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See link on syntax [ Lisp Syntax]

Outside of particularly restricted variants, no static grammar can exactly describe Lisp due to macros and reader-macros.
Outside of particularly restricted variants, no static grammar can exactly describe Lisp due to macros and reader-macros.

<div style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll"><pre>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! LISt Programming
! "One can even conjecture that Lisp owes its survival specifically to the
! fact that its programs are lists, which everyone, including me, has
! regarded as a disadvantage."
! - John McCarthy, "Early History of Lisp"
! "Lisp is worth learning for the profound enlightenment experience you will
! have when you finally get it; that experience will make you a better programmer
! for the rest of your days, even if you never actually use Lisp itself a lot."
! - Eric Raymond, "How to Become a Hacker"
! "Lisp was far more powerful and flexible than any other language of its day; in
! fact, it is still a better design than most languages of today, twenty-five
! years later. Lisp freed ITS's hackers to think in unusual and creative ways. It
! was a major factor in their successes, and remains one of hackerdom's favorite
! languages."
! - Eric Raymond, in Open Sources on MIT's first OS, ITS
! The LISP programming language is one of the oldest still use today; second only to
! FORTRAN. It was invented by mathematician John McCarthy and organizes information into
! abstract "lists". This metaphor is used universially for both data and functions;
! in fact, the LISP runtime engine makes no differentiation between the two. This allows
! the programmer to perform actions that would be impossible in most programming languages
! such as, but not limited to, passing code as a parameter to a function, executing data,
! and modifying the program at runtime.
! For more information on LISP, please visit
! Updates:
! 3/5/2003: Added dotted pairs and backslash overrides to the language.
! Note: This is an ad hoc version of the language. If there are any flaws,
! please visit and I will update the grammar.
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------

"Name" = 'LISP'
"Author" = 'John McCarthy'
"Version" = 'Standard'
"About" = 'LISP is an abstract language that organizes ALL data around "lists".'

"Start Symbol" = <s-Expression>

{Atom Char} = {Printable} - {Whitespace} - [()"\'']
{String Char} = {Printable} - ["\]

Atom = ( {Atom Char} | '\'{Printable} )+

String = '"' ( {String Char} | '\'{Printable} )* '"'

<s-Expression> ::= <Quote> Atom
| <Quote> '(' <Series> ')'
| <Quote> '(' <s-Expression> '.' <s-Expression> ')' !Dotted Pair
| String !Strings are never evaluated

<Series> ::= <s-Expression> <Series>

<Quote> ::= ''  !Quote = do not evaluate
