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Added Algol 68
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The aim of the task is to write a program that is sufficiently clear and well-documented for such a person to be able to read it and be confident that it does indeed solve the specified problem.
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
As wih other samples, we use "simple" forms such as "a := a + 1" instead of "a +:= 1".
<lang algol68>COMMENT text between pairs of words 'comment' in capitals are
for the human reader's information and are ignored by the machine
COMMENT Define s to be the integer value 269 696 COMMENT
INT s = 269 696;
COMMENT Name a location in the machine's storage area that will be
used to hold integer values. The values could be larger than the
machine's default maximum value.
The value stored in the location will change during the
Note, "*" is used to represent the multiplication operator.
":=" causes the location named to the left of ":=" to
assume the value computed by the expression to the right.
"sqrt" computes an approximation to the square root
of the supplied parameter
"MOD" is an operator that computes the modulues of its
left operand with respect to its right operand
"ENTIER" is a unary operatir that yields the largest
integer that is at most its operand.
INT v := ENTIER sqrt( s );
COMMENT the construct: WHILE...DO...OD repeatedly executes the
instructions between DO and OD, the execution stops when
the instructions between WHILE and DO yield the value FALSE.
WHILE ( v * v ) MOD 1 000 000 /= s DO v := v + 1 OD;
COMMENT print displays the values of its parameters
print( ( v, " when squared is: ", v * v, newline ) )</lang>
+25264 when squared is: +638269696
=={{header|BBC BASIC}}==
