)
       for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
           fmt.Printf("% 0.3f ", degs3[c-2][j])
   printHeader("\nSoft Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)")
   for c := 2; c < 10; c++ {
       fmt.Printf("A%d   ", c)
       for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
           ags := []ActionGain{{"S", segs3[c-2][j]}, {"H", hegs3[c-2][j]}, {"D", degs3[c-2][j]}}
           action := bestAction(ags)
           sTable[c-2][j] = action
           fmt.Printf("%4s   ", action)
   // for soft scores (at least one ace) - after round 1 (no doubling or splitting)
   // based on soft table figures (round 1) with scores of 12 and 21 added
   // assumes one ace counted as 11
   segs4 := [10][10]float64{} // expected gains if stands
   hegs4 := [10][10]float64{} // expected gains if hits
   for i := 1; i < 9; i++ {
       segs4[i] = segs3[i-1]
       hegs4[i] = hegs3[i-1]
   sg12, hg12 := stand(1, 1), hit(1, 1, false)
   for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
       segs4[0][j] += sg12[j]
       hegs4[0][j] += hg12[j]
       segs4[9][j] += sg21[j]
       hegs4[9][j] += hg21[j]
   printHeader("\nSoft Chart - Player Strategy (Round >= 2, No Doubling)")
   for i := 12; i < 22; i++ {
       fmt.Printf("%2d   ", i)
       for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
           action := "S"
           if hegs4[i-12][j] > segs4[i-12][j] {
               action = "H"
           sTable2[i-12][j] = action
           fmt.Printf("%4s   ", action)
   // for pairs
   // expected gains for each pair (A to 10) & for each dealer up-card
   segs5 := [10][10]float64{} // if stands
   hegs5 := [10][10]float64{} // if hits
   degs5 := [10][10]float64{} // if doubles
   pegs5 := [10][10]float64{} // if splits
   for c := 1; c < 11; c++ {
       sg := stand(c, c)
       hg := hit(c, c, false)
       dg := double(c, c)
       pg := split(c)
       for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
           segs5[c-1][j] += sg[j]
           hegs5[c-1][j] += hg[j]
           degs5[c-1][j] += dg[j]
           pegs5[c-1][j] += pg[j]
   printHeader("\nPairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)")
   for c := 1; c < 11; c++ {
       for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
           fmt.Printf("% 0.3f ", segs5[c-1][j])
   printHeader("\nPairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)")
   for c := 1; c < 11; c++ {
       for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
           fmt.Printf("% 0.3f ", hegs5[c-1][j])
   printHeader("\nPairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per original unit (Double)")
   for c := 1; c < 11; c++ {
       for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
           fmt.Printf("% 0.3f ", degs5[c-1][j])
   printHeader("\nPairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per original unit (Split)")
   for c := 1; c < 11; c++ {
       for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
           fmt.Printf("% 0.3f ", pegs5[c-1][j])
   printHeader("\nPairs Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)")
   for c := 1; c < 11; c++ {
       for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
           ags := []ActionGain{{"S", segs5[c-1][j]}, {"H", hegs5[c-1][j]}, {"D", degs5[c-1][j]},
               {"P", pegs5[c-1][j]}}
           action := bestAction(ags)
           pTable[c-1][j] = action
           fmt.Printf("%4s   ", action)
   // do 10 years of simulations
   for i := 1; i <= 10; i++ {
       fmt.Printf("\nSimulation for Year %d:\n", i)
       simulate(50, 365)


Dealer Probabilities, Stands on Soft 17, 1 Deck, U.S Rules
Up Card     17        18        19        20        21       Bust
Ace      0.183786  0.190890  0.188680  0.191692  0.075137  0.169815
  2      0.138976  0.131762  0.131815  0.123948  0.120526  0.352973
  3      0.130313  0.130946  0.123761  0.123345  0.116047  0.375588
  4      0.130973  0.114163  0.120679  0.116286  0.115096  0.402803
  5      0.119687  0.123483  0.116909  0.104694  0.106321  0.428905
  6      0.166948  0.106454  0.107192  0.100705  0.097878  0.420823
  7      0.372345  0.138583  0.077334  0.078897  0.072987  0.259854
  8      0.130857  0.362989  0.129445  0.068290  0.069791  0.238627
  9      0.121886  0.103921  0.357391  0.122250  0.061109  0.233442
 10      0.124156  0.122486  0.124421  0.356869  0.039570  0.232499

Hard Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
 5   -0.293 -0.248 -0.176 -0.104 -0.122 -0.469 -0.513 -0.533 -0.546 -0.659 
 6   -0.291 -0.232 -0.172 -0.101 -0.119 -0.467 -0.522 -0.533 -0.547 -0.659 
 7   -0.283 -0.229 -0.163 -0.098 -0.117 -0.471 -0.521 -0.537 -0.547 -0.658 
 8   -0.276 -0.229 -0.162 -0.100 -0.130 -0.478 -0.523 -0.539 -0.549 -0.648 
 9   -0.277 -0.224 -0.160 -0.108 -0.134 -0.480 -0.528 -0.543 -0.542 -0.646 
10   -0.279 -0.227 -0.172 -0.120 -0.146 -0.484 -0.531 -0.539 -0.537 -0.644 
11   -0.277 -0.231 -0.175 -0.123 -0.147 -0.488 -0.529 -0.537 -0.537 -0.646 
12   -0.286 -0.241 -0.185 -0.134 -0.151 -0.485 -0.526 -0.535 -0.533 -0.655 
13   -0.282 -0.236 -0.181 -0.133 -0.156 -0.488 -0.529 -0.537 -0.534 -0.649 
14   -0.282 -0.238 -0.188 -0.134 -0.159 -0.489 -0.529 -0.533 -0.536 -0.651 
15   -0.280 -0.239 -0.190 -0.144 -0.169 -0.494 -0.531 -0.536 -0.531 -0.648 
16   -0.287 -0.250 -0.194 -0.152 -0.179 -0.495 -0.526 -0.540 -0.530 -0.648 
17   -0.147 -0.120 -0.074 -0.044 -0.011 -0.122 -0.405 -0.414 -0.402 -0.459 
18    0.119  0.144  0.164  0.202  0.268  0.389  0.096 -0.196 -0.155 -0.082 
19    0.385  0.384  0.404  0.448  0.484  0.610  0.577  0.264  0.103  0.308 

Hard Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
 5   -0.131 -0.098 -0.041  0.022  0.019 -0.119 -0.181 -0.262 -0.309 -0.417 
 6   -0.151 -0.107 -0.055  0.009  0.014 -0.164 -0.234 -0.305 -0.349 -0.443 
 7   -0.111 -0.072 -0.013  0.053  0.064 -0.069 -0.223 -0.295 -0.332 -0.401 
 8   -0.015  0.021  0.084  0.136  0.148  0.092 -0.056 -0.213 -0.253 -0.275 
 9    0.090  0.137  0.181  0.226  0.235  0.194  0.111 -0.052 -0.148 -0.128 
10    0.215  0.246  0.277  0.314  0.319  0.277  0.211  0.119  0.030  0.030 
11    0.272  0.296  0.327  0.361  0.362  0.293  0.222  0.146  0.107  0.113 
12   -0.256 -0.232 -0.206 -0.181 -0.179 -0.241 -0.308 -0.380 -0.378 -0.413 
13   -0.315 -0.293 -0.270 -0.252 -0.251 -0.301 -0.362 -0.389 -0.423 -0.440 
14   -0.363 -0.353 -0.337 -0.315 -0.313 -0.346 -0.366 -0.426 -0.455 -0.460 
15   -0.419 -0.414 -0.406 -0.392 -0.383 -0.351 -0.406 -0.466 -0.496 -0.487 
16   -0.461 -0.460 -0.454 -0.448 -0.397 -0.376 -0.426 -0.481 -0.510 -0.497 
17   -0.534 -0.536 -0.538 -0.493 -0.484 -0.450 -0.475 -0.529 -0.558 -0.546 
18   -0.633 -0.634 -0.597 -0.591 -0.586 -0.567 -0.565 -0.593 -0.624 -0.630 
19   -0.750 -0.713 -0.712 -0.709 -0.707 -0.699 -0.697 -0.698 -0.712 -0.740 

Hard Chart - Player Expected Gains per original unit (Double)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
 5   -0.587 -0.497 -0.352 -0.209 -0.244 -0.938 -1.025 -1.066 -1.093 -1.318 
 6   -0.560 -0.446 -0.324 -0.186 -0.215 -0.870 -1.023 -1.045 -1.074 -1.295 
 7   -0.415 -0.317 -0.186 -0.066 -0.059 -0.555 -0.851 -0.936 -0.956 -1.127 
 8   -0.165 -0.081  0.032  0.143  0.157 -0.140 -0.433 -0.697 -0.743 -0.802 
 9    0.114  0.193  0.286  0.380  0.393  0.175  0.007 -0.281 -0.442 -0.409 
10    0.428  0.492  0.554  0.628  0.638  0.446  0.313  0.164  0.007  0.025 
11    0.542  0.592  0.654  0.722  0.724  0.479  0.341  0.223  0.164  0.198 
12   -0.511 -0.463 -0.413 -0.362 -0.358 -0.556 -0.690 -0.811 -0.789 -0.827 
13   -0.630 -0.587 -0.541 -0.503 -0.503 -0.651 -0.775 -0.807 -0.862 -0.880 
14   -0.727 -0.706 -0.673 -0.630 -0.627 -0.723 -0.759 -0.862 -0.915 -0.921 
15   -0.838 -0.829 -0.812 -0.783 -0.767 -0.716 -0.826 -0.937 -0.992 -0.973 
16   -0.921 -0.920 -0.908 -0.896 -0.793 -0.751 -0.853 -0.961 -1.019 -0.995 
17   -1.069 -1.072 -1.076 -0.985 -0.967 -0.901 -0.949 -1.058 -1.116 -1.092 
18   -1.265 -1.267 -1.195 -1.182 -1.172 -1.135 -1.130 -1.186 -1.248 -1.260 
19   -1.499 -1.425 -1.423 -1.417 -1.414 -1.397 -1.395 -1.396 -1.425 -1.481 

Hard Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
 5      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H   
 6      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H   
 7      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H   
 8      H      H      H      D      D      H      H      H      H      H   
 9      D      D      D      D      D      H      H      H      H      H   
10      D      D      D      D      D      D      D      D      H      H   
11      D      D      D      D      D      D      D      D      D      D   
12      H      H      S      S      S      H      H      H      H      H   
13      S      S      S      S      S      H      H      H      H      H   
14      S      S      S      S      S      H      H      H      H      H   
15      S      S      S      S      S      H      H      H      H      H   
16      S      S      S      S      S      H      H      H      H      H   
17      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S   
18      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S   
19      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S   

Hard Chart - Player Strategy (Round >= 2, No Doubling)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
 4      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H   
 5      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H   
 6      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H   
 7      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H   
 8      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H   
 9      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H   
10      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H   
11      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H   
12      H      H      S      S      S      H      H      H      H      H   
13      S      S      S      S      S      H      H      H      H      H   
14      S      S      S      S      S      H      H      H      H      H   
15      S      S      S      S      S      H      H      H      H      H   
16      S      S      S      S      S      H      H      H      H      H   
17      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S   
18      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S   
19      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S   
20      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S   
21      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S   

Soft Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
A2   -0.283 -0.241 -0.186 -0.119 -0.114 -0.462 -0.508 -0.517 -0.539 -0.662 
A3   -0.284 -0.240 -0.170 -0.116 -0.112 -0.460 -0.505 -0.527 -0.538 -0.661 
A4   -0.283 -0.224 -0.166 -0.113 -0.109 -0.458 -0.514 -0.526 -0.538 -0.659 
A5   -0.266 -0.221 -0.164 -0.111 -0.108 -0.468 -0.515 -0.525 -0.537 -0.659 
A6   -0.132 -0.093 -0.037  0.005  0.010 -0.090 -0.385 -0.407 -0.418 -0.483 
A7    0.136  0.167  0.204  0.222  0.262  0.412  0.121 -0.179 -0.186 -0.101 
A8    0.402  0.420  0.415  0.461  0.482  0.615  0.608  0.288  0.064  0.290 
A9    0.656  0.644  0.654  0.682  0.694  0.773  0.785  0.766  0.555  0.681 

Soft Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
A2    0.039  0.071  0.110  0.159  0.168  0.107  0.039 -0.014 -0.090 -0.184 
A3    0.017  0.044  0.091  0.137  0.147  0.060  0.035 -0.060 -0.124 -0.216 
A4   -0.012  0.022  0.061  0.108  0.120  0.034 -0.035 -0.114 -0.172 -0.256 
A5   -0.032 -0.003  0.038  0.082  0.116 -0.024 -0.084 -0.167 -0.229 -0.296 
A6    0.007  0.036  0.077  0.140  0.133  0.060 -0.065 -0.135 -0.189 -0.242 
A7    0.065  0.093  0.156  0.175  0.192  0.175  0.047 -0.087 -0.140 -0.160 
A8    0.120  0.173  0.187  0.227  0.241  0.222  0.158  0.005 -0.087 -0.081 
A9    0.191  0.196  0.230  0.268  0.280  0.243  0.172  0.096  0.007 -0.008 

Soft Chart - Player Expected Gains per original unit (Double)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
A2   -0.042  0.028  0.115  0.212  0.230 -0.157 -0.312 -0.373 -0.478 -0.586 
A3   -0.047  0.011  0.109  0.204  0.222 -0.175 -0.254 -0.394 -0.479 -0.588 
A4   -0.070  0.003  0.085  0.175  0.201 -0.141 -0.314 -0.422 -0.495 -0.613 
A5   -0.082 -0.019  0.063  0.148  0.217 -0.189 -0.333 -0.452 -0.536 -0.649 
A6    0.013  0.074  0.155  0.280  0.266  0.014 -0.230 -0.345 -0.433 -0.522 
A7    0.128  0.189  0.313  0.349  0.385  0.240 -0.015 -0.254 -0.322 -0.359 
A8    0.237  0.346  0.373  0.453  0.483  0.325  0.190 -0.060 -0.226 -0.200 
A9    0.380  0.392  0.459  0.536  0.560  0.351  0.230  0.111 -0.055 -0.055 

Soft Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
A2      H      H      D      D      D      H      H      H      H      H   
A3      H      H      D      D      D      H      H      H      H      H   
A4      H      H      D      D      D      H      H      H      H      H   
A5      H      H      D      D      D      H      H      H      H      H   
A6      D      D      D      D      D      H      H      H      H      H   
A7      S      D      D      D      D      S      S      H      H      S   
A8      S      S      S      S      D      S      S      S      S      S   
A9      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S   

Soft Chart - Player Strategy (Round >= 2, No Doubling)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
12      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H   
13      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H   
14      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H   
15      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H   
16      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H   
17      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H   
18      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      H      H      S   
19      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S   
20      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S   
21      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S   

Pairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
AA   -0.274 -0.232 -0.178 -0.130 -0.104 -0.452 -0.500 -0.511 -0.531 -0.663 
22   -0.291 -0.251 -0.192 -0.107 -0.125 -0.471 -0.515 -0.523 -0.547 -0.660 
33   -0.295 -0.246 -0.160 -0.101 -0.119 -0.467 -0.510 -0.542 -0.546 -0.660 
44   -0.290 -0.214 -0.152 -0.095 -0.114 -0.463 -0.529 -0.543 -0.547 -0.656 
55   -0.256 -0.206 -0.146 -0.090 -0.112 -0.484 -0.531 -0.541 -0.545 -0.653 
66   -0.262 -0.211 -0.152 -0.102 -0.165 -0.493 -0.536 -0.549 -0.552 -0.617 
77   -0.268 -0.219 -0.164 -0.156 -0.174 -0.502 -0.539 -0.555 -0.510 -0.631 
88   -0.275 -0.228 -0.215 -0.165 -0.178 -0.503 -0.551 -0.516 -0.518 -0.644 
99    0.137  0.123  0.167  0.203  0.265  0.401  0.065 -0.196 -0.133 -0.055 
TT    0.627  0.636  0.645  0.674  0.697  0.765  0.783  0.744  0.583  0.650 

Pairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
AA    0.095  0.120  0.142  0.182  0.200  0.158  0.093 -0.003 -0.048 -0.075 
22   -0.113 -0.082 -0.035  0.036  0.032 -0.092 -0.141 -0.222 -0.277 -0.395 
33   -0.153 -0.118 -0.047  0.008  0.014 -0.164 -0.231 -0.310 -0.346 -0.444 
44   -0.013  0.028  0.098  0.154  0.175  0.111 -0.055 -0.206 -0.246 -0.268 
55    0.224  0.254  0.295  0.347  0.362  0.279  0.207  0.119  0.032  0.042 
66   -0.253 -0.222 -0.190 -0.162 -0.194 -0.265 -0.322 -0.386 -0.386 -0.411 
77   -0.406 -0.388 -0.369 -0.370 -0.367 -0.389 -0.408 -0.475 -0.516 -0.510 
88   -0.454 -0.450 -0.461 -0.453 -0.397 -0.374 -0.426 -0.487 -0.512 -0.490 
99   -0.627 -0.638 -0.597 -0.590 -0.587 -0.566 -0.566 -0.595 -0.626 -0.621 
TT   -0.847 -0.846 -0.846 -0.846 -0.845 -0.843 -0.843 -0.842 -0.840 -0.882 

Pairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per original unit (Double)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
AA   -0.019  0.055  0.137  0.216  0.248 -0.137 -0.296 -0.421 -0.468 -0.591 
22   -0.582 -0.501 -0.384 -0.214 -0.249 -0.942 -1.030 -1.047 -1.094 -1.320 
33   -0.567 -0.472 -0.302 -0.184 -0.215 -0.871 -1.000 -1.065 -1.072 -1.298 
44   -0.185 -0.082  0.044  0.162  0.193 -0.108 -0.447 -0.701 -0.741 -0.802 
55    0.446  0.510  0.590  0.695  0.724  0.466  0.323  0.175  0.014  0.042 
66   -0.505 -0.444 -0.380 -0.325 -0.387 -0.599 -0.711 -0.817 -0.803 -0.823 
77   -0.813 -0.777 -0.738 -0.741 -0.734 -0.823 -0.858 -0.978 -1.035 -1.019 
88   -0.908 -0.900 -0.922 -0.906 -0.793 -0.747 -0.853 -0.974 -1.024 -0.980 
99   -1.255 -1.277 -1.194 -1.181 -1.173 -1.132 -1.133 -1.189 -1.252 -1.242 
TT   -1.693 -1.693 -1.693 -1.691 -1.690 -1.686 -1.685 -1.684 -1.681 -1.764 

Pairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per original unit (Split)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
AA    1.192  1.223  1.265  1.321  1.344  1.308  1.201  1.039  0.860  0.921 
22   -0.128 -0.070 -0.007  0.128  0.126 -0.054 -0.213 -0.383 -0.463 -0.566 
33   -0.202 -0.128  0.009  0.117  0.112 -0.115 -0.265 -0.418 -0.509 -0.579 
44   -0.236 -0.127 -0.013  0.095  0.083 -0.223 -0.343 -0.493 -0.580 -0.623 
55   -0.232 -0.150 -0.038  0.068  0.056 -0.299 -0.448 -0.608 -0.685 -0.695 
66   -0.219 -0.135 -0.028  0.068 -0.011 -0.270 -0.413 -0.570 -0.652 -0.660 
77   -0.163 -0.084  0.016  0.039  0.053 -0.123 -0.423 -0.564 -0.634 -0.635 
88    0.017  0.077  0.106  0.188  0.234  0.202 -0.100 -0.430 -0.464 -0.378 
99    0.170  0.170  0.253  0.339  0.359  0.341  0.179 -0.112 -0.268 -0.109 
TT    0.412  0.465  0.518  0.596  0.619  0.576  0.447  0.276  0.146  0.140 

Pairs Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
AA      P      P      P      P      P      P      P      P      P      P   
22      H      P      P      P      P      P      H      H      H      H   
33      H      H      P      P      P      P      H      H      H      H   
44      H      H      H      D      D      H      H      H      H      H   
55      D      D      D      D      D      D      D      D      H      D   
66      P      P      P      P      P      H      H      H      H      H   
77      P      P      P      P      P      P      H      H      S      H   
88      P      P      P      P      P      P      P      P      P      P   
99      P      P      P      P      P      S      P      P      S      S   
TT      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S   

Simulation for Year 1:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days   : 170
Losing days    : 185
Breakeven days : 10
Biggest win    : 20
Biggest loss   : 20.5
Total loss     : 263
Total staked   : 20498
Loss % staked  : 1.283

Simulation for Year 2:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days   : 171
Losing days    : 184
Breakeven days : 10
Biggest win    : 18.5
Biggest loss   : 22.5
Total loss     : 332.5
Total staked   : 20515
Loss % staked  : 1.621

Simulation for Year 3:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days   : 154
Losing days    : 204
Breakeven days : 7
Biggest win    : 28
Biggest loss   : 24
Total loss     : 339.5
Total staked   : 20461
Loss % staked  : 1.659

Simulation for Year 4:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days   : 164
Losing days    : 191
Breakeven days : 10
Biggest win    : 26.5
Biggest loss   : 26.5
Total loss     : 211.5
Total staked   : 20587
Loss % staked  : 1.027

Simulation for Year 5:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days   : 175
Losing days    : 186
Breakeven days : 4
Biggest win    : 18
Biggest loss   : 21.5
Total loss     : 162
Total staked   : 20493
Loss % staked  : 0.791

Simulation for Year 6:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days   : 179
Losing days    : 177
Breakeven days : 9
Biggest win    : 25.5
Biggest loss   : 26
Total win      : 55.5
Total staked   : 20495
Win % staked   : 0.271

Simulation for Year 7:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days   : 162
Losing days    : 190
Breakeven days : 13
Biggest win    : 26.5
Biggest loss   : 27
Total loss     : 274
Total staked   : 20545
Loss % staked  : 1.334

Simulation for Year 8:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days   : 165
Losing days    : 192
Breakeven days : 8
Biggest win    : 21
Biggest loss   : 25.5
Total loss     : 329
Total staked   : 20536
Loss % staked  : 1.602

Simulation for Year 9:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days   : 169
Losing days    : 186
Breakeven days : 10
Biggest win    : 18.5
Biggest loss   : 26.5
Total loss     : 241
Total staked   : 20549
Loss % staked  : 1.173

Simulation for Year 10:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days   : 173
Losing days    : 183
Breakeven days : 9
Biggest win    : 23
Biggest loss   : 19
Total loss     : 370
Total staked   : 20541
Loss % staked  : 1.801


Translation of: Go

<lang Nim>import random, sequtils, strformat, strutils


 Card = 1..10
 Deck = object
   size: int
   cards: array[Card, int]
 HandKind {.pure.} = enum Hard, Soft, Pair
 Action {.pure.} = enum Stand, Hit, Double, Split
 ActionGain = tuple[action: Action; gain: float]


 # Computed strategy tables.
 hTable: array[15, array[10, Action]]    # Hard strategy table (round 1).
 sTable: array[8, array[10, Action]]     # Soft strategy table (round 1).
 pTable: array[10, array[10, Action]]    # Pairs strategy table (round 1).
 hTable2: array[18, array[10, Action]]   # Hard strategy table (round >= 2, no doubling).
 sTable2: array[10, array[10, Action]]   # Soft strategy table (round >= 2, no doubling).

func initDeck(): Deck =

 Deck(size: 52, cards: [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 16])

func `<`(ag1, ag2: ActionGain): bool = ag1.gain < ag2.gain

func dealerProbs(upcard: Card; startDeck: Deck): array[7, float] =

 ## Returns probabilities of dealer eventually getting:
 ## 0: 17, 1: 18, 2: 19, 3: 20, 4: 21 (non-blackjack), 5: blackjack (nil), 6: bust.
 ## It is assumed that the dealer has already checked for blackjack, that one deck is used
 ## and that the dealer stands on 'soft' 17.
   res: array[7, float]    # Results.
   decks: array[9, Deck]   # Decks for each level.
   scores: array[9, int]   # Scores for each level.
   elevens: array[9, int]  # Number of aces for each level scored as 11.
   probs: array[9, float]  # Probabilities for each level.
 decks[0] = startDeck
 scores[0] = upCard
 if upcard == 1:
   # An ace.
   scores[0] = 11
   elevens[0] = 1
 probs[0] = 1.0
 proc drawCard(lev: Natural) =
   ## Recursive closure.
   for c in Card.low..Card.high:
     if decks[lev].cards[c] == 0: continue   # Card no longer present in deck.
     # Temporary variables for current level.
       deck = decks[lev]
       score = scores[lev]
       eleven = elevens[lev]
       prob = probs[lev]
     inc score, c  # Add card to score.
     if c == 1:
       # Score all aces initially as 11.
       inc score, 10
       inc eleven
     prob *=[c] / deck.size
     if score > 21 and eleven > 0:
       dec score, 10   # Bust but can demote an ace.
       dec eleven
     if lev == 0 and (upCard == 1 and c == 10 or upCard == 10 and c == 1):
       res[5] += prob          # Blackjack, allow for now.
     elif score in 17..21:
       res[score-17] += prob   # 17 to (non-blackjack) 21.
     elif score > 21 and eleven == 0:
       res[6] += prob          # Bust.
       dec[c]   # Remove card from deck.
       dec deck.size
       let lev = lev + 1
       decks[lev] = deck
       scores[lev] = score
       elevens[lev] = eleven
       probs[lev] = prob
 # But can't have blackjack, so adjust probabilities accordingly.
 let pnbj = 1 - res[5]
 for i in 0..6: res[i] /= pnbj
 res[5] = 0
 result = res

proc dealerChart =

 ## Print chart of dealer probabilities (as a check against an external source).
 echo "Dealer Probabilities, Stands on Soft 17, 1 Deck, U.S Rules"
 echo "Up Card     17        18        19        20        21       Bust"
 echo "———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————"
 var deck = initDeck()
 deck.size = 51
 for uc in Card.low..Card.high:
   var deck2 = deck
   let dp = dealerProbs(uc, deck2)
   stdout.write if uc > 1: &"{uc:3}    " else: "Ace    "
   for i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6]: stdout.write &"  {dp[i]:.6f}"

func calcGain(pscore: int; dp: openArray[float]): float =

 ## Calculates gain per unit staked for a given scenario (helper function).
 case pscore
 of 17:
   result += dp[6]                                 # Dealer is bust.
   result -= dp[1] + dp[2] + dp[3] + dp[4]         # Dealer has 18 to 21.
 of 18:
   result += dp[0] + dp[6]                         # Dealer has 17 or is bust.
   result -= dp[2] + dp[3] + dp[4]                 # Dealer has 19 to 21.
 of 19:
   result += dp[0] + dp[1] + dp[6]                 # Dealer has 17, 18 or is bust.
   result -= dp[3] + dp[4]                         # Dealer has 20 or 21.
 of 20:
   result += dp[0] + dp[1] + dp[2] + dp[6]         # Dealer has 17 to 19 or is bust.
   result -= dp[4]                                 # Dealer has (non-blackjack) 21.
 of 21:
   result += dp[0] + dp[1] + dp[2] + dp[3] + dp[6] # Dealer has 17 to 20 or is bust.
 of 22: # Notional.
   result += 1.5                                   # Player blackjack.
 of 23: # Notional.
   result -= 1       # Player bust, loses stake irrespective of what dealer has.
 else: # Player has less than 17
   result += dp[6]                                 # Dealer is bust.
   result -= 1 - dp[6]                             # Dealer isn't bust.

func playerGain(card1, card2, uc: Card; startDeck: Deck): float =

 ## Returns player's expected gain per unit staked after hitting once and then standing.
 let deck = startDeck
   score = card1 + card2
   eleven = false
 if card1 == 1 or card2 == 1:
   inc score, 10
   eleven = true
 for c in Card.low..Card.high:
   # Get another card.
   if[c] == 0: continue   # Card no longer present in deck.
   # Temporary variables for current card.
     deck2 = deck
     score2 = score
     eleven2 = eleven
   inc score2, c   # Add card to score.
   if c == 1:
     # Score all aces initially as 11.
     inc score2, 10
     eleven2 = true
   let prob =[c] / deck2.size
   dec deck2.size
   if score2 > 21 and eleven2:
     dec score2, 10  # Bust but can demote an ace.
   if score2 <= 21:
     let dp = dealerProbs(uc, deck2)
     result += calcGain(score2, dp) * prob
     # Bust.
     result -= prob

func playerGain2(card1, card2, uc: Card; startDeck: Deck): float =

 ## Return player's expected gain per unit staked after hitting once
 ## and then continuing in accordance with the tables for rounds >= 2.
   eg = 0.0                # Result.
   decks: array[9, Deck]   # Decks for each level.
   scores: array[9, int]   # Scores for each level.
   elevens: array[9, int]  # Number of aces for each level scored as 11.
   probs: array[9, float]  # Probabilities for each level.
 decks[0] = startDeck
 scores[0] = card1 + card2
 if card1 == 1 or card2 == 1:
   inc scores[0], 10
   elevens[0] = 1
 probs[0] = 1.0
 proc drawCard(lev: Natural) =
   ## Recursive closure.
   for c in Card.low..Card.high:
     if decks[lev].cards[c] == 0: continue   # Card no longer present in deck.
     # Temporary variables for current level.
       deck = decks[lev]
       score = scores[lev]
       eleven = elevens[lev]
       prob = probs[lev]
     inc score, c  # Add card to score.
     if c == 1:
       # Score all aces initially as 11.
       inc score, 10
       inc eleven
     prob *=[c] / deck.size
     if score > 21 and eleven > 0:
       dec score, 10   # Bust but can demote an ace.
       dec eleven
     dec[c] # Remove card from deck.
     dec deck.size
     if (eleven == 0 and (score >= 17 or score >= 13 and uc < 7) or
         eleven == 0 and score == 12 and uc >= 4 and  uc <= 6 or
         eleven > 0 and score == 18 and uc != 9 and  uc != 10 or
         eleven > 0 and score >= 19) and score <= 21:
         let dp = dealerProbs(uc, deck)
         eg += calcGain(score, dp) * prob
     elif score > 21 and eleven == 0:
       # Bust.
       eg -= prob
       let lev = lev + 1
       decks[lev] = deck
       scores[lev] = score
       elevens[lev] = eleven
       probs[lev] = prob
 result = eg

func stand(card1, card2: Card): array[10, float] =

 ## Return player's expected gains per unit staked, for each dealer up-card, after standing.
 var deck = initDeck()
 deck.size = 50
 var pscore = card1 + card2    # Player score.
 if card1 == 1 or card2 == 1:
   inc pscore, 10
 for uc in Card.low..Card.high:  # Dealer's up-card.
   var deck2 = deck
   dec deck2.size
   let dp = dealerProbs(uc, deck2)
   let eg = calcGain(pscore, dp)   # Expected gain for this up-card.
   if uc > 1:
     result[uc-2] = eg
   else: # Dealer has Ace.
     result[9] = eg  # Ace comes last in tables.

func hit(card1, card2: Card; once: bool): array[10, float] =

 ## Return player's expected gains per unit staked, for each dealer
 ## up-card, after hitting once and then either standing (once == true)
 ## or continuing as per the round >= 2 tables (once == false).
 var deck = initDeck()
 deck.size = 50
 for uc in Card.low..Card.high:  # Dealer's up-card.
   var deck2 = deck
   deck2.size = 49
   # Player's expected gain for this up-card.
   let peg = if once: playerGain(card1, card2, uc, deck2)
             else: playerGain2(card1, card2, uc, deck2)
   if uc > 1:
     result[uc-2] = peg
   else: # Dealer has Ace.
     result[9] = peg

func double(card1, card2: Card): array[10, float] =

 ## Return player's expected gains per unit originally staked,
 ## for each dealer up-card, after doubling i.e. hitting once
 ## and then standing with a doubled stake.
 result = hit(card1, card2, true)   # Hit once and then stand.
 for item in result.mitems:
   item *= 2

proc split(card: Card): array[10, float] =

 ## Return player's expected gains per unit originally staked, for each dealer up-card, after
 ## splitting a pair and doubling the stake, getting a second card for each hand and then
 ## continuing in accordance with the rounds >= 2 tables. It is assumed that a player cannot
 ## double or re-split following a split. It is also assumed (in the interests of simplicity)
 ## that the expected gains for each split hand (after calculating the gains for the first hand
 ## as though the second hand is not completed) are exactly the same.
 var deck = initDeck()
 dec[card], 2   # Must be a pair.
 deck.size = 50
 # Now play a single hand.
 var score: int = card
 var eleven = 0
 if card == 1:
   score = 11
   eleven = 1
 for uc in Card.low..Card.high:  # Collect results for each dealer up-card.
   if[uc] == 0: continue   # Card no longer present in deck.
   var deck2 = deck
   dec deck2.size
   var ix = uc - 2
   if ix == -1: ix = 9   # In tables ace comes last.
   var peg: float  # Player expected gain for this up-card.
   # Get second player card.
   for c in Card.low..Card.high:
     if[c] == 0: continue   # Card no longer present in deck.
     let prob =[c] / deck2.size
     var deck3 = deck2
     dec deck3.size
     var score2 = score + c
     var eleven2 = eleven
     if c == 1:
       # Score all aces initially as 11.
       inc score2, 10
       inc eleven2
     if score2 == 21:
       # Player has blackjack & we know dealer hasn't.
       peg += 1.5 * prob
     if score2 > 21 and eleven2 > 0:
       dec score2, 10  # Bust but can demote an ace.
       dec eleven2
     let action = if eleven2 > 0: sTable2[score2-12][ix] # Use soft strategy table, no doubling.
                  else:  hTable2[score2-4][ix]           # Use hard strategy table, no doubling
     let peg2 =  if action == Stand: calcGain(score2, dealerProbs(uc, deck3))
                 else: playerGain2(card, c, uc, deck3)
     peg += peg2 * prob
   if uc > 1:
     result[uc-2] = peg * 2    # Allow for both hands in overall results.
     result[9] = peg * 2       # Ditto.

func bestAction(ags: openArray[ActionGain]): Action =

 ## Return the action with the highest expected gain.

proc printHeader(title: string) =

 ## Print title and header for a given chart.
 echo title
 echo "P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A"
 echo "——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————"

proc printPair(c: Card) =

 ## Print header for a pair of cards.
 stdout.write if c == 1: "AA   " elif c == 10: "TT   " else: &"{c}{c}   "

func dealerPlay(pscore: int, next: var int; cards, d: openArray[Card]): float =

 ## Simulate a dealer's play for a given player's hand and state of deck.
 ## Return the player's gain (positive or negative) per unit staked.
 var dscore = d[0] + d[1]
 var aces = 0
 if d[0] == 1 or d[1] == 1:
   # Dealer has an ace.
   inc dscore, 10
   inc aces
 while true:
   if dscore > 21 and aces > 0:
     dec dscore, 10    # Bust but we can demote an ace.
     dec aces
   if dscore > 21:
     return 1      # Dealer is bust and player gains stake.
   if dscore >= 17:
     # Dealer must stick on 17 or above, hard or not.
     if dscore > pscore:
       return -1   # Dealer wins and player loses stake.
     if dscore == pscore:
       break       # Player breaks even.
     return 1      # Dealer loses and player gains stake.
   let nc = cards[next]  # Get new card from pack.
   inc next
   inc dscore, nc
   if nc == 1:
     # Count aces initially as 11.
     inc dscore, 10
     inc aces

proc playerPlay(): (float, float) =

 ## Simulate the playing of a random player's hand according to the strategy tables.
 ## Return both the gain (positive or negative) and the stake (1 or 2).
 var perm = toSeq(0..51)
 var cards: array[52, Card]
 for i, r in perm:
   var card = r div 4 + 1
   if card > 10: card = 10
   cards[i] = card
 var p, d: seq[Card]   # Player and dealer hands.
 # Initial deal.
 p.add cards[0..1]
 d.add cards[2..3]
 var next = 4    # Index of next card to be dealt.
 # Check if dealer and/or player have blackjack.
 let dbj = d[0] == 1 and d[1] == 10 or d[0] == 10 and d[1] == 1
 let pbj = p[0] == 1 and p[1] == 10 or p[0] == 10 and p[1] == 1
 if dbj:
   if pbj: return (0.0, 1.0) # Player neither wins nor loses.
   else: return (-1.0, 1.0)  # Player loses stake.
 if pbj: return (1.5, 1.0)   # Player wins 1.5 x stake.
 var uc = d[0] - 2       # Dealer's up-card as index to access tables.
 if uc < 0: uc = 9       # Ace is at last place in tables.
 var stake = 1.0             # Player's initial stake.
 var fscores: array[2, int]  # Final player scores (one or, after split, two hands).
 var action: Action
 var score, aces: int
 proc h(hand: int) =
   ## Process a hit.
   while true:
     let nc = cards[next]  # Get new card from pack.
     inc next
     inc score, nc
     if nc == 1:
       # Count aces initially as 11.
       inc score, 10
       inc aces
     if score > 21 and aces > 0:
       dec score, 10   # Bust but we can demote an ace.
       dec aces
     if score > 21:
       fscores[hand] = 22  # Player is bust and loses stake.
     if action == Double:
       fscores[hand] = score
     # Get further strategy and act accordingly.
     action = if aces == 0: hTable2[score-4][uc] else: sTable2[score-12][uc]
     if action == Stand:
       fscores[hand] = score
 score = p[0] + p[1]
 # Get kind of player hand: hard, soft, pair.
 let kind = if p[0] == p[1]: Pair elif p[0] == 1 or p[1] == 1: Soft else: Hard
 case kind
 of Hard:
   action = hTable[score-5][uc]
 of Soft:  # includes one ace.
   let othercard = if p[0] == 1: p[1] else: p[0]
   inc score, 10
   aces = 1
   action = sTable[otherCard-2][uc]
 of Pair:
   if p[0] == 1:
     # Pair of aces.
     inc score, 10
     aces = 2
   action = pTable[p[0]-1][uc]
 case action
 of Stand:
   fscores[0] = score
 of Hit:
 of Double:
   stake = 2
 of Split:
   for hand in 0..1:
     score = p[0]
     aces = 0
     if score == 1:
       # Count aces initially as 11.
       score = 11
       inc aces
 var sum = 0.0
 if fscores[0] < 22:
   sum += dealerPlay(fscores[0], next, cards, d) * stake
   sum -= 1 * stake  # This hand is bust.
 if fscores[1] > 0:
   # Pair.
   if fscores[1] < 22:
     sum += dealerPlay(fscores[1], next, cards, d)
     sum -= 1
   stake = 2
 result = (sum, stake)

proc simulate(perDay, days: int) =

 ## Simulate "perDay" blackjack games for "days" days.
   winDays, loseDays, evenDays = 0
   bigWin, bigLoss = 0.0
   totalGain, totalStake = 0.0
 for d in 1..days:
   var dailyGain, dailyStake = 0.0
   for p in 1..perDay:
     let (gain, stake) = playerPlay()
     dailyGain += gain
     dailyStake += stake
   if dailyGain > 0: inc winDays
   elif dailyGain < 0: inc loseDays
   else: inc evenDays
   if dailyGain > bigWin: bigWin = dailyGain
   elif -dailyGain > bigLoss: bigLoss = -dailyGain
   totalGain += dailyGain
   totalStake += dailyStake
 echo &"\nAfter playing {perDay} times a day for {days} days:"
 echo "Winning days:   ", winDays
 echo "Losing days:    ", loseDays
 echo "Breakeven days: ", evenDays
 echo "Biggest win:    ", bigWin
 echo "Biggest loss:   ", bigLoss
 if totalGain < 0:
   echo "Total loss:     ", -totalGain
   echo "Total staked:   ", totalStake
   echo &"Loss % staked:  {-totalGain/totalStake*100:0.3f}\n"
   echo "Total win:      ", totalGain
   echo "Total staked:   ", totalStake
   echo &"Win % staked:  {totalGain/totalStake*100:0.3f}\n"

proc main() =

 # Print dealer probabilities chart.
 # For hard scores (i.e. different cards, no aces).
 const Tuples = [(2, 3),
                 (2, 4),
                 (2, 5), (3, 4),
                 (2, 6), (3, 5),
                 (2, 7), (3, 6), (4, 5),
                 (2, 8), (3, 7), (4, 6),
                 (2, 9), (3, 8), (4, 7), (5, 6),
                 (2, 10), (3, 9), (4, 8), (5, 7),
                 (3, 10), (4, 9), (5, 8), (6, 7),
                 (4, 10), (5, 9), (6, 8),
                 (5, 10), (6, 9), (7, 8),
                 (6, 10), (7, 9),
                 (7, 10), (8, 9),
                 (8, 10),
                 (9, 10)]
 # Number of tuples for each player score from 5 to 19.
 const Counts = [float 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1]
 # Expected gains for each player score & for each dealer up-card.
   segs: array[15, array[10, float]]  # if stands.
   hegs: array[15, array[10, float]]  # if hits.
   degs: array[15, array[10, float]]  # if doubles.
 for t in Tuples:
   let i = t[0] + t[1]
   let sg = stand(t[0], t[1])
   let hg = hit(t[0], t[1], false)
   let dg = double(t[0], t[1])
   for j in 0..9:
     segs[i-5][j] += sg[j]
     hegs[i-5][j] += hg[j]
     degs[i-5][j] += dg[j]
 # Calculate the average per tuple for each score.
 for i in 0..14:
   for j in 0..9:
     segs[i][j] /= Counts[i]
     hegs[i][j] /= Counts[i]
     degs[i][j] /= Counts[i]
 printHeader("\nHard Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)")
 for i in 5..19:
   stdout.write &"{i:2}   "
   for j in 0..9:
     stdout.write &"{segs[i-5][j]: 0.3f} "
 printHeader("\nHard Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)")
 for i in 5..19:
   stdout.write &"{i:2}   "
   for j in 0..9:
     stdout.write &"{hegs[i-5][j]: 0.3f} "
 printHeader("\nHard Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Double)")
 for i in 5..19:
   stdout.write &"{i:2}   "
   for j in 0..9:
     stdout.write &"{degs[i-5][j]: 0.3f} "
 printHeader("\nHard Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)")
 for i in 5..19:
   stdout.write &"{i:2}   "
   for j in 0..9:
     let ags = [(Stand, segs[i-5][j]), (Hit, hegs[i-5][j]), (Double, degs[i-5][j])]
     let action = bestAction(ags)
     hTable[i-5][j] = action
     stdout.write &"{action:^6} "
 # For hard scores (no aces) - after round 1 (no doubling or splitting).
 # Based on hard table figures (round 1) with scores of 4, 20, and 21 added.
   segs2: array[18, array[10, float]]   # Expected gains if stands.
   hegs2: array[18, array[10, float]]   # Expected gains if hits.
 for i in 5..19:
   segs2[i-4] = segs[i-5]
   hegs2[i-4] = hegs[i-5]
 let sg4 = stand(2, 2)
 let hg4 = hit(2, 2, false)
 let sg20 = stand(10, 10)
 let hg20 = hit(10, 10, false)
 let sg21 = stand(1, 10)
 let hg21 = hit(1, 10, false)
 for j in 0..9:
   segs2[0][j] += sg4[j]
   hegs2[0][j] += hg4[j]
   segs2[16][j] += sg20[j]
   hegs2[16][j] += hg20[j]
   segs2[17][j] += sg21[j]
   hegs2[17][j] += hg21[j]
 printHeader("\nHard Chart - Player Strategy (Round >= 2, No Doubling)")
 for i in 4..21:
   stdout.write &"{i:2}   "
   for j in 0..9:
     var action = Stand
     if hegs2[i-4][j] > segs2[i-4][j]: action = Hit
     hTable2[i-4][j] = action
     stdout.write &"{action:^6} "
 # For soft scores (i.e. including exactly one ace).
 # Expected gains for each player second card (2 to 9) & for each dealer up-card.
   segs3: array[8, array[10, float]]   # if stands.
   hegs3: array[8, array[10, float]]   # if hits.
   degs3: array[8, array[10, float]]   # if doubles.
 for c in 2..9:
   let sg = stand(1, c)
   let hg = hit(1, c, false)
   let dg = double(1, c)
   for j in 0..9:
     segs3[c-2][j] += sg[j]
     hegs3[c-2][j] += hg[j]
     degs3[c-2][j] += dg[j]
 printHeader("\nSoft Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)")
 for c in 2..9:
   stdout.write &"A{c}   "
   for j in 0..9:
     stdout.write &"{segs3[c-2][j]: 0.3f} "

 printHeader("\nSoft Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)")
 for c in 2..9:
   stdout.write &"A{c}   "
   for j in 0..9:
     stdout.write &"{hegs3[c-2][j]: 0.3f} "

 printHeader("\nSoft Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Double)")
 for c in 2..9:
   stdout.write &"A{c}   "
   for j in 0..9:
     stdout.write &"{degs3[c-2][j]: 0.3f} "

 printHeader("\nSoft Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)")
 for c in 2..9:
   stdout.write &"A{c}   "
   for j in 0..9:
     let ags = [(Stand, segs3[c-2][j]), (Hit, hegs3[c-2][j]), (Double, degs3[c-2][j])]
     let action = bestAction(ags)
     sTable[c-2][j] = action
     stdout.write &"{action:^6} "

 # For soft scores (at least one ace) - after round 1 (no doubling or splitting).
 # Based on soft table figures (round 1) with scores of 12 and 21 added.
 # Assumes one ace counted as 11.
   segs4: array[10, array[10, float]]  # Expected gains if stands.
   hegs4: array[10, array[10, float]]  # Expected gains if hits.
 for i in 1..8:
   segs4[i] = segs3[i-1]
   hegs4[i] = hegs3[i-1]
 let sg12 = stand(1, 1)
 let hg12 = hit(1, 1, false)
 for j in 0..9:
   segs4[0][j] += sg12[j]
   hegs4[0][j] += hg12[j]
   segs4[9][j] += sg21[j]
   hegs4[9][j] += hg21[j]
 printHeader("\nSoft Chart - Player Strategy (Round >= 2, No Doubling)")
 for i in 12..21:
   stdout.write &"{i:2}   "
   for j in 0..9:
     var action = Stand
     if hegs4[i-12][j] > segs4[i-12][j]: action = Hit
     sTable2[i-12][j] = action
     stdout.write &"{action:^6} "

 # For pairs.
 # Expected gains for each pair (A to 10) & for each dealer up-card.
   segs5: array[10, array[10, float]]  # if stands.
   hegs5: array[10, array[10, float]]  # if hits.
   degs5: array[10, array[10, float]]  # if double.
   pegs5: array[10, array[10, float]]  # if split.
 for c in 1..10:
     sg = stand(c, c)
     hg = hit(c, c, false)
     dg = double(c, c)
     pg = split(c)
   for j in 0..9:
     segs5[c-1][j] += sg[j]
     hegs5[c-1][j] += hg[j]
     degs5[c-1][j] += dg[j]
     pegs5[c-1][j] += pg[j]
 printHeader("\nPairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)")
 for c in 1..10:
   for j in 0..9:
     stdout.write &"{segs5[c-1][j]: 0.3f} "
 printHeader("\nPairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)")
 for c in 1..10:
   for j in 0..9:
     stdout.write &"{hegs5[c-1][j]: 0.3f} "
 printHeader("\nPairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Double)")
 for c in 1..10:
   for j in 0..9:
     stdout.write &"{degs5[c-1][j]: 0.3f} "
 printHeader("\nPairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Split)")
 for c in 1..10:
   for j in 0..9:
     stdout.write &"{pegs5[c-1][j]: 0.3f} "
 printHeader("\nPairs Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)")
 for c in 1..10:
   for j in 0..9:
     let ags = [(Stand, segs5[c-1][j]), (Hit, hegs5[c-1][j]),
                (Double, degs5[c-1][j]), (Split, pegs5[c-1][j])]
     let action = bestAction(ags)
     pTable[c-1][j] = action
     stdout.write &"{action:^6} "
 # Do 10 years of simulation.
 for i in 1..10:
   echo &"Simulation for year {i}:"
   simulate(50, 365)


Dealer Probabilities, Stands on Soft 17, 1 Deck, U.S Rules
Up Card     17        18        19        20        21       Bust
Ace      0.183786  0.190890  0.188680  0.191692  0.075137  0.169815
  2      0.138976  0.131762  0.131815  0.123948  0.120526  0.352973
  3      0.130313  0.130946  0.123761  0.123345  0.116047  0.375588
  4      0.130973  0.114163  0.120679  0.116286  0.115096  0.402803
  5      0.119687  0.123483  0.116909  0.104694  0.106321  0.428905
  6      0.166948  0.106454  0.107192  0.100705  0.097878  0.420823
  7      0.372345  0.138583  0.077334  0.078897  0.072987  0.259854
  8      0.130857  0.362989  0.129445  0.068290  0.069791  0.238627
  9      0.121886  0.103921  0.357391  0.122250  0.061109  0.233442
 10      0.124156  0.122486  0.124421  0.356869  0.039570  0.232499

Hard Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
 5   -0.293 -0.248 -0.176 -0.104 -0.122 -0.469 -0.513 -0.533 -0.546 -0.659 
 6   -0.291 -0.232 -0.172 -0.101 -0.119 -0.467 -0.522 -0.533 -0.547 -0.659 
 7   -0.283 -0.229 -0.163 -0.098 -0.117 -0.471 -0.521 -0.537 -0.547 -0.658 
 8   -0.276 -0.229 -0.162 -0.100 -0.130 -0.478 -0.523 -0.539 -0.549 -0.648 
 9   -0.277 -0.224 -0.160 -0.108 -0.134 -0.480 -0.528 -0.543 -0.542 -0.646 
10   -0.279 -0.227 -0.172 -0.120 -0.146 -0.484 -0.531 -0.539 -0.537 -0.644 
11   -0.277 -0.231 -0.175 -0.123 -0.147 -0.488 -0.529 -0.537 -0.537 -0.646 
12   -0.286 -0.241 -0.185 -0.134 -0.151 -0.485 -0.526 -0.535 -0.533 -0.655 
13   -0.282 -0.236 -0.181 -0.133 -0.156 -0.488 -0.529 -0.537 -0.534 -0.649 
14   -0.282 -0.238 -0.188 -0.134 -0.159 -0.489 -0.529 -0.533 -0.536 -0.651 
15   -0.280 -0.239 -0.190 -0.144 -0.169 -0.494 -0.531 -0.536 -0.531 -0.648 
16   -0.287 -0.250 -0.194 -0.152 -0.179 -0.495 -0.526 -0.540 -0.530 -0.648 
17   -0.147 -0.120 -0.074 -0.044 -0.011 -0.122 -0.405 -0.414 -0.402 -0.459 
18    0.119  0.144  0.164  0.202  0.268  0.389  0.096 -0.196 -0.155 -0.082 
19    0.385  0.384  0.404  0.448  0.484  0.610  0.577  0.264  0.103  0.308 

Hard Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
 5   -0.131 -0.098 -0.041  0.022  0.019 -0.119 -0.181 -0.262 -0.309 -0.417 
 6   -0.151 -0.107 -0.055  0.009  0.014 -0.164 -0.234 -0.305 -0.349 -0.443 
 7   -0.111 -0.072 -0.013  0.053  0.064 -0.069 -0.223 -0.295 -0.332 -0.401 
 8   -0.015  0.021  0.084  0.136  0.148  0.092 -0.056 -0.213 -0.253 -0.275 
 9    0.090  0.137  0.181  0.226  0.235  0.194  0.111 -0.052 -0.148 -0.128 
10    0.215  0.246  0.277  0.314  0.319  0.277  0.211  0.119  0.030  0.030 
11    0.272  0.296  0.327  0.361  0.362  0.293  0.222  0.146  0.107  0.113 
12   -0.256 -0.232 -0.206 -0.181 -0.179 -0.241 -0.308 -0.380 -0.378 -0.413 
13   -0.315 -0.293 -0.270 -0.252 -0.251 -0.301 -0.362 -0.389 -0.423 -0.440 
14   -0.363 -0.353 -0.337 -0.315 -0.313 -0.346 -0.366 -0.426 -0.455 -0.460 
15   -0.419 -0.414 -0.406 -0.392 -0.383 -0.351 -0.406 -0.466 -0.496 -0.487 
16   -0.461 -0.460 -0.454 -0.448 -0.397 -0.376 -0.426 -0.481 -0.510 -0.497 
17   -0.534 -0.536 -0.538 -0.493 -0.484 -0.450 -0.475 -0.529 -0.558 -0.546 
18   -0.633 -0.634 -0.597 -0.591 -0.586 -0.567 -0.565 -0.593 -0.624 -0.630 
19   -0.750 -0.713 -0.712 -0.709 -0.707 -0.699 -0.697 -0.698 -0.712 -0.740 

Hard Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Double)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
 5   -0.587 -0.497 -0.352 -0.209 -0.244 -0.938 -1.025 -1.066 -1.093 -1.318 
 6   -0.560 -0.446 -0.324 -0.186 -0.215 -0.870 -1.023 -1.045 -1.074 -1.295 
 7   -0.415 -0.317 -0.186 -0.066 -0.059 -0.555 -0.851 -0.936 -0.956 -1.127 
 8   -0.165 -0.081  0.032  0.143  0.157 -0.140 -0.433 -0.697 -0.743 -0.802 
 9    0.114  0.193  0.286  0.380  0.393  0.175  0.007 -0.281 -0.442 -0.409 
10    0.428  0.492  0.554  0.628  0.638  0.446  0.313  0.164  0.007  0.025 
11    0.542  0.592  0.654  0.722  0.724  0.479  0.341  0.223  0.164  0.198 
12   -0.511 -0.463 -0.413 -0.362 -0.358 -0.556 -0.690 -0.811 -0.789 -0.827 
13   -0.630 -0.587 -0.541 -0.503 -0.503 -0.651 -0.775 -0.807 -0.862 -0.880 
14   -0.727 -0.706 -0.673 -0.630 -0.627 -0.723 -0.759 -0.862 -0.915 -0.921 
15   -0.838 -0.829 -0.812 -0.783 -0.767 -0.716 -0.826 -0.937 -0.992 -0.973 
16   -0.921 -0.920 -0.908 -0.896 -0.793 -0.751 -0.853 -0.961 -1.019 -0.995 
17   -1.069 -1.072 -1.076 -0.985 -0.967 -0.901 -0.949 -1.058 -1.116 -1.092 
18   -1.265 -1.267 -1.195 -1.182 -1.172 -1.135 -1.130 -1.186 -1.248 -1.260 
19   -1.499 -1.425 -1.423 -1.417 -1.414 -1.397 -1.395 -1.396 -1.425 -1.481 

Hard Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
 5    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
 6    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
 7    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
 8    Hit    Hit    Hit   Double Double  Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
 9   Double Double Double Double Double  Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
10   Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double  Hit    Hit   
11   Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double 
12    Hit    Hit   Stand  Stand  Stand   Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
13   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand   Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
14   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand   Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
15   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand   Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
16   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand   Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
17   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  
18   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  
19   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  

Hard Chart - Player Strategy (Round >= 2, No Doubling)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
 4    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
 5    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
 6    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
 7    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
 8    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
 9    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
10    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
11    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
12    Hit    Hit   Stand  Stand  Stand   Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
13   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand   Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
14   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand   Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
15   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand   Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
16   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand   Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
17   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  
18   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  
19   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  
20   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  
21   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  

Soft Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
A2   -0.283 -0.241 -0.186 -0.119 -0.114 -0.462 -0.508 -0.517 -0.539 -0.662 
A3   -0.284 -0.240 -0.170 -0.116 -0.112 -0.460 -0.505 -0.527 -0.538 -0.661 
A4   -0.283 -0.224 -0.166 -0.113 -0.109 -0.458 -0.514 -0.526 -0.538 -0.659 
A5   -0.266 -0.221 -0.164 -0.111 -0.108 -0.468 -0.515 -0.525 -0.537 -0.659 
A6   -0.132 -0.093 -0.037  0.005  0.010 -0.090 -0.385 -0.407 -0.418 -0.483 
A7    0.136  0.167  0.204  0.222  0.262  0.412  0.121 -0.179 -0.186 -0.101 
A8    0.402  0.420  0.415  0.461  0.482  0.615  0.608  0.288  0.064  0.290 
A9    0.656  0.644  0.654  0.682  0.694  0.773  0.785  0.766  0.555  0.681 

Soft Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
A2    0.039  0.071  0.110  0.159  0.168  0.107  0.039 -0.014 -0.090 -0.184 
A3    0.017  0.044  0.091  0.137  0.147  0.060  0.035 -0.060 -0.124 -0.216 
A4   -0.012  0.022  0.061  0.108  0.120  0.034 -0.035 -0.114 -0.172 -0.256 
A5   -0.032 -0.003  0.038  0.082  0.116 -0.024 -0.084 -0.167 -0.229 -0.296 
A6    0.007  0.036  0.077  0.140  0.133  0.060 -0.065 -0.135 -0.189 -0.242 
A7    0.065  0.093  0.156  0.175  0.192  0.175  0.047 -0.087 -0.140 -0.160 
A8    0.120  0.173  0.187  0.227  0.241  0.222  0.158  0.005 -0.087 -0.081 
A9    0.191  0.196  0.230  0.268  0.280  0.243  0.172  0.096  0.007 -0.008 

Soft Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Double)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
A2   -0.042  0.028  0.115  0.212  0.230 -0.157 -0.312 -0.373 -0.478 -0.586 
A3   -0.047  0.011  0.109  0.204  0.222 -0.175 -0.254 -0.394 -0.479 -0.588 
A4   -0.070  0.003  0.085  0.175  0.201 -0.141 -0.314 -0.422 -0.495 -0.613 
A5   -0.082 -0.019  0.063  0.148  0.217 -0.189 -0.333 -0.452 -0.536 -0.649 
A6    0.013  0.074  0.155  0.280  0.266  0.014 -0.230 -0.345 -0.433 -0.522 
A7    0.128  0.189  0.313  0.349  0.385  0.240 -0.015 -0.254 -0.322 -0.359 
A8    0.237  0.346  0.373  0.453  0.483  0.325  0.190 -0.060 -0.226 -0.200 
A9    0.380  0.392  0.459  0.536  0.560  0.351  0.230  0.111 -0.055 -0.055 

Soft Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
A2    Hit    Hit   Double Double Double  Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
A3    Hit    Hit   Double Double Double  Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
A4    Hit    Hit   Double Double Double  Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
A5    Hit    Hit   Double Double Double  Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
A6   Double Double Double Double Double  Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
A7   Stand  Double Double Double Double Stand  Stand   Hit    Hit   Stand  
A8   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Double Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  
A9   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  

Soft Chart - Player Strategy (Round >= 2, No Doubling)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
12    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
13    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
14    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
15    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
16    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
17    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
18   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand   Hit    Hit   Stand  
19   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  
20   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  
21   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  

Pairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
AA   -0.274 -0.232 -0.178 -0.130 -0.104 -0.452 -0.500 -0.511 -0.531 -0.663 
22   -0.291 -0.251 -0.192 -0.107 -0.125 -0.471 -0.515 -0.523 -0.547 -0.660 
33   -0.295 -0.246 -0.160 -0.101 -0.119 -0.467 -0.510 -0.542 -0.546 -0.660 
44   -0.290 -0.214 -0.152 -0.095 -0.114 -0.463 -0.529 -0.543 -0.547 -0.656 
55   -0.256 -0.206 -0.146 -0.090 -0.112 -0.484 -0.531 -0.541 -0.545 -0.653 
66   -0.262 -0.211 -0.152 -0.102 -0.165 -0.493 -0.536 -0.549 -0.552 -0.617 
77   -0.268 -0.219 -0.164 -0.156 -0.174 -0.502 -0.539 -0.555 -0.510 -0.631 
88   -0.275 -0.228 -0.215 -0.165 -0.178 -0.503 -0.551 -0.516 -0.518 -0.644 
99    0.137  0.123  0.167  0.203  0.265  0.401  0.065 -0.196 -0.133 -0.055 
TT    0.627  0.636  0.645  0.674  0.697  0.765  0.783  0.744  0.583  0.650 

Pairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
AA    0.095  0.120  0.142  0.182  0.200  0.158  0.093 -0.003 -0.048 -0.075 
22   -0.113 -0.082 -0.035  0.036  0.032 -0.092 -0.141 -0.222 -0.277 -0.395 
33   -0.153 -0.118 -0.047  0.008  0.014 -0.164 -0.231 -0.310 -0.346 -0.444 
44   -0.013  0.028  0.098  0.154  0.175  0.111 -0.055 -0.206 -0.246 -0.268 
55    0.224  0.254  0.295  0.347  0.362  0.279  0.207  0.119  0.032  0.042 
66   -0.253 -0.222 -0.190 -0.162 -0.194 -0.265 -0.322 -0.386 -0.386 -0.411 
77   -0.406 -0.388 -0.369 -0.370 -0.367 -0.389 -0.408 -0.475 -0.516 -0.510 
88   -0.454 -0.450 -0.461 -0.453 -0.397 -0.374 -0.426 -0.487 -0.512 -0.490 
99   -0.627 -0.638 -0.597 -0.590 -0.587 -0.566 -0.566 -0.595 -0.626 -0.621 
TT   -0.847 -0.846 -0.846 -0.846 -0.845 -0.843 -0.843 -0.842 -0.840 -0.882 

Pairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Double)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
AA   -0.019  0.055  0.137  0.216  0.248 -0.137 -0.296 -0.421 -0.468 -0.591 
22   -0.582 -0.501 -0.384 -0.214 -0.249 -0.942 -1.030 -1.047 -1.094 -1.320 
33   -0.567 -0.472 -0.302 -0.184 -0.215 -0.871 -1.000 -1.065 -1.072 -1.298 
44   -0.185 -0.082  0.044  0.162  0.193 -0.108 -0.447 -0.701 -0.741 -0.802 
55    0.446  0.510  0.590  0.695  0.724  0.466  0.323  0.175  0.014  0.042 
66   -0.505 -0.444 -0.380 -0.325 -0.387 -0.599 -0.711 -0.817 -0.803 -0.823 
77   -0.813 -0.777 -0.738 -0.741 -0.734 -0.823 -0.858 -0.978 -1.035 -1.019 
88   -0.908 -0.900 -0.922 -0.906 -0.793 -0.747 -0.853 -0.974 -1.024 -0.980 
99   -1.255 -1.277 -1.194 -1.181 -1.173 -1.132 -1.133 -1.189 -1.252 -1.242 
TT   -1.693 -1.693 -1.693 -1.691 -1.690 -1.686 -1.685 -1.684 -1.681 -1.764 

Pairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Split)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
AA    1.192  1.223  1.265  1.321  1.344  1.308  1.201  1.039  0.860  0.921 
22   -0.128 -0.070 -0.007  0.128  0.126 -0.054 -0.213 -0.383 -0.463 -0.566 
33   -0.202 -0.128  0.009  0.117  0.112 -0.115 -0.265 -0.418 -0.509 -0.579 
44   -0.236 -0.127 -0.013  0.095  0.083 -0.223 -0.343 -0.493 -0.580 -0.623 
55   -0.232 -0.150 -0.038  0.068  0.056 -0.299 -0.448 -0.608 -0.685 -0.695 
66   -0.219 -0.135 -0.028  0.068 -0.011 -0.270 -0.413 -0.570 -0.652 -0.660 
77   -0.163 -0.084  0.016  0.039  0.053 -0.123 -0.423 -0.564 -0.634 -0.635 
88    0.017  0.077  0.106  0.188  0.234  0.202 -0.100 -0.430 -0.464 -0.378 
99    0.170  0.170  0.253  0.339  0.359  0.341  0.179 -0.112 -0.268 -0.109 
TT    0.412  0.465  0.518  0.596  0.619  0.576  0.447  0.276  0.146  0.140 

Pairs Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
AA   Split  Split  Split  Split  Split  Split  Split  Split  Split  Split  
22    Hit   Split  Split  Split  Split  Split   Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
33    Hit    Hit   Split  Split  Split  Split   Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
44    Hit    Hit    Hit   Double Double  Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
55   Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double  Hit   Double 
66   Split  Split  Split  Split  Split   Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit    Hit   
77   Split  Split  Split  Split  Split  Split   Hit    Hit   Stand   Hit   
88   Split  Split  Split  Split  Split  Split  Split  Split  Split  Split  
99   Split  Split  Split  Split  Split  Stand  Split  Split  Stand  Stand  
TT   Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  Stand  
Simulation for year 1:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days:   179
Losing days:    180
Breakeven days: 6
Biggest win:    33.0
Biggest loss:   22.5
Total win:      144.0
Total staked:   20623.0
Win % staked:  0.698

Simulation for year 2:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days:   168
Losing days:    184
Breakeven days: 13
Biggest win:    25.5
Biggest loss:   25.0
Total loss:     233.0
Total staked:   20553.0
Loss % staked:  1.134

Simulation for year 3:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days:   177
Losing days:    176
Breakeven days: 12
Biggest win:    25.5
Biggest loss:   22.0
Total loss:     18.5
Total staked:   20646.0
Loss % staked:  0.090

Simulation for year 4:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days:   193
Losing days:    164
Breakeven days: 8
Biggest win:    26.5
Biggest loss:   22.0
Total win:      210.5
Total staked:   20635.0
Win % staked:  1.020

Simulation for year 5:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days:   161
Losing days:    191
Breakeven days: 13
Biggest win:    25.0
Biggest loss:   31.0
Total loss:     270.0
Total staked:   20502.0
Loss % staked:  1.317

Simulation for year 6:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days:   182
Losing days:    175
Breakeven days: 8
Biggest win:    23.0
Biggest loss:   26.0
Total win:      104.0
Total staked:   20610.0
Win % staked:  0.505

Simulation for year 7:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days:   178
Losing days:    181
Breakeven days: 6
Biggest win:    19.0
Biggest loss:   21.5
Total loss:     86.0
Total staked:   20546.0
Loss % staked:  0.419

Simulation for year 8:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days:   178
Losing days:    177
Breakeven days: 10
Biggest win:    26.5
Biggest loss:   21.0
Total loss:     127.5
Total staked:   20522.0
Loss % staked:  0.621

Simulation for year 9:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days:   173
Losing days:    184
Breakeven days: 8
Biggest win:    25.0
Biggest loss:   24.0
Total loss:     14.5
Total staked:   20551.0
Loss % staked:  0.071

Simulation for year 10:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days:   170
Losing days:    178
Breakeven days: 17
Biggest win:    20.0
Biggest loss:   21.5
Total loss:     93.0
Total staked:   20516.0
Loss % staked:  0.453


Translation of: Go
-- demo/rosetta/blackjack.exw
-- ==========================
function NewDeck()
    return {4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 16, 52}
end function
function dealerProbs(integer upCard, sequence startDeck)
-- Returns probabilities of dealer eventually getting:
-- 1: 17, 2: 18, 3: 19, 4: 20, 5: 21 (non-blackjack), 6: blackjack (nil), 7: bust.
-- It is assumed that the dealer has already checked for blackjack, that one deck is used
-- and that the dealer stands on 'soft' 17.
    sequence res := repeat(0.0, 7)  // results
    sequence decks := repeat({}, 9) // decks for each level
    sequence scores := repeat(0, 9) // scores for each level
    sequence elevens := repeat(0, 9)    // number of aces for each level scored as 11
    sequence probs := repeat(0.0, 9) // probs for each level
    decks[1] = startDeck
    scores[1] = upCard
    if upCard == 1 then // an ace
        scores[1] = 11
        elevens[1] = 1
    end if
    probs[1] = 1.0
    integer lev = 1
    sequence cs = repeat(0,9)
    while lev do
        cs[lev] += 1
        integer c = cs[lev]
        if c>10 then
            lev -= 1
        elsif decks[lev][c]!=0 then -- card still present in deck
            // temporary variables for current level
            sequence deck := decks[lev]
            integer score := scores[lev]
            integer eleven := elevens[lev]
            atom prob := probs[lev]
            score += c  // add card to score
            if c == 1 then // score all aces initially as 11
                score += 10
                eleven += 1
            end if
            prob *= deck[c]/deck[11]
            if score > 21 and eleven > 0 then
                score -= 10 // bust but can demote an ace
                eleven -= 1
            end if
            if lev == 1 and ((upCard == 1 and c == 10) or (upCard == 10 and c == 1)) then
                res[6] += prob // blackjack, allow for now
            elsif score >= 17 and score <= 21 then
                res[score-16] += prob // 17 to (non-blackjack) 21
            elsif score > 21 and eleven == 0 then
                res[7] += prob // bust
                deck[c] -= 1 // remove card from deck
                deck[11] -= 1 // decrement deck size
                lev += 1
                decks[lev] = deck
                scores[lev] = score
                elevens[lev] = eleven
                probs[lev] = prob
                -- get another card:
                cs[lev] = 0
            end if
        end if
    end while
    // but can't have blackjack, so adjust probabilities accordingly
    atom pnbj := 1 - res[6]
    for i=1 to 7 do 
        res[i] /= pnbj
    end for
    res[6] = 0
    return res
end function

procedure dealerChart()
    // Prints chart of dealer probabilities (as a check against an external source).
    printf(1,"Dealer Probabilities, Stands on Soft 17, 1 Deck, U.S Rules\n")
    printf(1,"Up Card     17        18        19        20        21       Bust\n")
    sequence deck := NewDeck()
    deck[11] = 51
    for uc=1 to 10 do
        sequence deck2 := deck
        deck2[uc] -= 1
        sequence dp := dealerProbs(uc, deck2)
        if uc > 1 then
            printf(1,"%3d      ", uc)
            printf(1,"Ace      ")
        end if
        dp[6] = dp[7]
        printf(1,"%f  %f  %f  %f  %f  %f\n", dp)
    end for
end procedure
// Calculates gain per unit staked for a given scenario (helper function).
function calcGain(integer pscore, sequence dp)
    atom eg := 0.0
    switch pscore do
    case 17:
        eg += dp[7]                         // dealer is bust
        eg -= dp[2] + dp[3] + dp[4] + dp[5] // dealer has 18 to 21
    case 18:
        eg += dp[1] + dp[7]         // dealer has 17 or is bust
        eg -= dp[3] + dp[4] + dp[5] // dealer has 19 to 21
    case 19:
        eg += dp[1] + dp[2] + dp[7] // dealer has 17, 18 or is bust
        eg -= dp[4] + dp[5]         // dealer has 20 or 21
    case 20:
        eg += dp[1] + dp[2] + dp[3] + dp[7] // dealer has 17 to 19 or is bust
        eg -= dp[5]                         // dealer has (non-blackjack) 21
    case 21:
        eg += dp[1] + dp[2] + dp[3] + dp[4] + dp[7] // dealer has 17 to 20 or is bust
    case 22: // notional
        eg += 1.5 // player blackjack
    case 23: // notional
        eg -= 1 // player bust, loses stake irrespective of what dealer has
    default: // player has less than 17
        eg += dp[7]       // dealer is bust
        eg -= (1 - dp[7]) // dealer isn't bust
    end switch
    return eg
end function
function playerGain(integer card1, card2, uc, sequence startDeck)
// Returns player's expected gain per unit staked after hitting once and then standing.
    atom eg := 0.0
    sequence deck := startDeck
    integer score := card1 + card2
    bool eleven := false
    if card1 == 1 or card2 == 1 then // an ace
        score += 10
        eleven = true
    end if
    for c=1 to 10 do // get another card
        if deck[c] != 0 then // card still present in deck
            // temporary variables for current card
            sequence deck2 := deck
            integer score2 := score
--DEV shouldn't this be false?
            bool eleven2 := eleven
            score2 += c // add card to score
            if c == 1 then // score all aces initially as 11
                score2 += 10
                eleven2 = true
            end if
            atom prob := deck2[c] / deck2[11]
            deck2[c] -= 1 // remove card from deck
            deck2[11] -= 1 // decrement deck size
            if score2 > 21 and eleven2 then
                score2 -= 10 // bust but can demote an ace
            end if
            if score2 <= 21 then
                sequence dp := dealerProbs(uc, deck2)
                eg += calcGain(score2, dp) * prob
            else  // bust
                eg -= prob
            end if
        end if
    end for
    return eg
end function
function playerGain2(integer card1, card2, uc, sequence startDeck)
// Returns player's expected gain per unit staked after hitting once and then continuing in accordance
// with the tables for rounds >= 2.
    atom eg := 0.0                  // result
    sequence decks := repeat({}, 9) // decks for each level
    sequence scores := repeat(0, 9) // scores for each level
    sequence elevens := repeat(0, 9)    // number of aces for each level scored as 11
    sequence probs := repeat(0.0, 9) // probs for each level
    decks[1] = startDeck
    scores[1] = card1 + card2
    if card1 == 1 or card2 == 1 then // an ace
        scores[1] += 10
        elevens[1] = 1
    end if
    probs[1] = 1.0
    integer lev = 1
    sequence cs = repeat(0,9)
    while lev do
        cs[lev] += 1
        integer c = cs[lev]
        if c>10 then
            lev -= 1
        elsif decks[lev][c]!=0 then -- card still present in deck
            // temporary variables for current level
            sequence deck := decks[lev]
            integer score := scores[lev]
            integer eleven := elevens[lev]
            atom prob := probs[lev]
            score += c  // add card to score
            if c == 1 then // score all aces initially as 11
                score += 10
                eleven += 1
            end if
            prob *= deck[c] / deck[11]
            if score > 21 and eleven > 0 then
                score -= 10 // bust but can demote an ace
                eleven -= 1
            end if
            deck[c] -= 1 // remove card from deck
            deck[11] -= 1 // decrement deck size
            if ((eleven == 0 and (score >= 17 or (score >= 13 and uc < 7))) or
                (eleven == 0 and score == 12 and uc >= 4 and uc <= 6) or
                (eleven > 0 and score == 18 and uc != 9 and uc != 10) or
                (eleven > 0 and score >= 19)) and score <= 21 then
                sequence dp := dealerProbs(uc, deck)
                eg += calcGain(score, dp) * prob
            elsif score > 21 and eleven == 0 then // bust
                eg -= prob
                lev += 1
                decks[lev] = deck
                scores[lev] = score
                elevens[lev] = eleven
                probs[lev] = prob
                // get another card:
                cs[lev] = 0
            end if
        end if
    end while
    return eg
end function
function stand(integer card1, card2)
// Returns player's expected gains per unit staked, for each dealer up-card, after standing.
    sequence deck := NewDeck()
    deck[card1] -= 1
    deck[card2] -= 1
    deck[11] = 50
    integer pscore := card1 + card2 // player score
    if card1 == 1 or card2 == 1 then
        pscore += 10
    end if
    sequence egs = repeat(0,10)          // results
    for uc=1 to 10 do // dealer's up-card
        sequence deck2 := deck
        deck2[uc] -= 1
        deck2[11] -= 1
        sequence dp := dealerProbs(uc, deck2)
        atom eg := calcGain(pscore, dp) // expected gain for this up-card
        if uc > 1 then
            egs[uc-1] = eg
        else  // dealer has Ace
            egs[10] = eg // ace comes last in tables
        end if
    end for
    return egs
end function
function hit(integer card1, card2, bool once)
// Returns player's expected gains per unit staked, for each dealer up-card, after hitting once and
// then either standing (once == true) or continuing as per the round >= 2 tables (once == false).
    sequence deck := NewDeck()
    deck[card1] -= 1
    deck[card2] -= 1
    deck[11] = 50
    sequence egs =repeat(0,10)       // results
    for uc=1 to 10 do // dealer's up-card
        sequence deck2 := deck
        deck2[uc] -= 1
        deck2[11] = 49
        atom peg // player's expected gain for this up-card
        if once then
            peg = playerGain(card1, card2, uc, deck2)
            peg = playerGain2(card1, card2, uc, deck2)
        end if
        if uc > 1 then
            egs[uc-1] = peg
        else  // dealer has Ace
            egs[10] = peg
        end if
    end for
    return egs
end function
function double(integer card1, card2)
// Returns player's expected gains per unit oiginally staked, for each dealer up-card, after
// doubling i.e. hitting once and then standing with a doubled stake.
    sequence egs := hit(card1, card2, true) // hit once and then stand
    for i=1 to 10 do
        egs[i] *= 2
    end for
    return egs
end function

// Computed strategy tables.
sequence hTable = repeat(repeat("",10),15) // hard strategy table (round 1)
sequence sTable = repeat(repeat("",10),8)  // soft strategy table (round 1)
sequence pTable = repeat(repeat("",10),10) // pairs strategy table (round 1)
sequence hTable2 = repeat(repeat("",10),18) // hard strategy table (round >= 2, no doubling)
sequence sTable2 = repeat(repeat("",10),10) // soft strategy table (round >= 2, no doubling)
function splitt(integer card)
// Returns player's expected gains per unit originally staked, for each dealer up-card, after
// splitting a pair and doubling the stake, getting a second card for each hand  and then continuing
// in accordace with the rounds >= 2 tables. It is assumed that a player cannot double or re-split
// following a split. It is also assumed (in the interests of simplicity) that the expected gains
// for each split hand (after calculating the gains for the first hand as though the second hand
// is not completed) are exactly the same.
    sequence deck := NewDeck()
    deck[card] -= 2 // must be a pair
    deck[11] = 50
    sequence egs = repeat(0,10) // overall results
    // now play a single hand
    integer score := card,
            eleven := 0
    if card == 1 then // an ace
        score = 11
        eleven = 1
    end if
    for uc=1 to 10 do // collect results for each dealer up-card
        if deck[uc] != 0 then // card still present in deck
            sequence deck2 := deck
            deck2[uc] -= 1
            deck2[11] -= 1
            integer ix := uc - 1
            if ix == 0 then
                ix = 10 // in tables ace comes last
            end if
            atom peg = 0 // player expected gain for this up-card
            // get second player card
            for c=1 to 10 do
                if deck2[c] != 0 then // card still present in deck
                    atom prob := deck2[c] / deck2[11]
                    sequence deck3 := deck2
                    deck3[c] -= 1
                    deck3[11] -= 1
                    integer score2 := score + c,
                            eleven2 := eleven
                    if c == 1 then // score all aces initially as 11
                        score2 += 10
                        eleven2 += 1
                    end if
                    if score2 == 21 then // player has blackjack & we know dealer hasn't
                        peg += 1.5 * prob
                        if score2 > 21 and eleven2 > 0 then
                            score2 -= 10 // bust but can demote an ace
                            eleven2 -= 1
                        end if
                        string action
                        if eleven2 > 0 then
                            action = sTable2[score2-11][ix] // use soft strategy table, no doubling
                        else  // including pairs as no re-splitting
                            action = hTable2[score2-3][ix] // use hard strategy table, no doubling
                        end if
                        atom peg2
                        if action == "S" then
                            sequence dp := dealerProbs(uc, deck3)
                            peg2 = calcGain(score2, dp)
                            peg2 = playerGain2(card, c, uc, deck3)
                        end if
                        peg += peg2 * prob
                    end if
                end if
            end for
            if uc > 1 then
                egs[uc-1] = peg * 2 // allow for both hands in overall results
                egs[10] = peg * 2 // ditto
            end if
        end if
    end for
    return egs
end function

function bestAction(sequence ags)
// Returns the action with the highest expected gain.
    atom max := ags[1][2]
    integer maxi := 1
    for i=2 to length(ags) do
        if ags[i][2] > max then
            max = ags[i][2]
            maxi = i
        end if
    end for
    return ags[maxi][1]
end function
procedure printHeader(string title)
// Prints title and header for a given chart.
    printf(1,"P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A\n")
end procedure
procedure printPair(integer c)
// Prints header for a pair of cards.
    c = "A23456789T"[c]
    printf(1,"%c%c   ",c)
end procedure

sequence cards, fscores
integer next, score, aces, uc
string action

function dealerPlay(integer pscore, sequence d)
// Simulates a dealer's play for a given player's hand and state of deck.
// Returns the player's gain (positive or negative) per unit staked.
    integer dscore := d[1] + d[2],
            aces := 0
    if d[1] == 1 or d[2] == 1 then // dealer has an ace
        dscore += 10
        aces += 1
    end if
    while true do
        if dscore > 21 and aces > 0 then
            dscore -= 10 // bust but we can demote an ace
            aces -= 1
        end if
        if dscore > 21 then
            return 1 // dealer is bust and player gains stake
        end if
        if dscore >= 17 then // dealer must stick on 17 or above, hard or not
            if dscore > pscore then
                return -1 // dealer wins and player loses stake
            elsif dscore == pscore then
                exit // player breaks even
                return 1 // dealer loses and player gains stake
            end if
        end if
        integer nc := cards[next] // get new card from pack
        next += 1
        dscore += nc
        if nc == 1 then // count aces initially as 11
            dscore += 10
            aces += 1
        end if
    end while
    return 0
end function

procedure h(integer hand)
    // simulate a 'hit'
    while true do
        integer nc := cards[next] // get new card from pack
        next += 1
        score += nc
        if nc == 1 then // count aces initially as 11
            score += 10
            aces += 1
        end if
        if score > 21 and aces > 0 then
            score -= 10 // bust but we can demote an ace
            aces -= 1
        end if
        if score > 21 then
            fscores[hand] = 22 // player is bust and loses stake
        end if
        if action == "D" then
            fscores[hand] = score
        end if
        // get further strategy and act accordingly
        if aces == 0 then
            action = hTable2[score-3][uc]
            action = sTable2[score-11][uc]
        end if
        if action == "S" then // stand
            fscores[hand] = score
        end if
    end while
end procedure

function playerPlay()
// Simulates the playing of a random player's hand according to the strategy tables.
// Returns both the gain (positive or negative) and the stake (1 or 2).
    sequence perm = shuffle(tagset(52)) // randomizes integers from 1 to 52 inclusive
    cards := repeat(0,52)
    for i=1 to length(perm) do
        integer r = perm[i]
        integer card := floor((r-1)/4) + 1
        if card > 10 then
            card = 10
        end if
        cards[i] = card
    end for
    sequence p = {}, d = {} // player and dealer hands
    // initial deal
    for i=1 to 4 do
        if i <= 2 then
            p = append(p, cards[i])
            d = append(d, cards[i])
        end if
    end for
    next := 5 // index of next card to be dealt
    // check if dealer and/or player have blackjack
    bool dbj := (d[1] == 1 and d[2] == 10) or (d[1] == 10 and d[2] == 1),
         pbj := (p[1] == 1 and p[2] == 10) or (p[1] == 10 and p[2] == 1)
    if dbj then
        if pbj then
            return {0.0, 1.0} // player neither wins nor loses
        end if
        return {-1.0, 1.0} // player loses stake
    end if
    if pbj then
        return {1.5, 1.0} // player wins 1.5 x stake
    end if
    uc := d[1] // dealer's up-card for accessing tables
    if uc == 1 then
        uc = 10 // move ace to last place
        uc -= 1 // move others down 1
    end if
    atom stake := 1.0      // player's initial stake
    fscores = {0,0} // final player scores (one or, after split, two hands)
    score = p[1] + p[2]
    aces = 0
    // get kind of player hand: hard, soft, pair
    string kind
    if p[1] == p[2] then
        kind = "pair"
    elsif p[1] == 1 or p[2] == 1 then
        kind = "soft"
        kind = "hard"
    end if
    switch kind do
    case "hard":
        action = hTable[score-4][uc]
    case "soft": // includes one ace
        integer otherCard := p[1]
        if otherCard == 1 then
            otherCard = p[2]
        end if
        score += 10
        aces = 1
        action = sTable[otherCard-1][uc]
    case "pair":
        if p[1] == 1 then // pair of aces
            score += 10
            aces = 2
        end if
        action = pTable[p[1]][uc]
    end switch
    switch action do
    case "S": // stand
        fscores[1] = score
    case "H": // hit
    case "D": // double
        stake = 2
    case "P": // split
        for hand=1 to 2 do
            score = p[1]
            aces = 0
            if score == 1 then // count aces initially as 11
                score = 11
                aces += 1
            end if
        end for
    end switch
    atom tot := 0.0
    if fscores[1] < 22 then
        tot += dealerPlay(fscores[1], d) * stake
        tot -= 1 * stake // this hand is bust
    end if
    if fscores[2] > 0 then // pair
        if fscores[1] < 22 then
            tot += dealerPlay(fscores[2], d)
            tot -= 1 // this hand is bust
        end if
        stake = 2
    end if
    return {tot, stake}
end function
procedure simulate(integer perDay, days)
// Simulates 'perDay' blackjack games for 'days' days.
    integer winDays = 0, loseDays = 0, evenDays = 0
    atom bigWin = 0.0, bigLoss = 0.0,
         totalGain = 0.0, totalStake = 0.0
    for d=1 to days do
        atom dailyGain = 0.0, dailyStake = 0.0
        for p=1 to perDay do
            atom {gain, stake} := playerPlay()
            dailyGain += gain
            dailyStake += stake
        end for
        if dailyGain > 0 then
            winDays += 1
        elsif dailyGain < 0 then
            loseDays += 1
            evenDays += 1
        end if
        if dailyGain > bigWin then
            bigWin = dailyGain
        elsif -dailyGain > bigLoss then
            bigLoss = -dailyGain
        end if
        totalGain += dailyGain
        totalStake += dailyStake
    end for
    printf(1,"\nAfter playing %d times a day for %d days:\n", {perDay, days})
    printf(1,"Winning days   :%d\n", winDays)
    printf(1,"Losing days    :%d\n", loseDays)
    printf(1,"Breakeven days :%d\n", evenDays)
    printf(1,"Biggest win    :%.2f\n", bigWin)
    printf(1,"Biggest loss   :%.2f\n", bigLoss)
    if totalGain < 0 then
        printf(1,"Total loss     :%.2f\n", -totalGain)
        printf(1,"Total staked   :%.2f\n", totalStake)
        printf(1,"Loss %% staked  : %0.3f\n", -totalGain/totalStake*100)
        printf(1,"Total win      :%.2f\n", totalGain)
        printf(1,"Total staked   :%.2f\n", totalStake)
        printf(1,"Win %% staked   : %0.3f\n", totalGain/totalStake*100)
    end if
end procedure
procedure main()
    // print dealer probabilities chart
    // for hard scores (i.e. different cards, no aces)
    sequence tuples := {
        {2, 3},
        {2, 4},
        {2, 5}, {3, 4},
        {2, 6}, {3, 5},
        {2, 7}, {3, 6}, {4, 5},
        {2, 8}, {3, 7}, {4, 6},
        {2, 9}, {3, 8}, {4, 7}, {5, 6},
        {2, 10}, {3, 9}, {4, 8}, {5, 7},
        {3, 10}, {4, 9}, {5, 8}, {6, 7},
        {4, 10}, {5, 9}, {6, 8},
        {5, 10}, {6, 9}, {7, 8},
        {6, 10}, {7, 9},
        {7, 10}, {8, 9},
        {8, 10},
        {9, 10},
    // number of tuples for each player score from 5 to 19
    sequence counts := {1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1}
    // expected gains for each player score & for each dealer up-card
    sequence segs := repeat(repeat(0,10),15) // if stands
    sequence hegs := repeat(repeat(0,10),15) // if hits
    sequence degs := repeat(repeat(0,10),15) // if doubles
    for t = 1 to length(tuples) do
        sequence tuple := tuples[t]
        integer i := tuple[1] + tuple[2]
        sequence sg := stand(tuple[1], tuple[2])
        sequence hg := hit(tuple[1], tuple[2], false)
        sequence dg := double(tuple[1], tuple[2])
        for j=1 to 10 do
            segs[i-4][j] += sg[j]
            hegs[i-4][j] += hg[j]
            degs[i-4][j] += dg[j]
        end for
    end for
    // calculate the average per tuple for each score
    for i=1 to 15 do
        for j=1 to 10 do
            segs[i][j] /= counts[i]
            hegs[i][j] /= counts[i]
            degs[i][j] /= counts[i]
        end for
    end for
    printHeader("\nHard Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)")
    for i=5 to 19 do
        printf(1,"%2d   ", i)
        for j=1 to 10 do
            printf(1,"%6.3f ", segs[i-4][j])
        end for
    end for
    printHeader("\nHard Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)")
    for i=5 to 19 do
        printf(1,"%2d   ", i)
        for j=1 to 10 do
            printf(1,"%6.3f ", hegs[i-4][j])
        end for
    end for
    printHeader("\nHard Chart - Player Expected Gains per original unit (Double)")
    for i=5 to 19 do
        printf(1,"%2d   ", i)
        for j=1 to 10 do
            printf(1,"%6.3f ", degs[i-4][j])
        end for
    end for
    printHeader("\nHard Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)")
    for i=5 to 19 do
        printf(1,"%2d   ", i)
        for j=1 to 10 do
            sequence ags := {{"S", segs[i-4][j]}, {"H", hegs[i-4][j]}, {"D", degs[i-4][j]}}
            string action := bestAction(ags)
            hTable[i-4][j] = action
            printf(1,"%4s   ", action)
        end for
    end for
    // for hard scores (no aces) - after round 1 (no doubling or splitting)
    // based on hard table figures (round 1) with scores of 4, 20, and 21 added
    sequence segs2 := repeat(repeat(0,10),18) // expected gains if stands
    sequence hegs2 := repeat(repeat(0,10),18) // expected gains if hits
    for i=5 to 19 do
        segs2[i-3] = segs[i-4]
        hegs2[i-3] = hegs[i-4]
    end for
    sequence sg4 = stand(2, 2), hg4 = hit(2, 2, false),
             sg20 = stand(10, 10), hg20 = hit(10, 10, false),
             sg21 = stand(1, 10), hg21 = hit(1, 10, false)
    for j=1 to 10 do
        segs2[1][j] += sg4[j]
        hegs2[1][j] += hg4[j]
        segs2[17][j] += sg20[j]
        hegs2[17][j] += hg20[j]
        segs2[18][j] += sg21[j]
        hegs2[18][j] += hg21[j]
    end for
    printHeader("\nHard Chart - Player Strategy (Round >= 2, No Doubling)")
    for i=4 to 21 do
        printf(1,"%2d   ", i)
        for j=1 to 10 do
            string action := "S"
            if hegs2[i-3][j] > segs2[i-3][j] then
                action = "H"
            end if
            hTable2[i-3][j] = action
            printf(1,"%4s   ", action)
        end for
    end for
    // for soft scores (i.e. including exactly one ace)
    // expected gains for each player second card (2 to 9) & for each dealer up-card
    sequence segs3 = repeat(repeat(0,10),8), // if stands
             hegs3 = repeat(repeat(0,10),8), // if hits
             degs3 = repeat(repeat(0,10),8)  // if doubles
    for c=2 to 9 do
        sequence sg := stand(1, c),
                 hg := hit(1, c, false),
                 dg := double(1, c)
        for j=1 to 10 do
            segs3[c-1][j] += sg[j]
            hegs3[c-1][j] += hg[j]
            degs3[c-1][j] += dg[j]
        end for
    end for
    printHeader("\nSoft Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)")
    for c=2 to 9 do
        printf(1,"A%d   ", c)
        for j=1 to 10 do
            printf(1,"%6.3f ", segs3[c-1][j])
        end for
    end for
    printHeader("\nSoft Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)")
    for c=2 to 9 do
        printf(1,"A%d   ", c)
        for j=1 to 10 do
            printf(1,"%6.3f ", hegs3[c-1][j])
        end for
    end for
    printHeader("\nSoft Chart - Player Expected Gains per original unit (Double)")
    for c=2 to 9 do
        printf(1,"A%d   ", c)
        for j=1 to 10 do
            printf(1,"%6.3f ", degs3[c-1][j])
        end for
    end for
    printHeader("\nSoft Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)")
    for c=2 to 9 do
        printf(1,"A%d   ", c)
        for j=1 to 10 do
            sequence ags := {{"S", segs3[c-1][j]}, {"H", hegs3[c-1][j]}, {"D", degs3[c-1][j]}}
            string action := bestAction(ags)
            sTable[c-1][j] = action
            printf(1,"%4s   ", action)
        end for
    end for
    // for soft scores (at least one ace) - after round 1 (no doubling or splitting)
    // based on soft table figures (round 1) with scores of 12 and 21 added
    // assumes one ace counted as 11
    sequence segs4 := repeat(repeat(0,10),10), // expected gains if stands
             hegs4 := repeat(repeat(0,10),10)  // expected gains if hits
    for i=2 to 9 do
        segs4[i] = segs3[i-1]
        hegs4[i] = hegs3[i-1]
    end for
    sequence sg12 = stand(1, 1), hg12 = hit(1, 1, false)
    for j=1 to 10 do
        segs4[1][j] += sg12[j]
        hegs4[1][j] += hg12[j]
        segs4[10][j] += sg21[j]
        hegs4[10][j] += hg21[j]
    end for
    printHeader("\nSoft Chart - Player Strategy (Round >= 2, No Doubling)")
    for i=12 to 21 do
        printf(1,"%2d   ", i)
        for j=1 to 10 do
            string action := "S"
            if hegs4[i-11][j] > segs4[i-11][j] then
                action = "H"
            end if
            sTable2[i-11][j] = action
            printf(1,"%4s   ", action)
        end for
    end for
    // for pairs
    // expected gains for each pair (A to 10) & for each dealer up-card
    sequence segs5 := repeat(repeat(0,10),10), // if stands
             hegs5 := repeat(repeat(0,10),10), // if hits
             degs5 := repeat(repeat(0,10),10), // if doubles
             pegs5 := repeat(repeat(0,10),10)  // if splits
    for c=1 to 10 do
        sequence sg := stand(c, c),
                 hg := hit(c, c, false),
                 dg := double(c, c),
                 pg := splitt(c)
        for j=1 to 10 do
            segs5[c][j] += sg[j]
            hegs5[c][j] += hg[j]
            degs5[c][j] += dg[j]
            pegs5[c][j] += pg[j]
        end for
    end for
    printHeader("\nPairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)")
    for c=1 to 10 do
        for j=1 to 10 do
            printf(1,"%6.3f ", segs5[c][j])
        end for
    end for
    printHeader("\nPairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)")
    for c=1 to 10 do
        for j=1 to 10 do
            printf(1,"%6.3f ", hegs5[c][j])
        end for
    end for
    printHeader("\nPairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per original unit (Double)")
    for c=1 to 10 do
        for j=1 to 10 do
            printf(1,"%6.3f ", degs5[c][j])
        end for
    end for
    printHeader("\nPairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per original unit (Split)")
    for c=1 to 10 do
        for j=1 to 10 do
            printf(1,"%6.3f ", pegs5[c][j])
        end for
    end for
    printHeader("\nPairs Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)")
    for c=1 to 10 do
        for j=1 to 10 do
            sequence ags := {{"S", segs5[c][j]}, {"H", hegs5[c][j]}, {"D", degs5[c][j]}, {"P", pegs5[c][j]}}
            string action := bestAction(ags)
            pTable[c][j] = action
            printf(1,"%4s   ", action)
        end for
    end for

    // do 10 years of simulations
    for i=1 to 10 do
        printf(1,"\nSimulation for Year %d:\n", i)
        simulate(50, 365)
    end for
end procedure
15   -0.838 -0.829 -0.812 -0.783 -0.767 -0.716 -0.826 -0.937 -0.992 -0.973
16   -0.921 -0.920 -0.908 -0.896 -0.793 -0.751 -0.853 -0.961 -1.019 -0.995
17   -1.069 -1.072 -1.076 -0.985 -0.967 -0.901 -0.949 -1.058 -1.116 -1.092
18   -1.265 -1.267 -1.195 -1.182 -1.172 -1.135 -1.130 -1.186 -1.248 -1.260
19   -1.499 -1.425 -1.423 -1.417 -1.414 -1.397 -1.395 -1.396 -1.425 -1.481

Hard Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
 5      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H
 6      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H
 7      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H
 8      H      H      H      D      D      H      H      H      H      H
 9      D      D      D      D      D      H      H      H      H      H
10      D      D      D      D      D      D      D      D      H      H
11      D      D      D      D      D      D      D      D      D      D
12      H      H      S      S      S      H      H      H      H      H
13      S      S      S      S      S      H      H      H      H      H
14      S      S      S      S      S      H      H      H      H      H
15      S      S      S      S      S      H      H      H      H      H
16      S      S      S      S      S      H      H      H      H      H
17      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S
18      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S
19      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S

Hard Chart - Player Strategy (Round >= 2, No Doubling)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
 4      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H
 5      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H
 6      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H
 7      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H
 8      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H
 9      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H
10      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H
11      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H
12      H      H      S      S      S      H      H      H      H      H
13      S      S      S      S      S      H      H      H      H      H
14      S      S      S      S      S      H      H      H      H      H
15      S      S      S      S      S      H      H      H      H      H
16      S      S      S      S      S      H      H      H      H      H
17      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S
18      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S
19      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S
20      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S
21      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S

Soft Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
A2   -0.283 -0.241 -0.186 -0.119 -0.114 -0.462 -0.508 -0.517 -0.539 -0.662
A3   -0.284 -0.240 -0.170 -0.116 -0.112 -0.460 -0.505 -0.527 -0.538 -0.661
A4   -0.283 -0.224 -0.166 -0.113 -0.109 -0.458 -0.514 -0.526 -0.538 -0.659
A5   -0.266 -0.221 -0.164 -0.111 -0.108 -0.468 -0.515 -0.525 -0.537 -0.659
A6   -0.132 -0.093 -0.037  0.005  0.010 -0.090 -0.385 -0.407 -0.418 -0.483
A7    0.136  0.167  0.204  0.222  0.262  0.412  0.121 -0.179 -0.186 -0.101
A8    0.402  0.420  0.415  0.461  0.482  0.615  0.608  0.288  0.064  0.290
A9    0.656  0.644  0.654  0.682  0.694  0.773  0.785  0.766  0.555  0.681

Soft Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
A2    0.039  0.071  0.110  0.159  0.168  0.107  0.039 -0.014 -0.090 -0.184
A3    0.017  0.044  0.091  0.137  0.147  0.060  0.035 -0.060 -0.124 -0.216
A4   -0.012  0.022  0.061  0.108  0.120  0.034 -0.035 -0.114 -0.172 -0.256
A5   -0.032 -0.003  0.038  0.082  0.116 -0.024 -0.084 -0.167 -0.229 -0.296
A6    0.007  0.036  0.077  0.140  0.133  0.060 -0.065 -0.135 -0.189 -0.242
A7    0.065  0.093  0.156  0.175  0.192  0.175  0.047 -0.087 -0.140 -0.160
A8    0.120  0.173  0.187  0.227  0.241  0.222  0.158  0.005 -0.087 -0.081
A9    0.191  0.196  0.230  0.268  0.280  0.243  0.172  0.096  0.007 -0.008

Soft Chart - Player Expected Gains per original unit (Double)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
A2   -0.042  0.028  0.115  0.212  0.230 -0.157 -0.312 -0.373 -0.478 -0.586
A3   -0.047  0.011  0.109  0.204  0.222 -0.175 -0.254 -0.394 -0.479 -0.588
A4   -0.070  0.003  0.085  0.175  0.201 -0.141 -0.314 -0.422 -0.495 -0.613
A5   -0.082 -0.019  0.063  0.148  0.217 -0.189 -0.333 -0.452 -0.536 -0.649
A6    0.013  0.074  0.155  0.280  0.266  0.014 -0.230 -0.345 -0.433 -0.522
A7    0.128  0.189  0.313  0.349  0.385  0.240 -0.015 -0.254 -0.322 -0.359
A8    0.237  0.346  0.373  0.453  0.483  0.325  0.190 -0.060 -0.226 -0.200
A9    0.380  0.392  0.459  0.536  0.560  0.351  0.230  0.111 -0.055 -0.055

Soft Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
A2      H      H      D      D      D      H      H      H      H      H
A3      H      H      D      D      D      H      H      H      H      H
A4      H      H      D      D      D      H      H      H      H      H
A5      H      H      D      D      D      H      H      H      H      H
A6      D      D      D      D      D      H      H      H      H      H
A7      S      D      D      D      D      S      S      H      H      S
A8      S      S      S      S      D      S      S      S      S      S
A9      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S

Soft Chart - Player Strategy (Round >= 2, No Doubling)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
12      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H
13      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H
14      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H
15      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H
16      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H
17      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H      H
18      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      H      H      S
19      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S
20      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S
21      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S

Pairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Stand)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
AA   -0.274 -0.232 -0.178 -0.130 -0.104 -0.452 -0.500 -0.511 -0.531 -0.663
22   -0.291 -0.251 -0.192 -0.107 -0.125 -0.471 -0.515 -0.523 -0.547 -0.660
33   -0.295 -0.246 -0.160 -0.101 -0.119 -0.467 -0.510 -0.542 -0.546 -0.660
44   -0.290 -0.214 -0.152 -0.095 -0.114 -0.463 -0.529 -0.543 -0.547 -0.656
55   -0.256 -0.206 -0.146 -0.090 -0.112 -0.484 -0.531 -0.541 -0.545 -0.653
66   -0.262 -0.211 -0.152 -0.102 -0.165 -0.493 -0.536 -0.549 -0.552 -0.617
77   -0.268 -0.219 -0.164 -0.156 -0.174 -0.502 -0.539 -0.555 -0.510 -0.631
88   -0.275 -0.228 -0.215 -0.165 -0.178 -0.503 -0.551 -0.516 -0.518 -0.644
99    0.137  0.123  0.167  0.203  0.265  0.401  0.065 -0.196 -0.133 -0.055
TT    0.627  0.636  0.645  0.674  0.697  0.765  0.783  0.744  0.583  0.650

Pairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per unit (Hit)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
AA    0.095  0.120  0.142  0.182  0.200  0.158  0.093 -0.003 -0.048 -0.075
22   -0.113 -0.082 -0.035  0.036  0.032 -0.092 -0.141 -0.222 -0.277 -0.395
33   -0.153 -0.118 -0.047  0.008  0.014 -0.164 -0.231 -0.310 -0.346 -0.444
44   -0.013  0.028  0.098  0.154  0.175  0.111 -0.055 -0.206 -0.246 -0.268
55    0.224  0.254  0.295  0.347  0.362  0.279  0.207  0.119  0.032  0.042
66   -0.253 -0.222 -0.190 -0.162 -0.194 -0.265 -0.322 -0.386 -0.386 -0.411
77   -0.406 -0.388 -0.369 -0.370 -0.367 -0.389 -0.408 -0.475 -0.516 -0.510
88   -0.454 -0.450 -0.461 -0.453 -0.397 -0.374 -0.426 -0.487 -0.512 -0.490
99   -0.627 -0.638 -0.597 -0.590 -0.587 -0.566 -0.566 -0.595 -0.626 -0.621
TT   -0.847 -0.846 -0.846 -0.846 -0.845 -0.843 -0.843 -0.842 -0.840 -0.882

Pairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per original unit (Double)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
AA   -0.019  0.055  0.137  0.216  0.248 -0.137 -0.296 -0.421 -0.468 -0.591
22   -0.582 -0.501 -0.384 -0.214 -0.249 -0.942 -1.030 -1.047 -1.094 -1.320
33   -0.567 -0.472 -0.302 -0.184 -0.215 -0.871 -1.000 -1.065 -1.072 -1.298
44   -0.185 -0.082  0.044  0.162  0.193 -0.108 -0.447 -0.701 -0.741 -0.802
55    0.446  0.510  0.590  0.695  0.724  0.466  0.323  0.175  0.014  0.042
66   -0.505 -0.444 -0.380 -0.325 -0.387 -0.599 -0.711 -0.817 -0.803 -0.823
77   -0.813 -0.777 -0.738 -0.741 -0.734 -0.823 -0.858 -0.978 -1.035 -1.019
88   -0.908 -0.900 -0.922 -0.906 -0.793 -0.747 -0.853 -0.974 -1.024 -0.980
99   -1.255 -1.277 -1.194 -1.181 -1.173 -1.132 -1.133 -1.189 -1.252 -1.242
TT   -1.693 -1.693 -1.693 -1.691 -1.690 -1.686 -1.685 -1.684 -1.681 -1.764

Pairs Chart - Player Expected Gains per original unit (Split)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
AA    1.192  1.223  1.265  1.321  1.344  1.308  1.201  1.039  0.860  0.921
22   -0.128 -0.070 -0.007  0.128  0.126 -0.054 -0.213 -0.383 -0.463 -0.566
33   -0.202 -0.128  0.009  0.117  0.112 -0.115 -0.265 -0.418 -0.509 -0.579
44   -0.236 -0.127 -0.013  0.095  0.083 -0.223 -0.343 -0.493 -0.580 -0.623
55   -0.232 -0.150 -0.038  0.068  0.056 -0.299 -0.448 -0.608 -0.685 -0.695
66   -0.219 -0.135 -0.028  0.068 -0.011 -0.270 -0.413 -0.570 -0.652 -0.660
77   -0.163 -0.084  0.016  0.039  0.053 -0.123 -0.423 -0.564 -0.634 -0.635
88    0.017  0.077  0.106  0.188  0.234  0.202 -0.100 -0.430 -0.464 -0.378
99    0.170  0.170  0.253  0.339  0.359  0.341  0.179 -0.112 -0.268 -0.109
TT    0.412  0.465  0.518  0.596  0.619  0.576  0.447  0.276  0.146  0.140

Pairs Chart - Player Strategy (Round 1)
P/D     2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      T      A
AA      P      P      P      P      P      P      P      P      P      P
22      H      P      P      P      P      P      H      H      H      H
33      H      H      P      P      P      P      H      H      H      H
44      H      H      H      D      D      H      H      H      H      H
55      D      D      D      D      D      D      D      D      H      D
66      P      P      P      P      P      H      H      H      H      H
77      P      P      P      P      P      P      H      H      S      H
88      P      P      P      P      P      P      P      P      P      P
99      P      P      P      P      P      S      P      P      S      S
TT      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S      S

Simulation for Year 1:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days   :186
Losing days    :171
Breakeven days :8
Biggest win    :25.00
Biggest loss   :26.00
Total win      :211.00
Total staked   :20546.00
Win % staked   : 1.027

Simulation for Year 2:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days   :174
Losing days    :181
Breakeven days :10
Biggest win    :25.50
Biggest loss   :22.50
Total loss     :213.00
Total staked   :20536.00
Loss % staked  : 1.037

Simulation for Year 3:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days   :174
Losing days    :182
Breakeven days :9
Biggest win    :23.00
Biggest loss   :26.50
Total loss     :204.50
Total staked   :20542.00
Loss % staked  : 0.996

Simulation for Year 4:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days   :181
Losing days    :176
Breakeven days :8
Biggest win    :25.50
Biggest loss   :22.00
Total win      :122.50
Total staked   :20555.00
Win % staked   : 0.596

Simulation for Year 5:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days   :164
Losing days    :187
Breakeven days :14
Biggest win    :25.50
Biggest loss   :21.50
Total loss     :87.00
Total staked   :20566.00
Loss % staked  : 0.423

Simulation for Year 6:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days   :180
Losing days    :175
Breakeven days :10
Biggest win    :22.50
Biggest loss   :26.00
Total win      :23.50
Total staked   :20524.00
Win % staked   : 0.115

Simulation for Year 7:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days   :175
Losing days    :181
Breakeven days :9
Biggest win    :21.50
Biggest loss   :19.00
Total win      :15.00
Total staked   :20552.00
Win % staked   : 0.073

Simulation for Year 8:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days   :185
Losing days    :173
Breakeven days :7
Biggest win    :20.00
Biggest loss   :22.00
Total win      :80.00
Total staked   :20623.00
Win % staked   : 0.388

Simulation for Year 9:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days   :172
Losing days    :180
Breakeven days :13
Biggest win    :20.50
Biggest loss   :19.00
Total loss     :1.50
Total staked   :20589.00
Loss % staked  : 0.007

Simulation for Year 10:

After playing 50 times a day for 365 days:
Winning days   :172
Losing days    :186
Breakeven days :7
Biggest win    :24.50
Biggest loss   :25.50
Total loss     :15.00
Total staked   :20436.00
Loss % staked  : 0.073