Audio frequency generator: Difference between revisions

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m ({{header|ZX Spectrum Basic}})
(→‎Tcl: Added implementation)
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Languages that provide no facilities for utilizing sound hardware of any kind should be omitted.
This does not work on Windows due the use of the external <tt>stty</tt> program.
<lang tcl>package require sound
set baseFrequency 261.63
set baseAmplitude [expr {64000 / 100.0}]
set halfSemis 0
set volSteps 10
# How to adjust the generator
proc adjustPitchVolume {changePitch changeVolume} {
global filter baseFrequency baseAmplitude halfSemis volSteps
incr halfSemis $changePitch
incr volSteps $changeVolume
# Clamp the volume range
set volSteps [expr {$volSteps < 0 ? 0 : $volSteps > 10 ? 10 : $volSteps}]
puts -nonewline " Pitch: [expr {$halfSemis / 2.0}] Volume: $volSteps \r"
set freq [expr {$baseFrequency * 2**($halfSemis/24.0)}]
set ampl [expr {$baseAmplitude * $volSteps**2}]
# This is where we set the actual frequency of the generated sound
$filter configure $freq $ampl
# Callback handler for pressed keys
proc keyPress {} {
global done
switch [string tolower [read stdin 1]] {
"q" { set done 1 }
"u" { adjustPitchVolume 1 0 }
"d" { adjustPitchVolume -1 0 }
"s" { adjustPitchVolume 0 -1 }
"l" { adjustPitchVolume 0 1 }
default {
if {[eof stdin]} { set done 1 }
# Instantiate the sound generation objects from the Snack library
set filter [snack::filter generator 1 32000 0.5 sine -1]
set sound [snack::sound -rate 32050]
# Make things ready for a console application
exec stty raw -echo <@stdin >@stdout
fconfigure stdout -buffering none
fileevent stdin readable keyPress
puts "'U' to raise pitch, 'D' to lower pitch, 'L' for louder, 'S' for softer"
puts "'Q' to quit"
# Start the playing
$sound play -filter $filter
adjustPitchVolume 0 0
# Wait until the user is finished
vwait done
# Clean up the console from its non-standard state
fileevent stdin readable {}
puts ""
exec stty -raw echo <@stdin >@stdout
# Stop the sound playing
$sound stop
=={{header|ZX Spectrum Basic}}==