Babbage problem: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|langur}}: added limit)
(12 intermediate revisions by 8 users not shown)
Line 383:
<p>Comentarios "in spanish":</p>
<p>Establece que se trabajará con números sin decimales:</p>
"decimales(0)" (A)
Line 396:
La variable que controlará 11 iteraciones del proceso
principal. Se inicializa con 10, y se decrementará hasta
llegar a 0, de acuerdo a lo descrito en 1.4, 1.5 y 1.6:
"i" (BC)
Esto permitirá encontrar 11 números que cumplan con lo
con lo buscado.
Line 455:
JNZ JNZ: significa Jump if Non-Zero.
#() : macro que permite resolver expresiones infijas en
tiempo de compilación.
Line 1,787 ⟶ 1,790:
ELENA 46.x :
<syntaxhighlight lang="elena">import extensions;
import system'math;
Line 1,795 ⟶ 1,798:
var n := 1;
until(n.sqr().mod:(1000000) == 269696)
n += 1
Line 1,819 ⟶ 1,822:
|> IO.puts</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="emal">
| Since the number must end with 269696 we can safely start counting from its square root;
| we are only interested in its integer part.
| We assign a value to a variable with "←".
| The modulo symbol for getting the remainder of a division is "%".
int i ← int!√269696
while i² % 1000000 ≠ 269696 do ++i end
Line 2,717 ⟶ 2,737:
<syntaxhighlight lang="langur">
for i = 2; i < 100000 ; i += 2 {
if i*i rem 1000000 == 269696 {
writeln "{{i}} ^ 2 == {{i^2}}"
<pre>25264 ^ 2 == 638269696</pre>
=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==
Line 2,795 ⟶ 2,828:
<syntaxhighlight lang="MATLAB">
clear all;close all;clc;
function BabbageProblem
% Initialize x to 524, as the square root of 269696 is approximately 519.something
x = 524;
% Loop until the square of x modulo 1000000 equals 269696
while mod(x^2, 1000000) ~= 269696
% If the last digit of x is 4, increment x by 2
% Otherwise, increment x by 8
if mod(x, 10) == 4
x = x + 2;
x = x + 8;
% Display the result
fprintf('The smallest positive integer whose square ends in 269696 = %d\n', x);
The smallest positive integer whose square ends in 269696 = 25264
Line 4,050 ⟶ 4,113:
Which outputs the same thing as above.
Because we have to use double-precision floating point to represent the required number of digits, and because the approach to calculating a double-precision n mod 1000000 to isolate the right-most six digits of the square is particularly inefficient, the program will take a long time to find the solution (but it will, eventually!)
<syntaxhighlight lang="BASIC">
$constant true = FFFFH
$constant false = 0
var n, sq, r = real.double
var done = integer
print "Finding smallest number whose square ends in 269696"
n = 520 rem - no smaller number has a square that large
done = false
rem - no need to search beyond the number Babbage already knew
while not done and n <= 99736.0 do
sq = n * n
rem - compute sq mod 1000000 by repeated subtraction
r = sq
while r >= 1000000.0 do
r = r - 1000000.0
if r = 269696.0 then
print using "The smallest number is ######"; n
print using "and its square is ##,###,###,###"; sq
done = true
rem - only even numbers can have a square ending in 6
n = n + 2
Finding smallest number whose square ends in 269696
The smallest number is 25264
and its square is 638,269,696
Line 4,560 ⟶ 4,666:
=={{header|Tiny Craft Basic}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic">10 print "calculating..."
20 let n = 2
30 rem do
40 let n = n + 2
50 if (n ^ 2) % 1000000 <> 269696 then 30
60 print "The smallest number whose square ends in 269696 is: ", n
70 print "It's square is ", n * n</syntaxhighlight>
Line 4,918 ⟶ 5,010:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">/*
The answer must be an even number and it can't be less than the square root of 269,696.
So, if we start from that, keep on adding 2 and squaring it we'll eventually find the answer.
Line 4,924 ⟶ 5,016:
import "./fmt" for Fmt // this enables us to format numbers with thousand separators
var start = 269696.sqrt.ceil // get the next integer higher than (or equal to) the square root
start = (start/2).ceil * 2 // if it's odd, use the next even integer
