BNF Grammar: Difference between revisions

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=={{header|C sharp}}==
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! C#
! The C# Programming Language was created by the Microsoft Corporation to be
! used with the .NET platform. The goal of C# was to counter the flaws and
! difficulties found in Java and C++. In addition, the language was designed
! to work well with the Common Language Runtime which runs the .NET platform.
! C# was primarily the work of computer scientist Anders Hejlsberg who has
! worked on a wide range of programming languages. These include, but are
! not limited to, Visual J++, Borland Delphi and Turbo Pascal. His previous
! works and influences from Java and C++ can be seen in C#.
! The grammar was designed, in part, using the official language
! specification that can be found on the Microsoft website.
! Unfortunately, C# has a very complex grammar. As a result, considerable
! time was required to write a LALR(1) compliant version. In most cases,
! I preserved the section names used in the original specification, but many
! productions, especially those regarding local variable declarations and
! expressions, required modifications.
! Feel free to modify and port this grammar to other parsing systems, but
! please leave this information. Have a great day and happy programming!
! Note: If there are any flaws, please visit
! - Devin Cook
! Updates:
! 05/09/2006
! Devin Cook
! The first version of the grammar was released.
! 04/04/2007
! Devin Cook
! Fixed a flaw in the Primary Exp. Thanks to Patrick Kristiansen for
! the reporting the error.
! 09/21/2007
! Devin Cook
! Modified the grammar to include the new features in C# 2.0. These include
! delegate expressions and partial classes.
! 11/07/2007
! Devin Cook
! Made some additional changes to make the grammar compliant to the C# spec.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Name" = 'C#'
"Version" = '2.0'
"Author" = 'Anders Hejlsberg'
"About" = 'C# was created by Anders Hejlsberg for the Microsoft Corporation.'
| 'The language was designed primarily to both fix flaws found in'
| 'other languages and to integrate with the the .NET platform.'
| 'This grammar was written by Devin Cook.'
"Start Symbol" = <Compilation Unit>
! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sets
{ID Head} = {Letter} + [_]
{ID Tail} = {AlphaNumeric} + [_]
{String Ch} = {Printable} - ["]
{Char Ch} = {Printable} - ['']
{Hex Digit} = {Digit} + [abcdef] + [ABCDEF]
! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Terminals
Identifier = [@]? {ID Head} {ID Tail}* !The @ is an override char
MemberName = '.' {ID Head} {ID Tail}*
DecLiteral = {Digit}+ ( [UuLl] | [Uu][Ll] | [Ll][Uu] )?
HexLiteral = '0'[xX]{Hex Digit}+ ( [UuLl] | [Uu][Ll] | [Ll][Uu] )?
RealLiteral = {Digit}*'.'{Digit}+
StringLiteral = '"'( {String Ch} | '\'{Printable} )* '"'
CharLiteral = '' ( {Char Ch} | '\'{Printable} )''
! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Comments
Comment Line = '//'
Comment Start = '/*'
Comment End = '*/'
! ===========================================================================
! Shared by multiple sections
! ===========================================================================
<Block or Semi>
::= <Block>
| ';'
<Valid ID>
::= Identifier
| this
| base
| <Base Type>
<Qualified ID>
::= <Valid ID> <Member List>
<Member List>
::= <Member List> MemberName
| !Zero or more
<Semicolon Opt>
::= ';'
| !Nothing
! ===========================================================================
! C.1.8 Literals
! ===========================================================================
::= true
| false
| DecLiteral
| HexLiteral
| RealLiteral
| CharLiteral
| StringLiteral
| null
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.2 Types
! ===========================================================================
! All date types in C# are objects. A distinction is made between different
! subtypes of objects, though. Some language constructs are restricted to
! one type or another.
::= <Non Array Type>
| <Non Array Type> '*'
| <Non Array Type> <Rank Specifiers>
| <Non Array Type> <Rank Specifiers> '*'
<Pointer Opt>
::= '*'
| !Nothing
<Non Array Type>
! ::= <Other Type>
! | <Integral Type>
! | <Qualified ID>
::= <Qualified ID>
! The following defines built-in datatypes only. This is necessary for local
! variable declarations.
<Base Type>
::= <Other Type>
| <Integral Type>
<Other Type>
::= float
| double
| decimal
| bool
| void
| object
| string
! Integral types are valid in enumeration declarations.
<Integral Type>
::= sbyte
| byte
| short
| ushort
| int
| uint
| long
| ulong
| char
! Rank specifiers are used to define the dimensions of arrays. The notation is odd.
<Rank Specifiers Opt>
::= <Rank Specifiers Opt> <Rank Specifier>
<Rank Specifiers>
::= <Rank Specifiers> <Rank Specifier>
| <Rank Specifier>
<Rank Specifier>
::= '[' <Dim Separators> ']'
<Dim Separators>
::= <Dim Separators> ','
| !Nothing
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.4 Expressions
! ===========================================================================
<Expression Opt>
::= <Expression>
| !Nothing
<Expression List>
::= <Expression>
| <Expression> ',' <Expression List>
::= <Conditional Exp> '=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp> '+=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp> '-=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp> '*=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp> '/=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp> '^=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp> '&=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp> '|=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp> '%=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp> '<<=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp> '>>=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp>
<Conditional Exp>
::= <Or Exp> '?' <Or Exp> ':' <Conditional Exp>
| <Or Exp>
<Or Exp>
::= <Or Exp> '||' <And Exp>
| <And Exp>
<And Exp>
::= <And Exp> '&&' <Logical Or Exp>
| <Logical Or Exp>
<Logical Or Exp>
::= <Logical Or Exp> '|' <Logical Xor Exp>
| <Logical Xor Exp>
<Logical Xor Exp>
::= <Logical Xor Exp> '^' <Logical And Exp>
| <Logical And Exp>
<Logical And Exp>
::= <Logical And Exp> '&' <Equality Exp>
| <Equality Exp>
<Equality Exp>
::= <Equality Exp> '==' <Compare Exp>
| <Equality Exp> '!=' <Compare Exp>
| <Compare Exp>
<Compare Exp>
::= <Compare Exp> '<' <Shift Exp>
| <Compare Exp> '>' <Shift Exp>
| <Compare Exp> '<=' <Shift Exp>
| <Compare Exp> '>=' <Shift Exp>
| <Compare Exp> is <Type>
| <Compare Exp> as <Type>
| <Shift Exp>
<Shift Exp>
::= <Shift Exp> '<<' <Add Exp>
| <Shift Exp> '>>' <Add Exp>
| <Add Exp>
<Add Exp>
::= <Add Exp> '+' <Mult Exp>
| <Add Exp> '-' <Mult Exp>
| <Mult Exp>
<Mult Exp>
::= <Mult Exp> '*' <Unary Exp>
| <Mult Exp> '/' <Unary Exp>
| <Mult Exp> '%' <Unary Exp>
| <Unary Exp>
<Unary Exp>
::= '!' <Unary Exp>
| '~' <Unary Exp>
| '-' <Unary Exp>
| '++' <Unary Exp>
| '--' <Unary Exp>
| '(' <Expression> ')' <Object Exp> !Cast "expression" is required to avoid a conflict
| <Object Exp>
! Primary: x.y f(x) a[x] x++ x-- new typeof checked unchecked ->
<Object Exp>
::= delegate '(' <Formal Param List Opt> ')' <Block> !New in 2.0
| <Primary Array Creation Exp>
| <Method Exp>
<Primary Array Creation Exp>
::= new <Non Array Type> '[' <Expression List> ']' <Rank Specifiers Opt> <Array Initializer Opt>
| new <Non Array Type> <Rank Specifiers> <Array Initializer>
<Method Exp>
::= <Method Exp> <Method>
| <Primary Exp>
<Primary Exp>
::= typeof '(' <Type> ')'
| sizeof '(' <Type> ')'
| checked '(' <Expression> ')'
| unchecked '(' <Expression> ')'
| new <Non Array Type> '(' <Arg List Opt> ')' !Non array creation
| <Primary>
| '(' <Expression> ')'
::= <Valid ID>
| <Valid ID> '(' <Arg List Opt> ')' !Current object method
| <Literal>
! ===========================================================================
! Arguments
! ===========================================================================
<Arg List Opt>
::= <Arg List>
| !Nothing
<Arg List>
::= <Arg List> ',' <Argument>
| <Argument>
::= <Expression>
| ref <Expression>
| out <Expression>
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.5 Statements
! ===========================================================================
<Stm List>
::= <Stm List> <Statement>
| <Statement>
! This repetative productions below resolve the hanging-else problem by
! restricting the "if-then" statement to remove ambiguity. Two levels of
! statements are declared with the second, "restricted", group only used in
! the "then" clause of a "if-then-else" statement.
! The "restricted" group is completely identical the the first with one
! exception: only the "if-then-else" variant of the if statement is allowed.
! In other words, no "if" statements without "else" clauses can appear inside
! the "then" part of an "if-then-else" statement. Using this solution, the
! "else" will bind to the last "If" statement, and still allows chaining.
::= Identifier ':' ! label
| <Local Var Decl> ';'
| if '(' <Expression> ')' <Statement>
| if '(' <Expression> ')' <Then Stm> else <Statement>
| for '(' <For Init Opt> ';' <For Condition Opt> ';' <For Iterator Opt> ')' <Statement>
| foreach '(' <Type> Identifier in <Expression> ')' <Statement>
| while '(' <Expression> ')' <Statement>
| lock '(' <Expression> ')' <Statement>
| using '(' <Resource> ')' <Statement>
| fixed '(' <Type> <Fixed Ptr Decs> ')' <Statement>
| delegate '(' <Formal Param List Opt> ')' <Statement>
| <Normal Stm>
<Then Stm>
::= if '(' <Expression> ')' <Then Stm> else <Then Stm>
| for '(' <For Init Opt> ';' <For Condition Opt> ';' <For Iterator Opt> ')' <Then Stm>
| foreach '(' <Type> Identifier in <Expression> ')' <Then Stm>
| while '(' <Expression> ')' <Then Stm>
| lock '(' <Expression> ')' <Then Stm>
| using '(' <Resource> ')' <Then Stm>
| fixed '(' <Type> <Fixed Ptr Decs> ')' <Then Stm>
| delegate '(' <Formal Param List Opt> ')' <Then Stm>
| <Normal Stm>
<Normal Stm>
::= switch '(' <Expression> ')' '{' <Switch Sections Opt> '}'
| do <Normal Stm> while '(' <Expression> ')' ';'
| try <Block> <Catch Clauses> <Finally Clause Opt>
| checked <Block>
| unchecked <Block>
| unsafe <Block>
| break ';'
| continue ';'
| goto Identifier ';'
| goto case <Expression> ';'
| goto default ';'
| return <Expression Opt> ';'
| throw <Expression Opt> ';'
| <Statement Exp> ';'
| ';'
| <Block>
::= '{' <Stm List> '}'
| '{' '}'
<Variable Decs>
::= <Variable Declarator>
| <Variable Decs> ',' <Variable Declarator>
<Variable Declarator>
::= Identifier
| Identifier '=' <Variable Initializer>
<Variable Initializer>
::= <Expression>
| <Array Initializer>
| stackalloc <Non Array Type> '[' <Non Array Type> ']'
<Constant Declarators>
::= <Constant Declarator>
| <Constant Declarators> ',' <Constant Declarator>
<Constant Declarator>
::= Identifier '=' <Expression>
! ===========================================================================
! Switch Clauses
! ===========================================================================
<Switch Sections Opt>
::= <Switch Sections Opt> <Switch Section>
| !Nothing
<Switch Section>
::= <Switch Labels> <Stm List>
<Switch Labels>
::= <Switch Label>
| <Switch Labels> <Switch Label>
<Switch Label>
::= case <Expression> ':'
| default ':'
! ===========================================================================
! For Clauses
! ===========================================================================
<For Init Opt>
::= <Local Var Decl>
| <Statement Exp List>
| !Nothing
<For Iterator Opt>
::= <Statement Exp List>
| !Nothing
<For Condition Opt>
::= <Expression>
| !Nothing
<Statement Exp List>
::= <Statement Exp List> ',' <Statement Exp>
| <Statement Exp>
! ===========================================================================
! Catch Clauses
! ===========================================================================
<Catch Clauses>
::= <Catch Clause> <Catch Clauses>
| !Nothing
<Catch Clause>
::= catch '(' <Qualified ID> Identifier ')' <Block>
| catch '(' <Qualified ID> ')' <Block>
| catch <Block>
<Finally Clause Opt>
::= finally <Block>
| !Nothing
! ===========================================================================
! Using Clauses
! ===========================================================================
::= <Local Var Decl>
| <Statement Exp>
! ===========================================================================
! Fixed Clauses
! ===========================================================================
<Fixed Ptr Decs>
::= <Fixed Ptr Dec>
| <Fixed Ptr Decs> ',' <Fixed Ptr Dec>
<Fixed Ptr Dec>
::= Identifier '=' <Expression>
! ===========================================================================
! Statement Expressions & Local Variable Declaration
! ===========================================================================
! The complex productions below are able to avoid the shift-reduce error caused
! by declaring an array. The notation used by C# (and the rest of the C++
! family) prevents an array declaration to be distinguished from an array
! assignment statement until a number of characters are read.
! a.b.c[2] = "Test"
! a.b.c[] = new String[3]
! The system CANNOT make a decision between the two until it is reading the
! contents the [ ... ].
! As a result, the local variable declaration below contains the full notation
! for each of the C# methods at the same level as local variable declarations.
! Since the system does not have to reduce UNTIL it is within the [ ... ], no
! shift-reduce error will occur. Nasty, huh?
<Local Var Decl>
::= <Qualified ID> <Rank Specifiers> <Pointer Opt> <Variable Decs>
| <Qualified ID> <Pointer Opt> <Variable Decs>
! | <Base Type> <Rank Specifiers> <Pointer Opt> <Variable Decs>
! | <Base Type> <Pointer Opt> <Variable Decs>
<Statement Exp>
::= <Qualified ID> '(' <Arg List Opt> ')'
| <Qualified ID> '(' <Arg List Opt> ')' <Methods Opt> <Assign Tail>
| <Qualified ID> '[' <Expression List> ']' <Methods Opt> <Assign Tail>
| <Qualified ID> '->' Identifier <Methods Opt> <Assign Tail>
| <Qualified ID> '++' <Methods Opt> <Assign Tail>
| <Qualified ID> '--' <Methods Opt> <Assign Tail>
| <Qualified ID> <Assign Tail>
<Assign Tail>
::= '++'
| '--'
| '=' <Expression>
| '+=' <Expression>
| '-=' <Expression>
| '*=' <Expression>
| '/=' <Expression>
| '^=' <Expression>
| '&=' <Expression>
| '|=' <Expression>
| '%=' <Expression>
| '<<=' <Expression>
| '>>=' <Expression>
<Methods Opt>
::= <Methods Opt> <Method>
| !Null
::= MemberName
| MemberName '(' <Arg List Opt> ')' !Invocation
| '[' <Expression List> ']'
| '->' Identifier
| '++'
| '--'
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.6 Namespaces
! ===========================================================================
<Compilation Unit>
::= <Using List> <Compilation Items>
<Using List>
::= <Using List> <Using Directive>
| !Nothing
<Using Directive>
::= using Identifier '=' <Qualified ID> ';'
| using <Qualified ID> ';'
<Compilation Items>
::= <Compilation Items> <Compilation Item>
| ! Zero or more
<Compilation Item>
::= <Namespace Dec>
| <Namespace Item> !Default namespace
! ===========================================================================
! Namespace
! ===========================================================================
<Namespace Dec>
::= <Attrib Opt> namespace <Qualified ID> '{' <Using List> <Namespace Items> '}' <Semicolon Opt>
<Namespace Items>
::= <Namespace Items> <Namespace Item>
| ! Zero or more
<Namespace Item>
::= <Constant Dec>
| <Field Dec>
| <Method Dec>
| <Property Dec>
| <Type Decl>
<Type Decl>
::= <Class Decl>
| <Struct Decl>
| <Interface Decl>
| <Enum Decl>
| <Delegate Decl>
! ================================= Modifiers
::= <Attrib Opt> <Access Opt> <Modifier List Opt>
<Access Opt>
::= private
| protected
| public
| internal !Friend
| !Nothing
<Modifier List Opt>
::= <Modifier List Opt> <Modifier>
| !Nothing
::= abstract
| extern
| new
| override
| partial
| readonly
| sealed
| static
| unsafe
| virtual
| volatile
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.7 Classes
! ===========================================================================
<Class Decl>
::= <Header> class Identifier <Class Base Opt> '{' <Class Item Decs Opt> '}' <Semicolon Opt>
<Class Base Opt>
::= ':' <Class Base List>
| !Nothing
<Class Base List>
::= <Class Base List> ',' <Non Array Type>
| <Non Array Type>
<Class Item Decs Opt>
::= <Class Item Decs Opt> <Class Item>
| !Nothing
<Class Item>
::= <Constant Dec>
| <Field Dec>
| <Method Dec>
| <Property Dec>
| <Event Dec>
| <Indexer Dec>
| <Operator Dec>
| <Constructor Dec>
| <Destructor Dec>
| <Type Decl>
<Constant Dec>
::= <Header> const <Type> <Constant Declarators> ';'
<Field Dec>
::= <Header> <Type> <Variable Decs> ';'
<Method Dec>
::= <Header> <Type> <Qualified ID> '(' <Formal Param List Opt> ')' <Block or Semi>
<Formal Param List Opt>
::= <Formal Param List>
| !Nothing
<Formal Param List>
::= <Formal Param>
| <Formal Param List> ',' <Formal Param>
<Formal Param>
::= <Attrib Opt> <Type> Identifier
| <Attrib Opt> ref <Type> Identifier
| <Attrib Opt> out <Type> Identifier
| <Attrib Opt> params <Type> Identifier !Parameter array
<Property Dec>
::= <Header> <Type> <Qualified ID> '{' <Accessor Dec> '}'
<Accessor Dec>
::= <Access Opt> get <Block or Semi>
| <Access Opt> get <Block or Semi> <Access Opt> set <Block or Semi>
| <Access Opt> set <Block or Semi>
| <Access Opt> set <Block or Semi> <Access Opt> get <Block or Semi>
<Event Dec>
::= <Header> event <Type> <Variable Decs> ';'
| <Header> event <Type> <Qualified ID> '{' <Event Accessor Decs> '}'
<Event Accessor Decs>
::= add <Block or Semi>
| add <Block or Semi> remove <Block or Semi>
| remove <Block or Semi>
| remove <Block or Semi> add <Block or Semi>
!<Indexer Dec>
! ::= <Header> <Type> <Indexer This> '[' <Formal Param List> ']' '{' <Accessor Dec>'}'
!<Indexer This>
! ::= this
! | <Qualified ID> !Ending in 'this' - This is a post-parse semantic check
<Indexer Dec>
::= <Header> <Type> <Qualified ID> '[' <Formal Param List> ']' '{' <Accessor Dec>'}'
!Ending in 'this' - This is a post-parse semantic check
! ===========================================================================
! Operator Declarations
! ===========================================================================
<Operator Dec>
::= <Header> <Overload Operator Decl> <Block or Semi>
| <Header> <Conversion Operator Decl> <Block or Semi>
<Overload Operator Decl>
::= <Type> operator <Overload Op> '(' <Type> Identifier ')'
| <Type> operator <Overload Op> '(' <Type> Identifier ',' <Type> Identifier ')'
<Conversion Operator Decl>
::= implicit operator <Type> '(' <Type> Identifier ')'
| explicit operator <Type> '(' <Type> Identifier ')'
<Overload Op>
::= '+'
| '-'
| '!'
| '~'
| '++'
| '--'
| true
| false
| '*'
| '/'
| '%'
| '&'
| '|'
| '^'
| '<<'
| '>>'
| '=='
| '!='
| '>'
| '<'
| '>='
| '<='
! ===========================================================================
! Constructor / Destructor Declarations
! ===========================================================================
<Constructor Dec>
::= <Header> <Constructor Declarator> <Block or Semi>
<Constructor Declarator>
::= Identifier '(' <Formal Param List Opt> ')' <Constructor Init Opt>
<Constructor Init Opt>
::= <Constructor Init>
| !Nothing
<Constructor Init>
::= ':' base '(' <Arg List Opt> ')'
| ':' this '(' <Arg List Opt> ')'
<Destructor Dec>
::= <Header> '~' Identifier '(' ')' <Block>
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.8 Structs
! ===========================================================================
! Note: Structures have the SAME members as normal classes. As a result, the
! <Class Item Decs Opt> rule is used
<Struct Decl>
::= <Header> struct Identifier <Class Base Opt> '{' <Class Item Decs Opt>'}' <Semicolon Opt>
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.9 Arrays
! ===========================================================================
<Array Initializer Opt>
::= <Array Initializer>
<Array Initializer>
::= '{' <Variable Initializer List Opt> '}'
| '{' <Variable Initializer List> ',' '}'
<Variable Initializer List Opt>
::= <Variable Initializer List>
| ! Nothing
<Variable Initializer List>
::= <Variable Initializer>
| <Variable Initializer List> ',' <Variable Initializer>
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.10 Interfaces
! ===========================================================================
<Interface Decl>
::= <Header> interface Identifier <Interface Base Opt> '{' <Interface Item Decs Opt> '}' <Semicolon Opt>
<Interface Base Opt>
::= ':' <Class Base List>
| !Nothing
<Interface Item Decs Opt>
::= <Interface Item Decs Opt> <Interface Item Dec>
| !Nothing
<Interface Item Dec>
::= <Interface Method Dec>
| <Interface Property Dec>
| <Interface Event Dec>
| <Interface Indexer Dec>
<Interface Method Dec>
::= <Attrib Opt> <New Opt> <Type> Identifier '(' <Formal Param List Opt> ')' <Interface Empty Body>
<New Opt>
::= NEW
| !Nothing
<Interface Property Dec>
::= <Attrib Opt> <New Opt> <Type> Identifier '{' <Interface Accessors> '}'
<Interface Indexer Dec>
::= <Attrib Opt> <New Opt> <Type> this '[' <Formal Param List> ']' '{' <Interface Accessors> '}'
<Interface Accessors>
::= <Attrib Opt> <Access Opt> get <Interface Empty Body>
| <Attrib Opt> <Access Opt> set <Interface Empty Body>
| <Attrib Opt> <Access Opt> get <Interface Empty Body> <Attrib Opt> <Access Opt> set <Interface Empty Body>
| <Attrib Opt> <Access Opt> set <Interface Empty Body> <Attrib Opt> <Access Opt> get <Interface Empty Body>
<Interface Event Dec>
::= <Attrib Opt> <New Opt> event <Type> Identifier <Interface Empty Body>
<Interface Empty Body>
::= ';'
| '{' '}'
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.11 Enums
! ===========================================================================
<Enum Decl> ::= <Header> enum Identifier <Enum Base Opt> <Enum Body> <Semicolon Opt>
<Enum Base Opt>
::= ':' <Integral Type>
| !Nothing
<Enum Body>
::= '{' <Enum Item Decs Opt> '}'
| '{' <Enum Item Decs> ',' '}'
<Enum Item Decs Opt>
::= <Enum Item Decs>
| !Nothing
<Enum Item Decs>
::= <Enum Item Dec>
| <Enum Item Decs> ',' <Enum Item Dec>
<Enum Item Dec>
::= <Attrib Opt> Identifier
| <Attrib Opt> Identifier '=' <Expression>
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.12 Delegates
! ===========================================================================
<Delegate Decl> ::= <Header> delegate <Type> Identifier '(' <Formal Param List Opt> ')' ';'
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.13 Attributes
! ===========================================================================
<Attrib Opt>
::= <Attrib Opt> <Attrib Section>
| !Nothing
<Attrib Section>
::= '[' <Attrib Target Spec Opt> <Attrib List> ']'
| '[' <Attrib Target Spec Opt> <Attrib List> ',' ']'
<Attrib Target Spec Opt>
::= assembly ':'
| field ':'
| event ':'
| method ':'
| module ':'
| param ':'
| property ':'
| return ':'
| type ':'
| ! Nothing
<Attrib List>
::= <Attribute>
| <Attrib List> ',' <Attribute>
::= <Qualified ID> '(' <Expression List> ')'
| <Qualified ID> '(' ')'
| <Qualified ID>