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tobinary 5
tobinary 50</lang>
'''2 ways :'''
1- Function DecToBin(ByVal Number As Long) As String
'''Arguments :'''
[Required] Number (Long) : ''should be a positive number''
2- Function DecToBin2(ByVal Number As Long, Optional Places As Long) As String
'''Arguments :'''
[Required] Number (Long) : ''should be >= -512 And <= 511''
[Optional] Places (Long) : ''the number of characters to use.''
Note : If places is omitted, DecToBin2 uses the minimum number of characters necessary.
Places is useful for padding the return value with leading 0s (zeros).
<lang vb>
Option Explicit
Sub Main_Dec2bin()
Dim Nb As Long
Nb = 5
Debug.Print "The decimal value " & Nb & " should produce an output of : " & DecToBin(Nb)
Debug.Print "The decimal value " & Nb & " should produce an output of : " & DecToBin2(Nb)
Nb = 50
Debug.Print "The decimal value " & Nb & " should produce an output of : " & DecToBin(Nb)
Debug.Print "The decimal value " & Nb & " should produce an output of : " & DecToBin2(Nb)
Nb = 9000
Debug.Print "The decimal value " & Nb & " should produce an output of : " & DecToBin(Nb)
Debug.Print "The decimal value " & Nb & " should produce an output of : " & DecToBin2(Nb)
End Sub
Function DecToBin(ByVal Number As Long) As String
Dim strTemp As String
Do While Number > 1
strTemp = Number - 2 * (Number \ 2) & strTemp
Number = Number \ 2
DecToBin = Number & strTemp
End Function
Function DecToBin2(ByVal Number As Long, Optional Places As Long) As String
If Number > 511 Then
DecToBin2 = "Error : Number is too large ! (Number must be < 511)"
ElseIf Number < -512 Then
DecToBin2 = "Error : Number is too small ! (Number must be > -512)"
If Places = 0 Then
DecToBin2 = WorksheetFunction.Dec2Bin(Number)
DecToBin2 = WorksheetFunction.Dec2Bin(Number, Places)
End If
End If
End Function
<pre>The decimal value 5 should produce an output of : 101
The decimal value 5 should produce an output of : 101
The decimal value 50 should produce an output of : 110010
The decimal value 50 should produce an output of : 110010
The decimal value 9000 should produce an output of : 10001100101000
The decimal value 9000 should produce an output of : Error : Number is too large ! (Number must be < 511)</pre>
=={{header|Vedit macro language}}==