Bitmap/Histogram: Difference between revisions

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<lang Julia>
{{works with|Julia|0.6}}
using Color, Images, FixedPointNumbers
ima = imread("bitmap_histogram_in.jpg")
imb = convert(Image{Gray{Ufixed8}}, ima)

<lang julia>using Images, FileIO
# calculate histogram
a = map(x->x.val.i,
(nothing, h) = hist(reshape(a, length(a)), -1:typemax(Uint8))

g = float(
ima = load("data/lenna50.jpg")
b = g .> median(g)
imb = Gray.(ima)
fill!(imb, Gray(0.0))
imb[b] = Gray(1.0)

medcol = median(imb)
imwrite(imb, "bitmap_histogram_out.png")
imb[imb .≤ medcol] = Gray(0.0)
imb[imb .> medcol] = Gray(1.0)
This solution calculates the histogram, <tt>h</tt>, to comply with the letter of the task description. However, because it is easiest to calculate the median luminosity directly, <tt>h</tt> is not used to calculate the black to white threshold used to create the output image.
save("data/lennaGray.jpg", imb)</lang>

The [ input] and [ output] files.
