Bitwise IO: Difference between revisions

Replace deprecated functions
m (→‎{{header|Perl}}: future-proof for 5.36, explicit :prototype)
(Replace deprecated functions)
(6 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
Line 26:
<syntaxhighlight lang="11l">T BitWriter
FileFileWr out
accumulator = 0
bcount = 0
F (fname)
.out = File(fname, ‘w’WRITE)
F _writebit(bit)
Line 61:
F (fname)
.input = File(fname, ‘r’)
F _readbit()
I .bcount == 0
V a = .input.read_bytes(at_most' 1)
I !a.empty
.accumulator = a[0]
Line 100:
=={{header|6502 Assembly}}==
===Storing Bytes As ASCII Strings===
Line 665 ⟶ 666:
Hello, world!
=={{header|Binary Lambda Calculus}}==
As explained on, BLC program
<pre>44 68 16 05 7e 01 17 00 be 55 ff f0 0d c1 8b b2 c1
b0 f8 7c 2d d8 05 9e 09 7f bf b1 48 39 ce 81 ce 80</pre>
compresses a string of ASCII "0"/"1" bytes into an 8x smaller stream of bytes, padding the final byte with 0 bits.
MSB in a byte is considered the "first" bit. Read and write methods somewhat mimic fread and fwrite, though there's no fflush-like function because flushing bits into a file is ill-defined (this whole task is pretty ill-defined). Only way to make sure all bits are written to the file is by detaching the bit filter, just like how closing a file flushes out buffer. There's no limit on read/write size, but caller should ensure the buffer is large enough.
Line 781 ⟶ 788:
return 0;
=={{header|C sharp|C#}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">using System;
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<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
module BitwiseIO {
class BitReader {
construct(Byte[] bytes) {
class BitReader
construct(Byte[] bytes)
this.bits = bytes.toBitArray();
private Bit[] bits;
private Int index;
Int offset { // readable & writable property "offset"
Int get() {
return index;
void set(Int offset) {
assert 0 <= offset < size;
index = offset;
Int size.get() { // read-only property "size"
return bits.size;
Boolean eof.get() { // read-only property "eof"
return index >= size;
Bit readBit() {
return eof ? assert:bounds : bits[index++];
Byte readByte() {
assert:bounds index + 8 <= size as $"eof (offset={index}, size={size}";
Int start = index;
index += 8;
return bits[start ..< index].toByte();
class BitWriter {
private Bit[] bits = new Bit[];
BitWriter writeBit(Bit bit) {
return this;
BitWriter writeByte(Byte byte) {
return this;
Byte[] bytes.get() {
// "zero fill" the bits to the next byte boundary: if the bits don't currently stop at
// a byte boundary, then calc the number of "extra" bits (bits.size & 0x7) and append
Line 1,498 ⟶ 1,492:
bits += bits.size & 0x7 == 0 ? [] : Byte:0.toBitArray() [bits.size & 0x7 ..< 8];
return bits.toByteArray();
@Inject Console console;
void run() {
Bit[] orig = [0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0]; // hexadecimal 57 50 (with LSB padding)
Bit[] orig = [0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0]; // hexadecimal 57 50 (with LSB padding)
val out = new BitWriter();
Line 1,515 ⟶ 1,508:
val test = new Bit[orig.size]((Int i) -> in.readBit());
assert test == orig;
Line 1,608 ⟶ 1,601:
dup 0= if 2drop init-read then
2dup and swap 2/ swap ;</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">Type BitFilter
nombre As String
accu As Integer
bits As Integer
bw As Integer
br As Integer
offset As Integer
End Type
Sub openWriter(bf As BitFilter) = Freefile
Open bf.nombre For Binary Access Write As
End Sub
Sub openReader(bf As BitFilter) = Freefile
Open bf.nombre For Binary Access Read As
bf.offset = 0
End Sub
Sub escribe(bf As BitFilter, buf() As Byte, start As Integer, nBits As Integer, shift As Integer)
Dim As Integer index = start + (shift \ 8)
shift Mod= 8
While nBits <> 0 Or bf.bits >= 8
While bf.bits >= 8
bf.bits -= 8
Dim As Byte outByte = ((bf.accu Shr bf.bits) And &hFF)
Put, , outByte
While bf.bits < 8 And nBits <> 0
Dim As Byte b = buf(index)
bf.accu = (bf.accu Shl 1) Or (((128 Shr shift) And b) Shr (7 - shift))
nBits -= 1
bf.bits += 1
shift += 1
If shift = 8 Then
shift = 0
index += 1
End If
End Sub
Sub lee(bf As BitFilter, buf() As Byte, start As Integer, nBits As Integer, shift As Integer)
Dim As Integer index = start + (shift \ 8)
shift Mod= 8
While nBits <> 0
While bf.bits <> 0 And nBits <> 0
Dim As Byte mask = 128 Shr shift
buf(index) = Iif((bf.accu And (1 Shl (bf.bits - 1))) <> 0, (buf(index) Or mask) And &hFF, (buf(index) And Not mask) And &hFF)
nBits -= 1
bf.bits -= 1
shift += 1
If shift >= 8 Then
shift = 0
index += 1
End If
If nBits = 0 Then Exit Sub
Dim As Byte inByte
Get, bf.offset + 1, inByte
bf.accu = (bf.accu Shl 8) Or inByte
bf.bits += 8
bf.offset += 1
End Sub
Sub closeWriter(bf As BitFilter)
If bf.bits <> 0 Then
bf.accu Shl= (8 - bf.bits)
Dim As Byte outByte = (bf.accu And &hFF)
Put, , outByte
End If
bf.accu = 0
bf.bits = 0
End Sub
Sub closeReader(bf As BitFilter)
bf.accu = 0
bf.bits = 0
bf.offset = 0
End Sub
Dim As Integer i
Dim As BitFilter bf
bf.nombre = "test.bin"
' for each byte in s, write 7 bits skipping 1
Dim As Byte s(10) => {Asc("a"), Asc("b"), Asc("c"), Asc("d"), _
Asc("e"), Asc("f"), Asc("g"), Asc("h"), Asc("i"), Asc("j"), Asc("k")}
For i = 0 To Ubound(s)
escribe(bf, s(), i, 7, 1)
Next i
' read 7 bits and expand to each byte of s2 skipping 1 bit
Dim As Byte s2(0 To Ubound(s)) = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
For i = 0 To Ubound(s2)
lee(bf, s2(), i, 7, 1)
Next i
For i = 0 To Ubound(s2)
Print Chr(s2(i));
Next i
Based on the
Line 3,375 ⟶ 3,486:
The Seed7 library [http bitdata.s7i] defines
several functions to do bitwise I/O. Bitwise data can be read from (or written to) a string or a file.
The direction of bits can be from LSB (least significant bit) to MSB (most significant bit) or vice versa.
In the program below the functions
[http,inout_integer,in_var_integer,in_var_integer) putBitsMsb], [ openMsbBitStream] and [http,inout_integer,in_var_integerin_integer) getBitsMsbgetBits] are used.
<syntaxhighlight lang="seed7">$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
Line 3,406 ⟶ 3,517:
const proc: finishWriteAscii (inout file: outFile, inout integer: bitPos) is func
putBitsMsb(outFile, bitPos, 0, 7); # Write a terminating NUL char.
write(outFile, chr(ord(outFile.bufferChar)));
end func;
const procfunc string: initReadAsciireadAscii (inout file: outFile, inout integermsbBitStream: bitPosaBitStream) is func
bitPos := 8;
end func;
const func string: readAscii (inout file: inFile, inout integer: bitPos, in integer: length) is func
var string: stri is "";
Line 3,420 ⟶ 3,527:
var char: ch is ' ';
while not eof(inFile) and length(stri)ch <> length'\0;' do
ch := chr(getBitsMsbgetBits(inFile, bitPosaBitStream, 7));
if inFile.bufferCharch <> EOF'\0;' then
stri &:= ch;
end if;
Line 3,432 ⟶ 3,539:
var file: aFile is STD_NULL;
var integer: bitPos is 0;
var msbBitStream: aBitStream is msbBitStream.value;
aFile := openStrifileopenStriFile;
initWriteAscii(aFile, bitPos);
writeAscii(aFile, bitPos, "Hello, Rosetta Code!");
finishWriteAscii(aFile, bitPos);
seek(aFile, 1);
initReadAsciiaBitStream := openMsbBitStream(aFile, bitPos);
writeln(literal(readAscii(aFile, bitPos, 100aBitStream)));
end func;</syntaxhighlight>
Line 3,446 ⟶ 3,554:
"Hello, Rosetta Code!"
<syntaxhighlight lang="tcl">package require Tcl 8.5
Line 3,501 ⟶ 3,610:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "io" for File
class BitFilter {
Line 3,606 ⟶ 3,715:
=={{header|Z80 Assembly}}==
