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<lang julia># v0.6

function barnsleyfern(n::Integer)::Matrix{Float64}
const FUNCTIONS = (
(x, y) -> (0, 0.16y),
(x, y) -> (0.85x + 0.04y, -0.04x + 0.85y + 1.6),
(x, y) -> (0.2x - 0.26y, 0.23x + 0.22y + 1.6),
(x, y) -> (-0.15x + 0,28y, 0.26x + 0.24y + 0.44))
rst = Matrix{Float64}(n, 2)
rst[1, :] = 0.0
for row in 2:n
r = rand(0:99)
if r < 1; f = 1;
elseif r < 86; f = 2;
elseif r < 93; f = 3;
else f = 4; end
rst[row, 1], rst[row, 2] = FUNCTIONS[f](rst[row-1, 1], rst[row-1, 2])
return rst
