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In computer science, Backus–Naur Form (BNF) is a metasyntax used to express context-free grammars: that is, a formal way to describe formal languages. John Backus and Peter Naur developed a context free grammar to define the syntax of a programming language by using two sets of rules: i.e., lexical rules and syntactic rules.
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There are many extensions and variants of BNF, including Extended and Augmented Backus–Naur Forms (EBNF and ABNF).
'''This is a deprecated task. Please move these grammars to the language's category page, or somewhere else.'''
The task here is establish a BNF grammar for as many languages as possible to facilitate language categorization and translation.
A BNF description of the language syntax is a part of its standard, [ see Ada Reference Manual, Annex P].
=={{header|ALGOL 60}}==
A BNF description of the language syntax is a part of following,
[ ALGOL 60 ][ Syntax of ALGOL 60]
<div style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll"><pre>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Line 179 ⟶ 174:
| Real
==[[:Category:BASIC Commodore PET|BASIC Commodore PET]]==
<div style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll"><pre>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Line 384 ⟶ 380:
<div style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll"><pre>
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Brainf***
! As legend states, the Brainf*** Programming Language (also called BF by
! those not wanting to curse) was created by Urban Mueller in 1993.
! The language was designed, in part, so Mueller could create the smallest
! compiler ever. The first BF compiler was written for the Commodore Amiga
! OS 2.0 and was only 240 bytes in size.
! BF is a Turing-complete language. This means that any BF program can be
! proved to be equivalent to a Turing Machine.
! The system consists of an continuous array of 30,000 bytes (more can be
! added of course, but this is the standard size). Each cell is accessed
! through a single, global, pointer that can either move forward or backward
! on the array. The content of each cell can be modified by either reading a
! new byte from standard input or by incrementing or decrementing the
! current value. The array is initialized with zeroes.
! The BF Programming Language only consists of 8 different instructions:
! > Increment the pointer
! < Decrement the pointer
! + Add 1 to the current cell
! - Substract 1 from current cell
! . Print the current cell to the screen using its ASCII value.
! , Read a character and store its ASCII value in the current cell
! [ Jump forward past the corresponding ] if the current byte is zero
! ] Jump back to the statement after the corresponding [ if the
! current cell is not zero.
! In reality, the BF Programming Language is not that different from ANSI C.
! Each of the 8 instructions can be substituted for C statements and
! language constructs.
! > becomes p++;
! < becomes p--;
! + becomes *p++;
! - becomes *p--;
! . becomes putchar(*p);
! , becomes *p = getchar();
! [ becomes while (*p) { ...
! ] becomes }
! BF also treats all characters that are not the 8 basic commands as
! comments. In the grammar below, Whitespace is defined to include all the
! printable characters - with the exception of the statements.
! Please see for more information
! PLEASE NOTE: This grammar was created for fun. If you want to create a BF
! parser, it is far easier (and much more efficient) to write
! one manually.
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Code ::= Command Code | <NONE>
"Name" = 'Brainf***'
Command ::= "+" | "-" | "<" | ">" | "," | "." | "[" Code "]" | <ANY>
"Author" = 'Urban Mueller'
"Version" = '1993'
"About" = 'Brainf*** was created by Urban Mueller with the goal to build'
[ parse.y] contains a grammar for GP. The grammar for PARI is that of [ C].
| 'the smallest compiler ever.'
"Start Symbol" = <Instructions>
An annotated version of the PowerShell grammar can be found in Bruce Payette's book ''Windows PowerShell in Action''. The appendix containing the grammar is available in [ PDF form] on the publisher's site.
This grammar does not accurately represent the PowerShell language, though, as for example the <code>for</code> loop mandates semicolons in the grammar but in practice does not require them when arguments are omitted. The infinite loop may be represented by
! ============================================== Comments
<lang powershell>for () {}</lang>
but the grammar would require
{WS} = {Printable} - [<>+-.,'['']']
<lang powershell>for (;;) {}</lang>
Whitespace = {WS}+
! ============================================== Statements
<Instructions> ::= <Instructions> <Instruction>
<Instruction> ::= '>' ! Increment p
| '<' ! Decrement p
| '+' ! Increment a[p]
| '-' ! Decrement a[p]
| '.' ! Output a[p]
| ',' ! Input a[p]
| '[' <Instructions> ']'</pre></div>
=={{header|C sharp}}==
<div style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll"><pre>
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! C#
! The C# Programming Language was created by the Microsoft Corporation to be
! used with the .NET platform. The goal of C# was to counter the flaws and
! difficulties found in Java and C++. In addition, the language was designed
! to work well with the Common Language Runtime which runs the .NET platform.
! C# was primarily the work of computer scientist Anders Hejlsberg who has
! worked on a wide range of programming languages. These include, but are
! not limited to, Visual J++, Borland Delphi and Turbo Pascal. His previous
! works and influences from Java and C++ can be seen in C#.
! The grammar was designed, in part, using the official language
! specification that can be found on the Microsoft website.
! Unfortunately, C# has a very complex grammar. As a result, considerable
! time was required to write a LALR(1) compliant version. In most cases,
! I preserved the section names used in the original specification, but many
! productions, especially those regarding local variable declarations and
! expressions, required modifications.
! Feel free to modify and port this grammar to other parsing systems, but
! please leave this information. Have a great day and happy programming!
! Note: If there are any flaws, please visit
! - Devin Cook
! Updates:
! 05/09/2006
! Devin Cook
! The first version of the grammar was released.
! 04/04/2007
! Devin Cook
! Fixed a flaw in the Primary Exp. Thanks to Patrick Kristiansen for
! the reporting the error.
! 09/21/2007
! Devin Cook
! Modified the grammar to include the new features in C# 2.0. These include
! delegate expressions and partial classes.
! 11/07/2007
! Devin Cook
! Made some additional changes to make the grammar compliant to the C# spec.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Name" = 'C#'
"Version" = '2.0'
"Author" = 'Anders Hejlsberg'
"About" = 'C# was created by Anders Hejlsberg for the Microsoft Corporation.'
| 'The language was designed primarily to both fix flaws found in'
| 'other languages and to integrate with the the .NET platform.'
| 'This grammar was written by Devin Cook.'
"Start Symbol" = <Compilation Unit>
! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sets
{ID Head} = {Letter} + [_]
{ID Tail} = {AlphaNumeric} + [_]
{String Ch} = {Printable} - ["]
{Char Ch} = {Printable} - ['']
{Hex Digit} = {Digit} + [abcdef] + [ABCDEF]
! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Terminals
Identifier = [@]? {ID Head} {ID Tail}* !The @ is an override char
MemberName = '.' {ID Head} {ID Tail}*
DecLiteral = {Digit}+ ( [UuLl] | [Uu][Ll] | [Ll][Uu] )?
HexLiteral = '0'[xX]{Hex Digit}+ ( [UuLl] | [Uu][Ll] | [Ll][Uu] )?
RealLiteral = {Digit}*'.'{Digit}+
StringLiteral = '"'( {String Ch} | '\'{Printable} )* '"'
CharLiteral = '' ( {Char Ch} | '\'{Printable} )''
! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Comments
Comment Line = '//'
Comment Start = '/*'
Comment End = '*/'
! ===========================================================================
! Shared by multiple sections
! ===========================================================================
<Block or Semi>
::= <Block>
| ';'
<Valid ID>
::= Identifier
| this
| base
| <Base Type>
<Qualified ID>
::= <Valid ID> <Member List>
<Member List>
::= <Member List> MemberName
| !Zero or more
<Semicolon Opt>
::= ';'
| !Nothing
! ===========================================================================
! C.1.8 Literals
! ===========================================================================
::= true
| false
| DecLiteral
| HexLiteral
| RealLiteral
| CharLiteral
| StringLiteral
| null
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.2 Types
! ===========================================================================
! All date types in C# are objects. A distinction is made between different
! subtypes of objects, though. Some language constructs are restricted to
! one type or another.
::= <Non Array Type>
| <Non Array Type> '*'
| <Non Array Type> <Rank Specifiers>
| <Non Array Type> <Rank Specifiers> '*'
<Pointer Opt>
::= '*'
| !Nothing
<Non Array Type>
! ::= <Other Type>
! | <Integral Type>
! | <Qualified ID>
::= <Qualified ID>
! The following defines built-in datatypes only. This is necessary for local
! variable declarations.
<Base Type>
::= <Other Type>
| <Integral Type>
<Other Type>
::= float
| double
| decimal
| bool
| void
| object
| string
! Integral types are valid in enumeration declarations.
<Integral Type>
::= sbyte
| byte
| short
| ushort
| int
| uint
| long
| ulong
| char
! Rank specifiers are used to define the dimensions of arrays. The notation is odd.
<Rank Specifiers Opt>
::= <Rank Specifiers Opt> <Rank Specifier>
<Rank Specifiers>
::= <Rank Specifiers> <Rank Specifier>
| <Rank Specifier>
<Rank Specifier>
::= '[' <Dim Separators> ']'
<Dim Separators>
::= <Dim Separators> ','
| !Nothing
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.4 Expressions
! ===========================================================================
<Expression Opt>
::= <Expression>
| !Nothing
<Expression List>
::= <Expression>
| <Expression> ',' <Expression List>
::= <Conditional Exp> '=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp> '+=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp> '-=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp> '*=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp> '/=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp> '^=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp> '&=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp> '|=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp> '%=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp> '<<=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp> '>>=' <Expression>
| <Conditional Exp>
<Conditional Exp>
::= <Or Exp> '?' <Or Exp> ':' <Conditional Exp>
| <Or Exp>
<Or Exp>
::= <Or Exp> '||' <And Exp>
| <And Exp>
<And Exp>
::= <And Exp> '&&' <Logical Or Exp>
| <Logical Or Exp>
<Logical Or Exp>
::= <Logical Or Exp> '|' <Logical Xor Exp>
| <Logical Xor Exp>
<Logical Xor Exp>
::= <Logical Xor Exp> '^' <Logical And Exp>
| <Logical And Exp>
<Logical And Exp>
::= <Logical And Exp> '&' <Equality Exp>
| <Equality Exp>
<Equality Exp>
::= <Equality Exp> '==' <Compare Exp>
| <Equality Exp> '!=' <Compare Exp>
| <Compare Exp>
<Compare Exp>
::= <Compare Exp> '<' <Shift Exp>
| <Compare Exp> '>' <Shift Exp>
| <Compare Exp> '<=' <Shift Exp>
| <Compare Exp> '>=' <Shift Exp>
| <Compare Exp> is <Type>
| <Compare Exp> as <Type>
| <Shift Exp>
<Shift Exp>
::= <Shift Exp> '<<' <Add Exp>
| <Shift Exp> '>>' <Add Exp>
| <Add Exp>
<Add Exp>
::= <Add Exp> '+' <Mult Exp>
| <Add Exp> '-' <Mult Exp>
| <Mult Exp>
<Mult Exp>
::= <Mult Exp> '*' <Unary Exp>
| <Mult Exp> '/' <Unary Exp>
| <Mult Exp> '%' <Unary Exp>
| <Unary Exp>
<Unary Exp>
::= '!' <Unary Exp>
| '~' <Unary Exp>
| '-' <Unary Exp>
| '++' <Unary Exp>
| '--' <Unary Exp>
| '(' <Expression> ')' <Object Exp> !Cast "expression" is required to avoid a conflict
| <Object Exp>
! Primary: x.y f(x) a[x] x++ x-- new typeof checked unchecked ->
<Object Exp>
::= delegate '(' <Formal Param List Opt> ')' <Block> !New in 2.0
| <Primary Array Creation Exp>
| <Method Exp>
<Primary Array Creation Exp>
::= new <Non Array Type> '[' <Expression List> ']' <Rank Specifiers Opt> <Array Initializer Opt>
| new <Non Array Type> <Rank Specifiers> <Array Initializer>
<Method Exp>
::= <Method Exp> <Method>
| <Primary Exp>
<Primary Exp>
::= typeof '(' <Type> ')'
| sizeof '(' <Type> ')'
| checked '(' <Expression> ')'
| unchecked '(' <Expression> ')'
| new <Non Array Type> '(' <Arg List Opt> ')' !Non array creation
| <Primary>
| '(' <Expression> ')'
::= <Valid ID>
| <Valid ID> '(' <Arg List Opt> ')' !Current object method
| <Literal>
! ===========================================================================
! Arguments
! ===========================================================================
<Arg List Opt>
::= <Arg List>
| !Nothing
<Arg List>
::= <Arg List> ',' <Argument>
| <Argument>
::= <Expression>
| ref <Expression>
| out <Expression>
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.5 Statements
! ===========================================================================
<Stm List>
::= <Stm List> <Statement>
| <Statement>
! This repetative productions below resolve the hanging-else problem by
! restricting the "if-then" statement to remove ambiguity. Two levels of
! statements are declared with the second, "restricted", group only used in
! the "then" clause of a "if-then-else" statement.
! The "restricted" group is completely identical the the first with one
! exception: only the "if-then-else" variant of the if statement is allowed.
! In other words, no "if" statements without "else" clauses can appear inside
! the "then" part of an "if-then-else" statement. Using this solution, the
! "else" will bind to the last "If" statement, and still allows chaining.
::= Identifier ':' ! label
| <Local Var Decl> ';'
| if '(' <Expression> ')' <Statement>
| if '(' <Expression> ')' <Then Stm> else <Statement>
| for '(' <For Init Opt> ';' <For Condition Opt> ';' <For Iterator Opt> ')' <Statement>
| foreach '(' <Type> Identifier in <Expression> ')' <Statement>
| while '(' <Expression> ')' <Statement>
| lock '(' <Expression> ')' <Statement>
| using '(' <Resource> ')' <Statement>
| fixed '(' <Type> <Fixed Ptr Decs> ')' <Statement>
| delegate '(' <Formal Param List Opt> ')' <Statement>
| <Normal Stm>
<Then Stm>
::= if '(' <Expression> ')' <Then Stm> else <Then Stm>
| for '(' <For Init Opt> ';' <For Condition Opt> ';' <For Iterator Opt> ')' <Then Stm>
| foreach '(' <Type> Identifier in <Expression> ')' <Then Stm>
| while '(' <Expression> ')' <Then Stm>
| lock '(' <Expression> ')' <Then Stm>
| using '(' <Resource> ')' <Then Stm>
| fixed '(' <Type> <Fixed Ptr Decs> ')' <Then Stm>
| delegate '(' <Formal Param List Opt> ')' <Then Stm>
| <Normal Stm>
<Normal Stm>
::= switch '(' <Expression> ')' '{' <Switch Sections Opt> '}'
| do <Normal Stm> while '(' <Expression> ')' ';'
| try <Block> <Catch Clauses> <Finally Clause Opt>
| checked <Block>
| unchecked <Block>
| unsafe <Block>
| break ';'
| continue ';'
| goto Identifier ';'
| goto case <Expression> ';'
| goto default ';'
| return <Expression Opt> ';'
| throw <Expression Opt> ';'
| <Statement Exp> ';'
| ';'
| <Block>
::= '{' <Stm List> '}'
| '{' '}'
<Variable Decs>
::= <Variable Declarator>
| <Variable Decs> ',' <Variable Declarator>
<Variable Declarator>
::= Identifier
| Identifier '=' <Variable Initializer>
<Variable Initializer>
::= <Expression>
| <Array Initializer>
| stackalloc <Non Array Type> '[' <Non Array Type> ']'
<Constant Declarators>
::= <Constant Declarator>
| <Constant Declarators> ',' <Constant Declarator>
<Constant Declarator>
::= Identifier '=' <Expression>
! ===========================================================================
! Switch Clauses
! ===========================================================================
<Switch Sections Opt>
::= <Switch Sections Opt> <Switch Section>
| !Nothing
<Switch Section>
::= <Switch Labels> <Stm List>
<Switch Labels>
::= <Switch Label>
| <Switch Labels> <Switch Label>
<Switch Label>
::= case <Expression> ':'
| default ':'
! ===========================================================================
! For Clauses
! ===========================================================================
<For Init Opt>
::= <Local Var Decl>
| <Statement Exp List>
| !Nothing
<For Iterator Opt>
::= <Statement Exp List>
| !Nothing
<For Condition Opt>
::= <Expression>
| !Nothing
<Statement Exp List>
::= <Statement Exp List> ',' <Statement Exp>
| <Statement Exp>
! ===========================================================================
! Catch Clauses
! ===========================================================================
<Catch Clauses>
::= <Catch Clause> <Catch Clauses>
| !Nothing
<Catch Clause>
::= catch '(' <Qualified ID> Identifier ')' <Block>
| catch '(' <Qualified ID> ')' <Block>
| catch <Block>
<Finally Clause Opt>
::= finally <Block>
| !Nothing
! ===========================================================================
! Using Clauses
! ===========================================================================
::= <Local Var Decl>
| <Statement Exp>
! ===========================================================================
! Fixed Clauses
! ===========================================================================
<Fixed Ptr Decs>
::= <Fixed Ptr Dec>
| <Fixed Ptr Decs> ',' <Fixed Ptr Dec>
<Fixed Ptr Dec>
::= Identifier '=' <Expression>
! ===========================================================================
! Statement Expressions & Local Variable Declaration
! ===========================================================================
! The complex productions below are able to avoid the shift-reduce error caused
! by declaring an array. The notation used by C# (and the rest of the C++
! family) prevents an array declaration to be distinguished from an array
! assignment statement until a number of characters are read.
! a.b.c[2] = "Test"
! a.b.c[] = new String[3]
! The system CANNOT make a decision between the two until it is reading the
! contents the [ ... ].
! As a result, the local variable declaration below contains the full notation
! for each of the C# methods at the same level as local variable declarations.
! Since the system does not have to reduce UNTIL it is within the [ ... ], no
! shift-reduce error will occur. Nasty, huh?
<Local Var Decl>
::= <Qualified ID> <Rank Specifiers> <Pointer Opt> <Variable Decs>
| <Qualified ID> <Pointer Opt> <Variable Decs>
! | <Base Type> <Rank Specifiers> <Pointer Opt> <Variable Decs>
! | <Base Type> <Pointer Opt> <Variable Decs>
<Statement Exp>
::= <Qualified ID> '(' <Arg List Opt> ')'
| <Qualified ID> '(' <Arg List Opt> ')' <Methods Opt> <Assign Tail>
| <Qualified ID> '[' <Expression List> ']' <Methods Opt> <Assign Tail>
| <Qualified ID> '->' Identifier <Methods Opt> <Assign Tail>
| <Qualified ID> '++' <Methods Opt> <Assign Tail>
| <Qualified ID> '--' <Methods Opt> <Assign Tail>
| <Qualified ID> <Assign Tail>
<Assign Tail>
::= '++'
| '--'
| '=' <Expression>
| '+=' <Expression>
| '-=' <Expression>
| '*=' <Expression>
| '/=' <Expression>
| '^=' <Expression>
| '&=' <Expression>
| '|=' <Expression>
| '%=' <Expression>
| '<<=' <Expression>
| '>>=' <Expression>
<Methods Opt>
::= <Methods Opt> <Method>
| !Null
::= MemberName
| MemberName '(' <Arg List Opt> ')' !Invocation
| '[' <Expression List> ']'
| '->' Identifier
| '++'
| '--'
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.6 Namespaces
! ===========================================================================
<Compilation Unit>
::= <Using List> <Compilation Items>
<Using List>
::= <Using List> <Using Directive>
| !Nothing
<Using Directive>
::= using Identifier '=' <Qualified ID> ';'
| using <Qualified ID> ';'
<Compilation Items>
::= <Compilation Items> <Compilation Item>
| ! Zero or more
<Compilation Item>
::= <Namespace Dec>
| <Namespace Item> !Default namespace
! ===========================================================================
! Namespace
! ===========================================================================
<Namespace Dec>
::= <Attrib Opt> namespace <Qualified ID> '{' <Using List> <Namespace Items> '}' <Semicolon Opt>
<Namespace Items>
::= <Namespace Items> <Namespace Item>
| ! Zero or more
<Namespace Item>
::= <Constant Dec>
| <Field Dec>
| <Method Dec>
| <Property Dec>
| <Type Decl>
<Type Decl>
::= <Class Decl>
| <Struct Decl>
| <Interface Decl>
| <Enum Decl>
| <Delegate Decl>
! ================================= Modifiers
::= <Attrib Opt> <Access Opt> <Modifier List Opt>
<Access Opt>
::= private
| protected
| public
| internal !Friend
| !Nothing
<Modifier List Opt>
::= <Modifier List Opt> <Modifier>
| !Nothing
::= abstract
| extern
| new
| override
| partial
| readonly
| sealed
| static
| unsafe
| virtual
| volatile
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.7 Classes
! ===========================================================================
<Class Decl>
::= <Header> class Identifier <Class Base Opt> '{' <Class Item Decs Opt> '}' <Semicolon Opt>
<Class Base Opt>
::= ':' <Class Base List>
| !Nothing
<Class Base List>
::= <Class Base List> ',' <Non Array Type>
| <Non Array Type>
<Class Item Decs Opt>
::= <Class Item Decs Opt> <Class Item>
| !Nothing
<Class Item>
::= <Constant Dec>
| <Field Dec>
| <Method Dec>
| <Property Dec>
| <Event Dec>
| <Indexer Dec>
| <Operator Dec>
| <Constructor Dec>
| <Destructor Dec>
| <Type Decl>
<Constant Dec>
::= <Header> const <Type> <Constant Declarators> ';'
<Field Dec>
::= <Header> <Type> <Variable Decs> ';'
<Method Dec>
::= <Header> <Type> <Qualified ID> '(' <Formal Param List Opt> ')' <Block or Semi>
<Formal Param List Opt>
::= <Formal Param List>
| !Nothing
<Formal Param List>
::= <Formal Param>
| <Formal Param List> ',' <Formal Param>
<Formal Param>
::= <Attrib Opt> <Type> Identifier
| <Attrib Opt> ref <Type> Identifier
| <Attrib Opt> out <Type> Identifier
| <Attrib Opt> params <Type> Identifier !Parameter array
<Property Dec>
::= <Header> <Type> <Qualified ID> '{' <Accessor Dec> '}'
<Accessor Dec>
::= <Access Opt> get <Block or Semi>
| <Access Opt> get <Block or Semi> <Access Opt> set <Block or Semi>
| <Access Opt> set <Block or Semi>
| <Access Opt> set <Block or Semi> <Access Opt> get <Block or Semi>
<Event Dec>
::= <Header> event <Type> <Variable Decs> ';'
| <Header> event <Type> <Qualified ID> '{' <Event Accessor Decs> '}'
<Event Accessor Decs>
::= add <Block or Semi>
| add <Block or Semi> remove <Block or Semi>
| remove <Block or Semi>
| remove <Block or Semi> add <Block or Semi>
!<Indexer Dec>
! ::= <Header> <Type> <Indexer This> '[' <Formal Param List> ']' '{' <Accessor Dec>'}'
!<Indexer This>
! ::= this
! | <Qualified ID> !Ending in 'this' - This is a post-parse semantic check
<Indexer Dec>
::= <Header> <Type> <Qualified ID> '[' <Formal Param List> ']' '{' <Accessor Dec>'}'
!Ending in 'this' - This is a post-parse semantic check
! ===========================================================================
! Operator Declarations
! ===========================================================================
<Operator Dec>
::= <Header> <Overload Operator Decl> <Block or Semi>
| <Header> <Conversion Operator Decl> <Block or Semi>
<Overload Operator Decl>
::= <Type> operator <Overload Op> '(' <Type> Identifier ')'
| <Type> operator <Overload Op> '(' <Type> Identifier ',' <Type> Identifier ')'
<Conversion Operator Decl>
::= implicit operator <Type> '(' <Type> Identifier ')'
| explicit operator <Type> '(' <Type> Identifier ')'
<Overload Op>
::= '+'
| '-'
| '!'
| '~'
| '++'
| '--'
| true
| false
| '*'
| '/'
| '%'
| '&'
| '|'
| '^'
| '<<'
| '>>'
| '=='
| '!='
| '>'
| '<'
| '>='
| '<='
! ===========================================================================
! Constructor / Destructor Declarations
! ===========================================================================
<Constructor Dec>
::= <Header> <Constructor Declarator> <Block or Semi>
<Constructor Declarator>
::= Identifier '(' <Formal Param List Opt> ')' <Constructor Init Opt>
<Constructor Init Opt>
::= <Constructor Init>
| !Nothing
<Constructor Init>
::= ':' base '(' <Arg List Opt> ')'
| ':' this '(' <Arg List Opt> ')'
<Destructor Dec>
::= <Header> '~' Identifier '(' ')' <Block>
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.8 Structs
! ===========================================================================
! Note: Structures have the SAME members as normal classes. As a result, the
! <Class Item Decs Opt> rule is used
<Struct Decl>
::= <Header> struct Identifier <Class Base Opt> '{' <Class Item Decs Opt>'}' <Semicolon Opt>
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.9 Arrays
! ===========================================================================
<Array Initializer Opt>
::= <Array Initializer>
<Array Initializer>
::= '{' <Variable Initializer List Opt> '}'
| '{' <Variable Initializer List> ',' '}'
<Variable Initializer List Opt>
::= <Variable Initializer List>
| ! Nothing
<Variable Initializer List>
::= <Variable Initializer>
| <Variable Initializer List> ',' <Variable Initializer>
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.10 Interfaces
! ===========================================================================
<Interface Decl>
::= <Header> interface Identifier <Interface Base Opt> '{' <Interface Item Decs Opt> '}' <Semicolon Opt>
<Interface Base Opt>
::= ':' <Class Base List>
| !Nothing
<Interface Item Decs Opt>
::= <Interface Item Decs Opt> <Interface Item Dec>
| !Nothing
<Interface Item Dec>
::= <Interface Method Dec>
| <Interface Property Dec>
| <Interface Event Dec>
| <Interface Indexer Dec>
<Interface Method Dec>
::= <Attrib Opt> <New Opt> <Type> Identifier '(' <Formal Param List Opt> ')' <Interface Empty Body>
<New Opt>
::= NEW
| !Nothing
<Interface Property Dec>
::= <Attrib Opt> <New Opt> <Type> Identifier '{' <Interface Accessors> '}'
<Interface Indexer Dec>
::= <Attrib Opt> <New Opt> <Type> this '[' <Formal Param List> ']' '{' <Interface Accessors> '}'
<Interface Accessors>
::= <Attrib Opt> <Access Opt> get <Interface Empty Body>
| <Attrib Opt> <Access Opt> set <Interface Empty Body>
| <Attrib Opt> <Access Opt> get <Interface Empty Body> <Attrib Opt> <Access Opt> set <Interface Empty Body>
| <Attrib Opt> <Access Opt> set <Interface Empty Body> <Attrib Opt> <Access Opt> get <Interface Empty Body>
<Interface Event Dec>
::= <Attrib Opt> <New Opt> event <Type> Identifier <Interface Empty Body>
<Interface Empty Body>
::= ';'
| '{' '}'
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.11 Enums
! ===========================================================================
<Enum Decl> ::= <Header> enum Identifier <Enum Base Opt> <Enum Body> <Semicolon Opt>
<Enum Base Opt>
::= ':' <Integral Type>
| !Nothing
<Enum Body>
::= '{' <Enum Item Decs Opt> '}'
| '{' <Enum Item Decs> ',' '}'
<Enum Item Decs Opt>
::= <Enum Item Decs>
| !Nothing
<Enum Item Decs>
::= <Enum Item Dec>
| <Enum Item Decs> ',' <Enum Item Dec>
<Enum Item Dec>
::= <Attrib Opt> Identifier
| <Attrib Opt> Identifier '=' <Expression>
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.12 Delegates
! ===========================================================================
<Delegate Decl> ::= <Header> delegate <Type> Identifier '(' <Formal Param List Opt> ')' ';'
! ===========================================================================
! C.2.13 Attributes
! ===========================================================================
<Attrib Opt>
::= <Attrib Opt> <Attrib Section>
| !Nothing
<Attrib Section>
::= '[' <Attrib Target Spec Opt> <Attrib List> ']'
| '[' <Attrib Target Spec Opt> <Attrib List> ',' ']'
<Attrib Target Spec Opt>
::= assembly ':'
| field ':'
| event ':'
| method ':'
| module ':'
| param ':'
| property ':'
| return ':'
| type ':'
| ! Nothing
<Attrib List>
::= <Attribute>
| <Attrib List> ',' <Attribute>
::= <Qualified ID> '(' <Expression List> ')'
| <Qualified ID> '(' ')'
| <Qualified ID>
<div style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll"><pre>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! COBOL 85
! COmmon Business Oriented Language
! The COBOL programmming language is one of the oldest still in use today. It
! was originally designed by the United States Department of defense under the
! supervision of the COnference on DAta SYstems Languages (CODASYL) Committee.
! Most of the groundwork and design of COBOL was done by General Grace Hopper
! of the United States Navy.
! The COBOL language was designed to be a self-documenting language where
! programs would read as close to English as possible. All interaction
! between the user, the terminal and files are performed through language
! statements rather than third-party libraries. The metaphor used for data
! types is abstract and completely platform independant. As a result of these
! factors, COBOL is a very portable.
! The COBOL 85 grammar is complex - containing, over 350 reserved words,
! 950 rules which results in iver 1,600 LALR states.
! Side Note: General Grace Hopper was the engineer who coined the term "bug"
! when she found an "ill-positioned" insect in an early mainframe.
! Revisions:
! 09-13-06: Devin Cook
! * Fixed a flaw in the Communications Section where a period was added
! to the end of a terminal rather than as a separate terminal. Thanks
! to Jose Ventura for finding this flaw.
! * Fixed a flaw in the PicString terminal. The definition required two or
! more spaces between PIC and the picture characters. Thanks to Jose
! Ventura for finding this flaw.
! 07-21-06: Devin Cook
! * The grammar was modified to better handle embeded statements and
! message handling clauses.
! 06-12-06: Devin Cook
! * Grammar was completed
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Name" = 'COBOL 85'
"Version" = '1.1'
"Author" = 'General Grace Hopper (United States Navy) and the CODASYL Committee'
"About" = 'Originally created in 1960, COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language)'
| 'is one of the top 5 most popular languages in use today. COBOL was designed'
| 'to be self-documenting by using a structure simular to basic English.'
| 'This is the full 85 grammar. However, However, differ vendors have'
| 'created specialized dialects. As result, this grammar may not parse'
| 'them. This grammar was written by Devin Cook.'
"Case Sensitive" = False
"Start Symbol" = <Program>
{String Chars 1} = {Printable} - ['']
{String Chars 2} = {Printable} - ["]
{Id Tail Chars} = {Alphanumeric} + [-]
StringLiteral = ''{String Chars 1}*'' | '"'{String Chars 2}*'"'
IntLiteral = {Digit}+
FloatLiteral = {Digit}+'.'{Digit}+
Identifier = {Letter}{Id Tail Chars}*
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Picture Clause
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! X
! 9
! , B 0 / Simple Insertion
! . Special Insertion
! - CR DB $ Fixed Insertion
! + - $ Floating Insertion
! Z * Suppression and Replacement
{Pic Ch} = [xa9] + [bpz0*+-,]
{WS} = {Space} + {HT} + {NBSP}
PicString = PIC(TURE)? {WS}+ (IS {WS}+)? (CR|DB|[$s])? {Pic Ch}+ ( '('{Number}+')' )? ( [v.] {Pic Ch}+ ( '('{Number}+')' )? )? (CR|DB|[$s])?
| PIC(TURE)? {WS}+ (IS {WS}+)? '' {String Chars 1}* ''
| PIC(TURE)? {WS}+ (IS {WS}+)? '"' {String Chars 2}* '"'
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Main program structure
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
::= <Identification Division> <Environment Division> <Data Division> <Procedure Division>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Optional Keywords - Often used only for readbility
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<ADVANCING Opt> ::= ADVANCING | !Optional
<ALL Opt> ::= ALL | !Optional
<ARE Opt> ::= ARE | !Optional
<AREA Opt> ::= AREA | AREAS | !Optional
<AT Opt> ::= AT | !Optional
<BY Opt> ::= BY | !Optional
<COLLATING Opt> ::= COLLATING | !Optional
<CONTAINS Opt> ::= CONTAINS | !Optional
<DATA Opt> ::= DATA | !Optional
<EVERY Opt> ::= EVERY | !Optional
<FILE Opt> ::= FILE | !Optional
<FINAL Opt> ::= FINAL | !Optional
<FOR Opt> ::= FOR | !Optional
<GLOBAL Opt> ::= GLOBAL | !Optional
<IN Opt> ::= IN | !Optional
<INDICATE Opt> ::= INDICATE | !Optional
<INITIAL Opt> ::= INITIAL | !Optional
<IS Opt> ::= IS | !Optional
<KEY Opt> ::= KEY | !Optional
<LINE Opt> ::= LINE | !Optional
<LINES Opt> ::= LINE | LINES | !Optional
<MESSAGE opt> ::= MESSAGE | !Optional
<MODE Opt> ::= MODE | !Optional
<NEXT Opt> ::= NEXT | !Optional
<NUMBER Opt> ::= NUMBER | !Optional
<OF Opt> ::= OF | !Optional
<ON Opt> ::= ON | !Optional
<ORDER opt> ::= ORDER | !Optional
<PRINTING Opt> ::= PRINTING | !Optional
<RECORD Opt> ::= RECORD | !Optional
<RIGHT Opt> ::= RIGHT | !Optional
<ROUNDED Opt> ::= ROUNDED | !Optional
<STANDARD Opt> ::= STANDARD | !Optional
<SIGN Opt> ::= SIGN | !Optional
<SIZE Opt> ::= SIZE | !Optional
<STATUS Opt> ::= STATUS | !Optional
<SYMBOLIC Opt> ::= SYMBOLIC | !Optional
<TAPE Opt> ::= TAPE | !Optional
<THEN Opt> ::= THEN | !Optional
<THAN Opt> ::= THAN | !Optional
<TO Opt> ::= TO | !Optional
<WHEN Opt> ::= WHEN | !Optional
<WITH Opt> ::= WITH | !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Equivelent Keywords
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
::= THRU
<IS ARE Opt>
::= IS
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Clauses Shared By Multiple Rules
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Giving Clause Opt>
::= GIVING Identifier
| !Optional
<Pointer Clause>
::= <WITH Opt> POINTER <Variable>
| !Optional
<File Name>
::= Identifier
| StringLiteral
<File Name List>
::= <File Name List> <File Name>
| <File Name>
<Int Constant>
::= Identifier
| <Integer>
<Index Clause>
::= INDEXED <BY Opt> Identifier
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Values, Literals, etc...
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Symbolic Value>
::= <Literal>
| <Variable>
| <Figurative>
::= <Values> <Value>
| <Value>
::= <Literal>
| <Variable>
::= <Integer>
| Identifier
::= <Integer>
| FloatLiteral
| StringLiteral
::= IntLiteral
| '66'
| '77'
| '88'
::= ZERO
| ALL StringLiteral
::= <Identifiers> Identifier
| Identifier
::= <Variables> Identifier
| Identifier
::= Identifier
| Identifier '(' <Subsets> ')'
::= <Subsets> ':' <Numeric>
| <Numeric>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ------------------------- IDENTIFICATION DIVISION ---------------------------
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Identification Division>
::= IDENTIFICATION DIVISION '.' <Prog ID> <Program Info Items>
<Prog ID>
::= PROGRAM-ID '.' <Word List> <Prog Name Opt> '.'
<Program Info Items>
::= <Program Info Items> <Program Info Item>
| !Zero or more
<Program Info Item>
::= AUTHOR '.' <Word List> '.'
| INSTALLATION '.' <Word List> '.'
| DATE-WRITTEN '.' <Word List> '.'
| DATE-COMPILED '.' <Word List> '.'
| SECURITY '.' <Word List> '.'
<Word List>
::= <Word List> <Word Item>
| <Word Item>
<Word Item>
::= Identifier
| <Integer>
| FloatLiteral
| StringLiteral
| '/'
| ','
<Prog Name Opt>
::= <IS Opt> <Common Initial> <Program Opt>
| !Optional
<Common Initial>
<Program Opt>
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -------------------------- ENVIRONMENT DIVISION -----------------------------
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Environment Division>
::= ENVIRONMENT DIVISION '.' <Config Section> <Input-Output Section>
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Config Section>
::= CONFIGURATION SECTION '.' <Config Section Items>
| !Optional
<Config Section Items>
::= <Config Section Items> <Config Section Item>
| !Zero or more
<Config Section Item>
::= <Source Computer>
| <Object Computer>
| <Special Names>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Source Computer>
::= SOURCE-COMPUTER '.' <Source Computer Clause Opt>
<Source Computer Clause Opt>
::= Identifier <Source Debug Opt> '.'
| !Optional
<Source Debug Opt>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Object Computer>
::= OBJECT-COMPUTER '.' <Object Computer Clause Opt>
<Object Computer Clause Opt>
::= Identifier <Object Clauses> '.'
| !Optional
<Object Clauses>
::= <Object Clause> <Object Clauses>
| !Optional
<Object Clause>
::= <Program Opt> <COLLATING Opt> SEQUENCE <IS Opt> Identifier
| SEGMENT-LIMIT <IS Opt> <Integer>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Special Names>
::= SPECIAL-NAMES '.' <Special Name List>
<Special Name List>
::= <Special Name List> <Special Names Item>
| !Zero or more
<Special Names Item>
::= Identifier <IS Opt> Identifier <Name Status Items> '.'
| Identifier <Name Status Items> '.'
| SYMBOLIC <CHARACTERS Opt> <Symbolic Char List> '.'
| ALPHABET Identifier <IS Opt> <Alphabet Item> '.'
| CLASS Identifier <IS Opt> <Special Ranges> '.'
| CURRENCY <SIGN Opt> <IS Opt> <Literal> '.'
<Name Status Items>
::= <Name Status Items> <Name Status Item>
| !Zero or more
<Name Status Item>
::= ON <STATUS Opt> <IS Opt> Identifier
| OFF <STATUS Opt> <IS Opt> Identifier
! -----------------------------------------------
<Alphabet Item>
| Identifier
| <Special Ranges>
<Special Ranges>
::= <Special Ranges> ALSO <Special Range>
| <Special Range>
<Special Range>
::= <Literal> <THRU> <Literal>
! -----------------------------------------------
<Symbolic Char List>
::= <Symbolic Characters>
| <Symbolic Characters> IN Identifier
<Symbolic Characters>
::= <Symbolic Character> <Symbolic Value>
| <Symbolic Character>
<Symbolic Character>
::= Identifier <IS ARE Opt> <Literal>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Input-Output Section>
::= INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION '.' <File-Control> <I-O-Control>
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
::= FILE-CONTROL '.' <Select Block>
| !Optional
<Select Block>
::= <Select Block> <Select Paragraph>
| !Optional
<Select Paragraph>
::= SELECT <Optional Opt> Identifier ASSIGN <TO Opt> Identifier <Select Opt List> '.'
<Optional Opt>
| !Null
<Select Opt List>
::= <Select Option> <Select Opt List>
| !Zero or more
<Select Option>
::= RESERVE <Integer> <AREA Opt>
| ORGANIZATION <IS Opt> <Organization Kind>
| <Organization Kind>
| PADDING <Character Opt> <IS Opt> <Padding Kind>
| RECORD DELIMITER <IS Opt> <Record Delimiter Kind>
| RECORD <KEY Opt> <IS Opt> Identifier
| ALTERNATIVE RECORD <KEY Opt> <IS Opt> Identifier <Duplicates Clause Opt>
| ACCESS <MODE Opt> <IS Opt> <Access Mode>
| <FILE Opt> STATUS <IS Opt> Identifier
<Access Mode>
<Organization Kind>
| RELATIVE <Relative Key Opt>
<Relative Key Opt>
::= <KEY Opt> <IS Opt> Identifier
| !Optional
<Record Delimiter Kind>
| Identifier
<Padding Kind>
::= Identifier
| <Literal>
<Duplicates Clause Opt>
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
::= I-O-CONTROL '.' <Rerun List> <Same List> <Multiple List> '.'
<Rerun List>
::= <Rerun List> <Rerun Item>
| !Zero or more
<Rerun Item>
::= RERUN <Rerun Clause Opt> <EVERY Opt> <Every Clause>
<Rerun Clause Opt>
::= ON <File Name>
| !Optional
<Every Clause>
::= <End Of Opt> <Every End Target> <OF Opt> <File Name>
| <Integer> RECORDS
| <Integer> CLOCK-UNITS
| Identifier
<End Of Opt>
::= END <OF Opt>
| !Optional
<Every End Target>
::= REEL
! -----------------------------------------------
<Same List>
::= <Same List> <Same Item>
| !Zero or more
<Same Item>
::= SAME <Same Source> <AREA Opt> <File Name> <File Name List>
<Same Source>
<Multiple List>
::= <Multiple List> <Multiple Item>
| !Zero or more
<Multiple Item>
::= MULTIPLE FILE <TAPE Opt> <CONTAINS Opt> <Contain List>
<Contain List>
::= <Contain List> <Contain Item>
| <Contain Item>
<Contain Item>
::= <File Name> POSITION <IS Opt> <Integer>
| <File Name>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ------------------------------ DATA DIVISION --------------------------------
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Data Division>
::= DATA DIVISION '.' <Data Section List>
<Data Section List>
::= <Data Section Entry> <Data Section List>
| !Zero or more
<Data Section Entry>
::= <File Section>
| <Working-Storage Section>
| <Linkage Section>
| <Screen Section>
| <Communication Section>
| <Report Section>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Record Definition
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Record Entry Block>
::= <Record Entry Block> <Record Entry>
| !Zero or more
<Record Entry>
::= IntLiteral <Level Name> <Record Option List> '.' !Normal Record
| '66' <Level Name> RENAMES <Identifier Range> '.'
| '77' <Level Name> <Record Option List> '.' !Constant
| '88' <Level Name> VALUES <IS ARE Opt> <Values> '.'
<Level Name>
::= Identifier
<Times Opt>
| !Optional
<Record Option List>
::= <Record Option List> <Record Option>
| !Zero or more
<Record Option>
::= REDEFINES Identifier
| <Picture>
| USAGE <IS Opt> <Usage Args>
| <Usage Args>
| SIGN <IS Opt> <Sign Args> <Sep Char Option>
| OCCURS <Numeric> <Times Opt> <Key Clause> <Index Clause>
| OCCURS <Numeric> TO <Numeric> <Times Opt> DEPENDING <ON Opt> Identifier <Key Clause> <Index Clause>
| SYNCHRONIZED <Left Right Opt>
| SYNC <Left Right Opt>
| VALUE <IS Opt> <Symbolic Value>
::= PicString
<Key Clause>
::= ASCENDING <KEY Opt> <IS Opt> <Identifiers>
| DESCENDING <KEY Opt> <IS Opt> <Identifiers>
| !Optional
<Usage Args>
<Sign Args>
<Sep Char Option>
::= SEPARATE <Character Opt>
| !Optional
<Character Opt>
| !Optional
<Left Right Opt>
::= LEFT
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<File Section>
::= FILE SECTION '.' <File Desc Block>
<File Desc Block>
::= <File Desc Entry> <File Desc Block>
| !Zero ore more
<File Desc Entry>
::= FD Identifier <File Option List> '.' <Record Entry Block>
| SD Identifier <File Option List> '.' <Record Entry Block>
<File Option List>
::= <File Option List> <File Option>
| !Zero or more
<File Option>
::= <File Is Option>
| <File Block Option>
| <File Record Option>
| <File Label Option>
| <File Value Option>
| <File Data Option>
| <File Linage Option>
| <File Code-Set Option>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Description Clauses
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<File Is Option>
! -----------------------------------------------
<File Block Option>
::= BLOCK <CONTAINS Opt> <Numeric> <File Block Units>
| BLOCK <CONTAINS Opt> <Numeric> TO <Numeric> <File Block Units>
<File Block Units>
| !Optional - defaults to characters.
! -----------------------------------------------
<File Record Option>
| RECORD <CONTAINS Opt> <Numeric> TO <Numeric> <CHARACTERS Opt>
| RECORD <IS Opt> VARYING <IN Opt> <SIZE Opt> <File Record Size Clause> <File Record Depending Clause>
<File Record Size Clause>
::= FROM <Numeric> <CHARACTERS Opt>
| TO <Numeric> <CHARACTERS Opt>
| FROM <Numeric> TO <Numeric> <CHARACTERS Opt>
| !Optional
<File Record Depending Clause>
::= DEPENDING <ON Opt> Identifier
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------
<File Label Option>
::= LABEL RECORD <IS Opt> <File Label Type>
| LABEL RECORDS <IS Opt> <File Label Type>
<File Label Type>
! -----------------------------------------------
<File Value Option>
::= VALUE OF <File Value List>
<File Value List>
::= <File Value List> <File Value Item>
| <File Value Item>
<File Value Item>
::= Identifier <IS Opt> Identifier
| Identifier <IS Opt> <Literal>
! -----------------------------------------------
<File Data Option>
::= DATA RECORD <IS Opt> <Identifiers>
| DATA RECORDS <ARE Opt> <Identifiers>
! -----------------------------------------------
<File Linage Option>
::= LINAGE <IS Opt> <Int Constant> <LINES Opt> <File Linage Footing> <File Linage Top> <File Linage Bottom>
<File Linage Footing>
::= <WITH Opt> FOOTING <AT Opt> <Int Constant>
! Optional
<File Linage Top>
::= <LINES Opt> <AT Opt> TOP <Int Constant>
! Optional
<File Linage Bottom>
::= <LINES Opt> <AT Opt> BOTTOM <Int Constant>
! Optional
! -----------------------------------------------
<File Code-Set Option>
::= CODE-SET <IS Opt> Identifier
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Working-Storage Section>
::= WORKING-STORAGE SECTION '.' <Record Entry Block>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Linkage Section>
::= LINKAGE SECTION '.' <Record Entry Block>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Screen Section>
::= SCREEN SECTION '.' <Screen Field List>
<Screen Field List>
::= <Screen Field> <Screen Field List>
| <Screen Field>
<Screen Field>
::= <Integer> <Field Name opt> <Field Def List> '.'
<Field Name opt>
::= Identifier
| !Optional
<Field Def List>
::= <Field Def List> <Field Def Item>
| !Optional
<Field Def Item>
::= LINE <Numeric>
| COLUMN <Numeric>
| VALUE <IS Opt> <Symbolic Value>
| <Picture>
| FROM Identifier
| USING Identifier
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Communication Section>
::= COMMUNICATION SECTION '.' <Comm Desc List>
<Comm Desc List>
::= <Comm Desc List> <Comm Desc>
| !Zero or more
<Comm Desc>
::= CD Identifier <FOR Opt> <INITIAL Opt> INPUT <Comm Input Body> '.' <Record Entry Block>
| CD Identifier <FOR Opt> OUTPUT <Comm Output Options> '.' <Record Entry Block>
| CD Identifier <FOR Opt> <INITIAL Opt> I-O <Comm I-O Body> '.' <Record Entry Block>
<Comm Input Body>
::= <Identifiers>
| <Comm Input Options>
<Comm Input Options>
::= <Comm Input Options> <Comm Input Option>
| !Zero ore more
<Comm Input Option>
::= <SYMBOLIC Opt> QUEUE <IS Opt> Identifier
| <SYMBOLIC Opt> SUB-QUEUE-1 <IS Opt> Identifier
| <SYMBOLIC Opt> SUB-QUEUE-2 <IS Opt> Identifier
| <SYMBOLIC Opt> SUB-QUEUE-3 <IS Opt> Identifier
| MESSAGE DATE <IS Opt> Identifier
| MESSAGE TIME <IS Opt> Identifier
| <SYMBOLIC Opt> SOURCE <IS Opt> Identifier
| TEXT LENGTH <IS Opt> <Numeric>
| END KEY <IS Opt> Identifier
| STATUS KEY <IS Opt> Identifier
| MESSAGE COUNT <IS Opt> Identifier
<Comm Output Options>
::= <Comm Output Options> <Comm Output Option>
| !Zero or more
<Comm Output Option>
::= DESTINATION TABLES OCCURS <Numeric> <TIMES Opt> <Index Clause>
| TEXT LENGTH <IS Opt> Identifier
| STATUS KEY <IS Opt> Identifier
| ERROR KEY <IS Opt> Identifier
| DESTINATION <IS Opt> Identifier
<Comm I-O Body>
::= <Identifiers>
| <Comm I-O Options>
<Comm I-O Options>
::= <Comm I-O Options> <Comm I-O Option>
| !Zero or more
<Comm I-O Option>
::= MESSAGE DATE <IS Opt> Identifier
| MESSAGE TIME <IS Opt> Identifier
| <SYMBOLIC Opt> TERMINAL <IS Opt> Identifier
| TEXT LENGTH <IS Opt> <Numeric>
| END KEY <IS Opt> Identifier
| STATUS KEY <IS Opt> Identifier
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Report Section>
::= REPORT SECTION '.' <Report Desc List>
<Report Desc List>
::= <Report Desc List> <Report Desc>
| !Zero or more
<Report Desc>
::= RD Identifier <Report Options> <Report Entry Block>
<Report Options>
::= <Report Options> <Report Option>
| !Zero or more
<Report Option>
::= <IS Opt> GLOBAL
| CODE <Literal>
| <CONTROL IS> <FINAL Opt> <Identifiers>
| PAGE <LIMITS IS Opt> <Numeric> <LINES Opt> <Report Heading Opt>
| !Optional
<Report Heading Opt>
::= HEADING <Integer>
| !Optional
<Report Entry Block>
::= <Report Entry Block> <Report Entry>
| !Zero or more
<Report Entry>
::= <Integer> Identifier <Report Entry Options> '.'
<Report Entry Options>
::= <Report Entry Option> <Report Entry Options>
| !Zero or more
<Report Entry Option>
::= LINE <NUMBER Opt> <IS Opt> <Numeric>
| LINE <NUMBER Opt> <IS Opt> <Numeric> ON NEXT PAGE !Same as above
| LINE <NUMBER Opt> <IS Opt> PLUS <Numeric>
| NEXT GROUP <IS Opt> <Report Entry Next Group>
| TYPE <IS Opt> <Report Entry Type>
| <Picture>
| SIGN <IS Opt> <Sign Args> <Sep Char Option>
| COLUMN <Number Opt> <IS Opt> <Numeric>
| SOURCE <IS Opt> <Numeric>
| VALUE <IS Opt> <Symbolic Value>
| SUM <Identifiers>
| SUM <Identifiers> UPON <Identifiers> <Report Entry Result Clause>
<Report Entry Next Group>
::= <Numeric>
| PLUS <Numeric>
<Report Entry Type>
| RH !Report Heading
| PH !Page Heading
| CH !Control Heading
| DE !Detail
| CF !Control Footing
| PF !Page Footing
| RF !Report Footing
<Report Entry Result Clause>
::= RESET <ON Opt> Identifier
| !Optional
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! --------------------------- PROCEDURE DIVISION -------------------------------
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Procedure Division>
::= PROCEDURE DIVISION <Using Clause Opt> <Declarative Block> '.' <Paragraphs>
<Using Clause Opt>
::= USING <Identifiers>
| !Optional
::= <Paragraphs> <Paragraph>
| !Zero or more
::= Identifier SECTION '.' Identifier '.' <Sentences>
| Identifier '.' <Sentences>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Declaratives
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Declarative Block>
::= DECLARATIVES '.' <Declarative Sections> END DECLARATIVES '.' !No dash - inconsistent
| !Optional
<Declarative Sections>
::= <Declarative Sections> <Declarative Section>
| !Zero or more
<Declarative Section>
::= Identifier SECTION '.' USE <BEFORE AFTER> <STANDARD Opt> ERROR PROCEDURE ON <Error Cause> '.' <Sentences>
| Identifier '.' <Sentences>
<Error Cause>
::= Identifier
| I-O
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Shared by sentences
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Sort Keys>
::= <Sort Keys> <Sort Key>
| <Sort Key>
<Sort Key>
::= <ON Opt> ASCENDING <KEY Opt> Identifier
| <ON Opt> DESCENDING <KEY Opt> Identifier
<Collating Clause>
::= <COLLATING Opt> SEQUENCE <IS Opt> Identifier
| !Optional
<Sort Source>
::= INPUT PROCEDURE <IS Opt> <Identifier Range>
| USING <Values>
<Sort Target>
::= OUTPUT PROCEDURE <IS Opt> <Identifier Range>
| GIVING <Values>
<Identifier Range>
::= Identifier
| Identifier THRU Identifier
| Identifier THROUGH Identifier
<Enabled Disable Mode>
<Enable Disable Key>
::= <WITH Opt> KEY <Value>
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Boolean Expressions
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Note: <Not Opt> is very significant in the operators below
<Boolean Exp>
::= <Boolean Exp> OR <And Exp>
| <And Exp>
<And Exp>
::= <Negation Exp> And <And Exp>
| <Negation Exp>
<Negation Exp>
::= <Compare Exp>
| NOT <Compare Exp>
!<And Exp>
! ::= <And Exp> AND <Compare Exp>
! | <Compare Exp>
<Compare Exp>
::= <Symbolic Value> <Compare Op> <Symbolic Value>
| <Symbolic Value> IS ALPHABETIC
| <Symbolic Value> IS ALPHABETIC-UPPER
| <Symbolic Value> IS ALPHABETIC-LOWER
| '(' <Boolean Exp> ')'
| <Symbolic Value>
<Compare Op>
::= <IS ARE Opt> <Greater Op>
| <IS ARE Opt> NOT <Greater Op>
| <IS ARE Opt> <Greater Eq Op>
| <IS ARE Opt> NOT <Greater Eq Op>
| <IS ARE Opt> <Less Op>
| <IS ARE Opt> NOT <Less Op>
| <IS ARE Opt> <Less Eq Op>
| <IS ARE Opt> NOT <Less Eq Op>
| <IS ARE Opt> <Equal Op>
| <IS ARE Opt> NOT <Equal Op>
<Greater Op>
| '>'
<Greater Eq Op>
| '>='
<Less Op>
::= LESS <THAN Opt>
| '<'
<Less Eq Op>
| '<='
<Equal Op>
::= EQUAL <TO Opt>
| '='
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Sentences
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! If you add statements to the grammar, make sure to update the corresponding
! <Statement> rules below
::= <Sentence> <Sentences>
| !Zero or more
::= <Sent Stm> '.'
<Sent Stm>
::= <Accept Sent>
| <Add Sent>
| <Alter Sent>
| <Call Sent>
| <Cancel Sent>
| <Close Sent>
| <Compute Sent>
| <Continue Sent>
| <Delete Sent>
| <Disable Sent>
| <Display Sent>
| <Divide Sent>
| <Enable Sent>
| <Evaluate Sent>
| <Exit Sent>
| <Generate Sent>
| <Go To Sent>
| <If Sent>
| <Initialize Sent>
| <Initiate Sent>
| <Inspect Sent>
| <Merge Sent>
| <Move Sent>
| <Multiply Sent>
| <Open Sent>
| <Perform Sent>
| <Read Sent>
| <Release Sent>
| <Return Sent>
| <Rewrite Sent>
| <Search Sent>
| <Send Sent>
| <Set Sent>
| <Sort Sent>
| <Start Sent>
| <Stop Sent>
| <String Sent>
| <Subtract Sent>
| <Suppress Sent>
| <Terminate Sent>
| <Unstring Sent>
| <Use Sent>
| <Write Sent>
<Embed Stms>
::= <Embed Stms> <Embed Stm>
| <Embed Stm>
<Embed Stm>
::= <Accept Embed>
| <Add Embed>
| <Alter Embed>
| <Call Embed>
| <Cancel Embed>
| <Close Embed>
| <Compute Embed>
| <Continue Embed>
| <Delete Embed>
| <Disable Embed>
| <Display Embed>
| <Divide Embed>
| <Enable Embed>
| <Evaluate Embed>
| <Exit Embed>
| <Generate Embed>
| <Go To Embed>
| <If Embed>
| <Initialize Embed>
| <Initiate Embed>
| <Inspect Embed>
| <Merge Embed>
| <Move Embed>
| <Multiply Embed>
| <Open Embed>
| <Perform Embed>
| <Read Embed>
| <Release Embed>
| <Return Embed>
| <Rewrite Embed>
| <Search Embed>
| <Send Embed>
| <Set Embed>
| <Sort Embed>
| <Start Embed>
| <Stop Embed>
| <String Embed>
| <Subtract Embed>
| <Suppress Embed>
| <Terminate Embed>
| <Unstring Embed>
| <Use Embed>
| <Write Embed>
<Imperative Stms>
::= <Imperative Stms> <Imperative Stm>
| <Imperative Stm>
<Imperative Stm>
::= <Accept Imp>
| <Add Imp>
| <Alter Imp>
| <Call Imp>
| <Cancel Imp>
| <Close Imp>
| <Compute Imp>
| <Continue Imp>
| <Delete Imp>
| <Disable Imp>
| <Display Imp>
| <Divide Imp>
| <Enable Imp>
| <Evaluate Imp>
| <Exit Imp>
| <Generate Imp>
| <Go To Imp>
| <If Imp>
| <Initialize Imp>
| <Initiate Imp>
| <Inspect Imp>
| <Merge Imp>
| <Move Imp>
| <Multiply Imp>
| <Open Imp>
| <Perform Imp>
| <Read Imp>
| <Release Imp>
| <Return Imp>
| <Rewrite Imp>
| <Search Imp>
| <Send Imp>
| <Set Imp>
| <Sort Imp>
| <Start Imp>
| <Stop Imp>
| <String Imp>
| <Subtract Imp>
| <Suppress Imp>
| <Terminate Imp>
| <Unstring Imp>
| <Use Imp>
| <Write Imp>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Exception Handling
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Size Clauses>
::= <Size Clauses> <Size Clause>
| <Size Clause>
<Size Clause>
::= <ON Opt> SIZE ERROR <Imperative Stms>
| NOT <ON Opt> SIZE ERROR <Imperative Stms>
<Invalid Key Clauses>
::= <Invalid Key Clauses> <Invalid Key Clause>
| <Invalid Key Clause>
<Invalid Key Clause>
::= INVALID <KEY Opt> <Imperative Stms>
| NOT INVALID <KEY Opt> <Imperative Stms>
<Exception Clauses>
::= <Exception Clauses> <Exception Clause>
| <Exception Clause>
<Exception Clause>
::= <ON Opt> EXCEPTION <Imperative Stms>
| NOT <ON Opt> EXCEPTION <Imperative Stms>
<Overflow Clauses>
::= <Overflow Clauses> <Overflow Clause>
| <Overflow Clause>
<Overflow Clause>
::= <ON Opt> OVERFLOW <Imperative Stms>
| NOT <ON Opt> OVERFLOW <Imperative Stms>
<At End Clauses>
::= <At End Clauses> <At End Clause>
| <At End Clause>
<At End Clause>
::= AT END <Imperative Stms>
| NOT AT END <Imperative Stms>
<AT EOP Clauses>
::= <AT EOP Clauses> <AT EOP Clause>
| <AT EOP Clause>
<AT EOP Clause>
::= AT <End of Page> <Imperative Stms>
| NOT AT <End of Page> <Imperative Stms>
<End of Page>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ACCEPT Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Accept Sent>
::= <Accept Stm>
<Accept Embed>
::= <Accept Stm>
<Accept Imp>
::= <Accept Stm>
<Accept Stm>
::= ACCEPT Identifier
| ACCEPT Identifier FROM <Accept From Arg>
| ACCEPT Identifier <MESSAGE opt> COUNT !CD
<Accept From Arg>
| FROM Identifier
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ADD Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Add Sent>
::= <Add Stm> <Size Clauses> <END-ADD Opt>
| <Add Stm>
<Add Embed>
::= <Add Stm> <Size Clauses> 'END-ADD'
| <Add Stm>
<Add Imp>
::= <Add Stm>
<Add Stm>
::= ADD <Values> TO <Add Items> <Giving Clause>
| ADD <CORRESPONDING> Identifier TO Identifier <ROUNDED Opt>
<Giving Clause>
::= GIVING <Add Item>
| !Optional
<Add Items>
::= <Add Items> <Add Item>
| <Add Item>
<Add Item>
::= <Variable> <ROUNDED Opt>
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ALTER Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Alter Sent>
::= <Alter Stm>
<Alter Embed>
::= <Alter Stm>
<Alter Imp>
::= <Alter Stm>
<Alter Stm>
::= ALTER Identifier TO Identifier
| ALTER Identifier TO PROCEED TO Identifier
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! CALL Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
!Call can call just about anything, it depends on the system.
<Call Sent>
::= <Call Stm> <Exception Clauses> <END-CALL Opt>
| <Call Stm> <Overflow Clauses> <END-CALL Opt>
| <Call Stm>
<Call Embed>
::= <Call Stm> <Exception Clauses> END-CALL
| <Call Stm> <Overflow Clauses> END-CALL
| <Call Stm>
<Call Imp>
::= <Call Stm>
<Call Stm>
::= CALL <Value>
| CALL <Value> USING <Call Items>
<Call Items>
::= <Call Items> <Call Item>
| <Call Item>
<Call Item>
::= <Variable>
| <BY Opt> REFERENCE <Variable> !default
| <BY Opt> CONTENT <Variable>
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! CANCEL Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Cancel Sent>
::= <Cancel Stm>
<Cancel Embed>
::= <Cancel Stm>
<Cancel Imp>
::= <Cancel Stm>
<Cancel Stm>
::= CANCEL <Values>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! CLOSE Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Close Sent>
::= <Close Stm>
<Close Embed>
::= <Close Stm>
<Close Imp>
::= <Close Stm>
<Close Stm>
::= CLOSE <Close Items>
<Close Items>
::= <Close Items> <Close Item>
| <Close Item>
<Close Item>
::= Identifier <Close Options>
<Close Options>
::= UNIT <Close Method>
| REEL <Close Method>
| !Empty
<Close Method>
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! COMPUTE Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Compute Sent>
::= <Compute Stm> <Size Clauses> <END-COMPUTE Opt>
| <Compute Stm>
<Compute Embed>
::= <Compute Stm> <Size Clauses> END-COMPUTE
| <Compute Stm>
<Compute Imp>
::= <Compute Stm>
<Compute Stm>
::= COMPUTE Identifier <ROUNDED Opt> <Equal Op> <Math Exp>
<Math Exp>
::= <Math Exp> '+' <Mult Exp>
| <Math Exp> '-' <Mult Exp>
| <Mult Exp>
<Mult Exp>
::= <Mult Exp> '*' <Negate Exp>
| <Mult Exp> '/' <Negate Exp>
| <Negate Exp>
<Negate Exp>
::= '-' <Value>
| <Value>
| '(' <Math Exp> ')'
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Continue Sent>
::= <Continue Stm>
<Continue Embed>
::= <Continue Stm>
<Continue Imp>
::= <Continue Stm>
<Continue Stm>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! DELETE Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Delete Sent>
::= <Delete Stm> <Invalid Key Clauses> <END-DELETE Opt>
| <Delete Stm>
<Delete Embed>
::= <Delete Stm> <Invalid Key Clauses> END-DELETE
| <Delete Stm>
<Delete Imp>
::= <Delete Stm>
<Delete Stm>
::= DELETE Identifier <RECORD Opt>
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! DISABLE Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Disable Sent>
::= <Disable Stm>
<Disable Embed>
::= <Disable Stm>
<Disable Imp>
::= <Disable Stm>
<Disable Stm>
::= DISABLE <Enabled Disable Mode> Identifier <Enable Disable Key>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! DISPLAY Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Display Sent>
::= <Display Stm>
<Display Embed>
::= <Display Stm>
<Display Imp>
::= <Display Stm>
<Display Stm>
::= DISPLAY <Values> <Display Target> <Advancing Clause>
<Display Target>
::= UPON Identifier
| !Optional
<Advancing Clause>
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! DIVIDE Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Divide Sent>
::= <Divide Stm> <Size Clauses> <END-DIVIDE Opt>
| <Divide Stm>
<Divide Embed>
::= <Divide Stm> <Size Clauses> 'END-DIVIDE'
| <Divide Stm>
<Divide Imp>
::= <Divide Stm>
<Divide Stm>
::= DIVIDE <Values> BY <Values>
| DIVIDE <Values> BY <Values> GIVING <Variable> <ROUNDED Opt>
| DIVIDE <Values> INTO <Values>
| DIVIDE <Values> INTO <Values> GIVING <Variable> <ROUNDED Opt> <Remainder Opt>
<Remainder Opt>
::= REMAINDER <Variable>
| !Optional
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ENABLE Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Enable Sent>
::= <Enable Stm>
<Enable Embed>
::= <Enable Stm>
<Enable Imp>
::= <Enable Stm>
<Enable Stm>
::= ENABLE <Enabled Disable Mode> Identifier <Enable Disable Key>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! EVALUATE Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Evaluate Sent>
::= <Evaluate Stm> <END-EVALUATE Opt>
<Evaluate Embed>
::= <Evaluate Stm> END-EVALUATE
<Evaluate Imp>
::= <Evaluate Stm> END-EVALUATE
<Evaluate Stm>
::= EVALUATE <Subjects> <When Clauses>
::= <Subjects> ALSO <Subject>
| <Subject>
::= TRUE
| <Boolean Exp>
<When Clauses>
::= <When Clauses> <When Clause>
| <When Clause>
<When Clause>
::= WHEN <Phrases> <THEN Opt> <Embed Stms>
| WHEN OTHER <THEN Opt> <Embed Stms>
::= <Phrases> ALSO <Phrase>
| <Phrase>
::= ANY
| <Symbolic Value> THROUGH <Symbolic Value>
| <Symbolic Value> THRU <Symbolic Value>
| <Symbolic Value>
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! EXIT Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Exit Sent>
::= <Exit Stm>
<Exit Embed>
::= <Exit Stm>
<Exit Imp>
::= <Exit Stm>
<Exit Stm>
::= EXIT
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! GENERATE Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Generate Sent>
::= <Generate Stm>
<Generate Embed>
::= <Generate Stm>
<Generate Imp>
::= <Generate Stm>
<Generate Stm>
::= GENERATE Identifier
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! GO TO Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Go To Sent>
::= <Go To Stm>
<Go To Embed>
::= <Go To Stm>
<Go To Imp>
::= <Go To Stm>
<Go To Stm>
::= GO TO Identifier
| GO TO <Identifiers> DEPENDING ON <Variable>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! IF Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<If Sent>
::= <If Stm> <END-IF Opt>
<If Embed>
::= <If Stm> END-IF
<If Imp>
::= <If Stm> END-IF
<If Stm>
::= IF <Boolean Exp> <THEN Opt> <Embed Stms>
| IF <Boolean Exp> <THEN Opt> <Embed Stms> ELSE <THEN Opt> <Embed Stms>
| IF <Boolean Exp> <THEN Opt> <Embed Stms> ELSE NEXT SENTENCE
<END-IF Opt>
::= END-IF
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! INITIALIZE Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Initialize Sent>
::= <Initialize Stm>
<Initialize Embed>
::= <Initialize Stm>
<Initialize Imp>
::= <Initialize Stm>
<Initialize Stm>
::= INITIALIZE <Variables> <Replacing Opt>
<Replacing Opt>
::= REPLACING <Replacing Items>
<Replacing Items>
::= <Replacing Items> <Replacing Item>
| <Replacing Item>
<Replacing Item>
::= <Replacing Type> <DATA Opt> <Value>
<Replacing Type>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! INITIATE Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Initiate Sent>
::= <Initiate Stm>
<Initiate Embed>
::= <Initiate Stm>
<Initiate Imp>
::= <Initiate Stm>
<Initiate Stm>
::= INITIATE <Identifiers>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! INSPECT Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Inspect Sent>
::= <Inspect Stm>
<Inspect Embed>
::= <Inspect Stm>
<Inspect Imp>
::= <Inspect Stm>
<Inspect Stm>
::= INSPECT <Variable> TALLYING <Tally Variables>
| INSPECT <Variable> TALLYING <Tally Variables> REPLACING <Replace Chars>
| INSPECT <Variable> REPLACING <Replace Chars>
| INSPECT <Variable> CONVERTING <Value> TO <Value> <Inspect Specs>
! ----------------------------------- Tally group
<Tally Variables>
::= <Tally Variables> <Tally Variable>
| <Tally Variable>
<Tally Variable>
::= <Variable> FOR <Tally Items>
<Tally Items>
::= <Tally Items> <Tally Item>
| <Tally Item>
<Tally Item>
::= CHARACTERS <Inspect Specs>
| ALL <Value> <Inspect Specs>
| LEADING <Value> <Inspect Specs>
! ----------------------------------- Replacing group
<Replace Chars>
::= <Replace Chars> <Replace Char>
| <Replace Char>
<Replace Char>
::= CHARACTERS BY <Value> <Inspect Specs>
| ALL <Replace Items>
| LEADING <Replace Items>
| FIRST <Replace Items>
<Replace Items>
::= <Replace Items> <Replace Item>
| <Replace Item>
<Replace Item>
::= <Value> BY <Value> <Inspect Specs>
! ----------------------------------- Substring Specifiers
<Inspect Specs>
::= <Inspect Specs> <Inspect Spec>
| !Zero or more
<Inspect Spec>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! MERGE Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Merge Sent>
::= <Merge Stm>
<Merge Embed>
::= <Merge Stm>
<Merge Imp>
::= <Merge Stm>
<Merge Stm>
::= MERGE Identifier <Sort Keys> <Collating Clause> USING <Identifiers> <Sort Target>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! MOVE Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Move Sent>
::= <Move Stm> <Size Clauses> <END-MOVE Opt>
| <Move Stm>
<Move Embed>
::= <Move Stm> <Size Clauses> END-MOVE
| <Move Stm>
<Move Imp>
::= <Move Stm>
<Move Stm>
::= MOVE <Symbolic Value> TO <Variables>
| MOVE <CORRESPONDING> Identifier TO Identifier
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! MULTIPLY Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Multiply Sent>
::= <Multiply Stm> <Size Clauses> <END-MULTIPLY Opt>
| <Multiply Stm>
<Multiply Embed>
::= <Multiply Stm> <Size Clauses> END-MULTIPLY
| <Multiply Stm>
<Multiply Imp>
::= <Multiply Stm>
<Multiply Stm>
::= MULTIPLY <Variables> BY <Multiply Items> <Giving Clause Opt>
<Multiply Items>
::= <Multiply Items> <Multiply Item>
| <Multiply Item>
<Multiply Item>
::= <Value> <ROUNDED Opt>
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! OPEN Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Open Sent>
::= <Open Stm>
<Open Embed>
::= <Open Stm>
<Open Imp>
::= <Open Stm>
<Open Stm>
::= OPEN <Open List>
<Open List>
::= <Open List> <Open Entry>
| <Open Entry>
<Open Entry>
::= INPUT <Variables> <Open No Rewind>
| OUTPUT <Variables> <Open No Rewind>
| EXTEND <Variables> <Open No Rewind>
| I-O <Variables> <Open No Rewind>
<Open No Rewind>
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! PERFORM Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Perform Sent>
::= <Perform Block> <END-PERFORM Opt>
| <Perform Stm>
| <Perform Loop>
<Perform Embed>
::= <Perform Block> END-PERFORM
| <Perform Stm>
| <Perform Loop>
<Perform Imp>
::= <Perform Block> END-PERFORM
| <Perform Stm>
<Perform Stm>
::= PERFORM <Identifier Range>
| PERFORM <Identifier Range> <Numeric> TIMES
<Perform Loop>
::= PERFORM <Identifier Range> <With Test> UNTIL <Boolean Exp>
| PERFORM <Identifier Range> <With Test> VARYING <Perform For List>
<Perform Block>
::= PERFORM <With Test> UNTIL <Boolean Exp> <Embed Stms>
| PERFORM <With Test> VARYING <Perform For List> <Embed Stms>
| PERFORM <Numeric> TIMES <Embed Stms>
<With Test>
| !Optional
<Perform For List>
::= <Perform For List> AFTER <Perform For Range>
| <Perform For Range>
<Perform For Range>
::= <Variable> FROM <Numeric> BY <Numeric> UNTIL <Boolean Exp>
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! READ Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Read Sent>
::= <Read Stm> <Read Msg Clauses> <END-READ Opt>
| <Read Stm>
<Read Embed>
::= <Read Stm> <Read Msg Clauses> END-READ
| <Read Stm>
<Read Imp>
::= <Read Stm>
<Read Stm>
::= READ Identifier <Next Opt> <RECORD Opt>
| READ Identifier <Next Opt> <RECORD Opt> INTO <Variable> <Read Key Opt>
<Read Msg Clauses>
::= <At End Clauses>
| <Invalid Key Clauses>
<Read Key Opt>
::= KEY <IS Opt> Identifier
| !Optional
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! RELEASE Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Release Sent>
::= <Release Stm>
<Release Embed>
::= <Release Stm>
<Release Imp>
::= <Release Stm>
<Release Stm>
::= RELEASE Identifier
| RELEASE Identifier FROM Identifier
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! RETURN Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Return Sent>
::= <Return Stm>
<Return Embed>
::= <Return Stm>
<Return Imp>
::= <Return Stm>
<Return Stm>
::= RETURN Identifier <RECORD Opt>
| RETURN Identifier <RECORD Opt> INTO Identifier
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! REWRITE Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Rewrite Sent>
::= <Rewrite Stm> <Invalid Key Clauses> <END-REWRITE Opt>
| <Rewrite Stm>
<Rewrite Embed>
::= <Rewrite Stm> <Invalid Key Clauses> END-REWRITE
| <Rewrite Stm>
<Rewrite Imp>
::= <Rewrite Stm>
<Rewrite Stm>
::= REWRITE Identifier
| REWRITE Identifier FROM Identifier
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! SEARCH Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Search Sent>
::= <Search Stm> <END-SEARCH Opt>
<Search Embed>
::= <Search Stm> END-SEARCH
<Search Imp>
::= <Search Stm> END-SEARCH
<Search Stm>
::= SEARCH Identifier <Varying Opt> <At End Clauses> <When Clauses>
| SEARCH ALL Identifier <At End Clauses> <When Clauses>
<Varying Opt>
::= VARYING <Value>
| !Optional
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! SEND Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Send Sent>
::= <Send Stm>
<Send Embed>
::= <Send Stm>
<Send Imp>
::= <Send Stm>
<Send Stm>
::= SEND Identifier FROM <Variable>
| SEND Identifier FROM <Variable> <Send With> <Send Spec> <Send Replacing Opt>
| SEND Identifier <Send With> <Send Spec> <Send Replacing Opt>
<Send With>
::= <WITH Opt> Identifier
| <WITH Opt> ESI
| <WITH Opt> EMI
| <WITH Opt> EGI
<Send Spec>
::= <BEFORE AFTER> <ADVANCING Opt> <Send Advance>
<Send Advance>
::= <Value> <LINES Opt>
<Send Replacing Opt>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! SET Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Set Sent>
::= <Set Stm>
<Set Embed>
::= <Set Stm>
<Set Imp>
::= <Set Stm>
<Set Stm>
::= SET <Variables> UP BY <Value>
| SET <Variables> DOWN BY <Value>
| SET <Variables> TO <Set Value>
<Set Value>
::= ON
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! SORT Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Sort Sent>
::= <Sort Stm>
<Sort Embed>
::= <Sort Stm>
<Sort Imp>
::= <Sort Stm>
<Sort Stm>
::= SORT <Value> <Sort Keys> <Sort Duplicates Opt> <Collating Opt> <Sort Source> <Sort Target>
<Sort Duplicates Opt>
::= <WITH Opt> DUPLICATES <IN Opt> <ORDER opt>
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! START Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Start Sent>
::= <Start Stm> <Invalid Key Clauses> <END-START Opt>
| <Start Stm>
<Start Embed>
::= <Start Stm> <Invalid Key Clauses> END-START
| <Start Stm>
<Start Imp>
::= <Start Stm>
<Start Stm>
::= START Identifier <Start Key Opt>
<Start Key Opt>
::= KEY <Compare Op> Identifier
| !Optional
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! STOP Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Stop Sent>
::= <Stop Stm>
<Stop Embed>
::= <Stop Stm>
<Stop Imp>
::= <Stop Stm>
<Stop Stm>
| STOP <Literal>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! STRING Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<String Sent>
::= <String Stm> <Overflow Clauses> <END-STRING Opt>
| <String Stm>
<String Embed>
::= <String Stm> <Overflow Clauses> END-STRING
| <String Stm>
<String Imp>
::= <String Stm>
<String Stm>
::= STRING <String Items> INTO <Variable> <Pointer Clause>
<String Items>
::= <String Item> <String Items>
| <String Item>
<String Item>
::= <Values> DELIMITED <BY Opt> <Value>
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! SUBTRACT Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Subtract Sent>
::= <Subtract Stm> <Size Clauses> <END-SUBTRACT Opt>
| <Subtract Stm>
<Subtract Embed>
::= <Subtract Stm> <Size Clauses> END-SUBTRACT
| <Subtract Stm>
<Subtract Imp>
::= <Subtract Stm>
<Subtract Stm>
::= SUBTRACT <Values> FROM <Variables> <Giving Clause Opt>
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! SUPPRESS Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Suppress Sent>
::= <Suppress Stm>
<Suppress Embed>
::= <Suppress Stm>
<Suppress Imp>
::= <Suppress Stm>
<Suppress Stm>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! TERMMINATE Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Terminate Sent>
::= <Terminate Stm>
<Terminate Embed>
::= <Terminate Stm>
<Terminate Imp>
::= <Terminate Stm>
<Terminate Stm>
::= TERMINATE <Identifiers>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! UNSTRING Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Unstring Sent>
::= <Unstring Stm> <Overflow Clauses> <END-UNSTRING Opt>
| <Unstring Stm>
<Unstring Embed>
::= <Unstring Stm> <Overflow Clauses> END-UNSTRING
| <Unstring Stm>
<Unstring Imp>
::= <Unstring Stm>
<Unstring Stm>
::= UNSTRING identifier <Delimiter Clause> INTO Identifier <Unstring Options>
<Delimiter Clause>
::= DELIMITED <BY Opt> <Unstring Delimiter List>
| !Optional
<Unstring Delimiter List>
::= <Unstring Delimiter List> OR <Unstring Delimiter>
| <Unstring Delimiter>
<Unstring Delimiter>
::= <ALL Opt> <Value>
<Unstring Options>
::= <Unstring Options> <Unstring Option>
| !Empty
<Unstring Option>
::= <WITH Opt> POINTER <Variable>
| TALLYING <IN Opt> Identifier
| !Optional
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! USE Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Use Sent>
::= <Use Stm>
<Use Embed>
::= <Use Stm>
<Use Imp>
::= <Use Stm>
<Use Stm>
| USE <FOR Opt> DEBUGGING <ON Opt> <Use Debug>
<Use Proc Type>
<Use Access>
| I-O
| <Value>
<Use Debug>
::= ALL <REFERENCES Opt> <OF Opt> Identifier
| <Value>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! WRITE Statement
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Write Sent>
::= <Write Stm> <Invalid Key Clauses> <END-WRITE Opt>
| <Write Stm> <AT EOP Clauses> <END-WRITE Opt>
| <Write Stm>
<Write Embed>
::= <Write Stm> <Invalid Key Clauses> END-WRITE
| <Write Stm> <AT EOP Clauses> END-WRITE
| <Write Stm>
<Write Imp>
::= <Write Stm>
<Write Stm>
::= WRITE Identifier <Write Options>
| WRITE Identifier FROM Identifier <Write Options>
<Write Options>
::= <BEFORE AFTER> <ADVANCING Opt> <Write Advance>
<Write Advance>
::= <Value> <LINES Opt>
| !Optional
<div style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll"><pre>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! Delphi 7.0 Object Pascal Grammar
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! (c) Rob F.M. van den Brink - the Netherlands, 2006 -
! Version V1.1, Aug 2006
! This grammar parses almost everything of the language, except for a few issues
! that are probably beyond the capabilities of Gold parser.
! Known limitations:
! (1) Cannot handle comment directives like {$ifdef Windows} ... {$endif}
! When parts of the source code is uncommented in this way, the grammer will
! still read it, and may fail.
! (2) The parser consumes all assembler statements, but is too tolerant in accepting
! input. Groups of several <AsmItem> does not belong to a single <AsmInstruction>
! because a 'newline' is regarded as whitespace while it should be a terminator here.
! (3) Lexemes like 'protected' , 'forward' can be both a keyword as well as an identifier
! in Delphi (even in the same object declaration), and when these lexemes should mean
! an identifier, the current grammar cannot handle it correctly.
! For several of them a workaround was created, but a better solution should be
! developped.
! (4) Strings with characters above #127 cannot be handled by the current Grammar.
! This should be very simple, but if the grammar defines string characters
! as the range {#32 .. #255}, Goldparser also adds {#376} and {#956}.
! This looks like a bug in Gold Parser.
! (5) The inclusion of an adequate number of error productions (SynError) is still
! to be done.
! (6) constructs that are considered (for the timebeing) as too weird, are not
! supported; see below.
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! This grammar supports also most of 'weird' constructs that Borland has added
! to Delphi. This refers to the inconsistent syntax for several directives
! like in <CallConvention> and <MethodDirective>. Sometimes these directives have
! to be separated by an ';' sometimes not and somtimes both is alowed.
! An example of a syntax that was considered as too weird to be covered by this
! grammar was found in library routine "IdSSLOpenSSLHeaders.pas" (comes with Delphi)
! IdSslCtxSetVerifyDepth : procedure(ctx: PSSL_CTX; depth: Integer); cdecl = nil;
! IdSslCtxGetVerifyDepth : function (ctx: PSSL_CTX):Integer; cdecl = nil;
! In a consistent syntax, cdecl should refer to some variable that is set to "nil', but
! the ';' does not close the <TypeSpec> and the rest is still part of the syntax
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! Version history
! V1.0 - June 2006, derived from scratch, using Delphi 7.0 help and code files
! V1.1 - Aug 2006, lots of refinements to cover almost evberything of the language
! Consumes assembler code as well.
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
"Name" = 'ObjectPascal'
"Version" = '1.1, Aug 2006'
"Author" = 'Rob F.M. van den Brink'
"About" = 'Derived from scratch, from Delphi 7.0 help and experiments with code files'
"Start Symbol" = <ObjectPascal>
"Case Sensitive" = False
"Virtual Terminals" = SynError CommentStart2 CommentEnd2
Comment Line = '//'
Comment Start = '{'
Comment End = '}'
CommentStart1 = '(*'
CommentEnd1 = '*)'
{Hex Digit} = {Digit} + [abcdefABCDEF]
{Id Head} = {Letter} + [_]
{Id Tail} = {Id Head} + {Digit}
!{String Ch} = {#32 .. #255} - [''] + {HT} !WHY DOES GOLS ADD character #376 and #956 ??
{String Ch} = {printable} - [''] + {HT}
DecLiteral = {digit}+
HexLiteral = '$'{Hex Digit}+
FloatLiteral = {Digit}+.{Digit}+
RealLiteral = {Digit}+ ('.' {Digit}* | {Digit}*) ('E' '+' | 'E' '-' | 'E') {digit}+
StringLiteral = ( '' {String Ch}* '' | '#' {digit}+ | '#' '$' {hex digit}+ | '''' )+
!StringLiteral = ( ( '' {String Ch}* '' )
! | ( '#' {digit}+ )
! | ( '#' '$' {hex digit}+ )
! | ( '''' )
! )+
id = {Id Head}{Id Tail}*
<LCONST> ::= DecLiteral
<ICONST> ::= DecLiteral
| HexLiteral
<RCONST> ::= FloatLiteral
| RealLiteral
<SCONST> ::= StringLiteral
| '^' id ! handles characters like ^H and ^V
!<UnitId> ::= id
<IdList> ::= <IdList> ',' <RefId>
| <RefId>
<LabelId> ::= id
<TypeId> ::= id
! | id '.' <RefId>
<TypeName> ::= <TypeId>
| id '.' <RefId> !!accepts UnitId.Id as well
<TypeList> ::= <TypeName>
| <TypeList> ',' <TypeName>
<RefId> ::= id
<FieldDesignator> ::= <RefId>
| <FieldDesignator> '.' <RefId>
!* predefined identifiers are no part of a syntax
<RealTypeId> ::= REAL48
<OrdTypeId> ::= SHORTINT
| INT64
! M O D U L E S
<ObjectPascal> ::= <Program> | <Unit> | <Package> | <Library>
<Program> ::= <ProgHeader> <OptUsesSection> <Block> '.'
<ProgHeader> ::= PROGRAM <RefId> <OptProgParamList> ';'
<OptProgParamList> ::= '(' <IdList> ')'
<Unit> ::= <UnitHeader> <InterfaceSection> <ImplementationSection> <InitSection> '.'
<UnitHeader> ::= UNIT <RefId> <OptPortDirectives> ';'
<Package> ::= <PackageHeader> <OptRequiresClause> <OptContainsClause> END '.'
<PackageHeader> ::= PACKAGE <RefId> ';'
<OptRequiresClause> ::= REQUIRES <IdList> ';'
<OptContainsClause> ::= CONTAINS <IdList> ';'
<LibraryHeader> ::= LIBRARY <RefId> ';'
<Library> ::= <LibraryHeader> <OptUsesSection> <Block> '.'
<InterfaceSection> ::= INTERFACE <OptUsesSection> <OptExportDeclList>
<OptUsesSection> ::= <UsesSection>
<UsesClause> ::= USES <IdList> ';'
| SynError
<UsesSection> ::= <UsesClause>
| <UsesSection> <UsesClause>
<OptExportDeclList> ::= <ExportDeclList>
<ExportDeclList> ::= <ExportDeclItem>
| <ExportDeclList> <ExportDeclItem>
<ExportDeclItem> ::= <ConstSection>
| <TypeSection>
| <VarSection>
| <CallSection>
| <CallSection> FORWARD ';'
! The forward directive has no effect in the interface section of a unit,
! but is not forbidden here.
<CallSection> ::= <ProcHeading>
| <FuncHeading>
<ImplementationSection> ::= IMPLEMENTATION <OptUsesSection> <OptDeclSection> <OptExportBlock>
<InitSection> ::= INITIALIZATION <StmtList> END
| <CompoundStmt>
<Block> ::= <OptDeclSection> <OptExportBlock> <CompoundStmt> <OptExportBlock>
<OptExportBlock> ::= <ExportStmt>
| <OptExportBlock> <ExportStmt>
<ExportStmt> ::= EXPORTS <ExportList> ';'
<ExportList> ::= <ExportItem>
| <ExportList> ',' <ExportItem>
<ExportItem> ::= id
| id NAME '' <ConstExpr> ''
| Id INDEX '' <ConstExpr> ''
| NAME '' <ConstExpr> ''
| INDEX '' <ConstExpr> ''
! D E C L A R A T I O N S
<OptDeclSection> ::= <DeclSection>
<DeclSection> ::= <DeclItem>
| <DeclSection> <DeclItem>
<DeclItem> ::= <LabelSection>
| <ConstSection>
| <TypeSection>
| <VarSection>
| <ProcedureDeclSection>
| SynError
<LabelSection> ::= LABEL <LabelList> ';'
<LabelList> ::= <LabelId>
| <LabelList> ',' <LabelId>
<ConstSection> ::= CONST <ConstantDeclList>
| RESOURCESTRING <ConstantDeclList> !all these constants should be string
<ConstantDeclList> ::= <ConstantDecl>
| <ConstantDeclList> <ConstantDecl>
<ConstantDecl> ::= <RefId> '=' <ConstExpr> <OptPortDirectives> ';'
| <RefId> ':' <Type> '=' <TypedConstant> <OptPortDirectives> ';'
| SynError ';'
<TypedConstant> ::= <ConstExpr>
| <ArrayConstant>
| <RecordConstant>
<ArrayConstant> ::= '(' <TypedConstList> ')'
<RecordConstant> ::= '(' <RecordFieldConstList> ')'
| '(' <RecordFieldConstList> ';' ')'
| '(' ')' !only to initialize globar vars"
<RecordFieldConstList> ::= <RecordFieldConstant>
| <RecordFieldConstList> ';' <RecordFieldConstant>
<RecordFieldConstant> ::= <RefId> ':' <TypedConstant>
<TypedConstList> ::= <TypedConstant>
| <TypedConstList> ',' <TypedConstant>
<TypeSection> ::= TYPE <TypeDeclList>
<TypeDeclList> ::= <TypeDecl>
| <TypeDeclList> <TypeDecl>
<TypeDecl> ::= <TypeId> '=' <TypeSpec>
| SynError ';'
<TypeSpec> ::= <GenericType> ';'
| <RestrictedType> <OptPortDirectives> ';'
| <CallType> ';'
| <CallType> ';' <CallConventions> ';'
| SynError ';'
<Type> ::= <GenericType>
| <CallType>
<TypeRef> ::= <TypeName>
| <StringType>
| <VariantType>
<GenericType> ::= <TypeName>
| <StringType>
| <VariantType>
| <SubrangeType>
| <EnumType>
| <StructType>
| <PointerType>
| <ClassRefType>
| <ClonedType>
<ClonedType> ::= TYPE <TypeRef>
<StringType> ::= STRING
| STRING '[' <ConstExpr> ']'
<VariantType> ::= VARIANT
<OrdinalType> ::= <SubrangeType> | <EnumType> | <TypeName>
<SubrangeType> ::= <ConstOrdExpr> '..' <ConstOrdExpr>
| <ConstOrdExpr> SynError
| '(' <RefId> ')' '..' <ConstOrdExpr>
<EnumType> ::= '(' <EnumList> ')'
| '(' <RefId> ')'
<EnumList> ::= <EnumId>
| <EnumList> ',' <EnumId>
<EnumId> ::= <RefId>
| <RefId> '=' <ConstExpr>
<OptPacked> ::= PACKED
<StructType> ::= <ArrayType>
| <SetType>
| <FileType>
| <RecType>
<ArrayType> ::= <OptPacked> ARRAY '[' <OrdinalTypeList> ']' OF <Type>
| <OptPacked> ARRAY OF CONST
| <OptPacked> ARRAY OF <Type> !dynamic array, starting from 0
! FCells: array of array of TIWGridCell;
<OrdinalTypeList> ::= <OrdinalType>
| <OrdinalTypeList> ',' <OrdinalType>
<RecType> ::= <OptPacked> RECORD <RecFieldList> END <OptPortDirectives>
<RecFieldList> ::=
| <RecField1>
| <RecField2>
| <RecField1> ';' <RecFieldList>
| <RecField2> ';' <RecFieldList>
| <RecField2> ';' <CallConvention>
| <RecField2> ';' <CallConvention> ';' <RecFieldList>
| CASE <Selector> OF <RecVariantList>
<RecVariantList> ::=
| <RecVariant>
| <RecVariant> ';' <RecVariantList>
<RecField1> ::= <IdList> ':' <GenericType> <OptPortDirectives>
<RecField2> ::= <IdList> ':' <CallType>
<RecVariant> ::= <ConstExprList> ':' '(' <RecFieldList> ')'
<Selector> ::= <RefId> ':' <TypeName>
| <TypeName>
<SetType> ::= <OptPacked> SET OF <OrdinalType>
<FileType> ::= <OptPacked> FILE OF <TypeRef>
<PointerType> ::= '^' <TypeRef>
<CallType> ::= PROCEDURE <OptFormalParms> <OptCallConventions>
| PROCEDURE <OptFormalParms> OF OBJECT <OptCallConventions>
| FUNCTION <OptFormalParms> ':' <ResultType> <OptCallConventions>
| FUNCTION <OptFormalParms> ':' <ResultType> OF OBJECT <OptCallConventions>
!-----CLASSES AND OBJECTS------------------------------------------------------
<RestrictedType> ::= <ObjectType>
| <ClassType>
| <InterfaceType>
<ObjectType> ::= <OptPacked> OBJECT <OptObjectHeritage> <ObjectMemberList> END
<ClassType> ::= CLASS <OptClassHeritage> <ClassMemberList> END
| CLASS <OptClassHeritage>
<ClassRefType> ::= CLASS OF <TypeName>
<InterfaceType> ::= INTERFACE <OptClassHeritage> <OptClassGUID> <OptClassMethodList> END
| DISPINTERFACE <OptClassHeritage> <OptClassGUID> <OptClassMethodList> END
<OptObjectHeritage> ::= '(' <TypeName> ')'
<OptClassHeritage> ::='(' <TypeList> ')'
<OptClassGUID> ::= '[' <ConstStrExpr> ']' ! <SCONST> globally unique identifier
<ObjectMemberList> ::= <OptFieldList> <OptObjectMethodList>
| <ObjectMemberList> PUBLIC <OptFieldList> <OptObjectMethodList>
| <ObjectMemberList> PRIVATE <OptFieldList> <OptObjectMethodList>
| <ObjectMemberList> PROTECTED <OptFieldList> <OptObjectMethodList>
<ClassMemberList> ::= <OptFieldList> <OptClassMethodList>
| <ClassMemberList> PUBLIC <OptFieldList> <OptClassMethodList>
| <ClassMemberList> PRIVATE <OptFieldList> <OptClassMethodList>
| <ClassMemberList> PROTECTED <OptFieldList> <OptClassMethodList>
| <ClassMemberList> PUBLISHED <OptFieldList> <OptClassMethodList>
<OptFieldList> ::= <FieldList>
<OptObjectMethodList> ::= <ObjectMethodList>
<OptClassMethodList> ::= <ClassMethodList>
<FieldList> ::= <FieldSpec>
| <FieldList> <FieldSpec>
<ObjectMethodList> ::= <ObjectMethodSpec>
| <ObjectMethodList> <ObjectMethodSpec>
<ClassMethodList> ::= <ClassMethodSpec>
| <ClassMethodList> <ClassMethodSpec>
<FieldSpec> ::= <IdList> ':' <Type> <OptPortDirectives> ';'
| SynError ';'
<ObjectMethodSpec> ::= <MethodSpec> <OptMethodDirectives>
| <PropertySpec> <OptPropertyDirectives>
| SynError
<ClassMethodSpec> ::= <MethodSpec> <OptMethodDirectives>
| <ResolutionSpec> <OptMethodDirectives>
| CLASS <ProcSpec> <OptMethodDirectives>
| CLASS <FuncSpec> <OptMethodDirectives>
| <PropertySpec> <OptPropertyDirectives>
| SynError
<MethodSpec> ::= <ConstructorSpec>
| <DestructorSpec>
| <ProcSpec>
| <FuncSpec>
<ConstructorSpec> ::= CONSTRUCTOR <RefId> <OptFormalParms> ';'
<DestructorSpec> ::= DESTRUCTOR <RefId> <OptFormalParms> ';'
<ProcSpec> ::= PROCEDURE <RefId> <OptFormalParms> <OptCallConventions> ';'
<FuncSpec> ::= FUNCTION <RefId> <OptFormalParms> ':' <ResultType> <OptCallConventions> ';'
<ResolutionSpec> ::= PROCEDURE <RefId> '.' <RefId> '=' <RefId> ';'
| FUNCTION <RefId> '.' <RefId> '=' <RefId> ';'
<PropertySpec> ::= PROPERTY <PropertyDecl> <OptPropSpecifiers> ';'
<PropertyDecl> ::= <RefId> ':' <TypeRef>
| <RefId> '[' <IndexList> ']' ':' <TypeRef>
| <RefId>
<IndexList> ::= <IndexDecl>
| <IndexList> ';' <IndexDecl>
<IndexDecl> ::= <IdDecl>
| CONST <IdDecl>
<IdDecl> ::= <IdList> ':' <Type>
<OptPropSpecifiers> ::= <PropertySpecifiers>
<PropertySpecifiers> ::= <PropertySpecifier>
| <PropertySpecifiers> <PropertySpecifier>
<PropertySpecifier> ::= INDEX <ConstExpr> !StorageSpecifier
| READ <FieldDesignator>
| WRITE <FieldDesignator>
| STORED <FieldDesignator>
! | STORED <ConstExpr>
| DEFAULT <ConstExpr>
| DISPID <ConstExpr> !Only within InterfaceTypes
| <ImplementsSpecifier>
<ImplementsSpecifier> ::= IMPLEMENTS <TypeRef>
| <ImplementsSpecifier> ',' <TypeRef>
! The implements directive must be the last specifier in the property
! declaration and can list more than one interface, separated by commas
<VarSection> ::= VAR <VarDeclList>
| THREADVAR <ThreadVarDeclList>
<VarDeclList> ::= <VarDecl>
| <VarDeclList> <VarDecl>
<VarDecl> ::= <IdList> ':' <Type> <OptAbsoluteClause> <OptPortDirectives> ';'
| <IdList> ':' <Type> '=' <TypedConstant> <OptPortDirectives> ';'
| <IdList> ':' <TypeSpec>
| SynError ';'
<ThreadVarDeclList> ::= <ThreadVarDecl>
| <ThreadVarDeclList> <ThreadVarDecl>
<ThreadVarDecl> ::= <IdList> ':' <TypeSpec>
| SynError ';'
<OptAbsoluteClause> ::= ABSOLUTE <RefId>
! | ABSOLUTE <ConstExpr> !on windows only, not on linux
! E X P R E S S I O N S
<ConstExpr> ::= <Expr>
<ConstOrdExpr> ::= <AddExpr>
<ConstStrExpr> ::= <AddExpr>
<Expr> ::= <AddExpr>
| <AddExpr> <RelOp> <AddExpr>
| SynError
<AddExpr> ::= <MulExpr>
| <AddExpr> <AddOp> <MulExpr>
<MulExpr> ::= <Factor>
| <MulExpr> <MulOp> <Factor>
<Factor> ::= NIL
| <Designator>
| <SetConstructor>
| '@' <Designator>
| '@' '@' <Designator> !returns memory address of a procedural variable
| '(' <Expr> ')'
| '(' <Expr> ')' '^'
| '+' <Factor>
| '-' <Factor>
| NOT <Factor>
<Designator> ::= <FieldDesignator>
| <Designator> '.' <FieldDesignator>
| <Designator> '^'
| <Designator> '[' <ExprList> ']'
| <Designator> '(' <ExprList> ')' !FunctionCall or TypeCast
| <Designator> '(' ')' !FunctionCall
| <Designator> AS <TypeRef> !eg "with Source as TListItem do ..."
| '(' <Designator> ')'
| INHERITED <Designator>
<AsnOp> ::= ':='
| '+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/='
<RelOp> ::= '=' | '>' | '<' | '<=' | '>=' | '<>'
| IN | IS | AS
<AddOp> ::= '+' |'-'
| OR | XOR
<MulOp> ::='*' | '/'
<SetConstructor> ::= '[' <SetElementList> ']'
| '[' ']'
<SetElementList> ::= <SetElement>
| <SetElementList> ',' <SetElement>
<SetElement> ::= <Expr>
| <Expr> '..' <Expr>
<ExprList> ::= <Expr>
| <ExprList> ',' <Expr>
<FmtExpr> ::= <Expr>
| <Expr> ':' <Expr>
| <Expr> ':' <Expr> ':' <Expr>
<FmtExprList> ::= <FmtExpr>
| <FmtExprList> ',' <FmtExpr>
<ConstExprList> ::= <ConstExpr>
| <ConstExprList> ',' <ConstExpr>
! S T A T E M E N T S
<StmtList> ::= <Statement>
| <StmtList> ';' <Statement>
<Statement> ::= <Label> <Statement>
| <AssignmentStmt>
| <CallStmt>
| <GotoStatement>
| <CompoundStmt>
| <IfStatement>
| <CaseStatement>
| <ForStatement>
| <WhileStatement>
| <RepeatStatement>
| <WithStatement>
| <TryFinallyStmt>
| <TryExceptStmt>
| <RaiseStmt>
| <AssemblerStmt>
| SynError
<Label> ::= <LCONST> ':'
| <LabelId> ':'
<AssignmentStmt> ::= <Designator> <AsnOp> <Expr>
| '@' <RefId> ':=' <Factor>
!EXAMPLE of this '@' <RefId>, that calls the GetProcAddress
!function and points a var StrComp to the result.
! var StrComp: function(Str1, Str2: PChar): Integer;
! ...
! @StrComp := GetProcAddress(KernelHandle, 'lstrcmpi');
<CallStmt> ::= <Designator> !procedure, function, method, typecast
| WRITE '(' <FmtExprList> ')'
| WRITELN '(' <FmtExprList> ')'
! | INHERITED <CallStmt>
<GotoStatement> ::= GOTO <LCONST>
| GOTO <RefId>
<CompoundStmt> ::= BEGIN <StmtList> END
<IfStatement> ::= IF <Expr> THEN <Statement> ELSE <Statement>
| IF <Expr> THEN <Statement>
| IF SynError THEN <Statement>
<CaseStatement> ::= CASE <Expr> OF <CaseList> <OtherWise> END
<ForStatement> ::= FOR <RefId> ':=' <Expr> <Dir> <Expr> DO <Statement>
<Dir> ::= TO | DOWNTO
<WhileStatement> ::= WHILE <Expr> DO <Statement>
<WithStatement> ::= WITH <DesignatorList> DO <Statement>
<DesignatorList> ::= <Designator>
| <DesignatorList> ',' <Designator>
<RepeatStatement> ::= REPEAT <StmtList> UNTIL <Expr>
<AssemblerStmt> ::= ASM <AsmLanguage> END
<OtherWise> ::= OTHERWISE <StmtList>
| ELSE <StmtList>
<CaseList> ::= <CaseSelector>
| <CaseList> ';' <CaseSelector>
| <CaseList> ';'
<CaseSelector> ::= <CaseLabels> ':' <Statement>
<CaseLabels> ::= <CaseLabel>
| <CaseLabels> ',' <CaseLabel>
<CaseLabel> ::= <ConstExpr>
| <ConstExpr> '..' <ConstExpr>
<RaiseStmt> ::= RAISE SynError ![object] [AT address]
| RAISE <OptExceptInstance>
| RAISE <OptExceptInstance> AT <Address>
<TryFinallyStmt> ::= TRY <StmtList> FINALLY <StmtList> END
<TryExceptStmt> ::= TRY <StmtList> EXCEPT <ExceptionBlock> <OptExceptionElse> END
<ExceptionBlock> ::= <ExceptionStmt>
| <ExceptionBlock> ';' <ExceptionStmt>
<ExceptionStmt> ::= ON <Selector> DO <Statement>
! | ELSE <Statement>
| <Statement>
<OptExceptionElse> ::= ELSE <StmtList>
<OptExceptInstance> ::= <Designator> !usually a method call (??)
<Address> ::= <Designator> !usually a functiion call, returning an adress
<OptSemi> ::= ';'
! R O U T I N E S
<ProcedureDeclSection> ::= <ProcedureDecl>
| <FunctionDecl>
| <MethodDecl>
<ProcedureDecl> ::= <ProcHeading> <CallBody> <OptSemi>
<FunctionDecl> ::= <FuncHeading> <CallBody> <OptSemi>
<MethodDecl> ::= <MethHeading> <CallBody> <OptSemi>
<ProcHeading> ::= PROCEDURE <RefId> <OptFormalParms> <OptCallSpecifiers> ';'
| <ProcHeading> <CallDirectives> <OptSemi>
<FuncHeading> ::= FUNCTION <RefId> <OptFormalParms> ':' <ResultType> <OptCallSpecifiers> ';'
| FUNCTION <RefId> ';'
| <FuncHeading> <CallDirectives> <OptSemi>
! if the heading is 'incomplete' it was declared before
! and must be followed by a <CallBody> TO BE IMPROVED
<MethHeading> ::= PROCEDURE <RefId> '.' <RefId> <OptFormalParms> <OptCallSpecifiers> ';'
| FUNCTION <RefId> '.' <RefId> <OptFormalParms> ':' <ResultType> <OptCallSpecifiers> ';'
| FUNCTION <RefId> '.' <RefId> ';'
| CONSTRUCTOR <RefId> '.' <RefId> <OptFormalParms> <OptCallSpecifiers> ';'
| DESTRUCTOR <RefId> '.' <RefId> <OptFormalParms> <OptCallSpecifiers> ';'
| CLASS PROCEDURE <RefId> '.' <RefId> <OptFormalParms> <OptCallSpecifiers> ';'
| CLASS FUNCTION <RefId> '.' <RefId> <OptFormalParms> ':' <ResultType> <OptCallSpecifiers> ';'
| <MethHeading> <CallDirectives> ';'
! the class methods operates on classes instead of objects
<ResultType> ::= <TypeRef>
<OptFormalParms> ::= '(' <FormalParmList> ')'
| '(' ')'
<FormalParmList> ::= <FormalParm>
| <FormalParmList> ';' <FormalParm>
<FormalParm> ::= <Parameter>
| CONST <Parameter>
| VAR <Parameter>
| OUT <Parameter>
<Parameter> ::= <IdList>
| <IdList> ':' <ParmType>
| <IdList> ':' <TypeRef> '=' <ConstExpr>
<ParmType> ::= <TypeRef>
| ARRAY OF <TypeRef>
<CallBody> ::= <OptDeclSection> <CompoundStmt>
| <OptDeclSection> <AssemblerStmt>
| <ExternalDeclaration>
! <PortDirectives> are to produce warnings at compile time when source code is compiled
! in the {$HINTS ON} {$WARNINGS ON} state. It can be applied to declarations
! <PortDirectives are accepted:
! WITHIN const and var declarations (not after),
! WITHIN unit headers (not after)
! AFTER function/procedure headings (not within) (ONE terminating ';' is optional)
! <PortDirectives are NOT accepted:
! in/after type declarations
<OptPortDirectives> ::= <PortDirectives>
<PortDirectives> ::= <PortDirective>
| <PortDirectives> <PortDirective>
<PortDirective> ::= PLATFORM ! to warn that it is specific to a particular operating environment (such as Windows or Linux)
| PLATFORM '=' <ConstExpr>
| DEPRECATED ! to warn it is obsolete or supported only for backward compatibility
| LIBRARY ! to warn dependencies on a particular library or component framework (such as CLX).
<OptMethodDirectives> ::= <MethodDirectives>
| <OptMethodDirectives> <PortDirective> ';'
<MethodDirectives> ::= <MethodDirective> ';'
| <MethodDirectives> <MethodDirective> ';'
<MethodDirective> ::= VIRTUAL
| VIRTUAL <ConstExpr>
| DYNAMIC !for classes only
| MESSAGE <ConstExpr>
| DISPID <ConstExpr> !only within an <InterfaceType>
| <CallConvention>
<OptPropertyDirectives> ::= <PropertyDirective> ';'
| <OptPropertyDirectives> <PortDirective> ';'
<PropertyDirective> ::= DEFAULT
<ExternalDeclaration> ::= EXTERNAL
| EXTERNAL <ConstStrExpr>
| EXTERNAL <ConstStrExpr> NAME <ConstStrExpr>
<CallDirectives> ::= <CallDirective>
| <CallDirectives> <CallDirective>
<CallDirective> ::= <CallConvention>
| <CallObsolete>
| <PortDirective>
| VARARGS !works only with external routines and cdecl calling convention.
| LOCAL !prevents exporting in a library
| <SCONST> !for PasPro only
<OptCallSpecifiers> ::= <CallSpecifier>
| <OptCallSpecifiers> <CallSpecifier>
<CallSpecifier> ::= <CallConvention>
| <CallObsolete>
<CallConventions> ::= <CallConvention>
| <CallConventions> <CallConvention>
<OptCallConventions> ::= <CallConvention>
| <OptCallConventions> <CallConvention>
![ParmOrder] [CleanUp] [RegParms]
<CallConvention> ::= REGISTER !Left-to-right Routine Yes
| PASCAL !Left-to-right Routine No
| CDECL !Right-to-left Caller No
| STDCALL !Right-to-left Routine No
| SAFECALL !Right-to-left Routine No
<CallObsolete> ::= INLINE !for backward compatibility only; has no effect on the compiler.
| ASSEMBLER !for backward compatibility only; has no effect on the compiler.
| NEAR !for 16-bits programming only, has no effect in 32 bit applications
| FAR !for 16-bits programming only, has no effect in 32 bit applications
| EXPORT !for 16-bits programming only, has no effect in 32 bit applications
! A S S E M B L E R I N S T R U C T I O N S
! The asm 'grammar' below is rather tolerant in accepting assembler code and needs
! further elaboration. The main problem is that end of lines are not detected, so
! the separators between the instructions cannot be found, so an <AsmItem> cannot
! be grouped in a meaningfull way with another <AsmItem> into a true <AsmInstruction>
! A fundamental solution could be to start a new lexical "context" in this grammar, with
! that forces the lexical scanner to recognize an assembler specific list of keywords
! Unfortunately, this is not supported by the Gold parser
<AsmLanguage> ::= <AsmInstruction>
| <AsmLanguage> <AsmInstruction>
<AsmInstruction> ::= <AsmItem>
| <AsmInstruction> <AsmItem>
| <AsmInstruction> ',' <AsmItem>
| <AsmInstruction> ';'
<AsmItem> ::= <AsmLabel>
| <AsmExpr>
<AsmLabel> ::= <AsmLocal> ':'
| <AsmId> ':'
<AsmExpr> ::= <AsmFactor>
| '-' <AsmFactor>
| <AsmExpr> '+' <AsmFactor>
| <AsmExpr> '*' <AsmFactor>
| <AsmExpr> '-' <AsmFactor>
| <AsmExpr> '.' <AsmFactor>
| '[' <AsmExpr> ']'
| '(' <AsmExpr> ')'
! <AsmId> '(' <AsmExpr> ')'
| SynError
<AsmFactor> ::= <AsmId>
| <AsmLocal>
<AsmId> ::= <RefId>
| '&' <RefId>
| AND | OR | XOR | SHR | SHL | DIV | NOT
! plus many other keywords as well that may serve as an identifier
<AsmLocal> ::= '@' <LCONST>
| '@' <AsmId>
| '@' <AsmLocal>
| '@' END
<div style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll"><pre>
"Name" = 'LALR(1) Java nonunicode grammar'
"Version" = '1.0 alpha 110'
"Author" = 'Dmitry Gazko'
"About" = 'Based on partial conversion of Sun Java 1.0-2.0 specification'
{String Char} = {Printable} - ["]
{Quote} = ['']
{IdLetter} = {Letter} + [_$]
{IdAlphaNumeric} = {Alphanumeric} + [_$]
{HexDigit} = {Digit} + [abcdefABCDEF]
{OctalCharSet} = [01234567]
{NoZeroDigit} = [123456789]
{LongTypeSuffix} =[lL]
{FloatTypeSuffix} =[dfDF]
{ExponentPartIndicator} = [eE]
{Sign} = [-+]
{CharSign} = [abtnfr"\] + {Quote}
{CharSign1} = {String Char} - [\]
{HexEscapeSign} =[uUxX]
Identifier = {IdLetter}{IdAlphaNumeric}*
StringLiteral = '"'{String Char}*'"'
FloatingPointLiteral = {Digit}+'.'{Digit}+{FloatTypeSuffix}? | {Digit}+{FloatTypeSuffix} | '.'{Digit}+{FloatTypeSuffix}?
FloatingPointLiteralExponent = {Digit}+'.'{Digit}+{ExponentPartIndicator}{Sign}?{Digit}+{FloatTypeSuffix}? | {Digit}+{ExponentPartIndicator}{Sign}?{Digit}+{FloatTypeSuffix}? | '.'{Digit}+{ExponentPartIndicator}{Sign}?{Digit}+{FloatTypeSuffix}?
BooleanLiteral = 'true' | 'false'
IndirectCharLiteral = {Quote}{CharSign1}{Quote}
StandardEscapeCharLiteral = {Quote}'\'{CharSign}{Quote}
OctalEscapeCharLiteral ={Quote}'\'{OctalCharSet}+{Quote}
HexEscapeCharLiteral ={Quote}'\'{HexEscapeSign}{HexDigit}+{Quote}
NullLiteral = 'null'
StartWithNoZeroDecimalIntegerLiteral = {NoZeroDigit}{Digit}*{LongTypeSuffix}?
StartWithZeroDecimalIntegerLiteral = '0'{LongTypeSuffix}?
HexIntegerLiteral = '0'('x'|'X'){HexDigit}+{LongTypeSuffix}?
OctalIntegerLiteral = '0'{OctalCharSet}+{LongTypeSuffix}?
"Case Sensitive" = 'True'
"Start Symbol" = <CompilationUnit>
Comment Start = '/*'
Comment End = '*/'
Comment Line = '//'
::= IndirectCharLiteral
| StandardEscapeCharLiteral
| OctalEscapeCharLiteral
| HexEscapeCharLiteral
::= StartWithZeroDecimalIntegerLiteral
| StartWithNoZeroDecimalIntegerLiteral
::= FloatingPointLiteral
| FloatingPointLiteralExponent
::= <DecimalIntegerLiteral>
| HexIntegerLiteral
| OctalIntegerLiteral
::= <IntegerLiteral>
| <FloatPointLiteral>
| BooleanLiteral
| <CharacterLiteral>
| StringLiteral
| NullLiteral
<Type> ::= <PrimitiveType>
| <ReferenceType>
<PrimitiveType> ::= <NumericType>
| 'boolean'
::= <IntegralType>
| <FloatingPointType>
::= 'byte'
| 'short'
| 'int'
| 'long'
| 'char'
::= 'float'
| 'double'
::= <ClassOrInterfaceType>
| <ArrayType>
<ClassOrInterfaceType> ::= <Name>
<ClassType> ::= <ClassOrInterfaceType>
<InterfaceType> ::= <ClassOrInterfaceType>
::= <PrimitiveType> '[' ']'
| <Name> '[' ']'
| <ArrayType> '[' ']'
::= <SimpleName>
| <QualifiedName>
<SimpleName> ::= Identifier
<QualifiedName> ::= <Name> '.' Identifier
::= <PackageDeclaration> <ImportDeclarations> <TypeDeclarations>
| <PackageDeclaration> <ImportDeclarations>
| <PackageDeclaration> <TypeDeclarations>
| <PackageDeclaration>
| <ImportDeclarations> <TypeDeclarations>
| <ImportDeclarations>
| <TypeDeclarations>
::= <ImportDeclaration>
| <ImportDeclarations> <ImportDeclaration>
::= <TypeDeclaration>
| <TypeDeclarations> <TypeDeclaration>
::= 'package' <Name> ';'
::= <SingleTypeImportDeclaration>
| <TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration>
::= 'import' <Name> ';'
::= 'import' <Name> '.' '*' ';'
::= <ClassDeclaration>
| <InterfaceDeclaration>
| ';'
::= <Modifier>
| <Modifiers> <Modifier>
::= 'public'
| 'protected'
| 'private'
| 'static'
| 'abstract'
| 'final'
| 'native'
| 'synchronized'
| 'transient'
| 'volatile'
::= <Modifiers> 'class' Identifier <Super> <Interfaces> <ClassBody>
| <Modifiers> 'class' Identifier <Super> <ClassBody>
| <Modifiers> 'class' Identifier <Interfaces> <ClassBody>
| <Modifiers> 'class' Identifier <ClassBody>
| 'class' Identifier <Super> <Interfaces> <ClassBody>
| 'class' Identifier <Super> <ClassBody>
| 'class' Identifier <Interfaces> <ClassBody>
| 'class' Identifier <ClassBody>
<Super> ::= 'extends' <ClassType>
<Interfaces> ::= 'implements' <InterfaceTypeList>
<InterfaceTypeList> ::= <InterfaceType>
| <InterfaceTypeList> ',' <InterfaceType>
::= '{' <ClassBodyDeclarations> '}'
| '{' '}'
::= <ClassBodyDeclaration>
| <ClassBodyDeclarations> <ClassBodyDeclaration>
::= <ClassMemberDeclaration>
| <StaticInitializer>
| <ConstructorDeclaration>
::= <FieldDeclaration>
| <MethodDeclaration>
::= <Modifiers> <Type> <VariableDeclarators> ';'
| <Type> <VariableDeclarators> ';'
::= <VariableDeclarator>
| <VariableDeclarators> ',' <VariableDeclarator>
::= <VariableDeclaratorId>
| <VariableDeclaratorId> '=' <VariableInitializer>
::= Identifier
| <VariableDeclaratorId> '[' ']'
::= <Expression>
| <ArrayInitializer>
<MethodDeclaration> ::= <MethodHeader> <MethodBody>
::= <Modifiers> <Type> <MethodDeclarator> <Throws>
| <Modifiers> <Type> <MethodDeclarator>
| <Type> <MethodDeclarator> <Throws>
| <Type> <MethodDeclarator>
| <Modifiers> 'void' <MethodDeclarator> <Throws>
| <Modifiers> 'void' <MethodDeclarator>
| 'void' <MethodDeclarator> <Throws>
| 'void' <MethodDeclarator>
::= Identifier '(' <FormalParameterList> ')'
| Identifier '(' ')'
| <MethodDeclarator> '[' ']'
::= <FormalParameter>
| <FormalParameterList> ',' <FormalParameter>
::= <Type> <VariableDeclaratorId>
::= 'throws' <ClassTypeList>
::= <ClassType>
| <ClassTypeList> ',' <ClassType>
::= <Block>
| ';'
::= 'static' <Block>
::= <Modifiers> <ConstructorDeclarator> <Throws> <ConstructorBody>
| <Modifiers> <ConstructorDeclarator> <ConstructorBody>
| <ConstructorDeclarator> <Throws> <ConstructorBody>
| <ConstructorDeclarator> <ConstructorBody>
::= <SimpleName> '(' <FormalParameterList> ')'
| <SimpleName> '(' ')'
::= '{' <ExplicitConstructorInvocation> <BlockStatements> '}'
| '{' <ExplicitConstructorInvocation> '}'
| '{' <BlockStatements> '}'
| '{' '}'
::= 'this' '(' <ArgumentList> ')' ';'
| 'this' '(' ')' ';'
| 'super' '(' <ArgumentList> ')' ';'
| 'super' '(' ')' ';'
::= <Modifiers> 'interface' Identifier <ExtendsInterfaces> <InterfaceBody>
| <Modifiers> 'interface' Identifier <InterfaceBody>
| 'interface' Identifier <ExtendsInterfaces> <InterfaceBody>
| 'interface' Identifier <InterfaceBody>
::= 'extends' <InterfaceType>
| <ExtendsInterfaces> ',' <InterfaceType>
::= '{' <InterfaceMemberDeclarations> '}'
| '{' '}'
::= <InterfaceMemberDeclaration>
| <InterfaceMemberDeclarations> <InterfaceMemberDeclaration>
::= <ConstantDeclaration>
| <AbstractMethodDeclaration>
<ConstantDeclaration> ::= <FieldDeclaration>
<AbstractMethodDeclaration> ::= <MethodHeader> ';'
::= '{' <VariableInitializers> ',' '}'
| '{' <VariableInitializers> '}'
| '{' ',' '}'
| '{' '}'
<VariableInitializers> ::= <VariableInitializer>
| <VariableInitializers> ',' <VariableInitializer>
<Block> ::= '{' <BlockStatements> '}'
| '{' '}'
::= <BlockStatement>
| <BlockStatements> <BlockStatement>
::= <LocalVariableDeclarationStatement>
| <Statement>
::= <LocalVariableDeclaration> ';'
::= <Type> <VariableDeclarators>
::= <StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement>
| <LabeledStatement>
| <IfThenStatement>
| <IfThenElseStatement>
| <WhileStatement>
| <ForStatement>
::= <StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement>
| <LabeledStatementNoShortIf>
| <IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf>
| <WhileStatementNoShortIf>
| <ForStatementNoShortIf>
::= <Block>
| <EmptyStatement>
| <ExpressionStatement>
| <SwitchStatement>
| <DoStatement>
| <BreakStatement>
| <ContinueStatement>
| <ReturnStatement>
| <SynchronizedStatement>
| <ThrowStatement>
| <TryStatement>
::= ';'
::= Identifier ':' <Statement>
::= Identifier ':' <StatementNoShortIf>
::= <StatementExpression> ';'
::= <Assignment>
| <PreIncrementExpression>
| <PreDecrementExpression>
| <PostIncrementExpression>
| <PostDecrementExpression>
| <MethodInvocation>
| <ClassInstanceCreationExpression>
::= 'if' '(' <Expression> ')' <Statement>
::= 'if' '(' <Expression> ')' <StatementNoShortIf> 'else' <Statement>
::= 'if' '(' <Expression> ')' <StatementNoShortIf> 'else' <StatementNoShortIf>
::= 'switch' '(' <Expression> ')' <SwitchBlock>
::= '{' <SwitchBlockStatementGroups> <SwitchLabels> '}'
| '{' <SwitchBlockStatementGroups> '}'
| '{' <SwitchLabels> '}'
| '{' '}'
::= <SwitchBlockStatementGroup>
| <SwitchBlockStatementGroups> <SwitchBlockStatementGroup>
::= <SwitchLabels> <BlockStatements>
::= <SwitchLabel>
| <SwitchLabels> <SwitchLabel>
::= 'case' <ConstantExpression> ':'
| 'default' ':'
::= 'while' '(' <Expression> ')' <Statement>
::= 'while' '(' <Expression> ')' <StatementNoShortIf>
::= 'do' <Statement> 'while' '(' <Expression> ')' ';'
::= 'for' '(' <ForInit> ';' <Expression> ';' <ForUpdate> ')' <Statement>
| 'for' '(' <ForInit> ';' <Expression> ';' ')' <Statement>
| 'for' '(' <ForInit> ';' ';' <ForUpdate> ')' <Statement>
| 'for' '(' <ForInit> ';' ';' ')' <Statement>
| 'for' '(' ';' <Expression> ';' <ForUpdate> ')' <Statement>
| 'for' '(' ';' <Expression> ';' ')' <Statement>
| 'for' '(' ';' ';' <ForUpdate> ')' <Statement>
| 'for' '(' ';' ';' ')' <Statement>
::= 'for' '(' <ForInit> ';' <Expression> ';' <ForUpdate> ')' <StatementNoShortIf>
| 'for' '(' <ForInit> ';' <Expression> ';' ')' <StatementNoShortIf>
| 'for' '(' <ForInit> ';' ';' <ForUpdate> ')' <StatementNoShortIf>
| 'for' '(' <ForInit> ';' ';' ')' <StatementNoShortIf>
| 'for' '(' ';' <Expression> ';' <ForUpdate> ')' <StatementNoShortIf>
| 'for' '(' ';' <Expression> ';' ')' <StatementNoShortIf>
| 'for' '(' ';' ';' <ForUpdate> ')' <StatementNoShortIf>
| 'for' '(' ';' ';' ')' <StatementNoShortIf>
<ForInit> ::= <StatementExpressionList>
| <LocalVariableDeclaration>
<ForUpdate> ::= <StatementExpressionList>
::= <StatementExpression>
| <StatementExpressionList> ',' <StatementExpression>
::= 'break' Identifier ';'
| 'break' ';'
::= 'continue' Identifier ';'
| 'continue' ';'
::= 'return' <Expression> ';'
| 'return' ';'
::= 'throw' <Expression> ';'
::= 'synchronized' '(' <Expression> ')' <Block>
::= 'try' <Block> <Catches>
| 'try' <Block> <Catches> <Finally>
| 'try' <Block> <Finally>
::= <CatchClause>
| <Catches> <CatchClause>
::= 'catch' '(' <FormalParameter> ')' <Block>
::= 'finally' <Block>
::= <PrimaryNoNewArray>
| <ArrayCreationExpression>
::= <Literal>
| 'this'
| '(' <Expression> ')'
| <ClassInstanceCreationExpression>
| <FieldAccess>
| <MethodInvocation>
| <ArrayAccess>
::= 'new' <ClassType> '(' <ArgumentList> ')'
| 'new' <ClassType> '(' ')'
::= <Expression>
| <ArgumentList> ',' <Expression>
::= 'new' <PrimitiveType> <DimExprs> <Dims>
| 'new' <PrimitiveType> <DimExprs>
| 'new' <ClassOrInterfaceType> <DimExprs> <Dims>
| 'new' <ClassOrInterfaceType> <DimExprs>
::= <DimExpr>
| <DimExprs> <DimExpr>
<DimExpr> ::= '[' <Expression> ']'
<Dims> ::= '[' ']'
| <Dims> '[' ']'
::= <Primary> '.' Identifier
| 'super' '.' Identifier
::= <Name> '(' <ArgumentList> ')'
| <Name> '(' ')'
| <Primary> '.' Identifier '(' <ArgumentList> ')'
| <Primary> '.' Identifier '(' ')'
| 'super' '.' Identifier '(' <ArgumentList> ')'
| 'super' '.' Identifier '(' ')'
::= <Name> '[' <Expression> ']'
| <PrimaryNoNewArray> '[' <Expression> ']'
::= <Primary>
| <Name>
| <PostIncrementExpression>
| <PostDecrementExpression>
::= <PostfixExpression> '++'
::= <PostfixExpression> '--'
::= <PreIncrementExpression>
| <PreDecrementExpression>
| '+' <UnaryExpression>
| '-' <UnaryExpression>
| <UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus>
::= '++' <UnaryExpression>
::= '--' <UnaryExpression>
::= <PostfixExpression>
| '~' <UnaryExpression>
| '!' <UnaryExpression>
| <CastExpression>
::= '(' <PrimitiveType> <Dims> ')' <UnaryExpression>
| '(' <PrimitiveType> ')' <UnaryExpression>
| '(' <Expression> ')' <UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus>
| '(' <Name> <Dims> ')' <UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus>
::= <UnaryExpression>
| <MultiplicativeExpression> '*' <UnaryExpression>
| <MultiplicativeExpression> '/' <UnaryExpression>
| <MultiplicativeExpression> '%' <UnaryExpression>
::= <MultiplicativeExpression>
| <AdditiveExpression> '+' <MultiplicativeExpression>
| <AdditiveExpression> '-' <MultiplicativeExpression>
::= <AdditiveExpression>
| <ShiftExpression> '<<' <AdditiveExpression>
| <ShiftExpression> '>>' <AdditiveExpression>
| <ShiftExpression> '>>>' <AdditiveExpression>
::= <ShiftExpression>
| <RelationalExpression> '<' <ShiftExpression>
| <RelationalExpression> '>' <ShiftExpression>
| <RelationalExpression> '<=' <ShiftExpression>
| <RelationalExpression> '>=' <ShiftExpression>
| <RelationalExpression> 'instanceof' <ReferenceType>
::= <RelationalExpression>
| <EqualityExpression> '==' <RelationalExpression>
| <EqualityExpression> '!=' <RelationalExpression>
::= <EqualityExpression>
| <AndExpression> '&' <EqualityExpression>
::= <AndExpression>
| <ExclusiveOrExpression> '^' <AndExpression>
::= <ExclusiveOrExpression>
| <InclusiveOrExpression> '|' <ExclusiveOrExpression>
::= <InclusiveOrExpression>
| <ConditionalAndExpression> '&&' <InclusiveOrExpression>
::= <ConditionalAndExpression>
| <ConditionalOrExpression> '||' <ConditionalAndExpression>
::= <ConditionalOrExpression>
| <ConditionalOrExpression> '?' <Expression> ':' <ConditionalExpression>
::= <ConditionalExpression>
| <Assignment>
::= <LeftHandSide> <AssignmentOperator> <AssignmentExpression>
::= <Name>
| <FieldAccess>
| <ArrayAccess>
::= '='
| '*='
| '/='
| '%='
| '+='
| '-='
| '<<='
| '>>='
| '>>>='
| '&='
| '^='
| '|='
<Expression> ::= <AssignmentExpression>
<ConstantExpression> ::= <Expression>
<div style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll"><pre>
"Name" = 'JavaScript Grammar'
"Author" = 'M.Schnoor-Matriciani'
"Version" = '0.9'
"About" = 'JavaScript Grammar, Subset of ECMA Edition 3'
"Start Symbol" = <Program>
"Case Sensitive" = 'True'
! ------------------------------------------------- Sets
{ID Head} = {Letter} + [_] + [$]
{ID Tail} = {Alphanumeric} + [_] + [$]
{String Chars1} = {Printable} + {HT} - ["\]
{String Chars2} = {Printable} + {HT} - [\'']
{Hex Digit} = {Digit} + [ABCDEF] + [abcdef]
{RegExp Chars} = {Letter}+{Digit}+['^']+['$']+['*']+['+']+['?']+['{']+['}']+['|']+['-']+['.']+[',']+['#']+['[']+[']']+['_']+['<']+['>']
{Non Terminator} = {String Chars1} - {CR} - {LF}
{Non Zero Digits}={Digit}-[0]
! ------------------------------------------------- Terminals
Identifier = {ID Head}{ID Tail}*
StringLiteral = '"' ( {String Chars1} | '\' {Printable} )* '"' | '' ( {String Chars2} | '\' {Printable} )* ''
HexIntegerLiteral = '0x' {Hex Digit}+
RegExp = '/' ({RegExp Chars} | '\' {Non Terminator})+ '/' ( 'g' | 'i' | 'm' )*
DecimalLiteral= {Non Zero Digits}+ '.' {Digit}* ('e' | 'E' ) {Non Zero Digits}+ {Digit}* | {Non Zero Digits}+ '.' {Digit}* | '0' '.' {Digit}+ ('e' | 'E' ) {Non Zero Digits}+ {Digit}* | {Non Zero Digits}+ {Digit}* | '0' | '0' '.' {Digit}+
Comment Start = '/*'
Comment End = '*/'
Comment Line = '//'
! ------------------------------------------------- Rules
<Literal> ::= <Null Literal>
| <Boolean Literal>
| <Numeric Literal>
| StringLiteral
<Null Literal> ::= null
<Boolean Literal> ::= 'true'
| 'false'
<Numeric Literal> ::= DecimalLiteral
| HexIntegerLiteral
<Regular Expression Literal> ::= RegExp
<Primary Expression> ::= 'this'
| Identifier
| <Literal>
| <Array Literal>
| <Object Literal>
| '(' <Expression> ')'
| <Regular Expression Literal>
<Array Literal> ::= '[' ']'
| '[' <Elision> ']'
| '[' <Element List> ']'
| '[' <Element List> ',' <Elision> ']'
<Elision> ::= ','
| <Elision> ','
<Element List> ::= <Elision> <Assignment Expression>
| <Element List> ',' <Elision> <Assignment Expression>
| <Element List> ',' <Assignment Expression>
| <Assignment Expression>
<Object Literal> ::= '{' <Property Name and Value List> '}'
<Property Name and Value List> ::= <Property Name> ':' <Assignment Expression>
| <Property Name and Value List> ',' <Property Name> ':' <Assignment Expression>
<Property Name> ::= Identifier
| StringLiteral
| <Numeric Literal>
<Member Expression > ::= <Primary Expression>
| <Function Expression>
| <Member Expression> '[' <Expression> ']'
| <Member Expression> '.' Identifier
| 'new' <Member Expression> <Arguments>
<New Expression> ::= <Member Expression>
| new <New Expression>
<Call Expression> ::= <Member Expression> <Arguments>
| <Call Expression> <Arguments>
| <Call Expression> '[' <Expression> ']'
| <Call Expression> '.' Identifier
<Arguments> ::= '(' ')'
| '(' <Argument List> ')'
<Argument List> ::= <Assignment Expression>
| <Argument List> ',' <Assignment Expression>
<Left Hand Side Expression> ::= <New Expression>
| <Call Expression>
<Postfix Expression> ::= <Left Hand Side Expression>
| <Postfix Expression> '++'
| <Postfix Expression> '--'
<Unary Expression> ::= <Postfix Expression>
| 'delete' <Unary Expression>
| 'void' <Unary Expression>
| 'typeof' <Unary Expression>
| '++' <Unary Expression>
| '--' <Unary Expression>
| '+' <Unary Expression>
| '-' <Unary Expression>
| '~' <Unary Expression>
| '!' <Unary Expression>
<Multiplicative Expression> ::= <Unary Expression>
| <Unary Expression> '*' <Multiplicative Expression>
| <Unary Expression> '/' <Multiplicative Expression>
| <Unary Expression> '%' <Multiplicative Expression>
<Additive Expression> ::= <Additive Expression>'+'<Multiplicative Expression>
| <Additive Expression>'-'<Multiplicative Expression>
| <Multiplicative Expression>
<Shift Expression> ::= <Shift Expression> '<<' <Additive Expression>
| <Shift Expression> '>>' <Additive Expression>
| <Shift Expression> '>>>' <Additive Expression>
| <Additive Expression>
<Relational Expression>::= <Shift Expression>
| <Relational Expression> '<' <Shift Expression>
| <Relational Expression> '>' <Shift Expression>
| <Relational Expression> '<=' <Shift Expression>
| <Relational Expression> '>=' <Shift Expression>
| <Relational Expression> 'instanceof' <Shift Expression>
<Equality Expression> ::= <Relational Expression>
| <Equality Expression> '==' <Relational Expression>
| <Equality Expression> '!=' <Relational Expression>
| <Equality Expression> '===' <Relational Expression>
| <Equality Expression> '!==' <Relational Expression>
<Bitwise And Expression> ::= <Equality Expression>
| <Bitwise And Expression> '&' <Equality Expression>
<Bitwise XOr Expression> ::= <Bitwise And Expression>
| <Bitwise XOr Expression> '^' <Bitwise And Expression>
<Bitwise Or Expression> ::= <Bitwise XOr Expression>
| <Bitwise Or Expression> '|' <Bitwise XOr Expression>
<Logical And Expression> ::= <Bitwise Or Expression>
| <Logical And Expression> '&&' <Bitwise Or Expression>
<Logical Or Expression> ::= <Logical And Expression>
| <Logical Or Expression> '||' <Logical And Expression>
<Conditional Expression> ::= <Logical Or Expression>
| <Logical Or Expression> '?' <Assignment Expression> ':' <Assignment Expression>
<Assignment Expression> ::= <Conditional Expression>
| <Left Hand Side Expression> <Assignment Operator> <Assignment Expression>
<Assignment Operator> ::= '=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '+=' | '-=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '>>>=' | '&=' | '^=' | '|='
<Expression> ::= <Assignment Expression>
| <Expression> ',' <Assignment Expression>
<Statement> ::= <Block>
| <Variable Statement>
| <Empty Statement>
| <If Statement>
| <If Else Statement>
| <Iteration Statement>
| <Continue Statement>
| <Break Statement>
| <Return Statement>
| <With Statement>
| <Labelled Statement>
| <Switch Statement>
| <Throw Statement>
| <Try Statement>
| <Expression>
<Block > ::= '{' '}'
| '{' <Statement List> '}'
<Statement List> ::= <Statement>
| <Statement List> <Statement>
<Variable Statement> ::= var <Variable Declaration List> ';'
<Variable Declaration List> ::= <Variable Declaration>
| <Variable Declaration List> ',' <Variable Declaration>
<Variable Declaration> ::= Identifier
| Identifier <Initializer>
<Initializer> ::= '=' <Assignment Expression>
<Empty Statement> ::= ';'
<If Statement> ::= 'if' '(' <Expression> ')' <Statement>
<If Else Statement> ::= 'if' '(' <Expression> ')' <Statement> 'else' <Statement>
<Iteration Statement> ::= 'do' <Statement> 'while' '(' <Expression> ')' ';'
| 'while' '(' <Expression> ')' <Statement>
| 'for' '(' <Expression> ';' <Expression> ';' <Expression> ')' <Statement>
| 'for' '(' 'var' <Variable Declaration List> ';' <Expression> ';' <Expression> ')' <Statement>
| 'for' '(' <Left Hand Side Expression> in <Expression> ')' <Statement>
| 'for' '(' 'var' <Variable Declaration> in <Expression> ')' <Statement>
<Continue Statement> ::= 'continue' ';'
| 'continue' Identifier ';'
<Break Statement> ::= 'break' ';'
| 'break' Identifier ';'
<Return Statement> ::= 'return' ';'
| 'return' <Expression> ';'
<With Statement> ::= 'with' '(' <Expression> ')' <Statement> ';'
<Switch Statement> ::= 'switch' '(' <Expression> ')' <Case Block>
<Case Block> ::= '{' '}'
| '{' <Case Clauses> '}'
| '{' <Case Clauses> <Default Clause> '}'
| '{' <Case Clauses> <Default Clause> <Case Clauses> '}'
| '{' <Default Clause> <Case Clauses> '}'
| '{' <Default Clause> '}'
<Case Clauses> ::= <Case Clause>
| <Case Clauses> <Case Clause>
<Case Clause> ::= 'case' <Expression> ':' <Statement List>
| 'case' <Expression> ':'
<Default Clause> ::= 'default' ':'
| 'default' ':' <Statement List>
<Labelled Statement> ::= Identifier ':' <Statement>
<Throw Statement> ::= 'throw' <Expression>
<Try Statement> ::= 'try' <Block> <Catch>
| 'try' <Block> <Finally>
| 'try' <Block> <Catch> <Finally>
<Catch> ::= 'catch' '(' Identifier ')' <Block>
<Finally> ::= 'finally' <Block>
<Function Declaration> ::= 'function' Identifier '(' <Formal Parameter List> ')' '{' <Function Body> '}'
| 'function' Identifier '(' ')' '{' <Function Body> '}'
<Function Expression> ::= 'function' '(' ')' '{' <Function Body> '}'
| 'function' '(' <Formal Parameter List> ')' '{' <Function Body> '}'
<Formal Parameter List> ::= Identifier
| <Formal Parameter List> ',' Identifier
<Function Body> ::= <Source Elements>
<Program> ::= <Source Elements>
<Source Elements> ::= <Source Element>
| <Source Elements> <Source Element>
<Source Element> ::= <Statement>
| <Function Declaration>
Outside of particularly restricted variants, no static grammar can exactly describe Lisp due to macros and reader-macros.
<div style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll"><pre>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! LISt Programming
! "One can even conjecture that Lisp owes its survival specifically to the
! fact that its programs are lists, which everyone, including me, has
! regarded as a disadvantage."
! - John McCarthy, "Early History of Lisp"
! "Lisp is worth learning for the profound enlightenment experience you will
! have when you finally get it; that experience will make you a better programmer
! for the rest of your days, even if you never actually use Lisp itself a lot."
! - Eric Raymond, "How to Become a Hacker"
! "Lisp was far more powerful and flexible than any other language of its day; in
! fact, it is still a better design than most languages of today, twenty-five
! years later. Lisp freed ITS's hackers to think in unusual and creative ways. It
! was a major factor in their successes, and remains one of hackerdom's favorite
! languages."
! - Eric Raymond, in Open Sources on MIT's first OS, ITS
! The LISP programming language is one of the oldest still use today; second only to
! FORTRAN. It was invented by mathematician John McCarthy and organizes information into
! abstract "lists". This metaphor is used universially for both data and functions;
! in fact, the LISP runtime engine makes no differentiation between the two. This allows
! the programmer to perform actions that would be impossible in most programming languages
! such as, but not limited to, passing code as a parameter to a function, executing data,
! and modifying the program at runtime.
! For more information on LISP, please visit
! Updates:
! 3/5/2003: Added dotted pairs and backslash overrides to the language.
! Note: This is an ad hoc version of the language. If there are any flaws,
! please visit and I will update the grammar.
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
"Name" = 'LISP'
"Author" = 'John McCarthy'
"Version" = 'Standard'
"About" = 'LISP is an abstract language that organizes ALL data around "lists".'
"Start Symbol" = <s-Expression>
{Atom Char} = {Printable} - {Whitespace} - [()"\'']
{String Char} = {Printable} - ["\]
Atom = ( {Atom Char} | '\'{Printable} )+
String = '"' ( {String Char} | '\'{Printable} )* '"'
<s-Expression> ::= <Quote> Atom
| <Quote> '(' <Series> ')'
| <Quote> '(' <s-Expression> '.' <s-Expression> ')' !Dotted Pair
| String !Strings are never evaluated
<Series> ::= <s-Expression> <Series>
<Quote> ::= ''  !Quote = do not evaluate
The [[wp:ISO 7185|ISO 7185]] standard for Pascal uses [[wp:Extended Backus–Naur Form|Extended Backus–Naur Form]].
Also [[wp:Van Wijngaarden grammar|Van Wijngaarden's grammar]] can be used to define
[[Pascal]]'s grammar[].
<div style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll"><pre>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! Standard Pascal Grammar
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
"Name" = 'Pascal'
"Version" = '1973'
"Author" = 'Niklaus Wirth'
"About" = 'PASCAL was developed by NIKLAUS WIRTH of the ETH Technical Institute of Zuerich in 1970-1971.(published in 1973)'
"Case Sensitive" = False
"Start Symbol" = <Program>
{Hex Digit} = {Digit} + [abcdefABCDEF]
{Id Head} = {Letter} + [_]
{Id Tail} = {Id Head} + {Digit}
{String Ch} = {Printable} - ['']
{Char Ch} = {Printable} - ['']
DecLiteral = [123456789]{digit}*
HexLiteral = '$'{Hex Digit}+
FloatLiteral = {Digit}*.{Digit}+
StringLiteral = ''( {String Ch} | '\'{Printable} )* ''
CharLiteral = '' ( {Char Ch} | '\'{Printable} )''
id = {Id Head}{Id Tail}*
<constant> ::= DecLiteral
| StringLiteral
| FloatLiteral
| HexLiteral
| CharLiteral
!=========================================== Program
<Program> ::= <ProgramHeader> <Declarations> <CompoundStatement> '.'
<ProgramHeader> ::= PROGRAM id ';'
| PROGRAM id '(' <IdList> ')' ';'
<Declarations> ::= <ConstantDefinitions> <TypeDefinitions> <VariableDeclarations> <ProcedureDeclarations>
<ConstantDefinitions> ::= CONST <ConstantDefinitionList>
<ConstantDefinitionList> ::= <ConstantDef>
| <ConstantDef> <ConstantDefinitionList>
<ConstantDef> ::= id '=' <constant> ';'
<TypeDefinitions> ::= TYPE <TypeDefinitionList>
<TypeDefinitionList> ::= <TypeDef>
| <TypeDef> <TypeDefinitionList>
<TypeDef> ::= id '=' <TypeSpecifier> ';'
<VariableDeclarations> ::= VAR <VariableDeclarationList>
<VariableDeclarationList> ::= <VariableDec>
| <VariableDec> <VariableDeclarationList>
<VariableDec> ::= <IdList> ':' <TypeSpecifier> ';'
<ProcedureDeclarations> ::= <ProcedureDec> <ProcedureDeclarations>
<ProcedureDec> ::= <ProcedureHeader> FORWARD ';'
| <ProcedureHeader> <Declarations> <CompoundStatement> ';'
| <FunctionHeader> FORWARD ';'
| <FunctionHeader> <Declarations> <CompoundStatement> ';'
<ProcedureHeader> ::= PROCEDURE id <Arguments> ';'
<FunctionHeader> ::= FUNCTION id <Arguments> ':' <TypeSpecifier> ';'
<Arguments> ::= '(' <ArgumentList> ')'
<ArgumentList> ::= <Arg>
| <Arg> ';' <ArgumentList>
<Arg> ::= <IdList> ':' <TypeSpecifier>
| VAR <IdList> ':' <TypeSpecifier>
<CompoundStatement> ::= BEGIN <StatementList> END
<StatementList> ::= <Statement>
| <Statement> ';' <StatementList>
<Statement> ::= <CompoundStatement>
| <AssignmentStatement>
| <ProcedureCall>
| <ForStatement>
| <WhileStatement>
| <IfStatement>
| <CaseStatement>
| <RepeatStatement>
<AssignmentStatement> ::= <Variable> ':=' <Expression>
<ProcedureCall> ::= id <Actuals>
<ForStatement> ::= FOR id ':=' <Expression> TO <Expression> DO <Statement>
| FOR id ':=' <Expression> DOWNTO <Expression> DO <Statement>
<WhileStatement> ::= WHILE <Expression> DO <Statement>
<IfStatement> ::= IF <Expression> THEN <Statement> ELSE <Statement>
<RepeatStatement> ::= REPEAT <StatementList> UNTIL <Expression>
<CaseStatement> ::= CASE <Expression> OF <CaseList> END
<CaseList> ::= <Case>
| <Case> ';' <CaseList>
<Case> ::= <ConstantList> ':' <Statement>
<ConstantList> ::= <constant>
| <constant> ',' <ConstantList>
<Expression> ::= <SimpleExpression>
| <SimpleExpression> '=' <SimpleExpression>
| <SimpleExpression> '<>' <SimpleExpression>
| <SimpleExpression> '<' <SimpleExpression>
| <SimpleExpression> '<=' <SimpleExpression>
| <SimpleExpression> '>' <SimpleExpression>
| <SimpleExpression> '>=' <SimpleExpression>
<SimpleExpression> ::= <Term>
| <SimpleExpression> '+' <Term>
| <SimpleExpression> '-' <Term>
| <SimpleExpression> OR <Term>
<Term> ::= <Factor>
| <Term> '*' <Factor>
| <Term> '/' <Factor>
| <Term> 'DIV' <Factor>
| <Term> 'MOD' <Factor>
| <Term> 'AND' <Factor>
<Factor> ::= '(' <Expression> ')'
| '+' <Factor>
| '-' <Factor>
| NOT <Factor>
| <constant>
| <Variable>
<FunctionCall> ::= id <Actuals>
<Actuals> ::= '(' <ExpressionList> ')'
<ExpressionList> ::= <Expression>
| <Expression> ',' <ExpressionList>
<Variable> ::= id
| <Variable> '.' id
| <Variable> '^'
| <Variable> '[' <ExpressionList> ']'
<TypeSpecifier> ::= id
| '^' <TypeSpecifier>
| '(' <IdList> ')'
| <constant> '..' <constant>
| ARRAY '[' <DimensionList> ']' OF <TypeSpecifier>
| RECORD <FieldList> END
| FILE OF <TypeSpecifier>
<DimensionList> ::= <Dimension>
| <Dimension> ',' <DimensionList>
<Dimension> ::= <constant> '..' <constant>
| id
<FieldList> ::= <Field>
| <Field> ';' <FieldList>
<Field> ::= <IdList> ':' <TypeSpecifier>
<IdList> ::= id
| id ',' <IdList>
<div style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll"><pre>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! Perl.grm
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! This grammar does not contain the compiler directives.
! Note: This is an ad hoc version of the language. If there are any flaws,
! please visit the contact page and tell me.
! Scott Gever (who taught me most of what I know about Perl)
! Modified 04/28/2009
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
"Name" = 'Perl'
"Version" = '5.0'
"Author" = 'Robin Randall (Larry Wall wrote Perl)'
"About" = 'Perl is one of the most common, and complex, programming languages in use today.'
"Case Sensitive" = True
"Start Symbol" = <Decls>
{Hex Digit} = {Digit} + [abcdefABCDEF]
{Oct Digit} = [01234567]
{Id Head} = {Letter} + [_]
{Id Tail} = {Id Head} + {Digit}
{String} = {Printable} - ["\]
!GIM = [g]?[i]?[m]?
DecLiteral = [123456789]{digit}*
OctLiteral = 0{Oct Digit}*
HexLiteral = 0x{Hex Digit}+
FloatLiteral = {Digit}*'.'{Digit}+
StringLiteral = '"'( {String} | '\'{Printable} )* '"'
!CharLiteral = '' ( {Char} | '\'{Printable} )''
Id = {Id Head}{Id Tail}*
{Spec} = [.?*+-_^$()#@%&,;:<>\|/{}~] + ['['] + [']'] + ['='] + [' ']
{Char} = {Printable} - {Spec}
! ===================================================================
! Comments
! ===================================================================
Comment Line = '#'
Whitespace = {Whitespace}+
! | '#'{Printable}*
! POD = '='{Printable}* '=' cut
! Preparation
<Decls> ::= <Decl> <Decls>
<Decl> ::= <Sub Decl>
| <Sub Proto>
| <Var Decl>
| <Prep Stm>
<Prep Stm> ::= use <Op Prep>
| requires <Module>
| enum <Module>
<Op Prep> ::= strict ';'
| warnings ';'
| constant Id '=>' <Expr> ';'
| <Module>
<Module> ::= Id '::' Id ';'
| Id ';'
! ===================================================================
! Function Declaration
! ===================================================================
<Sub Proto> ::= sub <Sub ID> '(' <Params> ')' ';'
|sub <Sub ID> '(' ')' ';'
<Sub Decl> ::= sub <Sub ID> '(' <Params> ')' <Block>
| sub <Sub ID> '(' <Id List> ')' <Block>
| sub <Sub ID> '(' ')' <Block>
<Params> ::= <Param> ',' <Params>
| <Param>
<Param> ::= const <Type> Id
| <Type> Id
| <Type>'_'
<Id List> ::= Id ',' <Id List>
| Id
<Sub ID> ::= '&'Id
| Id
! ===================================================================
! Type Declaration
! ===================================================================
! ===================================================================
! Variable Declaration
! ===================================================================
<Var Decl> ::= <Mod> <Var> ',' <Var List> ';'
| <Mod> <Var> ';'
| <Var> ';'
<Var> ::= <Type> '_' !Default
| <Type> '\' '=' <Op Assign>
| <Type> Id '=' <Op Assign>
| <Type> Id
<Var List> ::= <Var Item> ',' <Var List>
| <Var Item>
<Var Item> ::= <Scalar>
| <Array>
| <Hash>
| <Ref>
<Mod> ::= const
| undef
| my
| sub
! ===================================================================
! Types
! ===================================================================
<Type> ::= '$' !Scalar
| '@' !Array
| '%' !Hash
| '&' !Subroutine
| '\' !Reference
<Scalar> ::= '$' Id
| '$' Id '[' <Expr> ']'
<Array> ::= '@' Id
<Hash> ::= '%' Id
<Ref> ::= '\' <Var Item>
! ===================================================================
! Statements
! ===================================================================
<Stm> ::= <Var Decl>
| Id ':' ';'
| Id ':' <Comp Stm>
| <Comp Stm>
| Id ':' <Normal Stm> ';'
| <Normal Stm> ';'
| <Normal Stm> <Stm Mod> ';'
<Comp Stm> ::= if '(' <Expr> ')' <Block> else <Block>
| if '(' <Expr> ')' <Block> elsif '(' <Expr> ')' <Block>
| while '(' <Expr> ')' <Block>
| while '(' <Expr> ')' <Block> continue <Block>
| until '(' <Expr> ')' <Block>
| until '(' <Expr> ')' <Block> continue <Block>
| for '(' <Expr> ';' <Expr> ';' <Expr> ')' <Block>
| foreach <Value> '(' <List> ')' <Block>
| foreach <Value> '(' <List> ')' <Block> continue <Block>
| <Block> continue <Block>
| <Block>
| do <Block>
<Normal Stm> ::= <Expr>
! | goto Label
! | goto <Expr>
| break
| next
| last
| redo
| continue
| reset
| return <Expr>
| !Null statement
<Block> ::= '{' <Stm List> '}'
<Stm List> ::= <Stm> <Stm List>
| <Stm>
<Stm Mod> ::= if <Expr>
| unless <Expr>
| while <Expr>
| until <Expr>
| foreach <List>
<List> ::= <Value> ',' <List>
| <Value>'..'<Value>
! ===================================================================
! Here begins Perl's 15 levels of operator precedence.
! ===================================================================
<Expr> ::= <Expr> ',' <Op Assign>
| <Op Assign>
| '<'ID'>'
<Op Assign> ::= <Op If> '=' <Op Assign>
| <Op If> '+=' <Op Assign>
| <Op If> '-=' <Op Assign>
| <Op If> '*=' <Op Assign>
| <Op If> '/=' <Op Assign>
| <Op If> '^=' <Op Assign>
| <Op If> '&=' <Op Assign>
| <Op If> '|=' <Op Assign>
| <Op If> '>>=' <Op Assign>
| <Op If> '<<=' <Op Assign>
| <Op If>
<Op If> ::= <Op Or> '?' <Op If> ':' <Op If>
| <Op Or>
<Op Or> ::= <Op Or> '||' <Op And>
| <Op And>
<Op And> ::= <Op And> '&&' <Op BinOR>
| <Op BinOR>
<Op BinOR> ::= <Op BinOr> '|' <Op BinXOR>
| <Op BinXOR>
<Op BinXOR> ::= <Op BinXOR> '^' <Op BinAND>
| <Op BinAND>
<Op BinAND> ::= <Op BinAND> '&' <Op Equate>
| <Op Equate>
<Op Equate> ::= <Op Equate> '==' <Op Compare>
| <Op Equate> '!=' <Op Compare>
| <Op Equate> '=~' 's/' <RE>'/' <Expr> '/' !GIM
| <Op Equate> '=~' 'm/' <RE>'/' !GIM
| <Op Equate> '=~' '/' <RE>'/' !GIM
| <Op Compare>
<Op Compare> ::= <Op Compare> '<' <Op Shift>
| <Op Compare> '>' <Op Shift>
| <Op Compare> '<=' <Op Shift>
| <Op Compare> '>=' <Op Shift>
| <Op Shift>
<Op Shift> ::= <Op Shift> '<<' <Op Add>
| <Op Shift> '>>' <Op Add>
| <Op Add>
<Op Add> ::= <Op Add> '+' <Op Mult>
| <Op Add> '-' <Op Mult>
| <Op Mult>
<Op Mult> ::= <Op Mult> '*' <Op Unary>
| <Op Mult> '/' <Op Unary>
| <Op Mult> '%' <Op Unary>
| <Op Unary>
| <Value>
<Op Unary> ::= '\!' <Op Unary>
| '~' <Op Unary>
| '-' <Op Unary>
| '*' <Op Unary>
| '&' <Op Unary>
| '++' <Op Unary>
| '--' <Op Unary>
<Value> ::= OctLiteral
| HexLiteral
| DecLiteral
| StringLiteral
| FloatLiteral
| <Type> Id '(' <Expr> ')'
| <Type> Id '(' ')'
| '(' <Expr> ')'
! Regular Expressions
<RE> ::= <union>
| <simple-RE>
<union> ::= <RE> '|' <simple-RE>
| '^' <simple-RE>
| <simple-RE> '$'
| '^' <simple-RE> '$'
<simple-RE> ::= <concat>
| <basic-RE>
<concat> ::= <simple-RE> <basic-RE>
<basic-RE> ::= <star>
| <plus>
| <elem-RE>
<star> ::= <elem-RE> '*'
<plus> ::= <elem-RE> '+'
<elem-RE> ::= <group>
| <any>
| <set>
<group> ::= '(' <RE> ')'
<any> ::= '.'
<set> ::= <pos-set>
| <neg-set>
<pos-set> ::= '[' <set-items> ']'
<neg-set> ::= '[^' <set-items> ']'
<set-items> ::= <set-item>
| <set-item> <set-items>
<set-item> ::= <range>
| char
<range> ::= char '-' char
char = {Char}
<div style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll"><pre>
# Grammar for Python
# Note: Changing the grammar specified in this file will most likely
# require corresponding changes in the parser module
# (../Modules/parsermodule.c). If you can't make the changes to
# that module yourself, please co-ordinate the required changes
# with someone who can; ask around on python-dev for help. Fred
# Drake <> will probably be listening there.
# NOTE WELL: You should also follow all the steps listed in PEP 306,
# "How to Change Python's Grammar"
# Commands for Kees Blom's railroad program
#diagram:token NAME
#diagram:token NUMBER
#diagram:token STRING
#diagram:token NEWLINE
#diagram:token ENDMARKER
#diagram:token INDENT
#diagram:output\input python.bla
#diagram:token DEDENT
#diagram:output\textwidth 20.04cm\oddsidemargin 0.0cm\evensidemargin 0.0cm
# Start symbols for the grammar:
# single_input is a single interactive statement;
# file_input is a module or sequence of commands read from an input file;
# eval_input is the input for the eval() and input() functions.
# NB: compound_stmt in single_input is followed by extra NEWLINE!
single_input: NEWLINE | simple_stmt | compound_stmt NEWLINE
file_input: (NEWLINE | stmt)* ENDMARKER
eval_input: testlist NEWLINE* ENDMARKER
decorator: '@' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ] NEWLINE
decorators: decorator+
decorated: decorators (classdef | funcdef)
funcdef: 'def' NAME parameters ':' suite
parameters: '(' [varargslist] ')'
varargslist: ((fpdef ['=' test] ',')*
('*' NAME [',' '**' NAME] | '**' NAME) |
fpdef ['=' test] (',' fpdef ['=' test])* [','])
fpdef: NAME | '(' fplist ')'
fplist: fpdef (',' fpdef)* [',']
stmt: simple_stmt | compound_stmt
simple_stmt: small_stmt (';' small_stmt)* [';'] NEWLINE
small_stmt: (expr_stmt | print_stmt | del_stmt | pass_stmt | flow_stmt |
import_stmt | global_stmt | exec_stmt | assert_stmt)
expr_stmt: testlist (augassign (yield_expr|testlist) |
('=' (yield_expr|testlist))*)
augassign: ('+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=' |
'<<=' | '>>=' | '**=' | '//=')
# For normal assignments, additional restrictions enforced by the interpreter
print_stmt: 'print' ( [ test (',' test)* [','] ] |
'>>' test [ (',' test)+ [','] ] )
del_stmt: 'del' exprlist
pass_stmt: 'pass'
flow_stmt: break_stmt | continue_stmt | return_stmt | raise_stmt | yield_stmt
break_stmt: 'break'
continue_stmt: 'continue'
return_stmt: 'return' [testlist]
yield_stmt: yield_expr
raise_stmt: 'raise' [test [',' test [',' test]]]
import_stmt: import_name | import_from
import_name: 'import' dotted_as_names
import_from: ('from' ('.'* dotted_name | '.'+)
'import' ('*' | '(' import_as_names ')' | import_as_names))
import_as_name: NAME ['as' NAME]
dotted_as_name: dotted_name ['as' NAME]
import_as_names: import_as_name (',' import_as_name)* [',']
dotted_as_names: dotted_as_name (',' dotted_as_name)*
dotted_name: NAME ('.' NAME)*
global_stmt: 'global' NAME (',' NAME)*
exec_stmt: 'exec' expr ['in' test [',' test]]
assert_stmt: 'assert' test [',' test]
compound_stmt: if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | with_stmt | funcdef | classdef | decorated
if_stmt: 'if' test ':' suite ('elif' test ':' suite)* ['else' ':' suite]
while_stmt: 'while' test ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
for_stmt: 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
try_stmt: ('try' ':' suite
((except_clause ':' suite)+
['else' ':' suite]
['finally' ':' suite] |
'finally' ':' suite))
with_stmt: 'with' test [ with_var ] ':' suite
with_var: 'as' expr
# NB compile.c makes sure that the default except clause is last
except_clause: 'except' [test [('as' | ',') test]]
suite: simple_stmt | NEWLINE INDENT stmt+ DEDENT
# Backward compatibility cruft to support:
# [ x for x in lambda: True, lambda: False if x() ]
# even while also allowing:
# lambda x: 5 if x else 2
# (But not a mix of the two)
testlist_safe: old_test [(',' old_test)+ [',']]
old_test: or_test | old_lambdef
old_lambdef: 'lambda' [varargslist] ':' old_test
test: or_test ['if' or_test 'else' test] | lambdef
or_test: and_test ('or' and_test)*
and_test: not_test ('and' not_test)*
not_test: 'not' not_test | comparison
comparison: expr (comp_op expr)*
comp_op: '<'|'>'|'=='|'>='|'<='|'<>'|'!='|'in'|'not' 'in'|'is'|'is' 'not'
expr: xor_expr ('|' xor_expr)*
xor_expr: and_expr ('^' and_expr)*
and_expr: shift_expr ('&' shift_expr)*
shift_expr: arith_expr (('<<'|'>>') arith_expr)*
arith_expr: term (('+'|'-') term)*
term: factor (('*'|'/'|'%'|'//') factor)*
factor: ('+'|'-'|'~') factor | power
power: atom trailer* ['**' factor]
atom: ('(' [yield_expr|testlist_gexp] ')' |
'[' [listmaker] ']' |
'{' [dictmaker] '}' |
'`' testlist1 '`' |
listmaker: test ( list_for | (',' test)* [','] )
testlist_gexp: test ( gen_for | (',' test)* [','] )
lambdef: 'lambda' [varargslist] ':' test
trailer: '(' [arglist] ')' | '[' subscriptlist ']' | '.' NAME
subscriptlist: subscript (',' subscript)* [',']
subscript: '.' '.' '.' | test | [test] ':' [test] [sliceop]
sliceop: ':' [test]
exprlist: expr (',' expr)* [',']
testlist: test (',' test)* [',']
dictmaker: test ':' test (',' test ':' test)* [',']
classdef: 'class' NAME ['(' [testlist] ')'] ':' suite
arglist: (argument ',')* (argument [',']
|'*' test (',' argument)* [',' '**' test]
|'**' test)
argument: test [gen_for] | test '=' test # Really [keyword '='] test
list_iter: list_for | list_if
list_for: 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist_safe [list_iter]
list_if: 'if' old_test [list_iter]
gen_iter: gen_for | gen_if
gen_for: 'for' exprlist 'in' or_test [gen_iter]
gen_if: 'if' old_test [gen_iter]
testlist1: test (',' test)*
# not used in grammar, but may appear in "node" passed from Parser to Compiler
encoding_decl: NAME
yield_expr: 'yield' [testlist]
<div style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll"><pre>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! SQL '89
! SQL (Structured Query Language)
! The SQL programming language was developed as a uniform means of modifying and
! querying relational databases. By using a single abstract language to interact
! with the database, programs can be written that are independent of the vender and
! format of the database itself. Variations are used by Oracle, Microsoft and most
! other developers
! In 1992, a new version SQL as released but has yet to be implemented by any major
! developer. The reason to this lies in the sheer complexity of the grammar. SQL 92
! contains over 300 rules and a myraid of new features. For instance, in SQL 92, the
! developer can create types using COBOL syntax rather than the normal data types of
! SQL 89. This reason combined with the fact that SQL 89 is a time-tested and
! ample tool maintains it as the standard of the database industry.
! Update:
! 02/17/2005
! Added "NULL" to the <Value> rule, I also added more comments to the grammar
! Note: This is an ad hoc version of the language. If there are any flaws, please
! visit
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Name" = 'SQL 89'
"Version" = '1989'
"About" = 'This is the ANSI 89 version of SQL. Variations are used by'
| 'Oracle, Microsoft and most other database developers'
"Start Symbol" = <Query>
! =============================================================================
! Comments
! =============================================================================
Comment Start = '/*'
Comment End = '*/'
Comment Line = '--'
! =============================================================================
! Terminals
! =============================================================================
{String Ch 1} = {Printable} - ["]
{String Ch 2} = {Printable} - ['']
{Id Ch Standard} = {Alphanumeric} + [_]
{Id Ch Extended} = {Printable} - ['['] - [']']
StringLiteral = '"'{String Ch 1}*'"' | ''{String Ch 2}*''
IntegerLiteral = {Digit}+
RealLiteral = {Digit}+'.'{Digit}+
!----- Identifiers in SQL are very complex.
Id = ({Letter}{Id Ch Standard}* | '['{Id Ch Extended}+']') ('.'({Letter}{Id Ch Standard}* | '['{Id Ch Extended}+']'))?
! =============================================================================
! Rules
! =============================================================================
<Query> ::= <Alter Stm>
| <Create Stm>
| <Delete Stm>
| <Drop Stm>
| <Insert Stm>
| <Select Stm>
| <Update Stm>
! =============================================================================
! Table modification statements
! =============================================================================
<Alter Stm> ::= ALTER TABLE Id ADD COLUMN <Field Def List> <Constraint Opt>
| ALTER TABLE Id ADD <Constraint>
<Create Stm> ::= CREATE <Unique> INDEX IntegerLiteral ON Id '(' <Order List> ')' <With Clause>
| CREATE TABLE Id '(' <ID List> ')' <Constraint Opt>
<Unique> ::= UNIQUE
<With Clause> ::= WITH PRIMARY
<Field Def> ::= Id <Type> NOT NULL
| Id <Type>
<Field Def List> ::= <Field Def> ',' <Field Def List>
| <Field Def>
<Type> ::= BIT
<Constraint Opt> ::= <Constraint>
<Constraint> ::= CONSTRAINT Id <Constraint Type>
<Constraint Type> ::= PRIMARY KEY '(' <Id List> ')'
| UNIQUE '(' <Id List> ')'
| NOT NULL '(' <Id List> ')'
| FOREIGN KEY '(' <Id List> ')' REFERENCES Id '(' <Id List> ')'
<Drop Stm> ::= DROP TABLE Id
! =============================================================================
! Update database contents
! =============================================================================
<Insert Stm> ::= INSERT INTO Id '(' <Id List> ')' <Select Stm>
| INSERT INTO Id '(' <Id List> ')' VALUES '(' <Expr List> ')'
<Update Stm> ::= UPDATE Id SET <Assign List> <Where Clause>
<Assign List> ::= Id '=' <Expression> ',' <Assign List>
| Id '=' <Expression>
<Delete Stm> ::= DELETE FROM Id <Where Clause>
! =============================================================================
! Select Statement
! =============================================================================
<Select Stm> ::= SELECT <Columns> <Into Clause> <From Clause> <Where Clause> <Group Clause> <Having Clause> <Order Clause>
<Columns> ::= <Restriction> '*'
| <Restriction> <Column List>
<Column List> ::= <Column Item> ',' <Column List>
| <Column Item>
<Column Item> ::= <Column Source>
| <Column Source> Id !ALIAS
<Column Source> ::= <Aggregate>
| Id
<Restriction> ::= ALL
<Aggregate> ::= Count '(' '*' ')'
| Count '(' <Expression> ')'
| Avg '(' <Expression> ')'
| Min '(' <Expression> ')'
| Max '(' <Expression> ')'
| StDev '(' <Expression> ')'
| StDevP '(' <Expression> ')'
| Sum '(' <Expression> ')'
| Var '(' <Expression> ')'
| VarP '(' <Expression> ')'
<Into Clause> ::= INTO Id
<From Clause> ::= FROM <Id List> <Join Chain>
<Join Chain> ::= <Join> <Join Chain>
<Join> ::= INNER JOIN <Id List> ON Id '=' Id
| LEFT JOIN <Id List> ON Id '=' Id
| RIGHT JOIN <Id List> ON Id '=' Id
| JOIN <Id List> ON Id '=' Id
<Where Clause> ::= WHERE <Expression>
<Group Clause> ::= GROUP BY <Id List>
<Order Clause> ::= ORDER BY <Order List>
<Order List> ::= ID <Order Type> ',' <Order List>
| ID <Order Type>
<Order Type> ::= ASC
<Having Clause> ::= HAVING <Expression>
! =============================================================================
! Expressions
! =============================================================================
<Expression> ::= <And Exp> OR <Expression>
| <And Exp>
<And Exp> ::= <Not Exp> AND <And Exp>
| <Not Exp>
<Not Exp> ::= NOT <Pred Exp>
| <Pred Exp>
<Pred Exp> ::= <Add Exp> BETWEEN <Add Exp> AND <Add Exp>
| <Add Exp> NOT BETWEEN <Add Exp> AND <Add Exp>
| <Value> IS NOT NULL
| <Value> IS NULL
| <Add Exp> LIKE StringLiteral
| <Add Exp> IN <Tuple>
| <Add Exp> '=' <Add Exp>
| <Add Exp> '<>' <Add Exp>
| <Add Exp> '!=' <Add Exp>
| <Add Exp> '>' <Add Exp>
| <Add Exp> '>=' <Add Exp>
| <Add Exp> '<' <Add Exp>
| <Add Exp> '<=' <Add Exp>
| <Add Exp>
<Add Exp> ::= <Add Exp> '+' <Mult Exp>
| <Add Exp> '-' <Mult Exp>
| <Mult Exp>
<Mult Exp> ::= <Mult Exp> '*' <Negate Exp>
| <Mult Exp> '/' <Negate Exp>
| <Negate Exp>
<Negate Exp> ::= '-' <Value>
| <Value>
<Value> ::= <Tuple>
| ID
| IntegerLiteral
| RealLiteral
| StringLiteral
<Tuple> ::= '(' <Select Stm> ')'
| '(' <Expr List> ')'
<Expr List> ::= <Expression> ',' <Expr List>
| <Expression>
<Id List> ::= <Id Member> ',' <Id List>
| <Id Member>
<Id Member> ::= Id
| Id Id
<div style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll"><pre>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! SmallTalk IV
! The first object-oriented programming language.
! "Smalltalk was developed in the Learning Research Group at Xerox's Palo
! Alto Research Center in the early 70s. The major ideas in Smalltalk
! are generally credited to Alan Kay with many roots in Simula, LISP
! and SketchPad. Dan Engalls wrote the first overlapping windows, opaque
! pop-up menus and BitBlt. Guess where Apple's OS and Microsoft Windows
! "found" their roots? Right, Smalltalk! Adele Goldberg and Dave Robson
! wrote the reference manuals for Smalltalk and were key development team
! members."
! - Randy Best, STIC Director
! "Why Smalltalk? Smalltalk uses a simplified version of English. Nouns
! and verbs. Object are the nouns. Verbs are messages sent from one
! object to the next. Easy as 1, 2, 3. It is no longer necessary to
! write cryptic programs. This means that almost anyone can learn to
! write Smalltalk programs."
! - Peter William Lount
! "I invented the term Object-Oriented, and I can tell you I did not have
! C++ in mind."
! - Alan Kay (Inventor of Smalltalk)
! The Smalltalk programming language was the first language to incorporate the
! concept of object-oriented programming. Developed in the Xerox labs at Palo
! Alto, Smalltalk was one of a series of ground-breaking ideas that defined
! modern computer science.
! In the language's metaphor, everything is an object and every interaction
! between objects are known as messages. Due to a strict adherence to this
! concept, Smalltalk is recognized as a pure object-oriented language.
! For more information, please visit:
! The SmallTalk grammar is amazingly simple with only three levels of
! operator precedence. In addition, the grammar contains no reserved words,
! and only a minimum of symbols. As a result, Smalltalk programs are mainly
! (if not entirely) defined by programmar-defined objects and method names.
! This is version IV of the grammar, which allows methods to be defined, but
! not yet the objects themselves.
! It should also be noted that comments in SmallTalk are defined as a series
! of characters delimited by Double-Quotes ("). The 'Comment Start' and
! 'Comment End' terminals in the normal GOLD Parser Builder Grammar cannot
! be used since the start and end terminals are identical. However, since
! they are identical, Smalltalk comments cannot be nested and the normal
! 'Whitespace' terminal can be used.
! Note: This is an ad hoc version of the grammar. If there are any flaws,
! please e-mail and I will update the grammar.
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
"Name" = 'Smalltalk IV'
"Author" = 'Alan Kay'
"Version" = 'IV'
"About" = 'Smalltalk is considered one of the "purest" object-oriented'
| 'languages ever created.'
"Case Sensitive" = True
"Start Symbol" = <Program>
{Id Tail} = {Alphanumeric} + [_]
{String Chars} = {Printable} - ['']
{Selector Char} = [!%&*+/<=>?@\~,]
{Comment Char} = {Printable} + {Whitespace} - ["]
! The whitespace character has been modified to accept all double-quoted strings
Whitespace = {Whitespace}+ | '"'{Comment Char}*'"'
! The Keyword token is used in SmallTalk to represent a binary message. Essentially,
! this is an object defined operator
KeyWord = {Letter}{Id Tail}*':'
Identifier = {Letter}{Id Tail}*
BinarySelector = {Selector Char}+
IntegerLiteral = {Digit}+ | {Digit}+ 'r' {Integer Tail}+
FloatLiteral = {Digit}+ '.'{Digit}+ ( [edq] '-'? {Digit}+ )?
ScaledLiteral = {Digit}+ ( '.' {Digit}+ )? 's' ( {Digit}+ )?
QuotedString = '' ( {String Chars} | '' '' )* ''
! ---------------------------------------------------- Grammar rules
<Program> ::= <Temporaries> <Sentences>
<Temporaries> ::= '|' '|'
| '|' <Identifier List> '|'
<Identifier List> ::= <Identifier List> Identifier
| Identifier
<Sentences> ::= <Sentence List>
<Sentence List> ::= <Sentence List> <Expresion> '.'
| <Expresion> '.'
! ---------------------------------------------------- Expressions
<Expresion> ::= Identifier ':=' <Message Exp>
| Identifier ':=' <Primary>
| <Message Exp>
| <Primary>
<Primary> ::= Identifier
| <Literal>
| <Block>
| '(' <Message Exp> ')'
| '(' <Primary> ')'
<Message Exp> ::= <Unary Exp>
| <Binary Exp>
| <KeyWord Exp>
<Unary Exp> ::= <Primary> <Unary Exp List>
<Unary Exp List> ::= <Unary Exp List> <Unary Message>
| <Unary Message>
<Binary Exp> ::= <Unary Exp> <Binary Exp List>
| <Primary> <Binary Exp List>
<Binary Exp List> ::= <Binary Exp List> <Binary Message>
| <Binary Message>
<KeyWord Exp> ::= <Binary Exp> <KeyWord Message>
| <Primary> <KeyWord Message>
| <Unary Exp> <KeyWord Message>
! ---------------------------------------------------- Messages
<Unary Message> ::= <Unary Selector>
<Binary Message> ::= <Binary Selector> <Unary Exp>
| <Binary Selector> <Primary>
<KeyWord Message> ::= KeyWord <Binary Exp> <KeyWord Message>
| KeyWord <Primary> <KeyWord Message>
| KeyWord <Primary>
| KeyWord <Binary Exp>
| KeyWord <Unary Exp> <KeyWord Message>
| KeyWord <Unary Exp>
<Block> ::= '[' ':' Identifier '|' <Sentences> ']'
| '[' <Sentences> ']'
<Binary Selector> ::= BinarySelector
<Unary Selector> ::= Identifier
! ---------------------------------------------------- Literals
<Literal> ::= <Literal Item>
| '#' '(' ')'
| '#' '(' <Literal List> ')'
<Literal List> ::= <Literal List> <Literal Item>
<Literal Item> ::= IntegerLiteral
| QuotedString
| FloatLiteral
| ScaledLiteral
<div style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll"><pre>
Line 7,891 ⟶ 1,140:
| 'Empty'
=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==
==[[:Category:Visual Basic .NET|Visual Basic .NET]]==
The following link (Appedix B) has a simple BNF Syntax [ VB Syntax]
<div style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll"><pre>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Line 8,561 ⟶ 1,812:
<Identifier> ::= ID | QualifiedID !Any type of identifier
{{omit from|Tcl}}<!-- no meaningful grammar at a level that anyone cares about; see talk page -->