Bitwise operations: Difference between revisions

Content deleted Content added
Added Nemerle
Line 951: Line 951:
c RightRotate b: f8000007
c RightRotate b: f8000007

<lang Nemerle>def i = 255;
def j = 2;

WriteLine($"$i and $j is $(i & j)");
WriteLine($"$i or $j is $(i | j)");
WriteLine($"$i xor $j is $(i ^ j)");
WriteLine($"not $i is $(~i)");
WriteLine($"$i lshift $j is $(i << j)");
WriteLine($"$i arshift $j is $(i >> j)"); // When the left operand of the >> operator is of a signed integral type,
// the operator performs an arithmetic shift right
WriteLine($"$(i :> uint) rshift $j is $(c >> j)"); // When the left operand of the >> operator is of an unsigned integral type,
// the operator performs a logical shift right
// there are no rotation operators in Nemerle, but you could define your own w/ a macro if you really wanted it</lang>
