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IF S%=A%(B%) THEN = B% ELSE = -1</lang>
=={{header|Batch File}}==
<lang windowsnt>
@echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
:: Binary Chop Algorithm - Michael Sanders 2017
:: example output...
:: binary chop algorithm vs. standard for loop
:: number to find 941
:: for loop required 941 iterations
:: binchop required 10 iterations
set x=1
set y=999
set /a z=(%random% * (%y% - 1) / 32768 + 1)
for /l %%q in (%x%,1,%y%) do set /a array[%%q]=%%q
for /l %%q in (%x%,1,%y%) do (
if !array[%%q]!==%z% (set f=%%q& goto :binchop)
if !x! leq !y! (
set /a i+=1
set /a "p=(!x!+!y!)/2"
call set /a t=%%array[!p!]%%
if !t! equ !z! (set b=!i!& goto :done)
if !t! lss !z! (set /a x=!p!+1) else (set /a y=!p!-1)
goto :binchop
echo binary chop algorithm vs. standard for loop...
echo . number to find !z!
echo . for loop required !f! iterations
echo . binchop required !b! iterations
endlocal & exit /b 0