Associative array/Creation: Difference between revisions

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To retrieve a value, returning a default if the key is not found:
To retrieve a value, returning a default if the key is not found:
<lang ocaml>let quux = try StringMap.find "quux" map with Not_found -> some_value;;</lang>
<lang ocaml>let quux = try StringMap.find "quux" map with Not_found -> some_value;;</lang>
===Association list===
Some list functions allow you to use a list as an associative map, although retrieval time is O(n) so a Hashtbl or binary tree should be used for larger data-sets.
<lang Ocaml>let dict = [("foo", 5); ("bar", 10); ("baz", 15)]

(* retrieve value *)
let bar_num = try List.assoc "bar" dict with Not_found -> 0;;

(* see if key exists *)
print_endline (if List.mem_assoc "foo" dict then "key found" else "key missing")</lang>
