Audio frequency generator: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Phix}}: IupCloseOnEscape no longer needed)
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80 print:print " Use h and l to adjust frequency;":print " q to quit."
90 goto 20</lang>
As in the Go version, we use the Sox "play" command to emulate the audio frequency generator. This version is a faithful translation of the Go version, even if the way things are done is pretty different.
<lang Nim>import osproc, strutils
type Waveform {.pure.} = enum
Sine = (1, "sine")
Square = (2, "square")
Sawtooth = (3, "sawtooth")
proc getIntValue(msg: string; minval, maxval: int): int =
while true:
stdout.write msg
result = stdin.readLine.strip().parseInt()
if result notin minval..maxval:
echo "Invalid value"
except ValueError:
echo "Error: invalid value."
except EOFError:
quit "Quitting.", QuitFailure
let freq = getIntValue("Enter frequency in Hz (40 to 10000): ", 40, 10_000)
let vol = getIntValue("Enter volume in dB (1 to 50): ", 1, 50)
let dur = getIntValue("Enter duration in seconds (2 to 10): ", 2, 10)
let kind = Waveform getIntValue("Enter kind (1 = sine, 2 = square, 3 = sawtooth): ", 1, 3)
let args = ["-n", "synth", $dur, $kind, $freq, "vol", $vol, "dB"]
echo execProcess("play", args = args, options = {poStdErrToStdOut, poUsePath})</lang>