Best shuffle: Difference between revisions

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(I am rather proud of my shuffling algorithm(s).)
Line 282: Line 282:
, , (0)
, , (0)
xxxxx, xxxxx, (5)</pre>
xxxxx, xxxxx, (5)</pre>

=={{header|C sharp|C#}}==
For both solutions, a class is used to encapsulate the original string and to scrambling. A private function of the class does the actual sorting. An implicit conversion from string is also provided to allow for simple initialization, e.g.:
<lang csharp>ShuffledString[] array = {"cat", "dog", "mouse"};</lang>
Which will immediately shuffle each word.

A sequential solution, which always produces the same output for the same input.
<lang csharp>
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace BestShuffle_RC
public class ShuffledString
private string original;
private StringBuilder shuffled;
private int ignoredChars;

public string Original
get { return original; }

public string Shuffled
get { return shuffled.ToString(); }

public int Ignored
get { return ignoredChars; }

private void Swap(int pos1, int pos2)
char temp = shuffled[pos1];
shuffled[pos1] = shuffled[pos2];
shuffled[pos2] = temp;

//Determine if a swap between these two would put a letter in a "bad" place
//If true, a swap is OK.
private bool TrySwap(int pos1, int pos2)
if (original[pos1] == shuffled[pos2] || original[pos2] == shuffled[pos1])
return false;
return true;

//Constructor carries out calls Shuffle function.
public ShuffledString(string word)
original = word;
shuffled = new StringBuilder(word);

//Does the hard work of shuffling the string.
private void Shuffle()
int length = original.Length;
int swaps;
Random rand = new Random();
List<int> used = new List<int>();

for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
swaps = 0;
while(used.Count <= length - i)//Until all possibilities have been tried
int j = rand.Next(i, length - 1);
//If swapping would make a difference, and wouldn't put a letter in a "bad" place,
//and hasn't already been tried, then swap
if (original[i] != original[j] && TrySwap(i, j) && !used.Contains(j))
Swap(i, j);
used.Add(j);//If swapping doesn't work, "blacklist" the index
if (swaps == 0)
//If a letter was ignored (no swap was found), look backward for another change to make
for (int k = i; k >= 0; k--)
if (TrySwap(i, k))
Swap(i, k);
//Clear the used indeces

//Count how many letters are still in their original places.
private void DetectIgnores()
int ignores = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < original.Length; i++)
if (original[i] == shuffled[i])

ignoredChars = ignores;

//To allow easy conversion of strings.
public static implicit operator ShuffledString(string convert)
return new ShuffledString(convert);

public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
ShuffledString[] words = { "abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a" };

foreach(ShuffledString word in words)
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, ({2})", word.Original, word.Shuffled, word.Ignored);


And a randomized solution, which will produce a more or less different result on every run:
<lang csharp>
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace BestShuffle_RC
public class ShuffledString
private string original;
private StringBuilder shuffled;
private int ignoredChars;

public string Original
get { return original; }

public string Shuffled
get { return shuffled.ToString(); }

public int Ignored
get { return ignoredChars; }

private void Swap(int pos1, int pos2)
char temp = shuffled[pos1];
shuffled[pos1] = shuffled[pos2];
shuffled[pos2] = temp;

//Determine if a swap between these two would put a letter in a "bad" place
//If true, a swap is OK.
private bool TrySwap(int pos1, int pos2)
if (original[pos1] == shuffled[pos2] || original[pos2] == shuffled[pos1])
return false;
return true;

//Constructor carries out calls Shuffle function.
public ShuffledString(string word)
original = word;
shuffled = new StringBuilder(word);

//Does the hard work of shuffling the string.
private void Shuffle()
int length = original.Length;
int swaps;
Random rand = new Random();
List<int> used = new List<int>();

for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
swaps = 0;
while(used.Count <= length - i)//Until all possibilities have been tried
int j = rand.Next(i, length - 1);
//If swapping would make a difference, and wouldn't put a letter in a "bad" place,
//and hasn't already been tried, then swap
if (original[i] != original[j] && TrySwap(i, j) && !used.Contains(j))
Swap(i, j);
used.Add(j);//If swapping doesn't work, "blacklist" the index
if (swaps == 0)
//If a letter was ignored (no swap was found), look backward for another change to make
for (int k = i; k >= 0; k--)
if (TrySwap(i, k))
Swap(i, k);
//Clear the used indeces

//Count how many letters are still in their original places.
private void DetectIgnores()
int ignores = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < original.Length; i++)
if (original[i] == shuffled[i])

ignoredChars = ignores;

//To allow easy conversion of strings.
public static implicit operator ShuffledString(string convert)
return new ShuffledString(convert);

public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
ShuffledString[] words = { "abracadabra", "seesaw", "elk", "grrrrrr", "up", "a" };

foreach(ShuffledString word in words)
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, ({2})", word.Original, word.Shuffled, word.Ignored);


A sample output for the sequential shuffle:
abracadabra, rdabarabaac, (0)
seesaw, easwse, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rgrrrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)
hounddog, unddohgo, (0)

A sample of the randomized shuffle:
abracadabra, raacarbdaab, (0)
seesaw, essewa, (0)
elk, lke, (0)
grrrrrr, rrrgrrr, (5)
up, pu, (0)
a, a, (1)
