Birthday problem: Difference between revisions

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4 independent people in a group of 187 share a common birthday. ( 50,1)
4 independent people in a group of 187 share a common birthday. ( 50,1)
5 independent people in a group of 314 share a common birthday. ( 50,2)</pre>
5 independent people in a group of 314 share a common birthday. ( 50,2)</pre>

{{works with|Julia|0.6}}

<lang julia>function equalbirthdays(sharers::Int, groupsize::Int; nrep::Int = 10000)
eq = 0
for _ in 1:nrep
group = rand(1:365, groupsize)
grset = Set(group)
if groupsize - length(grset) ≥ sharers - 1 &&
any(count(x -> x == d, group) ≥ sharers for d in grset)
eq += 1
return eq / nrep

gsizes = [2]
for sh in (2, 3, 4, 5)
local gsize = gsizes[end]
local freq

# Coarse
while equalbirthdays(sh, gsize; nrep = 100) < .5
gsize += 1
# Finer
for gsize in trunc(Int, gsize - (gsize - gsizes[end]) / 4):(gsize + 999)
if equalbirthdays(sh, gsize; nrep = 250) > 0.5
# Finest
for gsize in (gsize - 1):(gsize + 999)
freq = equalbirthdays(sh, gsize; nrep = 50000)
if freq > 0.5

push!(gsizes, gsize)
@printf("%i independent people in a group of %s share a common birthday. (%5.3f)\n", sh, gsize, freq)

<pre>2 independent people in a group of 23 share a common birthday. (0.506)
3 independent people in a group of 88 share a common birthday. (0.510)
4 independent people in a group of 187 share a common birthday. (0.500)
5 independent people in a group of 314 share a common birthday. (0.507)</pre>
