Balanced ternary: Difference between revisions

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Robbie (talk | contribs)
m →‎{{header|REXX}}: added/changed whitespace, split some statements.
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exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
d2bt: procedure; parse arg x 1; p= 0; $.= '-'; $.1=' "+'"; $.0= 0; #=
x=x / 1
do until x==0; _= (x // (3** (p+1) ) ) % 3**p
if _== 2 then _= -1; else if _== -2 then _=1
x=x - _ * (3**p); else if p_==p+1; -2 then #_=$._ || #1
endx=x - _ /*until (3*/*p); p= p+1; #= $._ return|| #
end /*until*/; return #
bt2d: procedure; parse arg x; r= reverse(x); #= 0; $.= -1; $.0= 0; _= '+'; $._= 1
do j=1 for length(x); _= substr(r,j,1); #= # + $._ * 3**(j-1); end; return #
btAdd: procedure; parse arg x,y; rx= reverse(x); ry= reverse(y); carry= 0
@.=0 ; _= '-'; @._= -1; _= "+"; @._= 1
$.= '-'; $.0= 0; $.1= '+'
#=; do j=1 for max( length(x), length(y) )
x_= substr(rx, j, 1); xn= @.x_
y_= substr(ry, j, 1); yn= @.y_
s= xn + yn + carry; carry= 0
if s== 2 then do; s=-1; carry= 1; end
if s== 3 then do; s= 0; carry= 1; end
if s==-2 then do; s= 1; carry=-1; end
#= $.s || #
end /*j*/
if carry\==0 then #= $.carry || #; return btNorm(#)
btMul: procedure; parse arg x 1 x1 2, y 1 y1 2; if x==0 | y==0 then return 0
S= 1; x= btNorm(x); y= btNorm(y) /*handle: 0-xxx values.*/
if x1=='-' then do; x= btNeg(x); S=-S; end /*positate the number. */
if y1=='-' then do; y= btNeg(y); S=-S; end /* " " " */
if length(y)>length(x) then parse value x y with y x /*optimize " " */
do until y==0 /*keep adding 'til done*/
P= btAdd(P, x) /*multiple the hard way*/
y= btSub(y, '+') /*subtract 1 from Y.*/
end /*until*/
if S==-1 then P=btNeg(P); return P /*adjust the product sign; return. */
btNeg: return translate(arg(1), '-+', "+-") /*negate bal_ternary #.*/
btNorm: _= strip(arg(1), 'L', 0); if _=='' then _=0; return _ /*normalize the number.*/
btSub: return btAdd( arg(1), btNeg( arg(2)) ) ) /*subtract two BT args.*/
btShow: say center( arg(1), 9) right( arg(2), 20) @@ right( bt2d(arg(2)), 9) @; return</lang>
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the default input:}}