Bitmap/Flood fill: Difference between revisions

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findcontig_nd=: 3 : '($y)${. ([:({.,~}:) ([ repl cnnct)/\.)^:([:+./@(~:/)2&{.)^:_ (,{.) eq_nd (i.~ ~.@,) y'</lang>
=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==
<lang lb>'This example requires the Windows API
WindowWidth = 267.5
WindowHeight = 292.5
Global hDC : hDC = GetDC(0)
Struct point, x As long, y As long
Struct RGB, Red As long, Green As long, Blue As long
Struct rect, left As long, top As long, right As long, bottom As long
StyleBits #main.gbox, 0, _WS_BORDER, 0, 0
GraphicBox #main.gbox, 2.5, 2.5, 253, 252
Open "Flood Fill - Click a Color" For Window As #main
Print #main, "TrapClose quit"
Print #main.gbox, "Down; Fill Black; Place 125 125; BackColor White; " _
+ "CircleFilled 115; Place 105 105; BackColor Black; CircleFilled 50; Flush"
Print #main.gbox, "When leftButtonUp gBoxClick"
Print #main.gbox, "Size 1"
Sub quit handle$
Call ReleaseDC 0, hDC
Close #main
End Sub
Sub gBoxClick handle$, MouseX, MouseY
result = GetCursorPos()
targetRGB = GetPixel(hDC, point.x.struct, point.y.struct)
ColorDialog "", replacementColor$
If replacementColor$ = "" Then Exit Sub
Print #main.gbox, "Color " + Word$(replacementColor$, 1) + " " + Word$(replacementColor$, 2) + " " + Word$(replacementColor$, 3)
result = FloodFill(MouseX, MouseY, targetRGB)
Print #main.gbox, "DelSegment FloodFill"
Print #main.gbox, "GetBMP FloodFill 0 0 500 500; CLS; DrawBMP FloodFill 0 0; Flush FloodFill"
Notice "Complete!"
UnLoadBMP "FloodFill"
End Sub
Sub ReleaseDC hWnd, hDC
CallDLL #user32,"ReleaseDC", hWnd As uLong, hDC As uLong, ret As Long
End Sub
Function GetDC(hWnd)
CallDLL #user32, "GetDC", hWnd As uLong, GetDC As uLong
End Function
Function GetCursorPos()
CallDLL #user32, "GetCursorPos", point As struct, GetCursorPos As uLong
End Function
Function GetPixel(hDC, x, y)
CallDLL #gdi32, "GetPixel", hDC As uLong, x As long, y As long, GetPixel As long
End Function
Function getLongRGB(RGB.Blue)
getLongRGB = (RGB.Blue * (256 * 256))
End Function
Function GetWindowRect(hWnd)
'Get ClientRectangle
CallDLL #user32, "GetWindowRect", hWnd As ulong, rect As struct, GetWindowRect As ulong
End Function
Function FloodFill(mouseXX, mouseYY, targetColor)
result = GetWindowRect(Hwnd(#main.gbox))
X = Int(mouseXX + rect.left.struct)
Y = Int(mouseYY +
If (GetPixel(hDC, X, Y) <> targetColor) Then
Exit Function
Print str$(mouseXX) + " " + str$(mouseYY)
Print #main.gbox, "Set " + str$(mouseXX) + " " + str$(mouseYY)
End If
If (mouseXX > 0) And (mouseXX < 253) Then
result = FloodFill((mouseXX - 1), mouseYY, targetColor)
result = FloodFill((mouseXX + 1), mouseYY, targetColor)
End If
If (mouseYY > 0) And (mouseYY < 252) Then
result = FloodFill(mouseXX, (mouseYY + 1), targetColor)
result = FloodFill(mouseXX, (mouseYY - 1), targetColor)
End If
End Function</lang>