Best shuffle: Difference between revisions

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a a (1)</pre>
a a (1)</pre>

Works with SWI-Prolog
<lang Prolog>:- dynamic score/2.

best_shuffle :-
maplist(best_shuffle, ["abracadabra", "eesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr",
"up", "a"]).

best_shuffle(Str) :-
length(Str, Len),
assert(score(Str, Len)),
calcule_min(Str, Len, Min),
shuffle(Str, Shuffled),
maplist(comp, Str, Shuffled, Result),
sumlist(Result, V),
retract(score(Cur, VCur)),
( V < VCur -> assert(score(Shuffled, V)); assert(score(Cur, VCur))),
V = Min,
retract(score(Cur, VCur)),
writef('%s : %s (%d)\n', [Str, Cur, VCur]).

comp(C, C1, S):-
( C = C1 -> S = 1; S = 0).

% this code was written by P.Caboche and can be found here :
shuffle(List, Shuffled) :-
length(List, Len),
shuffle(Len, List, Shuffled).

shuffle(0, [], []) :- !.

shuffle(Len, List, [Elem|Tail]) :-
RandInd is random(Len),
nth0(RandInd, List, Elem),
select(Elem, List, Rest),
NewLen is Len - 1,
shuffle(NewLen, Rest, Tail).

% letters are sorted out then packed
% If a letter is more numerous than the rest
% the min is the difference between the quantity of this letter and
% the sum of the quantity of the other letters
calcule_min(Str, Len, Min) :-
msort(Str, SS),
packList(SS, Lst),
sort(Lst, Lst1),
last(Lst1, [N, _]),
( N * 2 > Len -> Min is 2 * N - Len; Min = 0).

% almost the same code as in "run_length" page

packList([X],[[1,X]]) :- !.

run(X,Rest, XRun,RRest),


run(Var,[Var|LRest],[N1, Var],RRest):-
run(Var,LRest,[N, Var],RRest),
N > 0,
N1 is N + 1.

run(Var,[Other|RRest], [1,Var],[Other|RRest]):-

output : <pre> ?- test.
abracadabra : brabaracaad (0)
eesaw : sweea (0)
elk : kel (0)
grrrrrr : rrrgrrr (5)
up : pu (0)
a : a (1)
true .
<lang rexx>/*REXX program to find best shuffle (of a character string). */
<lang rexx>/*REXX program to find best shuffle (of a character string). */