Bitcoin/address validation: Difference between revisions

added FreeBASIC
(added FreeBASIC)
Line 441:
in call from bitcoin_address:task/0 (src/bitcoin_address.erl, line 9)
<lang freebasic>' version 05-04-2017
' compile with: fbc -s console
' function adapted from the SHA-256 task
Function SHA_256(test_str As String, bitcoin As ULong = 0) As String
#Macro Ch (x, y, z)
(((x) And (y)) Xor ((Not (x)) And z))
#Macro Maj (x, y, z)
(((x) And (y)) Xor ((x) And (z)) Xor ((y) And (z)))
#Macro sigma0 (x)
(((x) Shr 2 Or (x) Shl 30) Xor ((x) Shr 13 Or (x) Shl 19) Xor ((x) Shr 22 Or (x) Shl 10))
#Macro sigma1 (x)
(((x) Shr 6 Or (x) Shl 26) Xor ((x) Shr 11 Or (x) Shl 21) Xor ((x) Shr 25 Or (x) Shl 7))
#Macro sigma2 (x)
(((x) Shr 7 Or (x) Shl 25) Xor ((x) Shr 18 Or (x) Shl 14) Xor ((x) Shr 3))
#Macro sigma3 (x)
(((x) Shr 17 Or (x) Shl 15) Xor ((x) Shr 19 Or (x) Shl 13) Xor ((x) Shr 10))
Dim As String message = test_str ' strings are passed as ByRef's
Dim As Long i, j
Dim As UByte Ptr ww1
Dim As UInteger<32> Ptr ww4
Dim As ULongInt l = Len(message)
' set the first bit after the message to 1
message = message + Chr(1 Shl 7)
' add one char to the length
Dim As ULong padding = 64 - ((l +1) Mod (512 \ 8)) ' 512 \ 8 = 64 char.
' check if we have enough room for inserting the length
If padding < 8 Then padding = padding + 64
message = message + String(padding, Chr(0)) ' adjust length
Dim As ULong l1 = Len(message) ' new length
l = l * 8 ' orignal length in bits
' create ubyte ptr to point to l ( = length in bits)
Dim As UByte Ptr ub_ptr = Cast(UByte Ptr, @l)
For i = 0 To 7 'copy length of message to the last 8 bytes
message[l1 -1 - i] = ub_ptr[i]
'table of constants
Dim As UInteger<32> K(0 To ...) = _
{ &H428a2f98, &H71374491, &Hb5c0fbcf, &He9b5dba5, &H3956c25b, &H59f111f1, _
&H923f82a4, &Hab1c5ed5, &Hd807aa98, &H12835b01, &H243185be, &H550c7dc3, _
&H72be5d74, &H80deb1fe, &H9bdc06a7, &Hc19bf174, &He49b69c1, &Hefbe4786, _
&H0fc19dc6, &H240ca1cc, &H2de92c6f, &H4a7484aa, &H5cb0a9dc, &H76f988da, _
&H983e5152, &Ha831c66d, &Hb00327c8, &Hbf597fc7, &Hc6e00bf3, &Hd5a79147, _
&H06ca6351, &H14292967, &H27b70a85, &H2e1b2138, &H4d2c6dfc, &H53380d13, _
&H650a7354, &H766a0abb, &H81c2c92e, &H92722c85, &Ha2bfe8a1, &Ha81a664b, _
&Hc24b8b70, &Hc76c51a3, &Hd192e819, &Hd6990624, &Hf40e3585, &H106aa070, _
&H19a4c116, &H1e376c08, &H2748774c, &H34b0bcb5, &H391c0cb3, &H4ed8aa4a, _
&H5b9cca4f, &H682e6ff3, &H748f82ee, &H78a5636f, &H84c87814, &H8cc70208, _
&H90befffa, &Ha4506ceb, &Hbef9a3f7, &Hc67178f2 }
Dim As UInteger<32> h0 = &H6a09e667
Dim As UInteger<32> h1 = &Hbb67ae85
Dim As UInteger<32> h2 = &H3c6ef372
Dim As UInteger<32> h3 = &Ha54ff53a
Dim As UInteger<32> h4 = &H510e527f
Dim As UInteger<32> h5 = &H9b05688c
Dim As UInteger<32> h6 = &H1f83d9ab
Dim As UInteger<32> h7 = &H5be0cd19
Dim As UInteger<32> a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h
Dim As UInteger<32> t1, t2, w(0 To 63)
For j = 0 To (l1 -1) \ 64 ' split into block of 64 bytes
ww1 = Cast(UByte Ptr, @message[j * 64])
ww4 = Cast(UInteger<32> Ptr, @message[j * 64])
For i = 0 To 60 Step 4 'little endian -> big endian
Swap ww1[i ], ww1[i +3]
Swap ww1[i +1], ww1[i +2]
For i = 0 To 15 ' copy the 16 32bit block into the array
W(i) = ww4[i]
For i = 16 To 63 ' fill the rest of the array
w(i) = sigma3(W(i -2)) + W(i -7) + sigma2(W(i -15)) + W(i -16)
a = h0 : b = h1 : c = h2 : d = h3 : e = h4 : f = h5 : g = h6 : h = h7
For i = 0 To 63
t1 = h + sigma1(e) + Ch(e, f, g) + K(i) + W(i)
t2 = sigma0(a) + Maj(a, b, c)
h = g : g = f : f = e
e = d + t1
d = c : c = b : b = a
a = t1 + t2
h0 += a : h1 += b : h2 += c : h3 += d
h4 += e : h5 += f : h6 += g : h7 += h
Next j
Dim As String answer = Hex(h0, 8) + Hex(h1, 8) + Hex(h2, 8) + Hex(h3, 8) _
+ Hex(h4, 8) + Hex(h5, 8) + Hex(h6, 8) + Hex(h7, 8)
If bitcoin = 0 Then
Return LCase(answer)
Else 'conver hex value's to integer value's
message = String(32,0)
For i = 0 To 31
message[i] = Val("&h" + Mid(answer, i * 2 + 1, 2))
bitcoin = 0
End If
End Function
Function conv_base58(bitcoin_address As String) As String
Dim As String base58 = "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"
Dim As String tmp = String(24, 0)
Dim As Long x, y, z
For x = 1 To Len(bitcoin_address) -1
z = InStr(base58, Chr(bitcoin_address[x])) -1
If z = -1 Then
Print " bitcoin address contains illegal character"
Return ""
End If
For y = 23 To 0 Step -1
z = z + tmp[y] * 58
tmp[y] = z And 255 ' test_str[y] = z Mod 256
z Shr= 8 ' z \= 256
If z <> 0 Then
Print " bitcoin address is to long"
Return ""
End If
z = InStr(base58, Chr(bitcoin_address[0])) -1
Return Chr(z) + tmp
End Function
' ------=< MAIN >=------
Data "1AGNa15ZQXAZUgFiqJ2i7Z2DPU2J6hW62i" ' original
Data "1AGNa15ZQXAZUgFiqJ2i7Z2DPU2J6hW62j" ' checksum changed
Data "1NAGa15ZQXAZUgFiqJ2i7Z2DPU2J6hW62i" ' address changed
Data "0AGNa15ZQXAZUgFiqJ2i7Z2DPU2J6hW62i" ' only 1 or 3 as first char. allowed
Data "1AGNa15ZQXAZUgFlqJ2i7Z2DPU2J6hW62i" ' illegal character in address
Dim As String tmp, result, checksum, bitcoin_address
Dim As Long i, j
For i = 1 To 5
Read bitcoin_address
Print "Bitcoin address: "; bitcoin_address;
tmp = Left(bitcoin_address,1)
If tmp <> "1" And tmp <> "3" Then
Print " first character is not 1 or 3"
Continue For
End If
' convert bitcoinaddress
tmp = conv_base58(bitcoin_address)
If tmp = "" Then Continue For
' get the checksum, last 4 digits
For j As Long = 21 To 24
checksum = checksum + LCase(Hex(tmp[j], 2))
' send the first 21 characters to the SHA 256 routine
result = SHA_256(Left(tmp, 21), 2)
result = Left(result, 8) ' get the checksum (the first 8 digits (hex))
If checksum = result Then ' test the found checksum against
Print " is valid" ' the one from the address
Print " is not valid, checksum fails"
End If
' empty keyboard buffer
While InKey <> "" : Wend
Print : Print "hit any key to end program"
<pre>Bitcoin address: 1AGNa15ZQXAZUgFiqJ2i7Z2DPU2J6hW62i is valid
Bitcoin address: 1AGNa15ZQXAZUgFiqJ2i7Z2DPU2J6hW62j is not valid, checksum fails
Bitcoin address: 1NAGa15ZQXAZUgFiqJ2i7Z2DPU2J6hW62i is not valid, checksum fails
Bitcoin address: 0AGNa15ZQXAZUgFiqJ2i7Z2DPU2J6hW62i first character is not 1 or 3
Bitcoin address: 1AGNa15ZQXAZUgFlqJ2i7Z2DPU2J6hW62i bitcoin address contains illegal character</pre>
