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<lang AWK>
# A comment starts with a "#" and are ignored by the machine. They can be on a
# line by themselves or at the end of an executable line.
# A program consists of multiple lines or statements. This program tests
# positive integers starting at 1 and terminates when one is found whose square
# ends in 269696.
# The next line shows how to run the program.
BEGIN { # start of program
# this declares a variable named "n" and assigns it a value of zero
n = 0
# do what's inside the "{}" until n times n ends in 269696
do {
n = n + 1 # add 1 to n
} while (n*n !~ /269696$/)
# print the answer
print("The smallest number whose square ends in 269696 is " n)
print("Its square is " n*n)
# terminate program
} # end of program
The smallest number whose square ends in 269696 is 25264
Its square is 638269696
=={{header|BBC BASIC}}==