BNF Grammar: Difference between revisions

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| Real
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! Commodore PET BASIC
! Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
! "It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students
! that have had prior exposure to BASIC; as potential programmers they are
! mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration."
! - Edsger W. Dijkstra
! BASIC is one of the oldest programming language and one of the most popular.
! It was developed in 1964 by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz to teach
! students the basics of programming concepts. At the advent of the microcomputer,
! BASIC was implemented on numerous platforms such as the Commodore, Atari,
! Apple II, Altair, IBM PC computers. Over time, BASIC evolved into GW-BASIC,
! QBasic, Visual Basic, and recently Visual Basic .NET.
! In practically all programming languages, the reserved word/symbol that denotes
! a comment is treated as a form of whitespace - having no effect in the manner in
! which the program runs. Once such type of comment is used to indicate the remainder
! of the line is to be ignored. These can be added to the end of any line without
! changing the meaning of the program. In C++, it is the '//' symbol.
! However, in the BASIC programming language, the line comment is treated like a
! statement. For instance, if 'REM' was a normal line comment:
! 10 PRINT "Hello World" REM Common first program
! would be a valid statement. However, in BASIC, this is illegal. In the example
! above, the comment must be added as an additional statement.
! 10 PRINT "Hello World" : REM Common first program
! As a result, the Line Comment terminal that is used in the GOLD Parser cannot be
! used here. In the grammar below, a 'Remark' terminal was created that accepts all
! series of printable characters starting with the characters "REM ". In some
! implementations of BASIC, any string starting with "REM" is a comment statement.
! Examples include "REMARK", "REMARKABLE" and "REMODEL". This grammar requires the space.
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
"Name" = 'Commodore PET BASIC'
"Author" = 'Commodore Business Machines'
"Version" = '2.0'
"About" = 'This is the version of BASIC that was used on the Commodore 64.'
"Case Sensitive" = False
"Start Symbol" = <Lines>
{String Chars} = {Printable} - ["]
{WS} = {Whitespace} - {CR} - {LF}
NewLine = {CR}{LF}|{CR}
Whitespace = {WS}+
Remark = REM{Space}{Printable}*
ID = {Letter}{Alphanumeric}?[$%]? !IDs are can only have a maximum of 2 characters
FunctionID = FN {Letter}{Letter}?
String = '"'{String Chars}*'"'
Integer = {Digit}+
Real = {Digit}+'.'{Digit}+
<Lines> ::= <Lines> <Line>
| <Line>
<Line> ::= Integer <Statements> NewLine
<Statements> ::= <Statements> ':' <Statement>
| <Statement>
<Statement> ::= CLOSE Integer
| CMD <Expression>
| CONT !Continue
| DATA <Constant List>
| DEF FunctionID '(' <ID List> ')' '=' <Expression> !The ID must start with FN
| DIM ID '(' <Expression List> ')'
| FOR ID '=' <Expression> TO <Expression> <Step Opt>
| GET '#' Integer ',' ID
| GOSUB <Expression>
| GOTO <Expression>
| IF <Expression> THEN <Then Clause>
| INPUT <ID List>
| INPUT '#' Integer ',' <ID List>
| LET ID '=' <Expression>
| LIST <Line Range>
| LOAD <Value List>
| ID '=' <Expression>
| NEXT <ID List>
| ON ID GOTO <Expression List>
| OPEN <Expression List>
| POKE <Expression> ',' <Expression>
| PRINT <Print list>
| PRINT '#' Integer ',' <Print List>
| READ <ID List>
| RUN <Expression>
| SYS <Expression>
| WAIT <Expression List>
| VERIFY <Expression List>
| Remark
<Step Opt> ::= STEP <Expression>
<ID List> ::= ID ',' <ID List>
| ID
<Value List> ::= <Value> ',' <Value List>
| <Value>
<Constant List> ::= <Constant> ',' <Constant List>
| <Constant>
<Expression List> ::= <Expression> ',' <Expression List>
| <Expression>
<Print List> ::= <Expression> ';' <Print List>
| <Expression>
<Line Range> ::= Integer
| Integer '-'
| Integer '-' Integer
<Then Clause> ::= Integer
| <Statement>
! ----------------------------------------------- Expressions
<Expression> ::= <And Exp> OR <Expression>
| <And Exp>
<And Exp> ::= <Not Exp> AND <And Exp>
| <Not Exp>
<Not Exp> ::= NOT <Compare Exp>
| <Compare Exp>
<Compare Exp> ::= <Add Exp> '=' <Compare Exp>
| <Add Exp> '<>' <Compare Exp>
| <Add Exp> '>' <Compare Exp>
| <Add Exp> '>=' <Compare Exp>
| <Add Exp> '<' <Compare Exp>
| <Add Exp> '<=' <Compare Exp>
| <Add Exp>
<Add Exp> ::= <Mult Exp> '+' <Add Exp>
| <Mult Exp> '-' <Add Exp>
| <Mult Exp>
<Mult Exp> ::= <Negate Exp> '*' <Mult Exp>
| <Negate Exp> '/' <Mult Exp>
| <Negate Exp>
<Negate Exp> ::= '-' <Power Exp>
| <Power Exp>
<Power Exp> ::= <Power Exp> '^' <Sub Exp> !On the Commodore, the symbol was an up-arrow
| <Sub Exp>
<Sub Exp> ::= '(' <Expression> ')'
| <Value>
<Value> ::= ID
| ABS '(' <Expression> ')'
| ASC '(' <Expression> ')'
| ATN '(' <Expression> ')'
| 'CHR$' '(' <Expression> ')'
| COS '(' <Expression> ')'
| EXP '(' <Expression> ')'
| FunctionID '(' <Expression List> ')'
| FRE '(' <Value> ')' !The <Value> is irrelevant
| INT '(' <Expression> ')'
| 'LEFT$' '(' <Expression> ',' <Expression> ')'
| LEN '(' <Expression> ')'
| PEEK '(' <Expression> ')'
| POS '(' <Value> ')' !The <Value> is irrelevant
| 'RIGHT$' '(' <Expression> ',' <Expression> ')'
| RND '(' <Expression> ')'
| SGN '(' <Expression> ')'
| SPC '(' <Expression> ')'
| SQR '(' <Expression> ')'
| TAB '(' <Expression> ')'
| TAN '(' <Expression> ')'
| VAL '(' <Expression> ')'
| <Constant>
<Constant> ::= Integer
| String
| Real