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result= ----0+--0++0 -262023
result= ----0+--0++0 -262023

{{Works with|jq}}

'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''

'''Adapted from [[#Wren|Wren]]'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
### Generic utilities

# Emit a stream of the constituent characters of the input string
def chars: explode[] | [.] | implode;

# Flip "+" and "-" in the input string, and change other characters to 0
def flip:
{"+": "-", "-": "+"} as $t
| reduce chars as $c (""; . + ($t[$c] // "0") );

### Balanced ternaries (BT)

# Input is assumed to be an integer (use `new` if checking is required)
def toBT:
# Helper - input should be an integer
def mod3:
if . > 0 then . % 3
else ((. % 3) + 3) % 3

if . < 0 then - . | toBT | flip
else if . == 0 then ""
else mod3 as $rem
| if $rem == 0 then (. / 3 | toBT) + "0"
elif $rem == 1 then (. / 3 | toBT) + "+"
else ((. + 1) / 3 | toBT) + "-"
| sub("^00*";"")
end ;

# Input: BT
def integer:
. as $in
| length as $len
| { sum: 0,
pow: 1 }
| reduce range (0;$len) as $i (.;
$in[$len-$i-1: $len-$i] as $c
| (if $c == "+" then 1 elif $c == "-" then -1 else 0 end) as $digit
| if $digit != 0 then .sum += $digit * .pow else . end
| .pow *= 3 )
| .sum ;

# If the input is a string, check it is a valid BT, and trim leading 0s;
# if the input is an integer, convert it to a BT;
# otherwise raise an error.
def new:
if type == "string" and all(chars; IN("0", "+", "-"))
then sub("^00*"; "")
elif type == "number" and trunc == .
then toBT
else "'new' given invalid input: \(.)" | error

# . + $b
def plus($b):
# Helper functions:
def at($i): .[$i:$i+1];
# $a and $b should each be "0", "+" or "-"
def addDigits2($a; $b):
if $a == "0" then $b
elif $b == "0" then $a
elif $a == "+"
then if $b == "+" then "+-" else "0" end
elif $b == "+" then "0" else "-+"
def addDigits3($a; $b; $carry):
addDigits2($a; $b) as $sum1
| addDigits2($sum1[-1:]; $carry) as $sum2
| if ($sum1|length) == 1
then $sum2
elif ($sum2|length) == 1
then $sum1[0:1] + $sum2
else $sum1[0:1]
{ longer: (if length > ($b|length) then . else $b end),
shorter: (if length > ($b|length) then $b else . end) }
| until ( (.shorter|length) >= (.longer|length); .shorter = "0" + .shorter )
| .a = .longer
| .b = .shorter
| .carry = "0"
| .sum = ""
| reduce range(0; .a|length) as $i (.;
( (.a|length) - $i - 1) as $place
| addDigits3(.a | at($place); .b | at($place); .carry) as $digisum
| .carry = (if ($digisum|length) != 1 then $digisum[0:1] else "0" end)
| .sum = $digisum[-1:] + .sum )
| .carry + .sum
| new;

def minus: flip;

# . - $b
def minus($b): plus($b | flip);

def mult($b):
(1 | new) as $one
| (0 | new) as $zero
| { a: .,
mul: $zero,
flipFlag: false }
| if .b[0:1] == "-" # i.e. .b < 0
then .b |= minus
| .flipFlag = true
| .i = $one
| .in = 1
| (.b | integer) as $bn
| until ( .in > $bn;
.a as $a
| .mul |= plus($a)
| .i |= plus($one)
| .in += 1 )
| if .flipFlag then .mul | minus else .mul end ;

### Illustration

def a: "+-0++0+";
def b: -436 | new;
def c: "+-++-";

(a | integer) as $an
| (b | integer) as $bn
| (c | integer) as $cn
| ($an * ($bn - $cn)) as $in
| (a | mult( (b | minus(c)))) as $i
| "a = \($an)",
"b = \($bn)",
"c = \($cn)",
"a * (b - c) = \($i) ~ \($in) => \($in|new)"
a = 523
b = -436
c = 65
a * (b - c) = ----0+--0++0 ~ -262023 => ----0+--0++0