Birthday problem: Difference between revisions

+ second D version
(→‎{{header|J}}: meaningful names)
(+ second D version)
Line 261:
5 independent people in a group of 313 share a common birthday. ( 50.3)</pre>
Run-time about 10.4 seconds with ldc2 compiler.
Alternative version:
<lang d>import std.stdio, std.random, std.math;
enum nDays = 365;
// 5 sigma confidence. Conventionally people think 3 sigmas are good
// enough, but for case of 5 people sharing birthday, 3 sigmas
// actually sometimes give a slightly wrong answer.
enum double nSigmas = 3.0; // Currently 3 for acceptable speed.
/// Given p people, if n of them have same birthday in one run.
bool simulate1(in uint p, in uint nCollisions, ref Xorshift rng) /*@nogc*/ @safe {
static uint[nDays] days;
days[] = 0;
foreach (immutable _; 0 .. p) {
immutable day = uniform(0, days.length, rng);
if (days[day] == nCollisions)
return true;
return false;
/** Decide if the probablity of n out of np people sharing a birthday
is above or below pThresh, with nSigmas sigmas confidence.
If pThresh is very low or hi, minimum runs need to be much higher. */
double prob(in uint np, in uint nCollisions, in double pThresh,
out double stdDev, ref Xorshift rng) {
double p, d; // Probablity and standard deviation.
uint nRuns = 0, yes = 0;
do {
yes += simulate1(np, nCollisions, rng);
p = (cast(double)yes) / nRuns;
d = sqrt(p * (1 - p) / nRuns);
debug if (yes % 50_000 == 0)
printf("\t\t%d: %d %d %g %g \r", np, yes, nRuns, p, d);
} while (nRuns < 10 || abs(p - pThresh) < (nSigmas * d));
debug '\n'.putchar;
stdDev = d;
return p;
/// Bisect for truth.
uint findHalfChance(in uint nCollisions, out double p, out double dev,
ref Xorshift rng) {
uint mid;
uint lo = 0;
uint hi = nDays * (nCollisions - 1) + 1;
do {
mid = (hi + lo) / 2;
p = prob(mid, nCollisions, 0.5, dev, rng);
debug printf("\t%d %d %d %g %g\n", lo, mid, hi, p, dev);
if (p < 0.5)
lo = mid + 1;
hi = mid;
if (hi < lo) {
// This happens when previous precisions were too low;
// easiest fix: reset.
debug "\tMade a mess, will redo.".puts;
goto RESET;
} while (lo < mid || p < 0.5);
return mid;
void main() {
auto rng = Xorshift(unpredictableSeed);
foreach (immutable uint nCollisions; 2 .. 6) {
double p, d;
immutable np = findHalfChance(nCollisions, p, d, rng);
writefln("%d collision: %d people, P = %g +/- %g",
nCollisions, np, p, d);
<pre>2 collision: 23 people, P = 0.521934 +/- 0.00728933
3 collision: 88 people, P = 0.512367 +/- 0.00411469
4 collision: 187 people, P = 0.506974 +/- 0.00232306
5 collision: 313 people, P = 0.501588 +/- 0.000529277</pre>
Output with nSigmas = 5.0:
<pre>2 collision: 23 people, P = 0.508607 +/- 0.00172133
3 collision: 88 people, P = 0.511945 +/- 0.00238885
4 collision: 187 people, P = 0.503229 +/- 0.000645587
5 collision: 313 people, P = 0.501105 +/- 0.000221016</pre>