Bitmap/Bresenham's line algorithm

Revision as of 16:07, 18 February 2009 by rosettacode>ShinTakezou (→‎{{header|Fortran}}: C was my ref.point)

Using the data storage type defined on this page for raster graphics images, draw a line given 2 points with the Bresenham's algorithm (definition on Wikipedia).

Bitmap/Bresenham's line algorithm
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.


<lang ada> procedure Line (Picture : in out Image; Start, Stop : Point; Color : Pixel) is

  DX  : constant Float := abs Float (Stop.X - Start.X);
  DY  : constant Float := abs Float (Stop.Y - Start.Y);
  Err : Float;
  X   : Positive := Start.X;
  Y   : Positive := Start.Y;
  Step_X : Integer := 1;
  Step_Y : Integer := 1;


  if Start.X > Stop.X then
     Step_X := -1;
  end if;
  if Start.Y > Stop.Y then
     Step_Y := -1;
  end if;
  if DX > DY then
     Err := DX / 2.0;
     while X /= Stop.X loop
        Picture (X, Y) := Color;
        Err := Err - DY;
        if Err < 0.0 then
           Y := Y + Step_Y;
           Err := Err + DX;
        end if;
        X := X + Step_X;
     end loop;
     Err := DY / 2.0;
     while Y /= Stop.Y loop
        Picture (X, Y) := Color;
        Err := Err - DX;
        if Err < 0.0 then
           X := X + Step_X;
           Err := Err + DY;
        end if;
        Y := Y + Step_Y;
     end loop;
  end if;
  Picture (X, Y) := Color; -- Ensure dots to be drawn

end Line; </lang> The test program's <lang ada>

  X : Image (1..16, 1..16);


  Fill (X, White);
  Line (X, ( 1, 8), ( 8,16), Black);
  Line (X, ( 8,16), (16, 8), Black);
  Line (X, (16, 8), ( 8, 1), Black);
  Line (X, ( 8, 1), ( 1, 8), Black);
  Print (X);

</lang> sample output

      H H
     H   H
    H     HH
   H        H
  H          H
 H            H
H              H
 H            H
  H          H
   H        H
    H      H
    H     H
     H   H
      H H


Translation of: Ada
Works with: ALGOL 68 version Standard - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release mk15-0.8b.fc9.i386
Works with: ELLA ALGOL 68 version Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release 1.8.8d.fc9.i386 - using print instead of printf
MODE  PIXEL = STRUCT(#SHORT# BITS red,green,blue);

     POINT = STRUCT(INT x,y);

PIXEL black = (#SHORTEN# 16r00, #SHORTEN# 16r00, #SHORTEN# 16r00),
      red   = (#SHORTEN# 16rff, #SHORTEN# 16r00, #SHORTEN# 16r00),
      green = (#SHORTEN# 16r00, #SHORTEN# 16rff, #SHORTEN# 16r00),
      blue  = (#SHORTEN# 16r00, #SHORTEN# 16r00, #SHORTEN# 16rff),
      white = (#SHORTEN# 16rff, #SHORTEN# 16rff, #SHORTEN# 16rff);

PROC fill = (REF IMAGE image, PIXEL color)VOID:
  FOR x TO 1 UPB image DO
    FOR y TO 2 UPB image DO
      image[x,y] := color

PROC line = (REF IMAGE picture, POINT start, stop, PIXEL color)VOID:
   REAL dx = ABS (x OF stop - x OF start);
   REAL dy  = ABS (y OF stop - y OF start);
   REAL err;
   INT x := x OF start;
   INT y := y OF start;
   INT step x := 1;
   INT step y := 1;
   IF x OF start > x OF stop THEN
      step x := -1
   IF y OF start > y OF stop THEN
      step y := -1
   IF dx > dy THEN
      err := dx / 2.0;
      WHILE x /= x OF stop DO
         picture[x,y] := color;
         err -:= dy;
         IF err < 0.0 THEN
            y +:= step y;
            err +:= dx
         x +:= step x
      err := dy / 2.0;
      WHILE y /= y OF stop DO
         picture[x,y] := color;
         err := err - dx;
         IF err < 0.0 THEN
            x +:= step x;
            err +:= dy
         y +:= step y
   picture[x,y] := color # ensure dots to be drawn #
END # line #;

the test program's
   REF IMAGE x = LOC[1:16, 1:16]PIXEL;
   fill (x, white);
   line (x, ( 1, 8), ( 8,16), black);
   line (x, ( 8,16), (16, 8), black);
   line (x, (16, 8), ( 8, 1), black);
   line (x, ( 8, 1), ( 1, 8), black);
   printf(($n(UPB x)(3(16r2d))l$, x))




<lang c>#define plot(x, y) put_pixel_clip(img, x, y, r, g, b)

  1. define swap_uint(a, b) do{ unsigned int tmp; tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; }while(0)

void draw_line(

       image img,
       unsigned int x0, unsigned int y0,
       unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1,
       color_component r,
       color_component g,
       color_component b )


   unsigned short steep;
   steep = abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0);
   if (steep) {
       swap_uint(x0, y0);
       swap_uint(x1, y1);
   if (x0 > x1) {
       swap_uint(x0, x1);
       swap_uint(y0, y1);
       int deltax = x1 - x0;
       int deltay = abs(y1 - y0);
       int error = deltax / 2;
       int ystep;
       int y = y0;
       int x;
       if (y0 < y1) ystep = 1; else ystep = -1;
       for (x = x0; x <= x1; ++x) {
           if (steep) plot(y,x); else plot(x,y);
           error = error - deltay;
           if (error < 0) {
               y = y + ystep;
               error = error + deltax;


  1. undef swap_uint
  2. undef plot</lang>


defer steep         \ noop or swap
defer ystep         \ 1+ or 1-

: line ( x0 y0 x1 y1 color bmp -- )
  { color bmp }
  rot swap
  ( x0 x1 y0 y1 )
  2dup  - abs >r
  2over - abs r> <
  if         ['] swap	\ swap use of x and y
  else 2swap ['] noop
  then       is steep
  ( y0 y1 x0 x1 )
  2dup >
  if swap 2swap swap	\ ensure x1 > x0
  else    2swap
  ( x0 x1 y0 y1 )
  2dup >
  if   ['] 1-
  else ['] 1+
  then is ystep
  over - abs    { y deltay }
  swap 2dup - dup { deltax }
  2/ rot 1+ rot
  ( error x1+1 x0 )
  do  color i y steep bmp b!
      deltay -
      dup 0<
      if   y ystep to y
           deltax +
  drop ;
5 5 bitmap value test
0 test bfill
1 0 4 1 red test line
4 1 3 4 red test line
3 4 0 3 red test line
0 3 1 0 red test line
test bshow cr
 * **
*   *
** * 


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later
Translation of: C

<lang fortran>module RCImagePrimitive

 use RCImageBasic
 type point
    integer :: x, y
 end type point
 private :: swapcoord


 subroutine swapcoord(p1, p2)
   integer, intent(inout) :: p1, p2
   integer :: t
   t = p2
   p2 = p1
   p1 = t
 end subroutine swapcoord
 subroutine draw_line(img, from, to, color)
   type(rgbimage), intent(inout) :: img
   type(point), intent(in) :: from, to
   type(rgb), intent(in) :: color
   type(point) :: rfrom, rto
   integer :: dx, dy, error, ystep, x, y
   logical :: steep
   rfrom = from
   rto = to
   steep = (abs(rto%y - rfrom%y) > abs(rto%x - rfrom%x))
   if ( steep ) then
      call swapcoord(rfrom%x, rfrom%y)
      call swapcoord(rto%x, rto%y)
   end if
   if ( rfrom%x > rto%x ) then
      call swapcoord(rfrom%x, rto%x)
      call swapcoord(rfrom%y, rto%y)
   end if
   dx = rto%x - rfrom%x
   dy = abs(rto%y - rfrom%y)
   error = dx / 2
   y = rfrom%y
   if ( rfrom%y < rto%y ) then
      ystep = 1
      ystep = -1
   end if
   do x = rfrom%x, rto%x
      if ( steep ) then
         call put_pixel(img, y, x, color)
         call put_pixel(img, x, y, color)
      end if
      error = error - dy
      if ( error < 0 ) then
         y = y + ystep
         error = error + dx
      end if
   end do
 end subroutine draw_line

end module RCImagePrimitive</lang>

Usage example:

<lang fortran>program BasicImageTests

 use RCImageBasic
 use RCImageIO
 use RCImagePrimitive
 type(rgbimage) :: animage
 integer :: x, y
 animage = alloc_img(200, 200)
 call fill_img(animage, rgb(255,255,255))
 call draw_line(animage, point(0,0), point(255,255), rgb(0,0,0))
 do y=0,219,20
    call draw_line(animage, point(0,0), point(255, y), &
 end do
 open(unit=10, file='outputimage.ppm', status='new')
 call output_ppm(10, animage)
 call free_img(animage)

end program BasicImageTests</lang>


fn plot img coord steep col =
    if steep then
        swap coord[1] coord[2]
    setPixels img coord col

fn drawLine img start end col =
    local steep = (abs (end.y - start.y)) > (abs (end.x - start.x))
    if steep then
        swap start.x start.y
        swap end.x end.y
    if start.x > end.x then
        swap start.x end.x
        swap start.y end.y
    local deltaX = end.x - start.x
    local deltaY = abs (end.y - start.y)
    local error = deltaX / 2.0
    local yStep = -1
    local y = start.y
    if start.y < end.y then
        yStep = 1
    for x in start.x to end.x do
        plot img [x, y] steep col
        error -= deltaY
        if error < 0 then
            y += yStep
            error += deltaX

myBitmap = bitmap 512 512 color:(color 0 0 0)
myBitmap = drawLine myBitmap [0, 511] [511, 0] #((color 255 255 255))
display myBitmap


<lang ocaml>let draw_line ~img ~color ~p0:(x0,y0) ~p1:(x1,y1) =

 let steep = abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0) in
 let plot =
   if steep
   then (fun x y -> put_pixel img color y x)
   else (fun x y -> put_pixel img color x y)
 let x0, y0, x1, y1 =
   if steep
   then y0, x0, y1, x1
   else x0, y0, x1, y1
 let x0, x1, y0, y1 =
   if x0 > x1
   then x1, x0, y1, y0
   else x0, x1, y0, y1
 let delta_x = x1 - x0
 and delta_y = abs(y1 - y0) in
 let error = -delta_x / 2
 and y_step =
   if y0 < y1 then 1 else -1
 let rec loop x y error =
   plot x y;
   if x <= x1 then
     let error = error + delta_y in
     let y, error =
       if error > 0
       then (y + y_step), (error - delta_x)
       else y, error
     loop (succ x) y error
 loop x0 y0 error


Use this routine together with the code from Basic bitmap storage to create a full application.

<lang rapidq> SUB draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, colour)

   x_dist = abs(x2-x1)
   y_dist = abs(y2-y1)
   IF y2-y1 < -x_dist OR x2-x1 <= -y_dist THEN
       SWAP x1, x2				' Swap start and end points

SWAP y1, y2

   IF x1 < x2 THEN x_step = 1 ELSE x_step = -1
   IF y1 < y2 THEN y_step = 1 ELSE y_step = -1
   IF y_dist > x_dist THEN			' steep angle, step by y

error = y_dist/2 x = x1 FOR y = y1 TO y2 canvas.Pset(x, y, colour) error = error - x_dist IF error < 0 THEN x = x + x_step error = error + y_dist END IF NEXT y

   ELSE					' not steep, step by x
       error = x_dist/2

y = y1 FOR x = x1 TO x2 canvas.Pset(x, y, colour) error = error - y_dist IF error < 0 THEN y = y + y_step error = error + x_dist END IF NEXT y


END SUB </lang>

Example usage:

<lang rapidq> SUB PaintCanvas

   draw_line 200,  10, 100, 200, &H00ff00
   draw_line 100, 200, 200, 400, &H00ff00
   draw_line 200, 400, 300, 200, &H00ff00
   draw_line 300, 200, 200,  10, &H00ff00

END SUB </lang>

Vedit macro language

//  Daw a line using Bresenham's line algorithm.
//  #1=x1, #2=y1; #3=x2, #4=y2

#31 = abs(#3-#1)		// x distance
#32 = abs(#4-#2)		// y distance
if (#4-#2 < -#31 || #3-#1 <= -#32) {
    #99=#1; #1=#3; #3=#99	// swap start and end points
    #99=#2; #2=#4; #4=#99
if (#1 < #3) { #34=1 } else { #34=-1 }	// x step
if (#2 < #4) { #35=1 } else { #35=-1 }	// y step

if (#32 > #31) {		// steep angle, step by Y
    #33 = #32 / 2		// error distance
    while (#2 <= #4) {
	#33 -= #31
	if (#33 < 0) {
	    #1 += #34		// move right
	    #33 += #32
	#2++			// move up
} else {			// not steep, step by X
    #33 = #31 / 2
    while (#1 <= #3) {
	#33 -= #32
	if (#33 < 0) {
	    #2 += #35		// move up
	    #33 += #31
	#1++			// move right