Bitcoin/public point to address: Difference between revisions

+ D entry
(Go solution)
(+ D entry)
Line 99:
return 0;
Requires the D module from the SHA-256 task.
<lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.digest.ripemd, sha_256;
// A Bitcoin public point.
struct PPoint { ubyte[32] x, y; }
private enum bitcoinVersion = 0;
private enum RIPEMD160_digest_len = typeof("".ripemd160Of).length;
private alias sha = SHA256.digest;
alias Address = ubyte[1 + 4 + RIPEMD160_digest_len];
/** Returns a base 58 encoded bitcoin address corresponding
to the receiver. */
char[] toBase58(ref Address a) pure nothrow {
static immutable symbols = "123456789" ~
static assert(symbols.length == 58);
auto result = new typeof(return)(34);
foreach_reverse (ref ri; result) {
uint c = 0;
foreach (ref ai; a) {
c = c * 256 + ai;
ai = cast(ubyte)(c / symbols.length);
c %= symbols.length;
ri = symbols[c];
size_t i = 1;
for (; i < result.length && result[i] == '1'; i++) {}
return result[i - 1 .. $];
char[] bitcoinEncode(in ref PPoint p) pure nothrow {
ubyte[typeof(PPoint.x).length + typeof(PPoint.y).length + 1] s;
s[0] = 4;
s[1 .. 1 + p.x.length] = p.x[];
s[1 + p.x.length .. $] = p.y[];
Address rmd;
rmd[0] = bitcoinVersion;
rmd[1 .. RIPEMD160_digest_len + 1] = s.sha.ripemd160Of;
rmd[$-4 .. $] = rmd[0 .. RIPEMD160_digest_len + 1].sha.sha[0 .. 4];
return rmd.toBase58;
void main() {
PPoint p = {