Binary digits: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|JavaScript}}: Simple ES6 example (wrapping String.toString(base))
(→‎{{header|JavaScript}}: + a version of showIntAtBase which uses a specific (Int -> Char) digit function)
Line 1,497: Line 1,497:
50 -> 110010
50 -> 110010
9000 -> 10001100101000</pre>
9000 -> 10001100101000</pre>

Or, if we need more flexibility with digits used, we can write a version of showIntAtBase which takes a more specific Int -> Char function as as an argument:

<lang JavaScript>(() => {

// showBin :: Int -> String
const showBin = n => {
const binaryChar = n => n !== 0 ? '一' : '〇';

return showIntAtBase(2, binaryChar, n, '');

// showIntAtBase :: Int -> (Int -> Char) -> Int -> String -> String
const showIntAtBase = (base, toChr, n, rs) => {
const showIt = ([n, d], r) => {
const r_ = toChr(d) + r;
return n !== 0 ? (
showIt(quotRem(n, base), r_)
) : r_;
return base <= 1 ? (
'error: showIntAtBase applied to unsupported base'
) : n < 0 ? (
'error: showIntAtBase applied to negative number'
) : showIt(quotRem(n, base), rs);

// quotRem :: Integral a => a -> a -> (a, a)
const quotRem = (m, n) => [Math.floor(m / n), m % n];

// GENERIC FUNCTIONS FOR TEST ---------------------------------------------

// intercalate :: String -> [a] -> String
const intercalate = (s, xs) => xs.join(s);

// map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
const map = (f, xs) =>;

// unlines :: [String] -> String
const unlines = xs => xs.join('\n');

// show :: a -> String
const show = x => JSON.stringify(x);

// TEST -------------------------------------------------------------------

return unlines(map(
n => intercalate(' -> ', [show(n), showBin(n)]), [5, 50, 9000]
<pre>5 -> 一〇一
50 -> 一一〇〇一〇
9000 -> 一〇〇〇一一〇〇一〇一〇〇〇</pre>
