Balanced brackets: Difference between revisions

Content added Content deleted
(Removed CALL SET and changed to the FOR method. Also, changed the sample output.)
Line 601: Line 601:

::The Main Thing...
::The Main Thing...
set numofpairs=10
set numofpairs=5
set howmanystrings=10
set howmanystrings=10
Line 624: Line 624:
set /a rnd=%random%%%%j%+1
set /a rnd=%random%%%%j%+1
set /a oppos=%j%-!rnd!
set /a oppos=%j%-!rnd!
::A new trick for substitution of delayed variables...
call set str1=%%samp:~-!rnd!%%
call set str2=%%samp:~0,!oppos!%%
for /f "tokens=1-2" %%A in ("!rnd! !oppos!") do (
set str1=!samp:~-%%A!
set str2=!samp:~0,%%B!
set samp=!str2!%put2%!str1!
set samp=!str2!%put2%!str1!
set /a "j+=1","i+=1"
set /a "j+=1","i+=1"
Line 641: Line 644:
if "!currchar!"=="" (
if "!currchar!"=="" (
set /a prev=%counter%-1
set /a prev=%counter%-1
call set prevchar=%%samp:~!prev!,1%%
for %%A in ("!prev!") do set prevchar=!samp:~%%A,1!
if "!prevchar!"=="[" goto :notbal
if "!prevchar!"=="[" goto :notbal
goto :itsbal
goto :itsbal
Line 663: Line 666:
::/Check for Balance.</lang>
::/Check for Balance.</lang>
<pre>][[][][][[][][]][][] is NOT Balanced.
[][][[]][][]]][][][[ is NOT Balanced.

[[[]][[]]][][[[[]]]] is Balanced.
[[[[[]][[]][]][][]]] is Balanced.

[[][]][[[]][][]][[]] is Balanced.
[[[[[]]]]][][][]][][ is NOT Balanced.

[[[][]][][[[][]]]][] is Balanced.
][[[[[[[]]][]]][][]] is NOT Balanced.

][][[[[[[]]]][[][]]] is NOT Balanced.
[][[[[]]]][[[[]]]][] is Balanced.

[[]]]][[]][[]][[[[]] is NOT Balanced.
[[[][[[]][][]]]][][] is Balanced.

[[[][]][][[]]][[]]][ is NOT Balanced.
[[][[]][[]]]]][][[[] is NOT Balanced.

[[[]][][[[][]]][[]]] is Balanced.
[][][]][][]]][][][[[ is NOT Balanced.

[[]][][][[]][[][][]] is Balanced.
[[]][][][[][[[]]]][] is Balanced.

][[[[][]]]][[]]][[][ is NOT Balanced.
[[[[[][[][[]]]]][]]] is Balanced.

Press any key to continue . . .</pre>
Press any key to continue . . .</pre>